WATCH THIS! Amazing stuff. Any opinions?
Mine? "SAY HALLELUJIAH!" and thanks, Mustang!!
and I say Happy Easter, too.
just another interesting tidbit I got view of the season!
Friday, March 21, 2008
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Nice site Z. I'll be coming back.
My, my...I don't know how I feel about this man's preaching style...
Obviously, I like that he's about trashing Obama...but he trashes him, in part, by suggesting that his 'white' parentage is what MAKES him trash...that's more than a bit disconcerting...
AND...if the housing has come to that area from the federal gov't over 'the last ten years'...then it was in LARGER part a credit to Bush was it not?
Wow...this entire discussion is REALLY becoming THE issue...maybe it's time.
I certainly LIKE the talk about Affirmative Action...that's a Democrat policy, sure enough...and he says what WE on the RIGHT have been saying about it for's SOFT BIGOTRY that FUELS the idea that AAs can't make it on their OWN volition.
Thanks, Z, for the link...I'll have to think about how I 'really' feel about the pastor and his church and message after I learn more. But, as I stated, there were aspects that I certainly agree with and others that are troubling...
Wow. That DOES need some thought.
One thought I do have: Seems to me it's pretty well known by now that American blacks are all part white, isn't it? The Rev Dr Campbell looks like he's got a large dollop of white in him too.
Pati, I played it again and he calls Obama's mother 'trashy'AND white, but you get the impression he meant trashy in general; not because she's white. Almost more that he thought her life and choices 'trashy'..anyway, that's how I perceived it.
And, I think the Clintons put that money in motion, but probably Bush had something to do with not taking it away!? And, this guy SURELY is NO Clinton fan. However, I like that he's ragging on the congregation for slamming Clinton though he did so much for him. Cracked me up every time he mentioned Clinton and said "NOT that I LIKE THE GUY!" !!
I agree with anybody who tells blacks they're no better and NO WORSE than anyone else. Bravo, Bishop. Loved how he put down affirmative action.
Connie...yes, he sure does look like he's part white...I'm not sure ALL blacks do, but Obama and this guy sure do!
Yes Z, trashy and white...but what about her marrying a black African makes her 'trashy?'...Admittedly, I don't KNOW the history, perhaps they 'had' to get married or something. I don't know.
But, certainly, her parents were able to live in Hawaii and put Barak through private parochial school and Harvard...I don't know if that would put her 'background' in the poor, white arena generally associated with 'trashy', so, unless he knows something about HOW they came to be married, I have to presume he means that whites marrying blacks is particularly trashy...I.E. she's trashy because she married outside of her race. Like I said, I don't know enough about him to make the connection either to her personal 'behavior' or just to her marrying outside of her 'race.'
Connie, loved the 'dollop' line. LOL Actually reminded me of my grandmother's recipes...they are full of 'a dollop of this, or a smidgeon of that' LOL
I DO like the message that INTEGRITY and HONOR and taking advantage of opportunity rather than crying about spilt milk is the way to 'manhood' or white. That is definitely a good message.
I confess ignorance to this 'ATLAH' don't recognize, will need to do some research, as I said, before any conclusions.
Well, I'm on this guy "like white on rice" (if that's okay to say anymore!?) because of his NONvictimhood stance.
If he thought Obama's white mom was 'trashy' because she married a black man, we have a problem, Houston! But, why would he? He obviously comes from mixed blood, too.
Well....I'm going to look into his church website for more. I just loved that SOMEBODY in some kind of seat of 'power' is promoting NONvictimhood in our black community.
We always have to be wary; when Cosby came out with his "don't talk Ebonics...discipline your kids", etc., I was thrilled...only to find him on Larry King shortly afterwards placing the blame again on the white man. Incredible...I was so disappointed.
I'll share something Off Topic here..another time i was severly disappointed on Larry King:
Joel Osteen was on and King asked "So, you telling me you have to believe in Jesus to get to heaven?" I (and about 30 million others, I'm sure) held my breath only to hear.." Welllll, Larry...........I can't say that..." blahblah.
GeeeZ! YOU don't have to BELIEVE that, nobody's making anybody believe that...but can you be a CHRISTIAN PREACHER and at least not say "If you're a Christian, as I am, that IS what we believe, yes, Larry"
what a moment. Happy Easter, kiddo!
Z, gotta go to this site!!!
This woman is odd beyond odd. Read down to where she is talking about Earthquakes...
anyway, apparently HIS OWN church sees Pastor Manning as preaching anti-Christ message...this was as of a few years ago, still...interesting to say the least.
I don't want to step on toes. Maybe someone here believes this way. I don't happen to be on board.
As to speaking in tongues and her take on it. I don't doubt ANYTHING, truly, in terms of what God can do through the Holy Spirit...HOWEVER, I DO agree with MY pastor on this issue: to all those 'tongues' purported to 'just have to cry out DURING THE SERMON...' my pastor says, "Pati, God does NOT INTERRUPT HIMSELF"...that makes alot of sense to me. So, do I believe in the speaking of tongues? Sure. Do I believe every incident purported to BE that IS that? NO WAY. So, perhaps THAT is what the pastor is talking about when he, Manning, talks about a 'sudden' increase of it being experienced...
But this whole reaching into saying that Revelations is talking about Abel...I don't know...little too farfetched hocus pocus sounding for me.
check out the site, and tell me what you think.
One of the quotes in your piece, Pati, is "The Church world and Pastor Manning, I believe, see this as something evil, but the Doctrine of Christ reveals that there is a spiritual sun and a spiritual moon in every individual. Each individual is considered a world, and we each have a sun and a moon, a spirit and a soul."
What doctrine 'reveals' this?
Lots of weird stuff on BOTH sides, I think!
Anyway, if Bishop Manning said the world is flat and only women could be Christian, I'd still admire 99% of what he suggests in the link! Because we're concentrating on how what he says affects the Black community; how Rev Wright also affects the Black community...
Rev Wright holds our blacks in America DOWN, Bishop Manning says "Get a grip and stop whining and Do something!" that's my point for linking it.
If his own church says he's preaching lies (and, obviously, how many black people would go for this video? many??! The ones I KNOW would, but...from what we read and see..? I don't know), then why don't they LEAVE?....which is what Obama should have done IF IF IF he thought Rev Wright was preaching lies. IF. it's a HUGE IF.
Hey Z,
So it's not just me that found the HOME church of this guy a little 'out there?' Phew...
I sent the link of the video to my dad..he thought it was bizarre for a preacher to speak that way...just as bizarre as the Rev. Wright. I said, it's the content that's different though. yeah, he said,'s not what I recognize as 'church' at all. LOL
I also linked the video on my cafemom site Z. Only one person has responded so far, and she said she couldn't even get through the whole thing...not sure WHY..LOL
FreeThinker is here to remind you that Obama, himself, claims to be of dubious parentage. He's not at all sure that his mother ever did actually MARRY his father. If she did, it may have been AFTER Obama was born. That would, of course, make Obama a bastard in the classic sense of the word.
I don't KNOW any of this for sure, but there has been lots of "smoke" from Obama, himself, about the issue.
No human being should be considered "trash," as though God had made a mistake in allowing this person to draw breath, but Obama's mother HAS to be considered "markedly eccentric" at the very least. How many Midwestern white women of middle class parentage have YOU known who chose to follow such a path?
I'm morally certain the vast majority of American Negroes–––as they should properly be called, since "Negro" is not a term of opprobrium–––have Caucasian blood and British and European genes in their systems.
Many of the more troublesome blacks like W.E.B. DuBois and this souped-up incarnation of Beelzebub better known as The Reverend Jeremiah Wright carry a patently obvious streak of Whiteness in their skin tone and facial features.
Now if you were a White Gene mired in the generally dismal limitations of our traditional Black Culture, wouldn't YOU want to make a lot of noise and shake up the Establishment so that you could claim some of YOUR rightful WHITE-style heritage?
There's a fascinating and oddly depressing book by Edward Ball called Slaves in the Family in which Ball, who is descended from a long line of privileged white plantation owners from the glory days of Olde Charleston, SC, did the necessary research to trace members of his family who have lived as "Negroes" for several generations since the Civil War.
Ball, of course, is a liberal, but he's also a fine scholar who felt compelled to claim the BLACK side of his family, since these people were all descended from Ball's own forbears.
It's chilling, yet touching.
How would any of YOU feel, if modern DNA testing "proved" that you were in fact a direct descendant of a "Mammy," a "Prissy," or an "Aunt Jemima" who'd been persuaded to have a romantic dalliance with your rich, white great-great-great-grandfather, who was, perhaps the Governor of a southern state or a member of Congress–––or even one of our PRESIDENTS?
How would you take this news? Would you want to keep it to yourself and hope your husband, wife or children never find out about it?
OR, would you proudly trumpet it to the entire world and perform "native" dances in a loincloth in the public square to the accompaniment of bongo drums to proudly celebrate your "Diversity?"
What might this do to your Elks Club membership?
Would you still be welcome to sit on the Consistory of your Church?
Would your country club still want you as a member?
What effect might such a revelation have on your children and THEIR future social and romantic life?
Pati, it probably is weird for a man of faith to speak less about faith and more about culture; the thing is, where else can blacks get this kind of 'talking to'? No, it's not what we regard as 'church', that's for sure.
Maybe some of the pundits are correct in saying this is what Black churches are all about; except most of them are apparently preaching HATE and victimhood instead of what this Bishop is preaching...I'll just say again that I don't have to like everything the guy said, or his church, to still admire lots of what he said in the video, you know? For all I know, he hates Whites completely; That's okay, at least he's telling parts of the American community to SUCK IT UP and ACHIEVE and QUIT WHINING and don't fall for empty suits like Obama! He can't stand Hillary, either...but I'm thinking he'd fall short of endorsing McCain. Now, wouldn't THAT be a campaign surprise!!? HA!
(Might be nice to hear a preacher screeching at Whites against racism, too,"don't you KNOW the Bible tells us to love EVERYONE?")
FT: I really thought this over, and will continue to do so: If I had Black blood, how would I feel about it? Good question. The more I consider it the more I think I'd be quite thrilled to be SOMETHING other than 100% Armenian, which I've always found boring. Not the Armenian part but the '100%' part! boring!
And I'd be very eager to hear where my black relatives had originally come from! Still, if I were 20 and planning to marry and have children, I'd be sweating it "will a child I have come out completely black? How will THAT go over?" So, I guess that I'd have to bring that up. If it doesn't go over well, I'd consider this a great test as to my fiancee and his family's character and break it off, no?
Actually, Pastor Manning has made a LOT of powerful political enemies in New York with his "No Dew, No Rain" Campaign (a boycott of all recently opened business's in Harlem). He has a very powerful message of self-sufficiency he's trying to peddle, but unfortunately I believe his message IS both race and tribal based. He see's ATLAH (or Harlem) from 110th to 155th(?) street shore-to-shore as his own private happy tribal hunting ground, and he's seeking to prevent any non-Harlemites (white OR black) from buying up Harlem and taking it "condo" (as Columbia University is expanding northward).
And he's also trying to supplant the leadership of all those traditional black leaders who preach government dependency and handouts from Harlem (which is another reasons why he has so many enemies)... the false-preachers to Mt. Carmel for execution tale.
And he's right about one thing. Harlem's people are land-poor. They may not have any money, but their land on Manhattan is worth a fortune... which he doesn't want to see sold for a few strings of plastic beads again...
FJ... Well, maybe I'm being real naive here; I looked at him as someone preaching self dependancy, but maybe it's just gathering the brothers to start their own little city in a city with barbed wire and guns around it to keep everyone out? yikes.
I wonder who he DOES want them to vote for, after all?
'bag of beads' made me guffaw.
FT-Even if obama's mother married his dad before his conception, it still would have been illegal, because daddy-o HAD a wife already, in Kenya, who was pregnant and they already had children...he was a good muslim, marrying his second wife. Or at least taking a concubine.
Yup, had a daughter with him. He also put obama in a madrassa in Indonesia...
The first wife's name is, Kezia, or something like that.
I don't blame him for his parents indiscretions, but slamming the grandmother who raised him, and by default the grandfather too, AND their sacrifice of putting him private school and college...does not speak well of his character!
Go toIBA for 2 posts...hope this works!
Tmw..I think the mom divorced Mr Obama and married an Indonesian muslim and then moved there....
Here's Wikipedia:
He describes his Kenyan father as "raised a Muslim," but a "confirmed atheist" by the time his parents met, and his Indonesian stepfather as "a man who saw religion as not particularly useful." The chapter details how Obama, in his twenties, while working with black churches as a community organizer, came to understand "the power of the African American religious tradition to spur social change":
Oh, ya.....we know what kind of change, I guess. I love his recent quote about what a GREAT country America is and WE NEED TO CHANGE IT. And the irony is lost on so many!!
Z, and All,
If you can still find a copy, you should read Sinclair Lewis' searing novel Kingsblood Royal.
Neil Kingsblood, a successful, popular, attractive, blond, leading member of a "typical" Midwestern community is "amused" to discover that he has black blood way back in his ancestry. He makes the grievous error of telling his family and friends about it.
The drama that ensues is chilling, heart-wrenching, provocative and terrifying, because it has about it the ring of truth, even though Sinclair Lewis was something of a polemicist in his novels. (He always had harsh things to say about Middle-Class American life as HE saw it.)
This book was extraordinarily advanced for its day. I've often wondered why it never drew the critical attention and acclaim that Babbit and Arrowsmith did?
Also, Dolly over at FPM came up with some really FASCINATING quotes from Obama's autobiography in the first thread.
If Z approves, I may quote Dolly's post here, because it's certainly pertinent to this issue.
I'm a fan of ARROWSMITH, may get the book you recommend, thanks, FT.
Go ahead and send Dolly's post with Obama's quotes; I'd like to see it. thanks!
In Barack's own words - EmilyDolly 3/22/2008 3:27 PM
courtesy of Peter Wehner, former deputy assistant to the president, is a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center.
A careful look at this incident as Obama described it on pp. 88-91 of Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance (which I reviewed in 2007) shows that Obama is slandering his elderly grandmother to make The Rev. Dr. Wright look better. Obama's white grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, who was raising him and earning most of the money in the family while his own mother was off in Indonesia working on her 1067 page dissertation on peasant blacksmithing, rode the bus each morning to her job as a bank executive. One day, the 16-18 year old Obama wakes up to an argument between his grandmother and grandfather. She didn't want to ride the bus because she had been hassled by a bum at the bus stop. She tells him:
"Her lips pursed with irritation. 'He was very aggressive, Barry. Very aggressive. I gave him a dollar and he kept asking. If the bus hadn't come, I think he might have hit me over the head."
So why didn't Obama's lefty grandfather want to drive his own wife to work?
Because to help his wife avoid the hostile, dangerous panhandler would be morally wrong, because the potential mugger was ... Well, I'll let Sen. Obama tell the story:
"He turned around and I saw that he was shaking. 'It is a big deal. It's a big deal to me. She's been bothered by men before. You know why she's so scared this time. I'll tell you why. Before you came in, she told me the fella was black.' He whispered the word. 'That's the real reason why she's bothered. And I just don't think that right.'
"The words were like a fist in my stomach, and I wobbled to regain my composure. In my steadiest voice, I told him that such an attitude bothered me, too, but reassured him that Toot's fears would pass and that we should give her a ride in the meantime. Gramps slumped into a chair in the living room and said he was sorry he had told me. Before my eyes, he grew small and old and very sad. I put my hand on his shoulder and told him that it was all right, I understood.
"We remained like that for several minutes, in painful silence. Finally he insisted that he drive Toot after all, and I thought about my grandparents. They had sacrificed again and again for me. They had poured all their lingering hopes into my success. Never had they given me reason to doubt their love; I doubted if they ever would. And yet I knew that men who might easily have been my brothers could still inspire their rawest fear."
Then Obama drives over for counseling to the house of his grandfather's friend Frank, an old black Communist Party USA member, who tells him:
"What I'm trying to tell you is, your grandma's right to be scared. She's at least as right as Stanley is. She understands that black people have a reason to hate. That's just how it is. For your sake, I wish it were otherwise. But it's not. So you might as well get used to it."
"Frank closed his eyes. His breathing slowed until he seemed to be asleep. I thought about waking him, then decided against it and walked back to the car. The earth shook under my feet, ready to crack open at any moment. I stopped, trying to steady myself, and knew for the first time that I was utterly alone."
Man, what a family full of drama queens! And now Obama is equating his own grandma, who was the main breadwinner in this dysfunctional family circus (and who is still alive, living in the Honolulu highrise where this scene took place), with Rev. Dr. God Damn America.
The Washington Monthly's liberal blogger Kevin Drum, who voted for Obama, commented about this scene and others:
"Obama routinely describes himself feeling the deepest, most painful emotions imaginable (one event is like a "fist in my stomach," for example, and he "still burned with the memory" a full year after a minor incident in college), but these feelings seem to be all out of proportion to the actual events of his life, which are generally pretty pedestrian."
So, in summary, let's look at how Obama smeared his own elderly but very much alive grandmother, calling her:
"a woman who once confessed her fear of black men who passed by her on the street, and who on more than one occasion has uttered racial or ethnic stereotypes that made me cringe."
Well, no, according to Obama's 1995 book, it is not at all true that she "once confessed her fear of black men who passed by her on the street." Instead, she once confessed her fear of one aggressive black beggar who didn't pass by her but instead confronted her, demanded money, and then gave her -- an intelligent, level-headed woman who had worked her way up to a mid-level corporate management position -- good reason to believe he would have violently mugged her if her bus hadn't pulled up.
If this was some doofus politician like Bush or Biden who retold the story in a misleading fashion, you might view it as just their usual struggle with using the English language to get across what they really kind of, sort of mean. But Obama is so superb with words that it's perfectly reasonable to hold him accountable for choosing to slander his own living grandmother for his political advantage.
Truly fascinating post, D. I wonder why no one - FreeThinke 3/22/2008 9:39 PM
reacted to it. This is compelling stuff.
I just KNEW that BO's mother HAD to have come from CRAZINESS. The grandfather was ab-so-lute-ly NUTS. So he'd sacrifice his wife's SAFETY and sense of SECURITY for some perverted idea of PRINCIPLE, eh? She should have DIVORCED the no-good SOB.
I wonder what the long-suffering grandmother REALLY thought of her (obviously crazy) daughter's "life choices?" Now THAT truly WOULD make fascinating reading, but we'll never know, I'm sure.
The white grandmother's devotion to the illegitimate black baby her Nutsy Fagin daughter dumped in her lap really IS touching. From the evidence presented in your post, Dolly, SHE was the only TRULY decent person in the whole demented picture–––absolutely HEROIC.
I'm only publishing this whole thing here, FT, because the quotes are fascinating and there is certainly something to think about in regards to Obama's feelings about his own color and the sentiments he was raised with.
I'd very much like you to email me privately and tell me which parts are Dolly's..I couldn't tell after a while..Where did Peter Wehner start and stop, for example.
Personally, I think Obama is FAR more racist than he lets on. I heard a bit from his speech yesterday just today; "for blacks, hispanics, and EVEN whites.." oh, really? There's something inside there. Then, when you think about his wife's feelings, and his own pastor and very close friend's feeelings..well.
There's some talk that he needed Wright to get ahead in Illinois. After all, he wasn't raised there, he's part white, etc.
Is he afraid of what Wright might say about HIM if he pulls away from the Reverend?
Somebody in your post suggests Grandma's still living in Hawaii....has she spoken out?
I'm a typical white person, and I must say I'm highly offended by Obama's equating me with his grandmother.
You are not looking at the Barak Obama father mess in the correct perspective. His father almost certainly did attempt immigration fraud.
His family has been portrayed as average midwest. He was in fact from a far left fuit loop band.
Beamish...because she said those things about Blacks?
Beak: I have little info on the dad and immigration. Tell us, please.
Well, here's something my buddy mustang went me this morning:
"Obama’s parents divorced when he was two years old, and when he was six years old, his mother married an Indonesian oil company executive named Lolo Soetoro, who was also a Muslim and who introduced Obama to Islam.
The family moved to Jakarta, Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim country, where they lived for five years from1968 through 1973. Obama first attended a Catholic school for three years. In that school’s documents, Obama is listed under the name Barry Soetoro as an Indonesian citizen, and his religion is listed as Islam. Later, Obama attended a Muslim school where he received Islamic religious training before he was sent back to America to live with his maternal grandmother while his mother and his half-sister, Maya, stayed in Indonesia.
Obama’s half brothers and sisters in Nairobi, Kenya are Muslims. His step-grandmother, Sarah Hussein Obama, is a lifelong Muslim who said: “I am a strong believer of the Islamic faith.” In an April 30, 2007 New York Times interview, Obama’s half-sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng who now lives in Hawaii, said: “My whole family was Muslim, and most of the people I knew were Muslim.”
Obama, while describing his 1992 wedding, admitted that he was proud of his brother, Roy, who chose Islam over Christianity. “The person who made me proudest of all,” Obama wrote, “was Roy. Actually, now we call him Abongo, his Luo name, for two years ago he decided to reassert his African heritage. He converted to Islam, and has sworn off pork and tobacco and alcohol.”
If Obama were not a Muslim from the time his religion was recorded in Indonesia as Islam until he “converted” to Christianity, then what was he for 27 years?"
I can't damn the man for any of this because none of it says "He is a practicing muslim today", but I sure do wonder at what's in his mind; that's been indoctrinated into him...."to reassert his AFrican heritage..he converted to Isalm" WHAT? This is what makes Obama so "proud"?
Hey FT,
Good question. Easy answer. Just considering the Native American, we used to say Indian, blood in my veins, and the way I feel about that, and they way many others feel about it today, gives me my answer...proud as hell. Remember how they were 'treated' by the establishment? Now it's chic.
Remember that Jefferson was purported to have LOVED his slave woman..people forget that as much as we are 'hemmed in' and basically 'controlled' by cultural norms now (PCism etc), they were back then as well. That doesn't mean that ALL those who participated in fathering children 'raped' these women OR that they felt their position over them was necessarily 'just.' To many, it was likely 'just the reality of how things were.'
AND, I don't have any country club friends or relatives, but I do have a nephew and two nieces who are mulatto. I am just as proud and happy that they are in my family as I am of my other nephews and niece.
I don't think this many generations out it should matter. It works on the assumption that we KNOW the genes in our pool are 'otherwise' what we 'would have there.' I have Irish AND British and Norwegian in addition to the Cherokee...and it's just as possible that even before the two sides who CHOSE to marry, that there were rapes hundreds of years ago that had already deposited like genes in the pool anyway.
Point is that not many of us KNOW the genes in entirety that are floating in our veins or even HOW they all got there. Were they ALL from 'loving' relations between two people or were they at some point placed in the pool by a 'superior' taking advantage of that role? We have to live in the here and now...and slavery is nowhere NEAR the present.
I saw a show a few years ago where they said it IS actually plausible that we all came from Noah's three sons: all races. They have done some study of DNA and determined that the possiblity IS there to produce all the 'minor' differences between us:
But, the problem with DuBois is his Marxism and segregationist perspective, not the racism...and that political ideology being embraced by a church and promoted as culturally 'African' is not only dishonest, it is terrifying. DuBois came by HIS communist christening in Russia, first hand. When you consider that one of the things Paramount to Marxist ideals is to 'remove' God as the source of our Liberty and our comfort and protection and replace it with GOVERNMENT...THAT is the big issue I have with Wright AND with Obama's decision to stay under that influence for over twenty years.
That's the larger point. This racism is baloney. Fact is Barak Obama can't trace HIS white face to slavery, no way no how...His daddy was FROM Africa.
AND, the presumption that all blacks in America are FROM past generation lineage is also failed...we have had immigration from countless countries for countless generations...they didn't all arrive here on a boat for slavery..
If I was rich? If I found out I had blood line that had lived for years in poverty or slavery, you bet your butt I'd find them, claim them, and GIVE THEM THEIR INHERITANCE...yes sir...better that than the US taxpayers--MOST of whom had NOTHING remotely connected to slavery..the BRITISH institution we inherited with the new birth of our country...
Until they move on as the Irish have, as the Chinese have, as the Japanese have, as the Polish have, as the Puerto Ricans have, as the Native Americans have, as the Germans have, as the Cubans have...get the picture? All these groups have suffered racism, lynching some of them, imprisonment, discrimination ALL based on where they came from...they MOVED FORWARD...Wright chooses to LOOK BACKWARD to STAY THERE...REMAIN a that also Obama? The man who is for 'moving forward?'...he's attended a church for twenty years that is rooted in keeping the ugly history of slavery fresh in the minds of his THIS the man to MOVE US FORWARD? And to what? Marxism? These are the ONLY pertinent issues with Wright IMO.
Barak Obama's mother divorced his dad
as soon as he found out about his wife and child in Kenya. It is almost
certain he attempted some sort of immigration fraud with Obama's mother.
The media has not even discussed the far left history of Obama's mother at all.
No I'm a typical white person, and I'm offended by being equated with Obama's grandmother because I'd never sit back and let Obama bad mouth me.
Put dignified, soft-spoken old ROGER WILKINS, whom I always thought was all right, on your ENEMIES LIST.
He's on C-Span right now SUPPORTING The Reverend Jeremiah Wright.
He also accused J.Edgar hoover of seeing a Communist Plot behind every Civil Rights Demonstration, as though that weren't true, which of course it IS.
Do take note in future that there is a DEMON in every Demonstration. ;-)
~ FreeThinker
Beamish...good point. But, she's such a lefty she'll put aside dignity and class to make sure her commie son's elected and won't do anything to stand in his way, right?
Beak: I see your point. Might have been planning to bring his whole Kenyan family with him on the new Mrs. American Obama's shirttails, huh?
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