Is the stage being set for a contest between Mexicans and Muslims in America? There is a reconquista mind-set among a segment of the Mexican population in the southwest United States. The illegal immigrant population in particular. They make that clear in their demonstrations, waving Mexican flags, and in their demands rather than requests. They have a right, they say. So, they come here looking for the good life, not as Americans, but as Mexicans. They come in numbers by the millions and grow with every child they bear. They bring their culture and eschew Americanism, which is acceptable in America today because multi-culturalism has been divined by the politically correct to be not only acceptable, but desirable.
Along with the hard working families come the gangs, drug runners, and the Mexican Mafia. There are signs of militancy, also anti-white and anti-black sentiment which should alarm Americans, yet our politicians seem to say, "come on down"! (or "up", in this case!) The open borders crowd looks the other way, while we unwashed masses deal with the overcrowding, a rise in crime and, in some cases, hostility and downright threat if we find ourselves in the wrong neighborhood. It must be mentioned that we also subsidize much of this population with free healthcare and welfare through higher taxes.
Enter the Muslim population which is much smaller but* better organized in their zeal for world dominion. Every country which has a minimum of 5% Muslim of their population is under imminent threat of violence if demands made are not met, or if offense is taken at any number of actions or words by the indigenous population which are deemed to be out of bounds by Islamists.
While the population of Muslims in America has not reached 5%, they too grow with every child they bear, and they are told they must have many Muslim babies to increase their numbers.... breeding for numbers. Already, in America, we see Muslim demands made in accordance with their religion.
They, too, have not come here to be Americans, they bring their culture with them, as well. And still, political correctness reigns supreme in America, and many of these demands have been met. Prayer rooms, class breaks for prayers in schools, separate facilities for females, etc. Special treatment no Christian would receive.
I choose to pose that a contest is looming. Mexican and Muslim vying to hold sway in America politically and culturally; the race is on. Who will win while we watch and wait and our leaders do nothing? Either way, can the prospect of a third world reality be far away? Could we have imagined, a few short years ago, that this country that we love would be so far down the road to obsolescence and mediocrity?
The goal of the left and the politically correct is harmony and utopia, as they see it. In reality, all I can see ahead is chaos and the crumbling of our great Nation.
Z: Thank you SO much, Priscilla, for another terrific contribution to geeeeZ! I'd like to also direct readers to an excellent and important article by Netherlands-born Rep. Peter Hoekstra.
*thanks to Always On Watch, who really IS "always on watch"