Is the stage being set for a contest between Mexicans and Muslims in America? There is a reconquista mind-set among a segment of the Mexican population in the southwest United States. The illegal immigrant population in particular. They make that clear in their demonstrations, waving Mexican flags, and in their demands rather than requests. They have a right, they say. So, they come here looking for the good life, not as Americans, but as Mexicans. They come in numbers by the millions and grow with every child they bear. They bring their culture and eschew Americanism, which is acceptable in America today because multi-culturalism has been divined by the politically correct to be not only acceptable, but desirable.
Along with the hard working families come the gangs, drug runners, and the Mexican Mafia. There are signs of militancy, also anti-white and anti-black sentiment which should alarm Americans, yet our politicians seem to say, "come on down"! (or "up", in this case!) The open borders crowd looks the other way, while we unwashed masses deal with the overcrowding, a rise in crime and, in some cases, hostility and downright threat if we find ourselves in the wrong neighborhood. It must be mentioned that we also subsidize much of this population with free healthcare and welfare through higher taxes.
Enter the Muslim population which is much smaller but* better organized in their zeal for world dominion. Every country which has a minimum of 5% Muslim of their population is under imminent threat of violence if demands made are not met, or if offense is taken at any number of actions or words by the indigenous population which are deemed to be out of bounds by Islamists.
While the population of Muslims in America has not reached 5%, they too grow with every child they bear, and they are told they must have many Muslim babies to increase their numbers.... breeding for numbers. Already, in America, we see Muslim demands made in accordance with their religion.
They, too, have not come here to be Americans, they bring their culture with them, as well. And still, political correctness reigns supreme in America, and many of these demands have been met. Prayer rooms, class breaks for prayers in schools, separate facilities for females, etc. Special treatment no Christian would receive.
I choose to pose that a contest is looming. Mexican and Muslim vying to hold sway in America politically and culturally; the race is on. Who will win while we watch and wait and our leaders do nothing? Either way, can the prospect of a third world reality be far away? Could we have imagined, a few short years ago, that this country that we love would be so far down the road to obsolescence and mediocrity?
The goal of the left and the politically correct is harmony and utopia, as they see it. In reality, all I can see ahead is chaos and the crumbling of our great Nation.
Z: Thank you SO much, Priscilla, for another terrific contribution to geeeeZ! I'd like to also direct readers to an excellent and important article by Netherlands-born Rep. Peter Hoekstra.
*thanks to Always On Watch, who really IS "always on watch"
Like your blog. I mentioned earlier that I'd return and it's been awhile.
I've been busy lately, with "Earth Hour" and all ...LOL. I think there are more loons in Canada celebrating this than Americans. I actually celebrated this fine hour by watching the FoxNews Special: "Jihad, USA, Homegrown Jihad, so it's a damn good thing I didn't shut down the power, or I'd have missed it. Even had Mark Steyn commenting on it, which added to the immediacy, since he's facing a Human Right Commission tribunal here in Canada.
I'm in the process of setting up a blog and trying to get some foundational posts made on it before I actually begin promoting it on a wider scale.
That and a weekend in Niagara Falls with my wife celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary have meant I've been busy lately.
Take care.
Congratulations on the anniversary!
MARK STEYN is facing a Human Rights Commission tribunal in Canada? How did I miss that?
Tell me about it...
wayne...what was your screen name at FPM? Help me, here!!
SO glad you're here ..welcome and come back! Good luck with your blog; please let me know and I'll blogroll you here (you'll get MILLIONS of visits..SMILE!)
Excuse my cynicism, but I don't think they'll have time to get a real bang-up conflict going before the Antichrist, Maitreya or whoever (maybe a whole gang of them) is waiting in the wings to bring us his politically correct ersatz version of "peace" catapults himself onto center stage, attended by a few billion demons visible or invisible, maybe posing as "ETs."
Then he/they can "solve" all the religious and ethnic conflicts in the world he's had a big part in stirring up in the first place, and set us on the politically correct path to our higher evolved selves, and I sure HOPE the Rapture people have it right and I'll be gone before the fireworks start as his mask comes off, but if not it would be nice to go out in a blaze of glory too, beheaded by one or more of the multitudinous villains in the drama.
All this hateful irrationalism growing and multiplying unabated year after year despite our best efforts has just GOT to be a sign that the end is that close.
No more words were ever more accurately spoken, Priscilla . . . and this is an exceptional contribution to a discussion that should include many more of us. All of us need to keep plugging away at this topic. Maybe eventually, the left will start listening.
Semper Fi
When America is 3rd or 4th world in status, they will leave the filth and broken infrastructure, the burnt out shells of; schools, hospitals, churches and synagogues for the survivors to sit in and weep.
And they will treat us with scorn and despite...Dear, Lord, may we be gone Home by then!
Connie..."cheers" the irony!
mustang...see why I like Priscilla to do a column for you all to read? great thinking on her part! thanks for your encouragement.(as usual)
TMW...that's what I think; after they're through with it, will they WANT America? I think not.
Maybe, if we are all still here, we'll take her back then, go back to faith, and set up House again.
Or we'll be in His house.
Thank you, Mustang.
"Maybe eventually, the left will start listening."
From your mouth to God's ears.
To Z,
Thank you too!
I say let the minority groups grow, the faster the better.
Then I can apply for affirmative action to get into college or a job, on account of my white maleness.
another great read!...we are crumbling from within...........sigh
i get arkansas.
any'y'all with me? you're welcome.
without our politicians looking out for OUR best interests, i'd say we're screwed, blued and tattooed.
God help u.s., z.
Out-population is one of the heads of the Islamic chimera. Out-breeding and the establishment of mosques funded by countries like Saudi Arabia are examples of this.
The other two heads are violent jihad and legal/political jihad. We've seen plenty of examples of those.
Brooke-Don't forget economic jihad...ythey are using the money we buy oil with to buy up our country!
tmw, no truer words were spoken. They're buying us, slowly but surely, and using our laws against us...
Nanc....our politicians would fight for our interests if the left weren't so against it AND if the Saudis didn't probably own us already and are really, at some level, calling the shots.
Brooke...we're cooked.
Angel....Pris really wrote a good one, didn't she. Thanks!
Very well written Priscilla. All is not lost YET. A strong, conservative, Constitutionalist President would be a very good bulwark against this rising tide of filth, but it looks like we'll have to wait at least another 4 years for that.
Here's what I've always worried about. The left has created a mired-in-the-mud class of people. Permanent government plantation slaves who wait on their checks, their votes are bought and paid for.
I've worried for a long time now that Islamists would find a way to convert these people and ORGANIZE them under Sharia. They are RIPE for the picking, believe me. I've seen this up close and personal as a carpet guy, the hood is a miserable place, and the Christian Church isn't reaching enough of of Uncle Sam's slaves. The older ones are Christian, not enough of the under 30's.
These people are WAITING for strong leadership, and Islam is comprehensive in that way.
We should worry.
Excellent Post, Pris!
Of course, neither groups wants the other group to succeed: they BOTH want America to become what THEY would have it be. So, perhaps, there will be a clash...the question is, will that clash come before or after irreparable harm or 'change' has sufficiently changed the country? In other words...each side may be willing to allow for the other to do what damage it can to the mindset, infrastructure, economy etc...why not accept the help in the bringing the country down? Then, they'll battle over WHO will dominate.
Of course, neither scenario is a pleasant one. Remember, the muslims can grow at a much faster rate, since there's is not an 'ethnic' race, but a religious one. So, they can grow with births, and with prison populations, and with college campuses, and with outreach programs in the neighborhood much greater numbers than the ethnic Mexicans can. Short of some HUGE influx coming across the border.
Our leaders need to wake up. And WE need to make them wake up.
A Barack is not the answer, neither is a Hillary...McCain is softer than perhaps I would like, but at least he is maleable to the pressure from the people. Barack and Hillary have already decided that they KNOW BETTER. Once in office, neither will care a wit about polls.
Out here in Ohio we don't feel that pressure or witness this problem with the same clarity that you folks do in CA.
Good on you Pris for reminding the rest of us of the growing problem and concern.
Thanks Morgan and Pati,
Yes, you both make the point that muslims recruit wherever they can, and prey on the those who are the most vulnerable.
I do think that unless an American is completely indoctrinated into Islam, he'd have a tough time buying into the idea of strapping a bomb onto his person for the reward of 72 virgins.
Unfortunately, there are other ways of causing destruction besides suicide.
It would be nice if some Christian preachers imparted words of hope and self-reliance, instead of hate and victimhood.
Pris, I think you mean "Certain Christian Preachers" (as in WRIGHT?) instead of 'some' because most Christian preachers do preach hope and self-reliance, right?....and you make an excellent point.
Morgan, some Christian churches went soft under political correctness (you've seen tons of that in articles at FPM, right?)....they're hiding behind the LOVE and HOPE and PEACE of Jesus with none of the God of the Old Testament, who asks us to step up and be strong and productive, to worship and honor and obey Him, to lead lives of self reliance. The hiding behind Jesus as a sort of cool hippie with sandals who preached only love is a lie and a dangerous one as it's doing what you suggest; it's leading our kids down the wrong path and taking from them the discipline and self-reliance and pride I think all people want to encouraging taking (instead of GIVING)charity (which makes us feel better!!?), handouts and the easy way out of every situation; blaming Whites, blaming adults, their teachers, society.
These kids are going towards Islam because it gives them rigidity and forces them to dress more modestly, live by legalistic rules, etc. It protects them! Kids LIKE boundaries!
Christianity is all about modesty and living a better, upstanding is Judaism.....but our preachers have taken the easy road; They thought they had to water down the message to bring people in and I'm hoping they realize what's happening and why the young are seeking islam in their desire for guidelines and boundaries in which they can safely live their lives. Time to offer them the whole and REAL enchilada...
end of sermon! That's my 2 cents, anyway.
Excellent post Pris, excellent. The blame for this lies squarely with Congress. The open-borders crowd and the Mexican racists and reconquistas would not have been emoboldend if not for the inaction and in some cases, the outright connivavce of some in Senate, like McCain, who still says, by the way, that he WILL sign an amnesty bill and lets not forget the spectalce of ted Kennedy pandering to that mob of Mexicans. These illegals are coming here because they've screwed up their own countries so bad , they had to run away and now they're here, screwing up this one. I would normally consdier myself the lucky one, after all, I'm born here but in reality, its the illegals who are lucky, they have some place to escape to. Where will the rest of us go when this fast-reproducing bunch of arrogant beggars has destroyed America? As to Muslims, yeah, they're a threat. Haven't I been saying as much, those of you who know me? What do you think I was trying to say in my piece, "Auschwitz&Islam""? Why do you think I lit into "Abdullah'' as soon as he showed up at FPM? I'd kill that filthy , provaricating Mulim jackanape if I could because by God, he's the vanguard of what wants to kill us. If there is a showdown between the Mexicans, Americans and Muslims, it'll be bloody for sure, everyone being armed. I don't want to see it come to that but if it does, then the blodd will be on the hands of Congress and all the open-borders crowd and immigrant racist groups. Johnnymac.
Z's Good Buddy
Hi J'Mac, good to see you here. Thanks.
Well, if our fearless leaders take their blinders off, perhaps it won't come to that.
However, better everyone's armed, than only them. That gives everyone pause, as it should.
Imagine how the Brits and Aussie's feel.
I did read your wonderful piece, Auschwitz And Islam, and I do know how you feel. I believe all right-thinking people who love this country, feel the same.
Z, Yes, certain preachers, how many is the question, huh? I hope not many.
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