Thursday, August 28, 2008

McCain congratulated Obama tonight.....

McCain congratulated Obama tonight. I thought it was nice. Did most of you see it, McCain congratulating Obama, especially on this night of MLK, Jr.'s anniversary of his I HAVE A DREAM speech?

Fast forward to next week: What will Obama do now? Who wants to bet he WON'T do an AD congratulating McCain on HIS nomination after the convention .....Who wants to bet he WILL? (will he HAVE to now, by the way!?) And, since he hasn't any MLK kind of reference to 'use' as a way to congratulate without REALLY congratulating, NOW WHAT?

Will Obama congratulate McCain on his accomplishments or ideas, those things he had to criticize tonight? UHOH. (hee hee)

What do you think?!!



nanc said...

the news this morning is sara palin will be mccain's choice - she's been seen getting off a mccain plane and romney and pawlenty are out of it.

the left is never as gracious as the right - you know that z!

MathewK said...

The news out here portrayed Obama's nomination as a complete success. Initially they said that Obama had detailed some of his plans in his speech to address the criticisms about lack of detail, but further into the news segment, there was nothing, the only detail they scraped together was him waffling about equal pay so 'his daughters could get the same pay as your sons'. Poor choice of words i think, it's as if his daughters are living on struggle street or something. Should have been, so your daughters can get paid the same as your sons, dumbass.

I also heard him say "John McCain likes to say that he’ll follow bin Laden to the Gates of Hell -- but he won’t even go to the cave where he lives." Apart from how asinine that statement is, does this mean Obama knows which cave Osama is in and when's he going, details missing again. But i'm sure most liberals wouldn't have picked up on that. Good on McCain for congratulating Obama. Keep it sweet and civil, but start attacking Obama on things like Abortion, war on terror and the economy. Obama has an appalling record on abortion, McCain needs to remind people what partial birth abortion really means, that Obama favors letting babies die after surviving abortion.

On the economy, i heard about the cutting taxes for 95% of the population, well by how much and who is going to fund his socialized medicine, peace corps and global poverty tax then. Oh and don't forget obamacare, McCain needs to remind Americans what socialized medicine really is like. McCain really needs to open the can on B. Hussein, bring the rockstar and the voters to reality. Too many people are falling for the speeches, photo shoots and all that, McCain needs to remind people that the President's job is not made up of glamor shots, feel-good speeches and gaseous platitudes.

Z said...

WE GOT PALIN!! I really don't know much about her (to say the least) but this was SO what I'd hoped for! I'm just hearing she's a big NRA member, was in Iraq recently, 'outside the beltway', ....MCCAIN BROKE THE GLASS CEILING (which I don't believe still hovered, anyway, of course
A, a mother, professional....HIllary voters unite!

nanc....never as gracious is SO right!! How do you feel about Palin?

I keep thinking MONTY PYTHON and Michael Palin..! I hope she has a sense of humor! THIS is really maverick. I like it.

mk...boy, do you understand American politics well. "lack of detail" is the key to Obama, that is absolutely true.

obama said he WOULD find BinLaden, I think he'll have to find him BEFORE the election now to get elected!!

You nailed it with "keep it sweet and civil but start attacking on abortion, terror, economy.... AND START ASKING "How are you PAYING for all of this!?" Oh, boy, that'd be hard to answer for Obama.
This way, mcCain won't sound like a dirty player. There is NO NEED to slam personally...he can slam the POINTS.
I believe McCain's convention will show far more gravitas and patriotism "America has ALWAYS been a great country!": terror, economy (which has just gone up 3.4% this last month), how low taxes have always worked; how robbing the corporations with even higher taxes will send ALL OUR JOBS to India and Pakistan, etc.

This Palin nomination is IT TODAY. THE HUGE NEWS. Obama's speech is

And it says "Okay, the Dems got a Black nomineee...BUT, the Reps picked a woman over the man!" Soccer ball!!

nanc said...

pro life - check

pro family - check

anti gay marriage - check

packs heat - check

government reform - check

anti-perks - check

she's said she hopes alaska can help the entire u.s. in some way and i'm sure you know what i mean - no, she's not shipping u.s. a bunch of eskimos - *;]

i'm thinking she's just the shot in the arm this campaign has needed - still researching however.

Z said...

Nanc....great stuff !! I know you'll be busy with your blog, but could you share some of your info with the post I just did on my excitement at her nomination?

i'd like to help us all share all the info we can gather. I'm gone until this afternoon, driving home from vacation this morning, so it's tough to get too many hours to research.

thanks, kiddo...see you later! xxx

Anonymous said...

Will Obama congratulate McCain? Will pigs fly, z? Obama's got about as much true grace as Attila the Hun. He's about getting elected and that's it. McCain is the enemy.
Nanc, great checklist. Just what we all needed to hear.

Z said...

MK..I think Obama'd have to find Bin Laden BEFORE Nov 4 to get elected now!!


Always On Watch said...

McCain congratulated Obama tonight.

I missed that. Guess that I've been out of the loop.

Z said...

AOW, he had an ad congratulating Obama's nomination on a night so important as the anniversary of the I HAVE A DREAM speech. Without mentioning that the Black nomination is enormous, he handled it very, very gracefully.