This is FASCINATING.....McCain can't come looking for Rush's support because "it would look like pandering now...........he needs to be who he is................"
hmmmm This is a new approach. I like it. I think? VERY interesting. Gotta figure this one out; anybody got any ideas about the psychology behind this...or just the plain POLITICAL POSTURING? VERY interesting. What do YOU think?
Rush goes on to say he doesn't "have to tout" McCain, but he will "certainly" be critical of Obama. Is it Mr. Beamish (for president, what a time to pull out of the race!) who calls him Obamanation?..........perfect.
So, it's "let's not slam OUR guy, like him or not, but REALLY put the pressure on the Dem"
Think that'll fill 3 hours of radio time a day?
10 Akun Depo 5k Paling Populer di Indonesia
2 days ago
Told you Rush would start making sense when the writer's strike was over.
Speaking of pressuring the Dem...
It's time to get to work!
I'm starting to think Hillary might actually be not as bad as Obama!
Brooke~! imagine? someone worse than HILLARY?
and then, there's McCain.
I know, I KNOW, Mr. Beamish......I'll give you this:
he's not worse than Hillary.
You have to ask yourself what the conservative agenda is, and if McCain or Hillary (because Obama's candidacy will be dead after Black History Month is over and Hillary's army of Texas and Ohio superdelegates weigh in) will carry it out.
Why does McCain piss conservatives off so much?
McCain-Feingold? You still went to the polls in 2004 when Bush signed it into law in 2002. And this law sure as heck didn't keep anyone from blogging about Dan Rather's bullshit, or hearing about the Swift Boat Veterans.
McCain considered running with John Kerry? Well, he was asked. McCain made the BEST speech at the 2004 Republican convention in support of Bush.
McCain joined the Gang of 14 to stop Republicans from changing Senate rules to cut off debate on nominations? Imagine if those rules were changed the way Republicans wanted, but with Democrats in charge of the Senate and a Democrat President.
PRINCIPLE OVER EXPEDIENCY. McCain didn't let Republicans cheat the system, and now Democrats can't either. Waaaaah.
The immigration "amnesty" bill? Reagan signed one too. This one didn't pass. Never got out of the Senate.
We're so mad at a pro-life, pro-gun fiscally conservative military hawk for pushing a bill that Reagan would have signed so a freakin' Commie can get in the White House and help Rush Limbaugh sell books.
All that's missing is the Rod Serling narration.
McCain was right
I don't know if Rush's "blessing' would help McCain or not. I think it will help tremendously at the end of the campaign. I heard Ann Coulter last night slamming McCain and heartily endorsing Hillary.
She HATES Hillary, so I think she was accomplishing 2 things at once.
1. Sending a message to McCain
2. Hurting Hillary with her own base BADLY! The lefties hate Coulter more than they hate Bush!
am i the only one who sees through annie's multi-faceted comments?
Hey, tell us! Morgan seems to have a good hypothesis about it. I just think ANn's gone off her rocker, personally!! Something is SOO up, because that girl is NO DUMMY.
DO TELL, oh guru of the political world!!!
Mr. Beamish; I have to admit I've considered all you've said about how Conservative McCain really is and I don't agree with you on all of it, BUT, i have also fallen into the trap. And that trap is listening to the rumors like "Soros is behind McCain"...explained away by David Horowitz who says "yes, Soros supported $$$ McCain Feingold, but that is IT" Now, if that's true, that's understandable, Soros wants to ruin American ASAP and McCain was dead wrong on the Feingold thing....but, for people like me to surmise SOROS IS BEHIND MCCAIN ON EVERYTHING only because of that is wrong...I have to be careful. We ALL do. On Amnesty, I'll never forgive McCain, but I figure we can stop him if he wins like we stopped the last amnesty foolishness, through phone calls and emails.
And, anyway, we have to vote for him. period.
Ann Coulter's gag is she wants to write comedy even when it is isn't a laughing matter.
Calling John Edwards a "faggot" got Democrats to fear debating on Fox News Channel.
Where is John Edwards now?
If Democrats can't handle Brit Hume, how will they handle Ahmadinejad?
Hillary's going to cry away Iran's work on nuclear weapons?
Obama's going to give the world a speech?
Ann Coulter will make money off a Democrat in the White House.
We won't.
Mr. Beamish, I think Coulter loves this country enough to have something other than MORE MONEY up her long, thin sleeve, don't you? I hope so.
My favorite line this campaign system other than "Look at Romney, the only guy running who only has one wife, and HE's the MORMON" is the one I saw today at Farmer John's site on an excellent Obama piece: "We shall be overcome".
On that subject, can I ask you guys if you think it's wrong that the founding fathers of this country have one unnamed holiday weekend and the only named holiday is MLK, Jr's? And why don't they sell sheets on HIS day? oh. ya. that wouldn't be a good thing.
oops. But truly, I have always hated that we lumped together the greats..Lincoln, Washington..etc....they should be celebrated BY NAME. That is, if anybody under thirty still knew who Lincoln was. And why does everybody say he was the ugliest president? I thought he was kind of handsome.
I think there should be 365 Federal holidays.
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