Sunday, August 17, 2008

SO, where are the bridesmaids.............?

"I now declare you man and wife..........AND NUTS!!" Fly high this Sunday! Have a great day...................pray for America, folks! (this was a REAL wedding in the UK!)

HOLY SMOKE! UPDATE...look what happened near the Alps in Southern Germany. A married couple, in their sixties, was caught hanging like this and rescued...those are live electrical lines so it was QUITE a rescue. As Mr. Z added in his email to me about it "I'm happy this didn't happen to the couple marrying on those planes!" (me, too!)



Z said...

I keep looking at these people and want you to know the fear this stunt strikes in me is paralyzing!

Can you guys imagine standing on planes that are flying? Imagine the TAKE OFF?? they're kind of tied in (there was a video when I first saw this that showed how), but.....COULD YOU???

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad this wasn't CODE PINK's Salute to O'BUMBLER.


But that bunch would never never be brave enough to emulate the daredevil stunts performed by the "BARNSTORMERS" when aviation was in its infancy.

Charles Lindbergh was a Barnstormer before he made his historic transatlantic voyage you know.

This exhibition certainly makes for a UNIQUE and MEMORABLE wedding, doesn't it?

I wonder if they all packed PINK PARACHUTES?



elmers brother said...

I wonder how they found a clergyman/judge willing to do this.

beakerkin said...

At least it wasn't a woman marrying
a dolphin again. Hmm that woman was
from the UK as well.

Now if we can send the Duck over to
the won't work

Z said...

Elbro, imagine? I would have loved to see this pastor's face..." you want me to do WHAT?"

FT...Pink parachutes. I swear my feet would have grown roots into the cement below my feet had MY fiance suggested this!! No parachute would have been consolation enough!, it won't work. :-(

Anonymous said...

When you love somebody; you jumpe from your highest emotional position into a life mariage which can last your whole life,

Comparing an air mariage to what will come next, is nothing, absolutly nothing.


Z said...

SAM! bienvenu! I'm so glad to see you.
How are things for you in Ashraf?
and, you're right; marriage can bring so many highs and lows.

Anonymous said...

Some people will do anything for their f



Anonymous said...

High Zin;

US is delivering ASHRAF to the Regime.

A general Genocide is preparing.

USA didn't honnored his peace agreement with ASHRAF.

We are calling for the general support, and seatting in front of the UNCHR and RED CROSS.

We have signed a cease fire and no and peace agreement with your government on April 2003,

In this agreement, we accepted to deliver all our weapons to the US ARMY against their protection for the ASHRAF CITY.

After our dis-armement, US put his maximum pressur to dismantel the ASHRAF, Because they had a deal with the regime of IRAN.

Now, they are offering ASHRAF to Ahmadinejad as an incentive.

We are resisting till our death.

The free world will deal with an Islamist power with the Nuclear Weapon.


cube said...

When I see some stunt like this I think... look at me!!! look at me!!!

EDGE said...

I wonder what they'll do if they get a divorce?

shoprat said...

Back when you used to get real prizes, not paper stuff, in Cracker Jacks I had a friend who bought a box of them, opened them, took out the prize, put an diamond engagement ring in it, resealed the box and gave it to his girl friend. People do get crazy about that.

BB-Idaho said...

Were they grounded for the honeymoon?

Z said...

bb...I hope so!
Cube.. you're right, but that's going some just for attention, no?!
Edge.....let's hope it'll be happy landings!

Pat Jenkins said...

a shocking rescue... ok that was bad....

Z said...

Pat! VERY VERY good!!