Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Are you "Too Political?"

Did you ever hear "Why do you go to the trouble to blog?" or "Man, you just care too much about politics!.....everything'll be fine....America's always survived!" I was just wondering.......... CAN we be 'too political'?

Do people look at you as if you're POLITICS/BLOG ADDICTED?


shoprat said...

Yeah I'm addicted. Sort of I guess.

Too political? only when you hate people who disagree with you or you can't talk about anything else.

Z said...

Shoprat, the feeling I get is people are kind of threatened that others are very involved and up on the news and care as much as most of us bloggers do; like they'd rather hide than admit we have problems in America.

I couldn't agree with you more regarding "hate people who disagree or can't talk about anything else" I have to admit I can borderline there, though I don't think I really HATE anyone else. I do get frustrated when I hear liberals who know absolutely nothing about what's happening in the news but want CHANGE because it sounds dandy. Or those who blame Bush for everything, which shows they haven't a clue how congress works and the division of powers, etc.

I can't say I argue much, though..what's the point?

I thought a lot of bloggers might get the kind of insinuations I do but maybe most bloggers don't mention their blogs to friends or relatives even in passing ,like I do sometimes "I mentioned that in my blog" or "that's a good question for my blog."?.....could be they don't.

Papa Frank said...

Newsflash -- CNN (Yes I did say CNN - really) just reported that the 110th congress is by the numbers the WORST congress ever since they have kept numbers. They have passed only 294 laws, 81 of which were to name a post office. Their approval rating is the lowest ever and and only half that of a VERY unpopular president. Did I mention that was on CNN? No really -- CNN!!! When this is what they are saying you KNOW it's even worse than they have reported. So glad democrats took over congress so they could get something done. SHEEEEESH

Papa Frank said...

Yes, I am a politiblogaholic!!!

Z said...

WOW, pops.. that is something! THANKS! And, of course, people still blame BUSH for EVERYTHING because so many don't understand the balance of power.

This is SO damning..rightfully so.

Funny how it takes CNN so long to learn something we all already knew, huh?! LOL!

Z said...

GOOD FOR YOU, POPS! Politiblogaholic..I like it! Move over..I'm right there with you! xx

Papa Frank said...

Blog goddesses are expected to be politiblogaholics though. ;)

Z said...

pops...thanks..I love that!

Chuck said...

I am proudly a "politiblogaholic" the problem with our country is that too many people are not political enough.

This is why we have such low turnout for elections. I don't even care how people vote (as long as it's Republican) I just want them to get out and vote. More importantly, know who/what their voting for. I admit I am biased against Obama but I truly believe a large part of his popularity is that people do not pay atention to what politicians say but how they say it.

EDGE said...

As long as there are Democrats...I'll be political.

Anonymous said...

Great observations, Miss Z.
I also read that CNN claims McCain has cut the Obama's lead to now just 3 points.


Some are scared that the Hillary is gearing up for a coup, but I don't know.

Louie F, just made a threat the other day about Obama losing, if there were any tricks,,why, there would be trouble.

I am more worried right now about that Russian Bear out there trying to take everyone hostage.


(((Thought Criminal))) said...

C'mon Papa Frank,

The Democrats vowed that if they controlled Congress they'd end the war in Iraq and lower gas prices.

As everyone who mastered 6th Grade civics class knows, the federal budget and taxation schedules are created by Congress. The federal budget year begins in October.

The current Democrat-controlled Congress' first budget began October 2007.

You know, when the US economy started slowing down.

Had enough yet?

Anonymous said...

I guess one can be 'too' anything. I have to confess I've been a political "junkie" since long before the internet.

I just HAD to know what was going on, but, hey it didn't translate into being a nosey neighbor, so it's not all bad. I guess I thought there were bigger fish to fry. Like, what is going on with my country?

Making an effort at being well informed is a good thing I think. Especially if you're going to vote, which I do religiously.

The internet provides a treasure of information which is great. It also provides an opportunity to get things off your chest, which could be good for your sanity.

All in all I would say yes, I'm a member of this club, and enjoying it immensely.

And, thanks Z, for being one of those who makes this possible


Unknown said...

For me it is not an addiction. Political activism is very important. We have a country and a civilization to lose. To not want to do your part in such a situation is to be missing a big sense of ethics and values; it hints that you have no connection with history and therefore, don't know where you are!


nanc said...

my children ask me, "mom, why are you so negative about politics and the state of the world?"

i respond, "i'm NOT negative, i'm absotively positive this is how it's going to go!"

after having studied wholeheartedly the political/economic scene for five and a half solid years - it's no longer a case of half full/half empty glass - it is what it is.

think connoisseur - that's what i prefer to be called. it has nothing to do with being addicted - it has to do with taste.


nanc said...

did i answer right?


Z said...

I couldn't agree with any of you more..
thanks...And, that's my whole point, everyone:

I HATE being called "Too Political"...How can it be "Too political" when our very country rests on an informed citizenry? I'm tired of people looking at me a little askance with "you have a BLOG? Isn't that a lot of work?" Or "What's the big deal? America will always muddle through" or "I just can't be THAT POLITICAL".

We HAVE to be interested...it isn't an addiction, it's only right, in my opinion!

Z said...

no right or wrong, nanc.

just keep answering...

Anonymous said...

Well, I tell you all what, George Washington said in his farewell address that the citizens SHOULD be engaged and interested and informed about the country, so I guess we are in good company.

Anonymous said...

I hear this all the time.

And the thing is, I'm not nearly as 'hard core' as so many of my blog buddies.
I wish I were. ;-)

I can't stand not being informed. I feel it's my duty.

I know that God is ultimately in control, but how can I be a good citizen if I don't now how to respond in the world?

Brooke said...

I go through serious jags, and then through goofy jags.

But am I an addict? YEP.

Ducky's here said...

Georgia on my mind ...

... how does Georgia manage to assemble its forces for an attack on Ossetia, an attack that is going to piss of the Bear fer sure, without our hundreds of advisers in Tbilisi knowing it's going to happen?

Did our "Russian expert" Condo "Affirmative Action" Rice tell them that it was a bad move?

Everything I read says she warned against it but if that's the case did they just ignore the incompetent or was she playing cheerleader all along?

What the hell happened and how does an American client provoke Russia without our permission? Of course they had our permission. Now what was President Chucklenuts hoping to accomplish? Hoping Putin would back down?

Have the other two stooges, Lieberman and Graham, announced a time for their visit to Tbilisi to straighten this all out? All this so that McCheese can talk butch.

Z said...

thanks, Ducky..GEE, we're such nonthinking NUMBSKULLS NONE of us even considered any of these scenarios! (wrong)

Leave it to a liberal to think that people watch others die just so they can talk 'butch'.........do you have a gay fixation, by the way?

cube said...

I'm a fan of politics. I can't help but pay attention to it. I don't limit my blog to politics
because I do have other interests. I'm intellectually curious about many issues.

nanc said...

now, pluckster - in english please.

Julia Riber Pitt said...

The only people who are "too political" are the ones who let opinion dominate over everything, you know, the nit-picky types.

Z said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Z said...

Welcome, Julia!
I was raised in the West Valley, so I know your new stomping grounds pretty well...lots of connections with CSUN and me, too.

I got excited to see your profile because you're young...thought you'd broken the typical young mold and might be conservative but..with S.F. and N Hampshire upbringings, there wasn't much hope!

I hope you do come by from time to time and read some posts and the excellent conservative comments here.....we'd love to have you. good luck with the VALLEY, Valley Girl!!

MathewK said...

"CAN we be 'too political'?"

Hell no!!

Oh alright, perhaps we can.

Z said...

Didn't y'all love the cartoon!? it cracked me UP!