Sunday, February 17, 2008

The scoop from a German.....

Integration, assimilation, or what?

and WHY??? by a very good friend of Z's

An issue on the minds of many people in Europe and, I might add, in the United States, was brought to a head by the Turkish Minister President Erdogan recently in a speech in Cologne, Germany when he said: “Assimilation is a crime against humanity”. This created outrage not only in Germany, but in all of Europe.

The banners were in Turkish, the flags were Turkish, the speech was in Turkish, and the listeners were Turkish or of Turkish descent, and this anti-assimilation comment was made in a city in which there just might be a huge mosque competing soon in the skyline with the famous “Kölner Dom”, the majestic and venerated cathedral which has dominated the skyline of Cologne for centuries. For the head of a foreign government to hold an assembly in a large stadium on foreign ground and advise his countrymen on how to handle their presence in that country takes guts. But it also relies on the goodwill of the government of that foreign country. This is only possible in countries where Freedom of Speech is protected, like in Germany, or in the United States, for that matter.

Erdogan is a smart man. In his speech, he also recommended that the Turks learn German and take advantage of the job market in Germany. That got him brownie points, particularly with the left, and cleverly muffled his assimilation point. However, the word “advantage” to Erdogan clearly means: Take as much as you can get from the job market or from the generous social system – but do not develop any allegiance to any other country than Turkey.

Sound familiar? Mexican Presidents have shown the same audacity as Erdogan. They even consider part of the U.S. their own territory and come, that belief largely unchallenged, to the US, holding rallies with Mexicans appearing with flags and other regalia, telling their countrymen, legally or illegally in the country, what they should demand from the U.S. government, and making public their request as if they need to give advice to the US government on how to treat the Mexicans who live in their country.

So, what’s happening in Europe and what can be expected in America’s future on issues of integration and Islam have eerie similarities. The difference, however, is that the Turkish problem alone in Germany envelopes both integration and Islam issues, while the problem in the U.S. is divided; an integration issue mainly of Mexicans in the country, and the growing Islam problem.

When Erdogan vilifies assimilation, what he really means is they should not adapt to the German culture or “do as Germans do”. This obviously results in the creation of a “parallel society”, one with a “little Istanbul” in each major city, creating “ghetto” type of situations where Islamic habits such as the killing of a sibling as commanded by the head of the family take place. These people do not respect the rights of the German people and they are supported by their “Head of State”, Erdogan (not Merkel!) who actually addresses them as if they still lived in Istanbul and not in Germany. The consequence is that the Turks behave as if they have the right to do what they do, and that they do not have to answer to anybody about it. This is why many young Turks are physically attacking and hurting Germans if they dare make remarks to them, like “please don’t smoke here in the subway” (where smoking is forbidden). These young Turks seem to feel empowered by young criminals from other countries who, lately, have been joining them in terrorizing the German population.

As we look into the current situation, the past should be considered : (a) Some of the Turks have lived in Germany since the 60’s, when Germany invited “guest workers” in who were supposed to stay for a limited period of time. Most of them never left, considering how good the social system is in Germany. (b) Many of the Turkish people living in Germany are law abiding people, have well assimilated into German society, and are even in the Parliament. (c) Germany did not have a major problem with the Turks living in the country until relatively recently, and the problems have risen to a different level just recently, since 9/11.

And what are the politicians and people of Germany doing about this? They’re acting just as you’d think they would in any other country. The left is pandering to the Turks. Some high ranking official even suggest that Germany should introduce Turkish as the second language in school. The left insists Germany must try to understand the Turks in the country, it must do more to integrate them and Germans should even adapt the thoughts and actions of these Turks. And, of course, according to the leftist ‘experts’, the German school system, by having such high educational standards, is not helping the foreign pupils (in other words: they should lower the standards so that they can learn).

And the conservative reaction to all of this? It can be summarized as follows: Whoever lives in Germany must adapt to the German constitution and German social life. People who are not willing to do that have no business being in the country. That doesn’t mean the Turks should not be able to maintain their culture, but not in the public square. The penalties for youth criminality should be increased, and the young criminals should be deported. In addition, deportation of illegal immigrants should be increased, and the borders to the EU should be tightened to reduce the influx.

The difference in reaction between the left and right couldn’t be more clear. You can draw your own conclusions as to the similarities with the situation in the U.S.

Since 9/11, Germany has drastically broadened its ability to fight terrorists. However, the left is still pandering and asks for negotiations while the conservatives request more stringent measures in view of increasing threats, (e.g. the potential suitcase bombers last year who got caught in time because of improved surveillance methods) .

Multiculturism has proven to be an illusion. Germany and many other European countries are currently dealing with the aftermath of having been too liberal with Islam and immigration and trying to turn the tide, hoping that it is not too late. Is it too much to hope that the lessons learned in Germany, Holland, Denmark and other countries will be heard across the ocean, here in America, a wake up call? It is clear to me which political orientation is on the right side of the issues. Let’s make sure that the U.S. listens and learns from these lessons.


(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Well, my approach is probably more radical.

I believe the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo should be scrapped and the rest of Mexico be captured by military force.

Sew 31 more stars on the US flag, and Mexicans don't even have to leave their houses to be in the United States.

Meanwhile, we develop the vast untapped resources between the Rio Grande and the Guatemalan border.

It's win-win.


Z said...

Trouble is, they're doing exactly THAT to US!!! ...without the military force (so far!)

win-win....the author of this piece is standing here laughing, agreeing with you! ACH!!

Anonymous said...

It reminds me of Charles de Gaul's visit to Canada during the Seperatist's movement.He told the French Canadians " Vive la differance". You have to be carefull about whom you invite home to dinner.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Mr. Beamish,
Certainly we can find some wonderful litigator to PROVE beyond a doubt that the statute of limitations has run out on the Treaty, hey?

I think I would modify a bit...keep them like US territories for a sufficient amount of time so that they 'become' Americanized before giving them things like 'the vote.' LOL Otherwise, we'll certainly have Dems in office forever.


The Merry Widow said...

And check your 'children's' friends before they come in!
Mr. B.-Could you guarantee the cleaning from corruption?


Z said...

I sure don't want Mexico. they can keep their country. you BEEN there? (Smile) I can't stand mariachi music (love "Besame Mucho" and La Paloma something) and Mexican food is close to my favorite cuisine, but...Mexico? NO THANKS.

Anonymous, you're right; all this wouldn't happen if we were more careful about who we honor with presence in OUR HOME. Absolutely true (you someone I know who forgot to put their name in the post!? It happens!) Come back again,. regardless!

I say Mexico should be captured by military force and closed tight. Send this new and improved Mexico only 1/3 the money LA alone is spending on its illegals in aid, welfare, healthcare, etc., and they'll be happy staying home! That is IF the people get the money and can start businesses there, not the elitists who'd probably put it in a private bank account (again).

TMW...good points all!

elmers brother said...

you don't like mariachi music?

this could spell trouble

Z said...

"ay, ay, ayaaaaaay..." oh, God, no.

Give me THE WEIGHT by the Band!!
Give me washboard music like at Mr. B's site.

Do NOT give me mariachi music! (oh, sure SOME's good, very good...sort of.... but man, you get some in these restaurants around town and they're singing in your ear while you're trying to talk and eat and sip a Margarita...murder!!) Sorry, Elbro. (and, um..are you SERIOUS?!!)

The Merry Widow said...

Probably not...knowing EB(I call him the Energizer Bunny, because he keeps running himself off cliffs...with his mouth!)
But we love him, in spite of himself! ;p


elmers brother said...

I happen to love mariachi music..this will put a crimp in our friendship...

Z said...

Elbro, say it ain't SO!

I like "La Paloma.." whatever it is, and "Cielito Something" or other....and, if you could call "Besame Mucho" mariachi, they tell me I do a find rendition, but, that AY AY AY AAAAAY thing just IRKS me.

You LIKE IT THAT MUCH!? you'd sacrifice ME for MARIACHIS!??

nanc said...

z - we teach other countries exactly how to treat u.s.

until we stand up and say "NO MORE", they'll continue to walk on u.s. like the doormat we've become.

and no, i'm NOT being pessimistic - i'm positively making my statement.

nanc said...

speaking of mariachis - when you go to mexico and they say SEVEN DOLLARS - that IS NOT per song - it's SEVEN DOLLARS PER SONG PER MEMBER IN THE me on this one...we were a band of ten cruisers who requested three songs...we no longer appreciate mariachi...

nanc said...

p.s. - z? i'm glad to see your blog doing so well - what have you had now - 30,000 or so visitors?


Z said...

hi, nanc!! Well, I set the site meter up but, so far this weekend?
ZERO on the site meter (think I did something wrong!?) darn!! But, I'm thinking it's about 3875874387645 by now, don't you?!

You're absolutely right about US teaching THEM how to treat us. The Germans are FINALLY close to saying "THAT"S ENOUGH!!" (the mudslimes want to build a mosque higher than the famous Cologne Dome (churchO)....) yup. U.S.? fergeddabowtit. We're not there yet.

PER SONG PER MAN? See? I knew it was a racket. The MUSIC's a real RACKET, too, now that I think of it!!!! (sorry Elbro..!!)

nanc said...

yes - we each had to come up with about 15 dollars apiece! it's a rip-off.

i'm thinking about starting my sitemeter over at a gazillion - that way, nobody will be able to catch up! not even beamish!

nanc said...


nanc said...

i have come to move your sitemeter forward - can you hear me now?


(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Well, I started the current sitemeter on my blog at 999,999 (as high as it would go)

I went to Tijuana last summer, on the other side of Duncan Hunter's wall.

As much as I can recall of that "weekend of debauchery" in San Diego / Tijuana visiting my brother who is stationed there as part of his duties to keep US Navy submarines ready to go kill people that need killin', Mexico is nice as long as you don't order mixed drinks in bars that lack running water (best best, stick to bottled beer) and don't get yourself arrested by the Mexican Army, which serves as the local police and walks the streets with M-16s.

It's definitely not America down there, which is why I view illegal Mexican immigrants more as "refugees" than "invaders."

I also have an uncle of Mexican descent (legally here) so I'm not all that keen on the xenophobia angle of hatred of Mexicans.

Illegal immigrants demonstrate daily that it is possible to survive in America on less than minimum wage (there's a long lost Republican battle...)

I say screw it. They want to be in America, make America bigger by taking over Mexico.

Z said...

Mr. Beamish, the Mexicans I know are some of THE sweetest, kindnest people I know: I don't personally know those here in LA closing our hospitals, flooding our schools, threatening contractors to hire them or die, etc etc. Nobody's against Mexicans just to hate a whole people! it's what some are doing, Mexicans and Guatemalans, Nicauraguans, etc., not who they are. (Although the Nicauraguans have a reputation for being really hard workers here.)

Probably sounds like xenophobia, but we know here in LA that it's not the nationality which should be patently disliked! That's nuts! it's what so many of the people are doing.

It's here that students are flying the Mexican flag OVER the US Flag, it's here where cops stop cars for driving infractions and are finding they've stopped a car full of guns and ammunition. This is happening more and more; you've got to ask yourself "if they're finding these accidentally because of a traffic ticket, how many aren't breaking the law and getting where they're going with that ammo and those guns?" It's here where they sue over the slightest thing and have special lawyers teaching them exactly how to work the system (my own church school is going thru a law suit by an ex janitor who was a GREAT guy and met some lawyer who convinced him to fall and make a big deal out of it$$$, that's happening all over)..etc etc.

Funny, my legal Mexican friends (all Republicans, by the way)are more adamant about the illegals having to leave than I am. I wonder if your uncle feels the same way. I want my city back, let alone my country back. FOR YEARS MExicans have legally immigrated here...who felt anti-Mexican then? nobody!

It's not the nationality most Americans dislike, it's the illegal behavior, you know that.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Yes, I know.

But, they're here.

Don't get me wrong, I'm for the following 3 things:

1.) Increased border security
2.) Fining businesses that hire illegals out of existence
3.) Stripping Americans that hire illegals of their citizenship and deporting THEM.
4.) Deny government social and welfare services to EVERYBODY regardless of whether they are American citizens or not

Those 4 things will solve the "Mexican invasion."

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Er 3 things... 4 things... I can't count...

Anonymous said...

Multiculturalism is a utopian dream of internationalists and "New World Order" proponents.

A melting pot of ehnically diverse people who are united under one national flag, and believe in the foundation and sovereignty of that nation, can be successful, in my opinion.

It has been proven in America and worked well to serve as an example to the world. What works is the adoption of a country one lives in as an immigrant, to have the desire to be a citizen of that country, and to accept it fully as the place to which he owes his loyalty. His home. His country.

Multi-culturalism focuses on the differences between peoples and cultures instead of commonalities, and ultimately fosters separateness, in the name of that old bugaboo, diversity.

Given this dynamic, the "dreamers" have forgotten to take into account, human nature.

If a nation becomes just a place for people to work and make money, and not their nation, those groups hold onto those differences, and hold loyalties to their places of national origin, instead of their adoptive nation.

They'll seek to change their adoptive country to what they left in the first place.

When the education establishment disdains teaching Americanism, the founding of America, the goodness of American ideals, freedom, pursuit of happiness as Americans, and focuses instead on differences, that American culture is no better than any other, it's an invitation to disaster.

Multiculturalism can't work. Different groups butt heads, resentments grow and eventually become hostile towards each other. Without an emphasis on common values of family, Americanism, and American values, and laws, it's destined to fail.

This can prevail in any nation, like Germany, It's just the way of the human condition, and political correctness is the disease.
