Sunday, March 16, 2008

BEZERKELY UNPLUGGED!! You'll love this!

Enjoy the video!

CODE PINK.... HIPPIES............they've got EVERYTHING in Berkeley! but brains

(cartoon by Charles F. Cooper)


elmers brother said...

that video was freakin' hilarious!

elmers brother said...

If only there was an organization sworn to protect free speech?

wouldn't that be wonderful?


Brooke said...

THAT was on the Daily Show?!?

LOL! Oh, that was frickin' fantastic! What EB and Morgan said!

Z said...

I couldn't believe the Daily Show had that, either...and I was surprised at how the audience was laughing so hard, in agreement with the 'hippie' journalist! Who knew? Maybe they had a conservative convention visit that night!!?

I liked when he asked the Code Pink dits "so, you think this town might be safer without police?" She says "possibly?!" Oh, man.

The Code Pink pixies in pink outfits reminded me of Miss America and those ridiculous answers given in response to serious questions.."World PEACE..."

by the way...I've got an 'anonymous' troll still so sad not to get to post here (smile)...he signs posts to me with with 'hung'. You can't make this stuff up. 'hung' THERE's an endorsment if I ever heard one!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi all,

My God, I've seen these people before. Yes, I'm old enough.

Unlike an old General, they refuse to fade away. How amazing that, at the ages of 50 - 60 something, they haven't even grown up enough to have shed their need to look like their politics. Outdated and dirty.

Like five year olds demanding attention, they stamp their feet, say "look at me, I'm stuck in the 60's and proud of it."

How could any normal person have a conversation with these people? I'd be too busy laughing to utter a sound. Hasn't anybody told these poor souls that the circus doesn't have sideshows anymore?

Thanks for the laugh Z, we can use a little comic relief!


Anonymous said...

I guess they're still searching for their 15 minutes of fame...

Anonymous said...



Better your would-be pet troll should HANGED than HUNG.


Z said...

Excellent point, FT!!

Anonymous said...


Z said...

Hi, Moan & Groan....I hope you come back and moan and groan here often. Yes, they definitely need therapy.
Most of us don't run around wearing pink tutus to PROVE we need therapy though, right?!
(at least I know YOU don't, right!? HA!)
