Sensing the flub, 7-year-old Sasha apparently was prompted to ask: "Daddy, what city are you in?"
"I'm in Kansas City, sweetie."
Back to my post.......
Well, she did it! GREAT speech! David Gergen said she validated Obama and his family. Wolf Blitzer (who's been grinning so big all day since this convention started that you'd think he was running), was raving about Michelle. Let's face it, she did a fantastic job. It was moving to hear about her father with MS and her brother's love and support of her and Obama. It was nice to see how proud her mother must have been sitting there in that audience wishing her husband could have seen their girl up there. But...... something bothers me..
What do people with the Obama message mean when they say "You work hard for what you want..." or "You can make it if you try?" They only want to take it away from you....the better you do, the more they'll take from you and give to those who haven't worked as hard as you. Are they confused, and are we supposed to just hush up and buy into it? Thousands have tonight, let's face it. The tears were see them?
"You want to say 'hi, Dad'?" Staged? ya, probably. How can a huge event like that not be staged to the nth degree? But, she did a good job. I just don't quite get the duplicitous message.
And, of course, I don't believe she's sincere. And, of course, we see things through our own glasses, don't we, rose colored or not. From what I'm sure the Left'll do to Cindy McCain's speech, considering what they've said about her so far, I guess I should be tougher on Michelle, it's only fair, but what's the point? I don't have to VOTE FOR THEM. That's enough.
Well said! I was secretly hoping she would suddenly choose to make a monster, "I really admire the leaders of Saudi Arabia and their ruling style." Or, "We love vacationing in's just beautiful this time of year."
I knew that anything short of that would be embraced by the media.
yehudi, you are HILARIOUS!
"embraced"? they're acting like they sucked helium! GIDDY GIDDY!
I watched it too Z...I was gonna write about it but there really wasn't anything special about it. Now that may be because I don't particularly care for her hubby, but Chris Wallace said that it was a wasted night for the dems. They gave all the fluff and stuff, but where is the how? Details about policy where missing. The family thing was nice but in the end we already knew all that stuff and the crowd was a bit flat. I admit I was bored. But who isn't? Haha...cavity promoting is about all this speech did. nice job! :)N
Z said it all. The country in which Michelle Obama said you can make it if you work hard, you can make it if you try, is the country the Obama's want to change? Why?
She stood up there and gave all the reasons why America is great the way it is, and then said they want to change it. uhhhhhh ok.
So, what is it, now that the Obama's got theirs, no one else should have those opportunities?
Oh, I get it, they are now in the elite class, and, as we all know, the rest of us are simply the unwashed masses to manipulate and control. What the Obama's have done, is special. it's not meant for the rest of us.
Couldn't bear to watch any of, glad you did it for us. And of course it was rehearsed...and rehearsed and rehearsed... too much of a loose cannon. I'm sure her handlers picked over the speech beforehand, as well.
i listened to a bit of it and got bored. i don't know, maybe it's because i'm biased. But then i wouldn't be all that interested in McCain's wife talking about the same things either. Focus on the candidates and what are their plans, details and what they've done in the past is what i think.
Early Morning Impressions of Michelle' Speech
(Dialogue between me and Morgan lifted from FPM)
Just heard Mrs. O make her speech on - FreeThinke 8/26/2008 7:23 AM
C-Span. She looked beautiful, sounded well-educated, voice well-produced, well-modulated, very pleasant, loving, and came across as particularly non-threatening, while giving off none of the meek, retiring aura of "the little woman" of yesteryear.
This may be strictly an "act," but if so it' a good one. Frankly, that' ll we can hope to expect from our politicians–––a good ACT. Sincerity and Truth automatically disqualify any seriously ambitious candidate, because WE the PEOPLE DEMAND LIES.
You can nitpick Michelle's presentation to death, but the point is that her AURA–––the overall impression she gave–––was close to superb.
One little thing annoyed me very much, however. She said EYE-RACK, instead of Iraq, (ee-ROCK), and even though more than half the nation is now doing that thanks to mass miscommunication, it's still profoundly ignorant–––especially for a PRINCETON graduate.
I was surprised at how much I liked her.
I saw it too. You're right, it was an act. - J-I-N-G-O- 8/26/2008 7:34 AM
You saw a bright and articulate woman on her BEST behavior. She's every bit as lefty loony as the boorish and wrinkled radical, Teresa Hines Kerry. She just pulls it off better. My brilliant wife noticed that "everyone's a victim according to her."
I'll bet Biden was thinking, she's looking very clean!
Well, she WAS "looking very clean." This is the - FreeThinke 8/26/2008 7:42 AM
NEW FACE of MARXISM. The grubby, smelly, snotty, combative, accusatory street fighter of the not-so-distant past is giving way to this elegant Obamanian look of "classy" erudite egalitarianism.
Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing and above all of Marxists in Designer Clothes.
Radial Chic seems to be making a comeback.
When Obama's done you'll HOPE you have some CHANGE - J-I-N-G-O- 8/26/2008 7:09 AM
still jiggling around in your pocket. So far the convention's been a dud, with the possible exception of the Obama family showing up on stage and talking via satellite. Poor Barack was OFF the prompter. Congrats Dems. You may have figured out that Americans despise the sham families you keep sticking up there (Clintons and Kerrys).
If I hear the words "economic fairness" once more I think I'll heave! Here's what those words mean to sane, regular, hard-working Americans:
economic fairness-when a hard-working American of ANY income level gets to bring home at least 78% of their paycheck. This means that they are NOT punished by their government for putting in lots of overtime or expanding their business and earning more money. Which of course results in MORE economic activity, and jobs, and tax reciepts...
Here's what those words mean to a leftist (aka looter, thief, class warrior, etc.)
economic fairness-a continuously moving game of class warfare meant to pit one group of people (the majority) against another group of people (the "rich" minority) with the express purpose of using the ballot box to steal the money of the latter. It ALWAYS results in economic slowdown, job loss, and a loss of freedom. But hey, things are more "equal" right?
Socialists honestly want us to believe that - FreeThinke 8/26/2008 7:35 AM
mutually shared poverty and mediocrity are a better "fairer" way of life than allowing the "cream" to rise to the top with all that implies.
The Lowest Common Denominator becomes the Highest Good in the practical application of Socialism.
The acquisition of personal wealth and the overt display and application of superior intelligence and creativity are regarded as inherently evil–––ways of putting down the Common Man and keeping him in his place.
All endeavor not subservient to the best interests on a almighty state administering "Social Justice" by force is denigrated, lampooned, despised and ultimately punished by imprisonment, possibly even death.
The death of personal ambition and competition are the two great aims of the Marxist State.
RE: Socialists honestly want us to believe that - J-I-N-G-O- 8/26/2008 7:41 AM
Well said.
mutually shared poverty and mediocrity are a better "fairer" way of life than allowing the "cream" to rise to the top with all that implies.
The truth is that it leaves a VERY wealthy and privileged class at the top. A true Kleptocracy created at the ballot box by people ignorant of America's opportunities. In their anger, they forfeit freedom.
RE: RE: Socialists honestly want us to believe tha - FreeThinke 8/26/2008 7:51 AM
Yes. The point too is to keep people feeling angry, deprived and discontent, so you can keep on promising them a way out of the maze [they don't know] YOU constructed for them–––if you get my drift?
What do you think of the revelations about Obama's half brother who lives in misery on a dollar a month in a Kenyan slum? Neither Snopes nor FactCheck either confirm or deny this as of last night.
More bad weather brewing in the Caribbean–––just what we need, right?
dialogue with Morgan posted by ~ FreeThinke
Pris, as usual, articulated the most important point to b gleaned from Mrs. O's polished presentation:
••• "She stood up there and gave all the reasons why America is great the way it is, and then said they want to change it.
"Aye, there's the rub!"
~ FreeThinke
I didn't see it but I don't think I would have been able to take her seriously knowing her comments about never being proud of America before Obama. After that, everything she says is just so much rhetoric.
nikki, I really thought the crowd was 'flat', too. I kept waiting for enormous cheers but didn't hear any. It could be the acoustics/TV, etc., but.....I think Ted Kennedy got MUCh more.
Incognito...I'm sure the handlers wrote the speech, basically. From the standpoint of speeches, it wasn't a bad one.
Pris, how can they encourage hard work when they know they want to take the prizes of that hard work away? AND imply conservatives don't WANT to help others, too? THAT's what bothers me; go ahead, mischaracterize, but do NOT demonize.
mk...I think it's not a guy thing!!! just dawned on me. is AUSTRALIA SHOWING the speeches? MK saw it..!! They ARE?
FT...that's amazing, isn't it? It's the ONLY statement Obama's made that's glowing about America and then he ends that statement with "we have to CHANGE IT"
As I said in my piece, I think it was a good speeech, too, and she came off polished for her command of the English language, I heard her once say "We went to Harvard, and BARACK AND ME are very.." BARACK AND ME? I've heard worse from her, too. You wonder how they write term papers, don't you? "economic fairness" is nothing BUT distrubtion of (our) success.
In Berkeley, CA, there are groups which give pedicures and massages to the bums. Nothing to do with helping them get ahead, learn a trade, get them jobs. PAMPER THEM!! It's a metaphor for what our cuontry's turning into. No retribution "You WON"T work? THAT"S OKAY! WE'll pay for you!"
And, of course, the biggest charity party is the Republicans. And the most money is Dems. Even I'd bought into the opposite until the stats came out about 3 months ago. BUT, we are demonized.......
voila, our media, our Left and the Marxist manifesto.
Kind of dull speech. I was hoping she'd make it and get off the stage without a serious gaffe.
So that's over. Now let's see if Grandpa Depends let's Miss Botox 1932 make a speech. Ever notice how that ghoul just walks three steps behind him and never opens her pie hole?
Judge them by their actions, not their words. Pay more attention to what they say in private than in public. Listen to what they don't want you to hear.
I have noticed that, Ducky....Mrs. mcCain doesn't need to be in the limelight any more than Laura Bush did. A Marine friend's been working the White House detail for at least 3 years now and is coming back to L.A...he said he'll be looking for a wife as bright and kind and supportive as Laura is to George "you can't imagine, you don't see all she does". he also said "People don't know what a great guy Bush is....they never see the private side and that's really too bad". I suspect Cindy mcCain's more involved in her own life/companies/foundations than Laura is, but is no less supportive and realizes it's the presidential nominee who's the important one, not the wife...
I think she's too busy on the boards she's served on for years which have helped thousands of poor and needy. She thinks more than she talks.The Obamas could use a bit more of that, too, don't you think?
Sorry... I couldn't make it past the "greatest Senator ever" rhetoric concerning Teddy. My gag reflex kicked in... and I HAD to change the channel.
Well, Obama has lovely children.
That's about it.
Seems like so far this expensive convention has caused him to lose 3 points in his so called lead.
No kidding, Rasmussen has him tied 44-44 with McCain.
By the way, McCain up to 47% in Florida.
How can Obama unite a country when he can't control the Dem Party?
And as Pris mentioned, Michelle goes on about how she just loves this country but then concludes they want to change it???
Huh? And that is how you know she stood there and lied.
The cover girl for Botox just got herself slapped down by an archbishop for publicly taking his job.
He remarked that Madame SPeaker was wrong about the Catholic church's stance on abortion.
Meanwhile , the PUMA's are out stalking .
To be fair, it's Obama whose famous quote is how he loves America and wants to change it...but, obviously, Michelle's on board with that!
Yes, they do have adorable kids...very sweet and very precocious. VERY precocious. Not my favorite trait (to say the least), but....
I really believe the RNC will get a bump during their convention and the DNC will NOT.........I'd never have thought that 2 months ago. want to decode that ?!! TOOK HER JOB?
I'll go watch TV while I PACK. haven't started doing a THING and we're going in 2 hours!
I detected FAR too much power coming from her. She thinks already that she is a powerful figure, but she's not.
Steve, and I think they were trying to DOWN her power by those kind of 'gasps' of pleasure and delight. Did you catch those?
I can't imagine how nervous a woman would have to be, and she DID look nervous (to her credit) before she began, but even the 'gasps', the big smiles she kept suddenly making in the middle of a sentence ("Smile, Michelle, SMILE!) made it seem they were trying to play that 'mean eyebrow' thing she usually has going..that kind of SCARY look she can get. never saw that last night. They've got great handlers.
I have to admit I admired her calm and composure once she began..that takes a LOT when you know you're 'on' in front of millions of people and your whole future rests on it. Wish I felt she was concerned that America's whole future rested on her husband's brilliance. I'm not convinced she does feel that way.
I didn't watch it. I figured it would be a staged event, and from what I've read so far, I was right. Ruch is calling it a Stepford Wife speech.
I didn't watch it. I decided early on that I would wait for Pris' crib-notes, and I'm not disappointed.
Ah, but why didn't I watch it? Easy. After her announcement that she is, for the first time in her life, proud to be an American, I have no interest in anything she has to say.
Now ... all the years that our servicemen were putting their lives on the line for America, what was she doing? If for no other reason, she should have been proud of America for the ultimate sacrifices that guaranteed to her the right of stupidity.
If Madame Pelosi made comments on Church doctrine and theology regarding their stand on abortion
then, in MY WORDS she is trying to take the bishop's or cardinal's job.
Precocious just means
"exhibiting mature qualities at an unusually early age"
~ Merriam-Webster Online
What could possibly be wrong with that? It's not a sign of anything but advanced ability manifested in the very young. A great gift actually, I should think.
Shouldn't we want our children to be as smart as possible?
I can't make it through Thursday.
The DNC drinking game (do a shot of Jack Daniels every time someone at the podium says something stupid) is killing my liver.
FT...I don't need a definition! I know what precocious means, but thanks! No, I find children who are smarter or wise or cuter at an early age fine. I find parents who have their very small children on some kind of pedestal where they can do no wrong, fostering an "I'm the BEST and TOO CUTE so I can run faster, scream louder,and show off better" ghastly. I'm not alone in that! There are nuances to PRECOCIOUS and I personally don't love any of them!!!
Beamish...You DO crack me UP! another BEAMISHIM for the file!
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