Saturday, August 23, 2008

How fast will Biden (and others) be required to eat THESE WORDS?! OOPS!


shoprat said...

My only concern is that so many of these people like him. Is that really a good thing?

Papa Frank said...

Or how about this one:

Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE) Reaffirmed That Obama Was Not Ready To Be Commander In Chief. ABC's George Stephanopoulos: "You were asked is he ready. You said 'I think he can be ready, but right now I don't believe he is. The presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training.'" Sen. Biden: "I think that I stand by the statement."

Anonymous said...

Q- How can you tell when a Democrat's lying to you?

A- His lips are moving.

BB-Idaho said...

Off topic: Your sidebar quote of
Abraham Lincoln is a misquote: The
statements are more recent and propberly attributed to William
J.H. Boetcker in a 1942 pamplet. (Not that your pre-school might memorize them) :)
See, for example:

Anonymous said...

Shoprat,the answer is NO!

I'm not sure I'd run an ad like that if I were in McCain's camp.

Papa's right. I've already seen that ad. It's a GOOD one.


Anonymous said...

We all know that politicians change their jersies as often as pro-football players. Fox has spent the entire morning on the issue of how much value the candidates houses cost ... who cares?

My concerns are Obama's plan to tax us back into the stone age, the fact that he'd become a whipping boy for a pro like Vladimir Putin, and that given the option of serving and protecting the American people or remaining loyal to Islam and his African roots, he'll choose the latter over the former.

That McCain is a maverick is a positive in my book. Country should take precedence over party.

Always On Watch said...

LOL! Why is the Dem Party even bothering to run a campaing opposing McCain's election?

Z said...

I wrote a friend telling her I'd posted this video and saying I wasn't REALLY sure it's a GOOD video.

DO we really want people most conservatives can't STAND standing up for McCain?

BUT..the thing is, CENTRISTS and moderate Dems hear this and that's a good thing.

See, I personally don't think it's always a good thing to reach across the aisle, either! As one brilliant blogger said somewhere "the only thing Bush got for reaching across the aisle is a few missing fingers"'s WE, it's AMERICAN Conservatives who care so much about this country, who got OUR fingers chopped off, right?

AND, I thought the timing of the first McCain Anti-Biden act was WRONG.
We don't WANT negative.NOBODY does..and couldn't they issue a congratulations to 'his good friend, Biden' and wait TEN HOURS for an attack? I thought it looked terrible and, sure enough, some cable shows are smirking at the negativity. McCain's people handed that to them on a silver platter. REAL bad.

Anonymous said...

One theory is that Obama announced his VP running mate during a 3 AM text message to get back at Clinton for her "3 am" campaign ad a few months back.

Politicians = Cheezy.

Z said...

bb Idaho...thanks. I know Boetcker said that, tho Abe's been attributed to have done so...I even did a post, which I can't find right now, on it with Boetcker's identification. I don't know how that happened, and I'm glad you pointed it out. It's changed,thanks.

The whole text message thing is SO stupid. What, is that supposed to be "cool" and "modern" or is it just to get even MORE email addresses?

This whole thing campaign stinks.

Mike said...

If anything, the McCain camp should use the Clinton quote as a reminder to the Clinton supporters who said they would vote for McCain if Obama got the Democratic nomination.

Unknown said...


Good to see you!! We should care that politicians change their jerseys as often as pro-footballers. Integrity is hella important. That is why McCain's just realizing that amnesty is a bad idea makes it hard for me to cheer him. Flip-flops on major issues show a willingness to sell out.

The irony is we have to play politics and cheer McCain or get Obama. Morality in politics is hard. But, if a friend changed stories as often as politicians I'd dump them in a heartbeat. I do not want to lose my moral compass.

Z said...

Hi, culturist..I'm glad you came by.
And, if McCain is changing his mind and seeing amnesty's a bad idea, I'm all over that! It was one of the things I hated about his past, that he DIDN'T see it.

They're ALL whores, let's face it. And, as long as we have unlimited senate terms which force them to put their fingers in the wind just to get elected, it's not going to change.

Mustang.."Cheezy" is right!

m.a...they'll use it; wait for it!

I really hate that McCain's people came out so quickly as attack's not going over on television, that's for sure..puts a bad taste in peoples' mouths. Thankfully, events in the next few weeks should overpower it.

Anonymous said...

Well, I do not see it as being negative to post ads right after the silliness of picking the Anti -VP-Man,Biden.
All this stupid hype with emails and texting , etc. and then..BIDEN.

Biden has said what he has said and is a typical northeastern liberal, Z.

For years all I have heard is people jumping on Bush and Cheney and other Republicans for not going on the attack or not being fast to come back at things.

Well, can't please everyone all the time.

Z said...

WV, I'd have been WAY more impressed (as I think many Americans would have been) if the Ad had come out 10 hours after the announcement, that's all.
I'm not suggesting we keep the light under a bushel anymore, you know that.

Let Obama look stupid with the text mess, etc., that's got nothing to do with it, in my opinion.

Man, what would the news have done with "I (McCain) have been a friend of Mr. Biden for years and .... nice nice....and I can't argue that he's not experienced, etc.,... we don't always agree and we'll see those disagreements in the upcoming campaign, which I welcome and look forward to." But not TOO nice. They'd have freaked out if he'd come out with something like that before this ad. I heard he DID say SOMETHING to that effect but I've not heard it myself. I'd like to.

That would have disarmed the media...which, whether we like it or not, is where most Americans get their lies...This would have been impressive and most Americans would have taken note.

THEN, hit them HARD!! I'm on your side there.

Anonymous said...

Next to Charles Schumer, Joe Biden is the biggest blowhard in the Senate. Of course Obama's no slouch in that area himself.

Now, suddenly Biden is a foreign policy expert. When did that happen? In fact Biden has not been a leader in the Senate as far as I know.

We now have three Senators in the mix. If McCain's smart he will pick a governor, or former governor like Romney. They can campaign on a balanced ticket of an inside and outside the beltway combination, bringing a fresh perspective to the race.


Mike said...

As much as I hate to say it, politics is a shallow game. I worry that Romney may alienate some voters (although he might also bring some in). There were some conservatives who could not get past his Mormonism during the primaries. Do you see that as a problem still?

Also, what is your opinion of Sarah Palin, governor of Alaska? 100% qualified and could help McCain shore up more female voters. I hate the shallowness of politics, but you have to play the game when you're up against a party that thrives on (and relies on) it.

Z said...

m.a...I like Palin a LOT. She just had her fifth or sixth child, did she not? She could be busy! But, she IS governing!

yes, politics is as shallow as it can get, in my opinion. I have a very unpopular viewpoint point here at my blog that frequently gets the more conservative around here terribly ticked off and that's campaign finance reform, but REAL reform. "Everybody gets 50 mill or something like that amount...everybody who has some kind of verifiable amount of the possible votes, in other words a viable candidate, gets money from the govt" END of lobbying. No more favors (or better, MUCH better, more 'But I gave you money, you have to name that bridge after me') Plus, a LOT of money's saved.

Even MORE IMPORTANT, I believe, is I strongly favor the implementation of Senate TERM LIMITS. Six years. PERIOD. That's IT. No silly 35 yr old cushy jobs like Biden's had anymore. They get like HOllywood celebs and start to buy into their sycophant's opinions of them. silly and undeserving, most of them!

Yes, I like Palin, but I haven't heard her name whispered about in weeks, have you? She's perfect, in my opinion. Rice, certainly, is NOT.

I DO worry about Romney and Evangelicals. But, I guess I could be considered a solid Christian and I'd vote for him in a heart beat. And, I do believe most Christians would... AND, I think he'd pick up the slack of those who won't with Michigan votes (his home state) and any other rational adult who knows he's got what it takes to help run a country.

Pris, Biden IS a foreign policy expert because HE SAYS HE IS and he looks so sure of himself, don't you know! He does have a gift of appearing informed and convicted...but I'll NEVER forget the UGLY way he grills our senators trying to protect us. I'll never forget the eyes peering out over his hand as he rubs his face as if "You are SO STUPID and WRONG". What kind of help is THAT. I can't STAND Biden.

I'll say this a million more times, I'm sorry...but any man who smiles MORE broadly as he says the meaner and meaner thing makes me think he's got a very nasty heart.

Anonymous said...

The Biden CHOICE ("picks" are for mandolins)

The choice of Joe Biden as a running mate clearly shows an admission by his handlers of Obama's extreme weakness on foreign policy and his inability to speak decisively, compellingly and persuasively off the cuff. Obama has shown himself to be a lightweight.

Biden has a BIG MEGAPHONE MOUTH and extremely LOOSE LIPS, but he also has the "experience" (36 years in the senate!) and the aura of "venerability" (pseudo-gravitas, really) that Obama clearly lacks.

Biden is strictly "blue collar," and has obviously been chosen to try to gain support lacking from that sector for Obama, because Obaby is so out of touch with reality that he openly insulted "factory workers" whom Democrats have always felt they could take for granted.

Biden was my senator for 23 years. He did little harm to Delaware, but little noticeable good either. He might make a decent appearance, but he's an extraordinarily vulgar individual. (I dined with him at the same restaurant in my then-hometown two tables away. Believe me he is low class. His wife was literally hanging all over him like some possessive, moonstruck eighth-grade bimbo. It was embarrassing)

My lasting impression of Biden was "All Teeth and No Brains"–––his nimble tongue is no indication of any capacity for deep thought. Most of the folks I knew in Delaware thought of him as a "Horse's Ass."

BOTH Biden and Barac ––– B&B–––are lightweights. Don't let the superficial differences between them fool you.

Also, Biden LED the disgraceful fight against Judge Robert Bork, and opposed the nomination of both Robers and Alito.


(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Calm down everyone.

Joe Biden is the vice-one we're been waiting for.

"Hope and change" is a guy who was in the Senate when Obama was still blowing his lunch money on dirt weed in junior high, who believes Obama is not qualified to be President.

Leftists, each and all to a man incapable of displaying rational thought, were expected to fumble this badly.

But Joe Biden for VP? Is Obama actually trying to articulate how retarded he is?

Anonymous said...

Well, Biden was hired to be the attack dog, so be it.

And politics just isn't for the faint hearted.
It is an ugly business , look at what is at stake, money and power and influence.

This whole lifetime in the senate has got to stop , same with congress.

And yes, the man's teeth thing..( Biden) just remind me of a shark.

And plain old mean and obnxious.


nanc said...

biden's going to have to go on a diet after all the humble pie he's going to ingest - did you see h&c this evening? WHATTAMESS!

that said - i believe this to my core this is but a ruse to her heinous getting back into the race - think about it - all those angry hill voters who said they'd vote for mccain...just sayin'...

the lady in the blue pantsuit hasn't sung yet.

Z said...

nanc, ya, we did see H&C tonight...WHAT a mess is right.
I guess there are about 30 pgs of Romney's anti-McCain lines, too..that can't help..

I firmly believe that if McC picks a woman, like Alaska's gov., he's win HANDS DOWN. I think he'd get 70% of those Hillary ladies and tons of others who might not have voted for him. BUT, I doubt he'll pick her.

Biden is TRULY nasty. It'll come out.

But, I do get weary of Republicans doing things like "Gaffe monitors" on the RNC website for Biden. How stupid is THAT? cute..not.

by the way, Sean H was right when he suggested Biden's crack about Indians at 7/11's is as bad as Geo Allen's Machaka line...unreal.

See, lefties who are reading this? NO bias in the media, huh? Ya, right.

MathewK said...

Valid point shoprat.

Thanks Z, i'll be saving that one for a later date. :)


Sunday, August 24, 2008
House Divided Speech: Joe Biden or Abraham Lincoln?

House Divided -- Text of Entire Speech by President Lincoln, 1868

MONEY QUOTE FROM ABE WAS: "We shall not fail - if we stand firm, we shall not fail."

But Joe Biden's speechwriter's relayed it a bit differently:

JOE: INTRO: Well, it's great to be here! On the steps of the old State House in the land of Lincoln. President Lincoln once instructed us to be sure to put your feet in the right place. Then stand firm. Today, Springfield, I know my feet are in the right place. And I am proud to stand firm for the next president of the United States of America, Barack Obama.

JOE: END OF HIS SPEECH : "And now it's time for all of us, as Lincoln said, to put our feet in the right place and to stand firm."

Only Lincoln never said it is time to put our feet in the right place. He said: "We shall not fail -- if we stand firm, we shall not fail."

Speechwriter taking liberties? No biggie! But let the record show:


Z said...

DAN..thanks for coming by.

That's very interesting and, I believe, very telling.

Did Biden not want to talk about failure because failure of the America Lincoln stood for is exactly what he hopes for? Stand firm against what, against traditional, conservative values?

There's a video going around where Obama DIRECTLY plagiarized something another black politician said in the Sixties. Biden's famous for his plagiarism.

Can't these people think on their own, and WHY NOT ATTRIBUTE THEIR STATEMENTS TO THE GREATS? We don't mind hearing them again! What's wrong with "as XXX said......" WHy not do that unless you're pawning yourself off as the great thinker/orator?

Sad, dan. good information!

Thanks...come by again.


Sunday, August 24, 2008
House Divided Speech: Joe Biden or Abraham Lincoln?

House Divided -- Text of Entire Speech by President Lincoln, 1868

MONEY QUOTE FROM ABE WAS: "We shall not fail - if we stand firm, we shall not fail."

But Joe Biden's speechwriter's relayed it a bit differently:

JOE: INTRO: Well, it's great to be here! On the steps of the old State House in the land of Lincoln. President Lincoln once instructed us to be sure to put your feet in the right place. Then stand firm. Today, Springfield, I know my feet are in the right place. And I am proud to stand firm for the next president of the United States of America, Barack Obama.

JOE: END OF HIS SPEECH : "And now it's time for all of us, as Lincoln said, to put our feet in the right place and to stand firm."

Only Lincoln never said it is time to put our feet in the right place. He said: "We shall not fail -- if we stand firm, we shall not fail."

Speechwriter taking liberties? No biggie! But let the record show:


Z said...

dan. very funny

Anonymous said...

Sunday, August 24, 2008
House Divided Speech: Joe Biden or Abraham Lincoln?

House Divided -- Text of Entire Speech by President Lincoln, 1868

MONEY QUOTE FROM ABE WAS: "We shall not fail - if we stand firm, we shall not fail."

But Joe Biden's speechwriter's relayed it a bit differently:

JOE: INTRO: Well, it's great to be here! On the steps of the old State House in the land of Lincoln. President Lincoln once instructed us to be sure to put your feet in the right place. Then stand firm. Today, Springfield, I know my feet are in the right place. And I am proud to stand firm for the next president of the United States of America, Barack Obama.

JOE: END OF HIS SPEECH : "And now it's time for all of us, as Lincoln said, to put our feet in the right place and to stand firm."

Only Lincoln never said it is time to put our feet in the right place. He said: "We shall not fail -- if we stand firm, we shall not fail."

Speechwriter taking liberties? No biggie! But let the record show:

REPLY -- "I have a very good friend who is a top Lincoln scholar and he
concedes that it doesn't sound much like Lincoln, but given the
quote's ubiquity as folklore and the near impossibility of proving a
negative, we'll just have to leave you with your suspicions and leave
Biden's speechwriter with the benefit of the doubt."


Springfield, Illinois
June 16, 1858

Mr. President and Gentlemen of the Convention.

If we could first know where we are, and whither we are tending, we
could then better judge what to do, and how to do it.

We are now far into the fifth year, since a policy was initiated, with
the avowed object, and confident promise, of putting an end to slavery


We shall not fail - if we stand
firm, we shall not fail. Wise counsels may accelerate, or mistakes
delay it, but, sooner or later, the victory is sure to come.

Anonymous said...

Loosely quoting --- or paraphrasing --- others is quite permissible in public and private discourse as long as the speaker doesn't change the basic SENSE of the remarks.

It's less acceptable in the WRITTEN word.


Z said...

FT...Obama used the exact words and what does it take to give credit? "as So and so said..." it's all about humility for him; he needs the adoration, for people to think it's him!

Obviously, he wouldn't say I HAVE A DREAM, but he comes very close!