The usual headlines are showing up in the press this time of year, like
FIVE WAYS TO SURVIVE THE HOLIDAY SEASON... This is the one time I don't mind them saying HOLIDAY instead of
CHRISTMAS, though Christmas is very obviously inferred in the article. From experience, I know that you'll see a lot of these articles coming up, as if Christmas is the biggest darned chore to get through and your heart will be broken and you'll be lonely and you'll be miserable.......and,
"Oh GOD, when will CHRISTMAS FINALLY BE OVER?" Then there are the
DANGERS of Christmas
HERE! Yikes...is it physically or emotionally safe to celebrate Christmas? :-)
This year, if anybody knows how Christmas can be difficult, I do (having lost Mr. Z 14 months ago), but I can see that, even through all my very unhappy times today as I remember sweet things we did together, or I see something that suddenly prompts a happy memory never to be relived, while I mourn and feel LOUSY for a while, I know that there are so many wonderful things about this season, cooking special things, a gorgeous shining tree, seeing smiling faces when gifts are opened, the lovely music, the gleeful children, etc .......and, if we look to the true reason for the season, there is no need to feel the best we can do is "try to SURVIVE" this wonderful time....
I hope we can all work toward staying focused on the happiness and promise that's really Christmas.
"...the Father himself loves you because you have loved me and have believed that I came from God." John 16:27
GIVE SOMETHING NEEDED! YOU will feel better and the GROUP will feel better and those they help will feel FAR BETTER from this Season of Giving.

Especially this Christmas, please donate to
NURU, the group
I told you about recently. They have found enthusiastic donors who will match, dollar for dollar, your gift, no matter how small or large. I feel like anything I spend for someone is appreciated but is it
really used? Here is a way to give to your loved ones, and to the world, a gift people CAN really use!
How about writing the following in a Christmas card to your friends and family?:
"This Christmas, instead of gifts none of us necessarily need in our abundant world, I've donated money to an organization called NURU which brings the hope of an escape from poverty and the tools to do so to people who deserve the chance...With love and blessings...Merry Christmas!"
I'm going to. Thanks.