Wednesday, November 7, 2012

USSA Finally Arrives

We very clearly have so much to be thankful for in this country.

To begin with, we owe a debt of gratitude to the millions of voters who are, frankly, too stupid to cast ballots, and whose balloting behavior is more dictated by what they might receive free of charge than by what is in our nation’s best interest.

We’d like to thank all the utter morons who think that voting skin color somehow evens the score for the myths of white oppression foisted upon them by progressives lo these past five decades.

We are thankful for the numb-nuts Cesar Chavez who know his brother Barack Hussein Obama better than do most voters, and of course, for our friend Vladimir Putin, who understands that the United States will be far more flexible over the next four years.

Thanks also to Valarie Jarrett, who promises revenge to anyone who ever stood up to Barack Hussein Obama and his mission to destroy the United States of America, in a very fundamental way.

We’d like to think Sandra Fluke, who shared with us parts of her body not even a drunken sailor should want to touch, if he was sober and knew what was good for him. Yes, we’re happy to pay $3,000.00 a year for your sexual toys and contraceptives.

And thank you for Obama-Care, which will benefit no one except in the fulfillment of Barack Hussein Obama’s intention to bankrupt every single American —because, you see, even the poorest American is 100 times richer than people who are living in fourth-world cesspools, and these are the people to whom Obama intends to redistribute our income. It is the dream from his father, you see.

And we should like to thank all the American voters who lined up for hours, ensuring that Mr. Obama extends our debt to more than $20 trillion in the next four years.

And please, all you folks from other countries … come on over, help yourselves to our benefits and transform America into the same crap hole where you lived before coming here. And remember, it is your right to take that, which doesn’t belong to you because you never earned it.

And we’d like to welcome everyone to the United Socialist States of America (USSA) … because that’s where you’ve decided to take America; because you think that’s where we belong. And we do hope you enjoy the ride because this country is finished.


MathewK said...

Sad day for your country Z. I feel sorry for folks like you, but not for those who chose the path over the cliff, they want what they'll get.

I suggest you hide your money, sooner or later he'll need to pay back those who voted for the free bread and circuses.

Ed Bonderenka said...

I am numb.

elmers brother said...

The creator stands on his own judgment; the parasite follows the opinions of others.
The creator thinks; the parasite copies.
The creator produces; the parasite loots.
The creator's concern is the conquest of nature; the parasite's concern is the conquest of men.
The creator requires independence, he neither serves nor rules. He deals with men by free exchange and voluntary choice.
The parasite seeks power. He wants to bind all men together in common action and common slavery. He claims that man is only a tool for the use of others -- that he must think as they think, act as they act, and live in selfless, joyless servitude to any need but his own.

Ed Bonderenka said...


Always On Watch said...

In a large voter turnout, Americans yesterday voted to continue a debacle: that is, the leadership that we've had for the past four years.

The people have spoken.

So be it.

Brooke said...

I don't even know what to say. I think this election went to Obama through naked, outright fraud.

If not, then this Republic is dead. It is scarier to think that so many 'Americans' want on the brain-dead-nanny-state dole.

Impeachment is our next option.

Alligator said...

There was some chicanery, and fixing at the polls. Still, if enough American voters were sensible and understood the nature of our Constitutional Republic it would be enough to overwhelm any fraud. But we now have enough "Obamaphone" and Sandra Flukes voting to make the difference. The nation has in effect received the government we deserve.

Silverfiddle said...

Excellent writing, Z!

We will become Europe. It is inevitable now.

Our only slender reed of hope is that Progressivism starts eating itself, but I expected that to happen these past four year, and it didn't, so I suggest everyone study up on what life is like in France and Germany.

It's comfortable, if a bit cramped, and we'll all have less discretionary income, but at least here in Colorado we can smoke pot as we moulder into old age...

Anonymous said...

That is what i don't get. Immigrants who come for the american dream and go for left leaning policies. I am so pissed off at that kind of inconsistencies. And in california, jerry brown got what he wanted. So.more businesses and high income people will leave the state and welfare recipients will come. Just bad math.

But from experience living in a socialist country, i will be ok. Minorities and people without a solid education will have a more miserable life. But that's what they voted for. So why worry for them?

From now on i will worry about me and stop thinking at a macro level.


Anonymous said...

America, the country, will continue for now. America, the idea, has died. Franklin warned that we were given a Republic if we could keep it. Americans, as a whole, were not up to the task.

Joe said...

I have predicted, and I reiterate, that if (since) President BO (the amateur president) is re-elected we will have seen our last free election.

He now has the power to become the despot he yearns to be.

Anonymous said...

Revenge? I'm all for it...hopefully this new storm hitting the NE...I hope it buries these busturds and causes them more pain. Scream for FEMA I say...go ahead and scream....all you'll get is a cheezy photo op from the commie in chief....the campaigner in chief like he did before.

But that was GOOD ENOUGH for you morons the last line up under such misery and hurting...and you still voted this turd in...who's given you NOTHING!

There is a God....

Z said...

Mustang wrote this excellent piece.

I emailed him my points and he added to them and put them together so well.

we're all numb, Ed. The only possible consolation is that those who voted for him will soon be so sorry they did. I just hope it won't be as bad as we think; remember, he'll be more flexible with Russia now,he'll ruin AMerica though HOlder's appointment to the SCOTUS, he'll put usinto MORE debt thinking our rich can pick up the tab....

he's not smart. We will have very big problems ahead. And look how he mishandled Hurricane Sandy and the kudos he got.

And they thought Reagan was TEFLON? Oh, brother.

Anonymous said...

Save up guys because 2013 is going to be a major economic disaster.


Anonymous said...

The POS in Cheap...still has to face up to Benghazi...and I pray to God Almighty that he regrets this coverup and he and Hillary get punted out.

It's up to Congress to stand up and impeach this imbecile and traitor...he has the blood of 4 on his hands and we know it.

Lisa said...

Well said Z- the media did it's job I must say. People did not vote on substance but on popularity. Now we can expect 4 more years of speeches ,higher unemployment,higher energy prices and crappy health care. The Dow dropped almost 200 points when President Downgrade won.
Here we go "FORWARD" at 80 MPH right towards a brick wall.
God Help Us.

Lisa said...

Oh great post Mustang

Z said...

Frogburger, now will come the many layoffs Obama stifled by telling companies "We'll pay any fines....just don't let people know in the legal time limit...not before the election, it could ruin MY CHANCES"

The media didn't discuss that much..FOX did, but the rest couldn't give a damn about real Americans; better for them to protect their hero. Imagine?

Digest THAT, libs who voted Obama.

I feel so sorry for those people who'll be fired now...they had a chance under Romney.

ROmney's business choices would have been about the country, not himself

We had true hope and now we don't...and yes, the libs won't know what hit them. I don't feel a bit badly for them. NOT ONE BIT. They won't wake up any time soon, anyway...wait till their doctor can't provide a service! Or their mother's medicare is gone...

Z said...

Imp, Benghazi will disappear along with Fast and Furious and all the others...
They have HEARINGS..big deal; CNN won't cover them, even FOX barely covers them. The public doesn't KNOW WHAT AN AWFUL BUNCH THIS IS, they JUST WANT THEIR FREEBIES.

check out the demographics of how this awful man won. That says a LOT.

cube said...

Certainly not an optimal situation for America or the world.

Silverfiddle said...

@ Frogburger: "From now on i will worry about me and stop thinking at a macro level."


Marine4ever said...

The Socialist Party candidate for President of the US, Norman Thomas, said this in a 1944 speech:

“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism,’ they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day, America will be a socialist nation without knowing how it happened.”

He went on to say, “I no longer need to run as a Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democrat Party has adopted our platform.”

Welcome to the United Socialist States of Amerika.

Marine4ever said...

AND, I no longer give any sort of credibility to Fox News. As far as I'm concerned, Fox is nothing more than a token channel from the Lame Stream Media for the conservative right. (I had heard that some time ago... I am now a believer.)

I would suggest that they change their name to Fox Fantasy or Fox Feel Good.

Anonymous said...

Marine4ever, I'd say you're right. As much as I watch Fox, I take everything they say carefully. Just because they are in it for ratings too. They have to cater to an audience. If they had been saying Obama would win it I think people would've stopped watching.

Lesson #1 in my life: always try to understand hidden motivations of people and organizations. That applies to them as well.


Anonymous said...

If you always do what you always did...

You will always get what you always GOT!!


Anonymous said...

Romeny did the best he could. The problem was that he couldn't or wouldn't give away ant cell phones.

And I see that the stock market is DOWN 300 points, kind of tells us something about how they expect the economy to go.

JonBerg said...


Scotty said...

When McCain ran against President Obama, I held my nose and voted for McCain. The republicans told me that he was the best candidate they had.

Once again, I held my nose and voted for the republican candidate. It wasn't until the last two weeks of the campaign that I decided to vote for Romney for reasons I won't go into.

If I had not chosen to vote for Romney I would have still voted, leaving my choices for President and Vice president blank.

They lost again! Do I blame the voters? No, I blame the Republican Party. Despite my voting Romney, I didn't trust him for many obvious reasons. I have NO doubt that many felt the same.

Never again am I going to lower my standards to vote like I did this time around. I am now officially done with the Republican Party.

Anonymous said...

From Z at work:

Darth; that's precisely so; many are saying that companies are scared to death now.

It was hilarious to watch THE TODAY SHOW suddenly holding Democrats' feet to the fire TODAY....ya, today, after soft soaping them for MONTHS.

Really! I hope some of you saw it. I watched for five minutes and cracked up. Suddenly, THE TODAY SHOW is concerned about the economy and maybe Bush tax cuts should stay? Seriously....TODAY? Bastards.

87% of black america voted for Obama. And they call US racist?

Anonymous said...

As I see it, y’all got four options:

A) Give up and learn to love the coming Marxist utopia.

B) Instigate a civil war in hopes of overthrowing the current regime and restoring the republic. This ain’t gonna happen, because too many people like the current regime, as many of you discovered for the first time last night.

C) Congregate in “red” States and attempt peaceful separation. Which will result in a civil war. The parasites won’t let the host go willingly…

D) Take the same long view the enemy took, and fight for the minds of the proles. Battle for control of the media and the educational system, alongside the battle for the government. This is the only course for lasting victory.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there friends we will get thought this as we always do.

Anonymous said...

Last night only confirmed what I knew. The masses are stupid and the powers that be are in control. As I watch the dumbasses wave their little flags and applaud the lies I wonder how many are of the mind that it is all theater?

How can anyone with more than two working brain cells buy into the lie? Our economy is circling the drain and our dollar is in freefall. It is not working. It is a flawed formula and its not going to work. How can the masses endorse a loser when the record is there for all to see?

If in fact we did have a chance to make a correction and change course that opportunity is now passed. Just when we thought that it couldn’t get worse it is going to get worse. I don’t see any hope for a good outcome. We are going the way of Rome.

I stopped believing in Santa Clause, Peter Pan, Tinker Bell and the Tooth Fairy when I was about five and thought kids older than me that believed a bit slow. Before my seventh birthday I got kicked out of Sunday School. My defense, God made me this way.

On 8 November 1960 I stopped believing in our two party political system when old man Kennedy with The New World Order bought a district in Illinois and the votes of a large number of dead thus securing the White House for his son John Fitzgerald Kennedy. I thought then that those that believed we had an honest election a bit slow.

Then on 22 November 1963 I realized that the shadow powers (NWO) that Eisenhower and Kennedy warned us about were not only powerful but also Machiavellian. What followed the Kennedy assassination was theater for the dumbass masses. I thought those that believed the Warren Report more than a bit slow.

Both the election and the assassination of Kennedy were turning points in my life. Today on a regular basis we catch the White House / government in a lie. Why would anyone trust or believe that they are going to give us an honest election? Anyone that thinks we have an honest political system I think a bit slow.

Roman proverb: “Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.”
“The common people like to be deceived; therefore, let them be deceived.”

American politics are theater for a dumb electorate. The election is a farce. Both candidates are New World Order. Once again the oligarchy has succeeded in getting the dumb electorate to endorse their selection.

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt said it best, “Presidents are not elected they are selected.” He should know for he was selected and put in office by the New World Order.

As disturbing as I find this charade there is little that I can do but to recognize it for what it is and adjust accordingly. I can’t help but feel sadness for we have lost the country that I grew up in.

You can’t fix stupid.

Anonymous said...

Hey Obimmer, stop slapping yourself on the back and trim on the TV and watch the people all over New York and Long Island who are suffering . This is Your Katrina.

Pris said...

What terrific comments from all of you. I would add that others can't see past their noses, and do not see the Big Picture! We all "get it"

Today my heart is with my grandson, who kept his nose to the grindstone in public school and in college. He never whined or complained. He got a good job, and he earned it.

I fear, and am concerned that his future is in jeopardy. Freedom will undoubtedly be curtailed as it will for all of us.

Mr Pris and I had our turn in this great country. However the young amongst us will not be so fortunate. So many of them have been led down a phony garden path, they can't see the forest for the trees.

Anonymous said...


D is impossible. You don't change people's minds when you get stuff for free. You can talk about courage, self reliance and stuff like that but this is too abstract, too macro and more importantly too difficult for most people to live by those standards.

C is good without the war. I think going to red states is the way to go. But I am afraid the leftist locust will do the same and the problem won't go away. I can Texas turn blue once all the Democrats of CA have come to their senses and decide to leave CA.

Another solution is for Conservatives to make even more babies. And I'm not kidding on that one. But at the same time the Western world is in a pretty sad state right now.


Anonymous said...

Excellent. So very well said. Thank you Impertinent for satiny exactly what I am thinking.

No, you can't fix stupid.

BetteJo said...

I took the day off anticipating lots of wonderful election coverage and a WIN for us. Instead, I spent the day trying to live in an Obama world, and slept most of it, sticking my head in the sand and waiting for someone to fix it for me.
They won't, will they?
Can you say disappointed?

Silverfiddle said...


You've written a bell ringer. I salute you.

I like anon's option D:

D) Take the same long view the enemy took, and fight for the minds of the proles. Battle for control of the media and the educational system, alongside the battle for the government. This is the only course for lasting victory.

I've already been doing that. I am raising my kids to be subversive libertarians.

I've encourage them to take the Obamabuck, smile to the apple-shaped bureaucrat handing them out, and get a useful degree.

They will quickly pass up the dope smoking Obama voters getting black studies and Chicano activism degrees, and if the tax burden gets too great, they can move.

Liberty is always blooming somewhere.

Chuck said...

I think Romney's "47%" comment came back to haunt us.

Not because he said it and it cost him the election but because it hit eerily close to the truth.

The bottom line is the GOP will not elect a President if we keep insisting that people pay their own way in life. I, for one, am comfortable with losing if keeping our principles is the benefit.

We are headed for trouble in this country people and last night was the warning, not the means. We have turned into an entitlement society and there is no going back.

If a candidate is perceived as a threat to the public trough, they will be defeated at all costs.

CnC said...

I wish we could divide the country in half between the left and the right and see how long the left survives.

Mark said...

Most of what O'Bama says is a lie, however, I believe him when he says he wants to raise taxes on the rich. But, here's the thing:

If he continues to raise taxes on those earning $250,000.00 a year and more (and those are the business owners and job creators), they will raise prices to compensate for their loss in profits. The consumer will buy less of their goods and services, which will force the business owners to raise prices again. This cycle continues until the business owner is no longer a business owner and his employees are unemployed.

We are all be standing in line for a loaf of bread soon.

Marine4ever said...

Yep, Mark, that's the way it's always worked. But I've heard explained that there was never an 'experienced' enough leader to make it work and that's why it's always failed... until now, that is!

Hallelujah! The Chosen One is in our midst and all's right with the world! Again.

Z said...



Okay, rant over;

CnC...brilliant comment. The left couldn't survive without us at least trying to keep them sane. I absolutely love that idea; how's about a film about what happened to the left when no conservatives were around!
Oh, wait...see the USSR, etc.. :-)

Z said...






Anonymous said...

Z.....plug your mouse into the laptop...use the one from your other machine if it's USB ( rectangular plug ).

Or get qet a cheep USB mouse....if it's a windows laptop....shut it down first.....plug the mouse in and start the thing up.

You can always use the new mouse on your desktop when it comes back.

Jan said...

Z..I use a wireless mouse with my laptop, and it's great!

For me, it is maddening to try to use it without it. :)

Z said...

jAN, GLAD to hear you say it's maddening to you, too!

Imp, I need a USB mouse and mine wasn' borrowing one from work tomorrow (forgot today)

Kid said...

Pure Poetry Z.

Experience will be the only teacher now, which means rock bottom in on the agenda.

Kid said...

My latest post details pretty accurately what happened I believe. Kind of a lot to cut and paste so if you're interested. Here it be.

The alternate theory to my post is:
The presidential and senate/house poll numbers were simply ignored and the numbers reported were the numbers that someone punched in months ago.

The ballots are totally un-auditable so who knows. Who would ever know. It would take decades for some auditing entity to add up the actual votes and we're not even all on the same physical voting system.

Good God Y'all.

beakerkin said...

Meanwhile in underworked faculty lounges Ducky will continue to burden his students with costly useless degrees and be laughing all the way too the bank. Any comparison between
the antics of drug dealers and lazy academics is an insult to hard working criminals everywhere.

(The above rant is not aimed at hard science, business and those who teach courses that provide useful skills and research makes America a better place.)

If loony tunes Brevik accepts Marx as his savior can he get Bill Ayers job and hang out with Obama.

defiant_infidel said...

Hi there, Z, Pris, Mustang and all the brilliant friends that still frequent here. Miradena and I miss you all. May God bless and watch over each of you.

Yes, it's fully, finally over now. The serf majority lives and will propagate and expand over the next four years to ensure that we never again have a thinking body of people able to elect an individual of truly Conservative/Capitalistic understanding.

It is indeed time to start thinking about only taking direct care of your family and dearest friends. Study self sustenance and secure the essentials you will require to survive. Wasting time lamenting what is lost now is just that... wasted time. Teach your children and care for them in the best and available means you can contrive.

The United States of America is gone. Don't further delude yourself about this. It will be to your detriment. Do not be afraid, for fear clouds the mind and precludes clear thinking. Those who enabled this have earned the poisonous fruit, but it is all that remains for everyone now. A pity, and grossly unfair to the rest of us, but reality nonetheless.

Prepare, store food and fuel, think and defend your family. It is what is left.

My only entertainment here forward will be watching the deserved results rot in the extended, grappling hands of the pathetically selfish. When the SIMPLETON MOUTH BREATHERS die without the essentials they EXPECTED WOULD BE GIVEN TO THEM BY THEIR SUPREME "LEADER", (instead of alternatively providing for themselves... with WORK, INTEGRITY and DIGNITY...) I will take their last useful possessions and kick their mangy carcasses out of my way. They are the self selected enemy and should be allowed to reap fully their chosen destiny.

I will not work with them, for them, discuss with them or help them. They chose this... for ALL.

Screw them.

defiant_infidel said...

Hi there, Z, Pris, Mustang and all the brilliant friends that still frequent here. Miradena and I miss you all. May God bless and watch over each of you.

Yes, it's fully, finally over now. The serf majority lives and will propagate and expand over the next four years to ensure that we never again have a thinking body of people able to elect an individual of truly Conservative/Capitalistic understanding.

It is indeed time to start thinking about only taking direct care of your family and dearest friends. Study self sustenance and secure the essentials you will require to survive. Wasting time lamenting what is lost now is just that... wasted time. Teach your children and care for them in the best and available means you can contrive.

The United States of America is gone. Don't further delude yourself about this. It will be to your detriment. Do not be afraid, for fear clouds the mind and precludes clear thinking. Those who enabled this have earned the poisonous fruit, but it is all that remains for everyone now. A pity, and grossly unfair to the rest of us, but reality nonetheless.

Prepare, store food and fuel, think and defend your family. It is what is left.

My only entertainment here forward will be watching the deserved results rot in the extended, grappling hands of the pathetically selfish. When the SIMPLETON MOUTH BREATHERS die without the essentials they EXPECTED WOULD BE GIVEN TO THEM BY THEIR SUPREME "LEADER", (instead of alternatively providing for themselves... with WORK, INTEGRITY and DIGNITY...) I will take their last useful possessions and kick their mangy carcasses out of my way. They are the self selected enemy and should be allowed to reap fully their chosen destiny.

I will not work with them, for them, discuss with them or help them. They chose this... for ALL.

Screw them.

Z said...

Defiant Infidel, so good to hear from you. Tell Miradena we miss her, too! We sure miss YOU and your wonderful blog.

I have many friends who have told me they're not friends anymore with those they know who voted again for Obama and I feel much the same way but I have to be cordial with many I work with.
I don't think people realize the nightmare of they will, but WE will be dragged into the abyss though we DID understand.

This is the result of lib indoctrination in our schools...they were effective, we all have to admit.

BUT...I'm stunned that many of the kids I work with now favored Romney; I think something's happening which I have said here at geeeZ would NEVER happen again and that's the pendulum swinging back...I believe it could...depending on just how bad Obama makes things this four years. I mean if it's POSSIBLE to fix things after him. This election was MUCH closer than I'd thought it would be and the libs are ignoring that. Obama will at his peril. I heard that kids 18-24 did vote largely for Romney, which is HUGE and hopeful...IF we're not too far gone.

I also heard that those Conservatives who didn't vote for Romney would have made the difference of getting Obama out had they voted for Romney.
So, I have a MUCH harder time with them than deluded leftwingers. Thankfully, I don't know too many nuts like that.

They just wouldn't listen and now THEY WILL PAY, too.

Healthcare and the SCOTUS are my biggest fears; can the Republicans stop Holder from being appointed, which I believe will happen within six months? I doubt it.

And what the hell's with Boehner? He was a deaf mute until election day.
We needed Paul Ryan, who even thinking lib economists admired...this is a disaster.

going to work; see you all from there if I get five free minutes today.

87% of Black America voted for Obama. they can NEVER call anybody else RACIST again.


Anonymous said...

We shall over-come!

Let the Obama-nuts eat each other

Anonymous said...

Mrs FrogBurger was livid at work yesterday. Her manager was saying how the kids voted at work and most of them voted for Obama. Then the manager's kid asked her mom if it was a good day for America that Obama was elected.

This is scary stuff.

I wept last night in my bed and ask God for direction. Because I am utterly lost.


christian soldier said...

There is no real difference between the Ds and the Rs-
and FOX has - for all intents and purposes-
Lost me--


Anonymous said...

Not most! ALL of what he says.

Pris said...

Hi defiant infidel,
So good to see you here.

"Prepare, store food and fuel, think and defend your family. It is what is left."

This is very good advice, and something which we have already taken steps to take care of.

You're right, and my term is, "to circle the wagons around our family". I have felt for the last few years that we are out here on our own.

America's sovereignty has been at stake ever since NAFTA was passed, even before that if we had been aware of the international agenda long ago!

Now, I believe it's coming to fruition, and we are the fodder for international power brokers and elitists who don't want to be left behind!

I would be so thrilled if I am wrong, but I don't think so.

Take care DI and don't be a stranger. Keep in touch!

Anonymous said...


Did you all know it's only because of MONEY the Republicans are upset at losing our country?
Yup! Who knew?

FB..I think a LOT of us cried at our will be SO huge and the left doesn't get it STILL.

My friend's 10 yr old burst into tears with Obama news election night and my friend said he's never talked to her about politics! She said "Daddy, we'll have bad health care for four YEARS?" And her 8 year old son said "For our WHOLE LIVES"

She burst into more tears!

My friend doesn't know where they got all of that, but "out of the mouths of babes"

Pris, I need to get you my work email address so we can talk and I don't have to negotiate that AWFUL laptop and say only the minimum of words!!
Miss yoU!

Unknown said...

The problem with the circling of wagaons is that they can pick us off one at a time.

And they will.

Jarrett as much said so ... and I have heard a Democratic "strategist" today as much as say, "We won the election, the GOP got spanked, and now you people need to shut up and do what you're told."

Look for the House turning back over to the Democrats in two years. This is now the primary focus of the DNC. I have no doubt the GOP will cooperate with the DNC in this endeavor.

Pris said...

Yes Z, I miss you too. I'll be looking for that email address! Thanks.

Pris said...

Robert, I was speaking metaphorically. Get it? We do look after our own. You don't?

Btw, A lot us won't shut up, and resent being told what to do. Good luck with that!

Anonymous said...

From Z of GeeeZ:

Robt Sinclair, respectfully, I don't agree with you....I think the election was SO close that it's encouraging to think that so many were finally waking up. It will take a Marco Rubio to REALLY get his message out there; that Republicans DO welcome immigrants but that this country will be another dirty MExico unless we allow only legals in and we stop paying for the sneaks.

The problem is EDUCATION. SOMEONE has to tell 'greedy America' (and I don't think it's the rich who deserve that moniker, it's the poor who want everything handed to them...stolen and THEN handed to THEM)...someone has to tell THEM that the rich won't be able to afford keeping the poor rich anymore....

The gravy train's going to run out of gravy and THEN WHAT? Obama will look like a FOOL and the liar that he is.

As to the Supreme Court,that's a complete loss and THAT is more frightening than nearly anything in my book.

NOBODY is going to Bork a Democrat.
Particularly if (WHEN) Holder is appointed.

Mexicans and Black Americans have to wake up and finally realize the left is their ENEMY. Who's out of a house after the housing bubble burst? THEM! The ones who bought without downpayments and then got SCREWED!! The poor ALWAYS suffer at the hand of the leftwingers...

they WILL wake up...I just know it.

(please, God!)


TS/WS said...

Signed Sealed and Delivered
You all did hear the Obama Theme Song that dreary night that the voting machines failed again.
putin said thanks islamist said it's about time china said you already work for the republic of china now we will collect on the debt
Obama said sign sealed and delivered

Trekkie4Ever said...

Z, all I can say to this post is, AGREED!! It was a horrid day and the America we knew and loved is gone. So sad for the future of our children.

Anonymous said...

From Z:

They Say/We Say...are you kidding me?
SIGNED SEALED DELIVERED was the Obama song for the win, or are you joking??

'Here I am, baby... I'm yours.."? SERIOUSLY, that song or are you tongue-in-cheeking?

If it's true, you might say we're SIGNED SEALED DELIVERED to Russia, China...etc etc..........

somebody, tell me...I never heard that song in association with him but I DID hear there was some song used? THAT"S IT?



Z said...

Oh, happy day!! the mouse from work works on this dreadful laptop which isn't QUITE so dreadful anymore because it works!

Leticia, it IS sad for our children.
I spoke to a 16 yr old yesterday who was for Romney. I said "I'm so sorry, Max, because you'll never know the AMerica I knew" he said "that's what my dad said last night"

it broke my heart

Anonymous said...

Sorry for being AWOL but I'm digging out from under the loss of my mother. I know that we have witnessed the change in our country although I hope not the death. Obama is an incredibly bad president and he will only get worse. I've searched through history for a parallel and found nothing.

Mostly Americans have ditched bad presidents but in this case we saw the reelection of a celebrity president. Americans worship celebrity and Obama is him. I can only hope that Congress stands up to him, but I fear that the leadership? will buckle to his celebrity.

Fredd said...

Look on the bright side, Z: once the country collapses into chaos because the govt has seized everybody's assets, we'll have a chance to start over.

Yeah, pretty sad to see what has happened to us, and sad to see the liberals dancing in the streets in victory.


Z said...

Fredd, they simply don't understand, do they. WAIT till their taxes go sky high, THEN they'll get how their chum Obama's going to pay for "their freebies" :-)

Law and Order, always SO good to have you back even for only a comment once in a while!
Again, I'm so sorry about your mother and can imagine how much you have to get through emotionally and all other ways after a passing.

I heard tonight that we Republicans got beaten by LBJ and then the Conservative party REALLY kicked in.


The MEDIA is our enemy. Not the jerk in the WHite House..he's a dupe and they're in the bag for him.

Once they EVER tell the truth, he'll be impeached, you all know that! We need young conservative journalists.

I mention the media's misinformation for the following reason:


The Tea Party is Strong AND GROWING and it needs to continue..and it needs young conservatives who can speak THROUGH the noise the media makes trying to shut the Right DOWN.

Romney was VERY VERY VERY close to winning; that is INCREDIBLE, considering the media hate, right? It's almost unbelievable he did SO WELL.

Let's see what happens now.
I wish we could get Boehner the HELL out of there...where was HE about Libya, where was HE before the election? he turned into a deaf MUTE except days ago when Romney was in Ohio and Boehner suddenly decided to join a photo op, right?

He needs TO GO. I'd LOVE PAUL RYAN AS SPEAKER, wouldn't you all?

CAN we get Boehner out? What technically would have to happen??

Fredd said...

Boehner: don't get me started on that guy, Z. Nobody except dumb ol' Fredd remembers that Boehner was the majority whip in 2005/6 during the Mark Foley congress.

He was instrumental is the GOP collapse that year, and never got held accountable. Now he is the Big Cheese in the GOP, even though he maintained the gavel, did nothing to champion the conservative agenda.

This guy has got to go.

Steve said...

Excellent, if sad, piece, Z.

There are 2 ways to save the US, and by extension perhaps the west:

1) Solidify the family. Hispanic families are breaking down. That makes its members dependent on the state, such that they vote left wing, despite right wing instincts.

2) Evangelicals: Have more children. Who knows if, given the perfidy of the education system and the Democrats, minorities will ever again identify with being western and American in the proud, classic sense, with freedom and small government. If that won't happen, then old guard Americans must remain the overwhelming majority.

And a 3rd possibility: Take in more immigrants from India, China and elsewhere, whose families are healthy, who come to succeed, who assimilate.

Steve B

JonBerg said...

Fredd said...........

"the govt has seized everybody's assets, we'll have a chance to start over."

How will that work?

Marine4ever said...

Fredd, about Boehner and your "This guy has got to go."

Boner goes all the time... to the tanning salon, to get his teeth whitened, to stock up on Kleenex for his crying jags.

Sheech! You expect him to fit in WORK with a schedule like THAT?!

He'd give the family farm away if he could find someone he could PAY ENOUGH to TAKE IT.

Boner runs a close second to Pelosi/Reid as far as 'People I Despise.'

Anonymous said...