Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Dems in "the business" voting McCain??
Another 'Priscilla's Post' You won't want to miss this

Are you still the Grand Old Party? Please explain why you deserve that title. You allow the opposition to set your agenda and did so even when you were the majority party. When it became clear to you that Americans do not want amnesty given to illegal aliens, we heard epithets like “bigot” and “xenophobe” from some Republican leaders. Did you rise up and decry such insults to those who simply want the rule of law to be honored and respect for citizens whose cities are overrun with numbers of illegal immigrants who cannot possibly be assimilated into American society so quickly? No, you blamed talk radio and law abiding Americans who simply want the law to be enforced and for our border to be truly secure.
When the comprehensive immigration bill failed because motivated Americans let you know, in no uncertain terms, we did not want it, you were angry. You continued your efforts to pass it on the sly. Still, it failed. Did you address America and say our voices were heard and that the will of the people would be earnestly honored? No, you did not. Now we know we must be vigilant because, to put it simply, ‘once burned, twice shy‘.
Where were you when Democrats were insulting the President and referring to our troops as “cold blooded killers?“ Where were the press conferences denouncing the politicians who told the world we were like “Nazis”, who called Guantanamo Bay “Bush’s torture chamber?“ Where was GOP outrage? There was silence, with the occasional exception of one or another Republican who uttered his disapproval of such self-defeating talk. Meanwhile, the Democrat drumbeat of name calling and undermining of our war effort continued and does to this day. Where are you, hiding under your desks? Do you care? We really don’t know.
Where were you when the Medicare Prescription program was proposed by the President? Did you forget we are supposed to be the Party of smaller government? Did you as the majority Party tell the President you would not support a huge new entitlement program which we can’t afford? No, you voted for it. ‘Who cares where the money is coming from?’ This, in a time of war, bigger government moving ever more closely toward socialized healthcare. No more the Party of smaller government and responsible leadership with respect for its citizens, you have allowed yourselves to become the Party with bridges to nowhere, and we, the people, will pay for them.
When you lost your majority, you deluded yourselves into blaming the war in Iraq or your own constituency for being hard headed, never looking in the mirror and seeing the answer to your failures. The answer is simple. Your own voters and contributors became disaffected and your hubris and lack of interest in the very people whom you rely on for votes and money to keep you in power cost you dearly. Your power means little when you use it to defy the very tenets the GOP is supposed to stand for. Your actions, or lack thereof, fly in the face of every conservative who still believes in individual freedom, the right to pursue happiness, and the sanctity of this nation’s sovereignty. Even today, the Republican standard bearer campaigns on immigration reform. He also campaigns for solutions addressing global warming, a theory being
called into question every day, whose regulations and laws will give the government more and more power over the people. You, however remain silent. Afraid to take a stand, playing a 'prevent defense' which is bound to fail.
The Grand Old Party, it seems, is not so grand anymore. It has become lazy, comfortable even in defeat. While millions of us have looked to you for leadership and continuity, we have found betrayal and disillusionment.
Today, the Democrats make plans, under the guise of energy independence, to limit our mobility and ability to enjoy a thriving economy. They plan to punish the oil companies with windfall profit taxes which will drive up the cost of fuel ever higher. It will also limit those companies in oil exploration and drilling. More refineries? I don’t think so. Nuclear power? Are you kidding? You see, the Democrats waste good emotion on hating a substance which comes out of the ground. They hate even more that it fuels our successful nation. The fact that they hate clean energy like nuclear power or hydro-electric power is just one symptom of their loathing of American prosperity. The fact that it’s irrational doesn’t seem to matter. What does the GOP have to say about this? Nothing. If you are consistent, you will soon come up with a Democrat Lite plan.
You, the GOP, being nothing if not the “me too” Party, is ever so quietly climbing onto the left’s global warming bandwagon. Some suggestions to ‘save our planet’ include limiting the size of homes, central control of our thermostats and air conditioning, banning SUVs, and somehow, they’re including our diets and obesity in the climate ‘crisis’. Must be gas producing foods
To some, Party affiliation is a religion. Not to me. A political Party is a vehicle, a power base from which to launch the activism required to represent a value system and political ideology. Now, for you, GOP, if you want us to stay on your train, perhaps you might bring forth a few conservative lions, up and comers with a gung-ho outlook and an irresistible message, young people with a forward looking, conservative American appeal to our fundamental desire to be free and independent.
Dare I suggest “CHANGE?” Yes, change from the tired old paternal message of ‘the people pay, the politicians decide.’ It’s time for bold strokes, not shrinking into the background. The Democrats are on a fast train to hell. I’m not willing to stay on a slower train to the same place.
GUESS WHOOOOOOO..............!!

By this time, we've all heard the Rev. Pfleger's rant......right?
But, LOOK WHO'S HERE! The Rev. Jesse Jackson. Say it ain't so!
Rev. Pfleger was one of those confidantes flown into Iowa for his support recently, but today Obama's saying he doesn't appreciate Pfleger's rhetoric because it doesn't unite us. Interestingly, during Obama's State Senator position, Obama appropriated $225,000 to Pfleger's St. Sabina Church and Pfleger himself donated $1,500 to that Obama campaign back then.
Die Welt, May 30, 2008 just in case our own mainstream media accidentally didn't mention this? ya, right.
Here's an article I found interesting and some 'highlights' (quoted below) from this very professional "business writer" with no agenda! By the way, throughout the article you're made to get the impression Mr. Bush thought everybody'd only be buying flatscreen TV's and other if he doesn't understand we might need necessities, too.... Well, it seems like he wasn't QUITE as stupid as our writer wanted to suggest. This article says this: "President Bush said tax rebates will start going out Monday, earlier than previously announced, and should help Americans cope with rising gasoline and food prices, as well as aid a slumping economy. " (the article also shows when YOU will get YOURS, by the way)
Oops! Mr. Carpenter, oh Mr. Business Writer? You didn't let your agenda get a little ahead of you, DID you? You aren't paying attention...!
Anyway, check the article out and ponder on these quotes from it! Enjoy:
By DAVE CARPENTER, AP Business Writer
CHICAGO - Many Americans allowed themselves to fantasize about large-screen TVs, European vacations and other luxuries when they learned of the federal rebates they'd be getting this spring and early summer. Or maybe — shh, don't tell the president — they'd pay off a credit card or set the rebate aside for a big purchase in the future, notwithstanding Washington's intentions that they pump it immediately into the flagging economy. (z; Anyone else see that as an insult? Isn't this usually how the president gets thanked every time he panders to the left and makes a decision like this?)
"Vanessa Church, a 49-year-old Chicagoan with six children, was grateful for the rebate but found there wasn't much left over after big payments for utilities and other basic needs were taken care of. "Things are getting tighter and tighter," she said, adding jokingly: "I'm thinking they should do this twice a year." (z; Anybody surprised at that reaction? 'Give them an inch and they'll take a mile'?)
and a bit more:
"I thought it was a really cool thing. It made me see my president in a different light. I was like, 'Attaboy George!' I can be swayed, I can be bought!" (z; Geez, I WONDER who SHE'LL be voting for, huh?)
Beautiful, isn't it? This is the new America. How many of you supported this rebate in all its implications? I'd like to be dissuaded from hating it so much. I'm very curious....thanks.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Mull THIS one over!
From a Soldier's Wife.......
Steeling for Silence
In the last 18 years I don't think there've been
this many nights without hearing from him
And, just as the ocean--pulsed by constant repeats
of powerful, surging crests that pound and retreat--
would stagnate were the moon muted to compel tides,
the instruments of my ear stand, silent, they bide
to conduct that symphony arranging my life
as lover, as friend, as confidant, as wife:
Their moon being his intonation.
His voice was my first experience of him;
Waves that struck some chord, echoed some need within,
composed a new score, a new rhythm, a new theme
accompanied every subsequent act and scheme
Now, sudden silence stresses sensibilities
stifles, smothers, suggests the senses will seize
It's like trying to wean from dependence on air
Starving every cell, every fiber, its fare
Their oxygen his conversation.
This poem is by our friend, Norwegianwood, Pati, written a few days ago, only weeks after her Air Force husband, Scott, was deployed to Iraq for a year. I thought it was beautiful and it's important to hear from a wife. Thank you, Norwegianwood, for your sacrifice and the sacrifice of your kids. And, of course, thanks to your husband for what he's doing for our country. May it be an easier year than you all expected and may he come home safe and sound.
Please keep Scott, Pati and their children in your prayers.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
I never thought I'd miss Dee Dee Meyers
And, does anyone know what gives him the expertise or knowledge to say "The Iraq war was not necessary," he concludes. "Waging an unnecessary war is a grave mistake."
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Homosexual Holocaust
5/29 UPDATE: LESBIANS in Germany are upset that they've been left out and it's now been decided that they will share a presentation of kissing scenes at regular intervals with that of the gay men. You can't make this stuff up, and I'm not. I guess they felt the little girl students who will be watching the peep show had to see them, too.
There is a new monument to homosexual holocaust victims in Berlin, Germany.
I was just wondering...Do you think there will be a monument to Catholic holocaust victims, or gypsy holocaust victims, or the enormous amount of German resistance fighters* who fell to the holocaust, too? (oh, that's right, we don't teach about the German resistance here...guess what, it was at least as big as the French resistance but there was never a CASABLANCA film celebrating it.)
"A video screen set into the monument shows a one-and-a-half minute film loop of two men kissing." One-and-a-half minutes? Oh, good..that'll be excellent for the school children who come and learn about the monument, huh?
How do you feel about the monument? You think this is necessary? I'm really curious. Look at it more from a point of view of singling out a particular group other than the Jews, obviously, who died in the camps. Should there be a gay holocaust memorial? Seriously, what do you think?
*I attended a book party for a book about the German resistance about 6 years ago in Berlin. The book is hundreds of pages long and has individual stories on each page. The author, who worked for Mr. Z in Paris, told me the stories he found were only the tip of the iceberg. This Wikipedia article underplays the numbers but is fairly honest about the situation. Imagine the guts it took for even the amount of resistance the Wikipedia piece talks about, in NAZI Germany, with the Gestapo everywhere?
Memorial Day and Affirmative Action?

Monday, May 26, 2008
The VA Cemetery near UCLA
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Happy Memorial Day Weekend!
Memorial Day at Frank and Ellie's, 1998
Windermere, Florida
The lake bumped the sand
causing the water to wrinkle
at the end of the long grass slope
that started back up at the house
The slope was lime green and shadow leaves swayed across it in the breezy heat
The barbecue was smoky with hamburgers,
and the table was piled with bowls of cole slaw, potato salad,
pickles, catsup and mustard
We sat under towering oak trees
with black angled branches
and a white blue sky
that held the heat in like
the lid on a pot of corn on the cob
Bessie the dog ran through the trees and into the lake
while the four small boys splashed in the water
and Grandpa shouted advice about their plastic raft,
him being an old Navy man
The furniture in the house was American Primitive,
dark wood-spoked chairs on an intricate wood floor
and bright orange crate labels from the family business
hung framed against pine slat walls
A small American flag waved out of the large spoon pitcher on the stove next to Grandma’s three layer chocolate cake, and the childrens' popsicles were red, white and blue
and left their mouths patriotic with color
It was Memorial Day that warm Florida Monday
We didn't mention it, but it was there. Z
(Between the burgers and the ribs, the chance to have a day off in the sun with friends and family, stop a minute or two and remember who made all this possible. Memorial Day is for memories. Blessings to you who lost a loved one fighting for our freedom, and blessings to you who are missing someone now who’s still at it. We owe them a lot. No, we owe them everything.)
SENSIBLE FOLKS will.............
You all might want to check out what SHE has to say about the FLDS situation.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
"....animosity against my mother's race"? WHAT, Obama?
This guy wants to be our President and control our government. He also talks about unifying everyone. Does this sound like one who really wants to unify? Pay close attention to the last comment.
-'I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites.'
-'There was something about him that made me wary, a little too sure of himself, maybe. And white.'
From Audacity of Hope:
-'I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.'
As some see it, there only two types of people who would vote for someone who would adhere to this mental attitude.
#1 Total idiots
#2 Fools
And the Bible warns against calling anyone a Fool. So - - - - -- - You figure it out.

The countries named above, and others like Germany where, unfortunately, Angela Merkel is forced to work in a coalition with the socialists, are trying to undo or scale back the costly social programs because of one or both of the following reasons:
How is this possible, you might ask? Well, it works with the help of the U.S. media. They don’t report the news anymore, they make biased, agenda-driven comments on it. And since they disdain conservative ideas, and hate George Bush and the Republicans, they are playing the fifth column for the Democrats in a transparent attempt to help them win the elections this November. The Germans have been begging their people to buy private health insurance, for example, since the Schroeder administration! But, has the media mentioned that here? No. As the mainstream media supports the leftist health care programs here, the last thing they'd want is an informed American public to see that the German health insurance they think is 'so wonderful and free' isn't!
The above graphic clarifies the situation. Many European countries have become more conservative. At the same time, the U.S. trend is going down, with a big difference obviously between McCain with his more middle of the road opinions, and Obama on the other end with ideas which can only be characterized as pure communism. His social programs and give-aways propagate exactly the same ideas as the openly communist party “Die Linke” (The Left) in Germany. But, in Germany, at least that party doesn’t make any bones of their communist orientation (while our left suddenly wants to stop being called liberal and prefers the term 'progressive' in an attempt to appear less left-leaning), and the German press is honest enough and smart enough to call it for what it is. Here, the U.S. media is conspicuously absent from that discussion. They wouldn't label a liberal platform communist because they can't bring themselves to realize the truth or their professors have convinced them that's not really so bad after all.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
A day to be proud, a day to remember the sacrifices of our soldiers and their families. Celebrate them today.
Z's house
Thursday, May 15, 2008
please make sure you see Priscilla's's worth a look.
Another FRIDAY MORNING UPDATE: Ellen DeGeneris is getting married.
Yet ANOTHER FRIDAY MORNING UPDATE: Mayor Villairagosa says he will officiate at as many gay marriages as possible.
(Anti-California jokes aren't helpful, so STICK TO THE POINT! "As goes California, so goes the country" God forbid, so don't be smug. that's a warning (smile)
But, seriously, folks...........any comments? And what the heck does a couple do when they move to a NON gay marriage State? I don't get how marriage can be a State issue, can you?
SAN FRANCISCO (Associated Press) -- In a monumental victory for the gay rights movement, the California Supreme Court overturned a voter-approved ban on gay marriage Thursday in a ruling that would allow same-sex couples in the nation's biggest state to tie the knot.
Domestic partnerships are not a good enough substitute for marriage, the justices ruled 4-3 in striking down the ban.
Outside the courthouse, gay marriage supporters cried and cheered as the news spread.
Jeanie Rizzo, one of the plaintiffs, called Pali Cooper, her partner of 19 years, and asked, "Pali, will you marry me?"
"This is a very historic day. This is just such freedom for us," Rizzo said. "This is a message that says all of us are entitled to human dignity."
In the Castro, historically a center of the gay community in San Francisco, Tim Oviatt started crying while watching the news on TV.
"I've been waiting for this all my life," he said. "This is a life-affirming moment."
The city of San Francisco, two dozen gay and lesbian couples and gay rights groups sued in March 2004 after the court halted the monthlong wedding march that took place when Mayor Gavin Newsom opened the doors of City Hall to same-sex marriages.
"Today the California Supreme Court took a giant leap to ensure that everybody _ not just in the state of California, but throughout the country _ will have equal treatment under the law," said City Attorney Dennis Herrera, who argued the case for San Francisco.
The challenge for gay rights advocates, however, is not over.
A coalition of religious and social conservative groups is attempting to put a measure on the November ballot that would enshrine laws banning gay marriage in the state constitution.
The Secretary of State is expected to rule by the end of June whether the sponsors gathered enough signatures to qualify the marriage amendment, similar to ones enacted in 26 other states.
If voters pass the measure in November, it would trump the court's decision.
California already offers same-sex couples who register as domestic partners the same legal rights and responsibilities as married spouses, including the right to divorce and to sue for child support.
But, "Our state now recognizes that an individual's capacity to establish a loving and long-term committed relationship with another person and responsibly to care for and raise children does not depend upon the individual's sexual orientation," Chief Justice Ron George wrote for the court's majority, which also included Justices Joyce Kennard, Kathryn Werdegar and Carlos Moreno.
In a dissenting opinion, Justice Marvin Baxter agreed with many arguments of the majority but said the court overstepped its authority. Changes to marriage laws should be decided by the voters, Baxter wrote. Justices Ming Chin and Carol Corrigan also dissented.
The conservative Alliance Defense Fund says it plans to ask the justices for a stay of their decision until after the fall election, said Glen Lavey, senior counsel for the group.
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who has twice vetoed legislation that would've granted marriage rights to same-sex couples, said in a news release that he respected the court's decision and "will not support an amendment to the constitution that would overturn this state Supreme Court ruling."
The last time California voters were asked to express their views on gay marriage at the ballot box was in 2000, the year after the Legislature enacted the first of a series of laws awarding spousal rights to domestic partners.
Proposition 22, which strengthened the state's 1978 one-man, one-woman marriage law with the words "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California," passed with 61 percent of the vote.
The Supreme Court struck down both statutes with its sweeping opinion Thursday.
Lawyers for the gay couples had asked the court to overturn the laws as an unconstitutional civil rights violation that domestic partnerships cannot repair. A trial court judge in San Francisco agreed with gay rights advocates and voided the state's marriage laws in April 2005. A midlevel appeals court overturned his decision in October 2006.
thanks for the info, Priscilla!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
For Farmer John aka "Just Some Guy".....
ICARUS LIVES! And these are not photo shopped! ….. this Swiss man is pictured in his “wings only” private plane, with turbines which are normally found in large model aircraft or UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles). This thing flies about 300 km/h, and its first “real” flight happened today in Switzerland, accompanied by a helicopter. This man was a military pilot, and then First Officer and Captain at Swiss Air. Thanks, Mr. Z
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
It's the only YouTube page that has an Al Jazeera ad to the right side of it, too. Must be just a coincidence, huh?
Is there a Jew in this country who'd vote for him NOW? This should be a gift to Conservatives, but we all know there ARE Jews who'll admire this. (not many, I hope)
Arab Jew-hating Obama-loving Muslims making campaign calls to Americans? The kids interviewed say Obama is "capable of change inside America"..REALLY? He's also "capable of bringing peace to the Middle East." You've got to ask yourself how they know that. I do.
Shouldn't this be a deal breaker for ANY American presidential candidate? You won't believe this video!
The PIN is BACK! Imagine that?
Obama sporting flag pin as he campaigns in W. Virginia
(Just in time for the W Virginia primaries...WHAT a coincidence! Here's the article)
Margaret Talev McClatchy Newspapers
last updated: May 12, 2008 02:42:54 PM
WASHINGTON — Barack Obama, who labeled discussion of whether he wears a flag pin in his lapel a false issue in a debate with Hillary Clinton, was wearing one Monday as he campaigned in West Virginia ahead of Tuesday's primary vote there.
Obama made no reference to the pin, which could be clearly seen in television images and through telephoto lenses as he spoke in Charleston, W. Va., about veterans issue. There was no public comment from his campaign.
Monday morning, pollster and former Bill Clinton adviser Douglas Schoen wrote in an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal that Obama needs to better define his values heading into the general election. “First, and obviously symbolically, he must start wearing the flag lapel pin,” Schoen wrote. “He simply cannot afford to raise doubts about his patriotism.”
Although Obama sometimes wears the pin, more often he doesn’t. And he’s long insisted on being a different kind of politician who doesn’t resort to gimmicks or give in to pressure to conform to the status quo.
The issue came to the fore during the Pennsylvania primary campaign when ABC News tracked down a voter, Nash McCabe, to ask a question during the Clinton-Obama debate April 16. McCabe noted that Obama doesn't usually wear a flag pin and asked, "I want to know if you believe in the American flag."
Z: I'd have LOVED to have heard THAT answer. And, really, wearing a flag pin doesn't show your patriotism...wearing one and then stopping wearing one while you're running for president is what gives me pause.........
Monday, May 12, 2008
Do they look ALIKE, or WHAT?!!
Stanley Ann Dunham, Mercer Island High School
Stanley Ann Dunham Obana Soetoro (November 29, 1942 - November 7, 1995), known as Ann Dunham and Stanley Ann Dunham, was an American anthropologist, left-wing social activist, and the mother of Senator Barack Obama. She was born in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, to Stanleyand Madelyn Dunham. Her father (who gave his only child his name) was a furniture salesman in downtown Seattle, Washington, and her mother worked for a bank. After a year living in Seattle, her family moved to Mercer Island, Washington, in 1956 so that 13-year old Ann could attend theMercer Island High School that had just opened. At the school she was on the debate team and graduated in 1960. Her family moved to Hawaii and Ann attended the University of Hawaii at Manoa, where she studied anthropology. When Ann Dunham arrived in Hawaii, she was a full fledged radical leftist and practitioner of â€Å“critical theory. She also began to engage in miscegenation (inter-racial relationships) as part of her attack on society. Susan Blake, one of her friends has stated she never dated crew-cut white boys. She had a world view, even as a young girl. It was embracing the different, rather than that ethnocentric thing of shunning the different. That was where her mind took her.
Barack Obama, Sr. left Ann and their son in 1963 to attend Harvard in Boston. Press reports claim Ann Dunham and Barack Obama Sr. were divorced around this time; however, no evidence has yet been presented to show they were ever married. The senior Obama obtained a masters degree in economics at Harvard and returned to Kenya in 1965 where he obtained a position in the Kenyan government. He was killed in an automobile accident in 1982. Two years later, when her son was five, Dunham married Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian oil manager and practicing Muslim whom she meet at the university. In 1967 they moved to Jakarta, Indonesia. While in Indonesia Ann got a job at the American embassy teaching English.
Barack's half-sister, Maya Soetoro was born in Indonesia. Ann, Obama and his sister Maya moved back to Hawaii. Ann Dunham soon returned toIndonesia with Maya but divorced Soetoro in the late 1970s.
Dunham traveled around the world, pursuing a career in rural development that took her to Ghana, India, Thailand, Indonesia, Nepal andBangladesh. In 1986 Ann Dunham worked on a developmental project in Pakistan. Later that year Ann and her daughter traveled the Silk Road inChina. In 1992 she earned a Ph.D. in anthropology from the University of Hawaii. Her dissertation, "Peasant blacksmithing in Indonesia: Surviving and Thriving Against All Odds," was 1067 pages long. She worked for the Ford Foundation and promoted Microlending. During Obama's campaign for the 2008 presidential election he portrayed his mother as a conservative girl from Kansas; however in reality she was a radical leftist and cutural Marxist. She lived in the Seattle area; spending her teenage years in Seattle coffee shops with other young radical leftist. Obama claims his mother's family were conserevative Methodists or Baptists from Kansas. However, his mother's parents were members of a left-wing Unitarian church near Seattle. The church located in Bellevue, Washington was knicknamed "the little red church," because of its communist leanings.
The school Ann attended, Mercer Island High School, was a hotbed of pro-Marxist radical teachers. John Stenhouse, board member, told the House Un-American Activities Subcommittee that he had been a member of the Communist Party USA and this school has a number of Marxists on it's staff. Two teachers at this school, Val Foubert and Jim Wichterman, both Frankfurt School style Marxists, taught a critical theory curriculum to students which include d; rejection of societal norms, attacks on Christianity, the traditional family, and assigned readings by Karl Marx. The hallway between Foubert̢۪s and Wichterman classrooms was sometimes called "anarchy ally."
Dunham has been described by her friends as "a fellow traveler..." meaning a communist sympathizer.
In an interview, Barack Obama referred to his mother as "the dominant figure in my formative years... The values she taught me continue to be my touchstone when it comes to how I go about the world of politics."
Before she died Ann Dunham wanted to adopt a mixed-race Korean baby fathered by a Black American stationed in South Korea. Ann Dunham died in Hawaii in 1995 of ovarian cancer and uterine cancer.
On another note..................what would YOU do?
St. Katherine's Church in Hamburg is trying to raise funds with which to buy a 3.5 million Euro organ and they'll have a wonderful, brand spanking new organ on which to play music!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Who knew JOAN COLLINS could get it so right?
Seems that almost three years ago, Ms. Joan Collins wrote this article for the Daily Mail in England. With the 'hate America first' attitude our teachers are indoctrinating our kids with, and the media piling it on, and politicos telling us we're racist, bigoted, xenophobic, war mongering, gas guzzling, capitalist pigs, how can we expect our kids to love America, or themselves? How can we be upset when they play their radio so loud in their car and send you the one-fingered salute if you aren't whistling along?
See what she says.........I think she's, as they say in England, "spot on", and I hope the West wakes up soon.
THUS AUG 04, 2005
A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within, said the American historian Will Durrant about ancient Rome. This self-destruction of values is exactly what is happening in England today.
Yes, I still call the country of my birth England, in spite of the peculiar political correctness that insists that it be called 'the UK' and that we, its denizens, must be 'Britons'.
Even though the Welsh are proud to call themselves Welsh, as are the Irish and certainly the Scots, woe betide the Briton who calls himself 'English' -- a much-frowned-upon no-no.
I believe that when a country loses so much respect for itself that it can no longer even be identified by its historically correct name, insecurity and lack of respect filter down to its inhabitants.
Recently, I have concluded that London is no longer the 'seat of civilised society' that the world once considered it to be, and is certainly not the safe city I grew up in.
A particular incident demonstrated the lack of respect and manners that is but a small example of the horrible, encroaching decay of the country that I love dearly.
My husband Percy and I were at a ball at the Grosvenor House Hotel -- a black-tie event attended by the socalled 'elite' of the city.
As Percy held the door open to let me through, a 6ft tall, middle-aged, horse-faced male pushed past me, trod on the hem of my dress and rushed outside to climb into the taxi that the doorman had waiting for us.
This was a person who should, or at least looked like he should, have known better. The cause of his behaviour? The awful pervasive disregard that we have for civility today.
Bump accidentally into someone in the street these days and you are soundly cursed. Look at a poor derelict collapsed in a doorway for more than a second and they'll spit at you. Surely everyone has experienced the barely suppressed rage lurking behind the faces of a vast number of car drivers.
We've become the 'Whatcha lookin' at?' culture. Why do young people consider it cool to be arrogant, swaggering and rude? Why do so many people in England seem so cynical and self-centred?
I witnessed young, drunken yobs roaming the streets kicking cars, screaming insults, pushing people and even pushchairs out of their way, attacking each other viciously and then turning on the police when they tried to maintain order.
THE WHOLE scene evoked the image of hordes of inebriated Vikings sacking devastated towns. Even during the day, feral mobs roamed the cities with absolute disregard for anyone else's property or well-being. Traditional virtues of male chivalry and female propriety were very far from view.
After all, a lack of manners and politeness in a society can only be a reflection of what the society thinks of itself.
It's frightful how being told that you are no good makes you hate yourself, and hate others. And it's frightful how quickly a whole country of self-loathers can be bred.
z: Don't you think she has a point?
"Goin' to the chapel and I'm gonna get maaaarried*..."
This isn't from bygone eras...........

Friday, May 9, 2008
Happy Mother's Day...and here's the history of it, too!
1. She has this weird thing about me keeping my room clean. I'd get rid of that.
What did mom need to know about dad before she married him?
1. His last name.
1. We're related.
Why did God make mothers?
1. She's the only one who knows where the scotch tape is.
Problems for AL SHARPTON? Say it ain't so......
The best video I've seen in months.........
Watch till the end, you've not seen as much NON PC as this!
It's REFRESHING! (thanks, Dick!)
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Hamas likes Obama. ssshhhh...
"As California goes, so goes the union.............."

Here's an excerpt from my buddy Clark's thought provoking piece ("When Bigots Accuse") at his blog:
"For more than three decades, Jeremiah Wright screamed FIRE in his crowded theater. But when America’s magical Negro introduced us to his spiritual advisor, even liberal Democrats choked on the hypocrisy. Wright backtracked a little at the National Press Club, blunting his government-AIDS fable with a vaguer US Government “is capable of anything.”"
Check it out:
For a beautiful Spring day.......

NATURE rarer uses yellow
Than another hue;
Saves she all of that for sunsets,
Prodigal of blue,
Spending scarlet like a woman,
Yellow she affords
Only scantly and selectly,
Like a lover’s words.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Will our Left finally GET IT??
How's HILLARY going to get OUT of this thing?
Obama "Boogie Woogie, Bugle Man..." You're it...oh, man
He was a famous trumpet man from out Chicago way
He had a boogie style that no one else could play
He was the top man at his craft
But then his number came up and he was gone with the draft
He's in the army now, blowing reveille
He's the boogie woogie bugle boy of Company B
They made him blow a bugle for his Uncle Sam
It really brought him down because he could not jam
The captain seemed to understand
Because the next day the cap' went out and drafted a band
And now the company jumps when he plays reveille
He's the boogie woogie bugle boy of Company B
A-toot, a-toot, a-toot-diddelyada-toot
He blows it eight-to-the-bar, in boogie rhythm
He can't blow a note unless the bass and guitar is playing with him
He makes the company jump when he plays reveille
He's the boogie woogie bugle boy of Company B
He was our boogie woogie bugle boy of Company B
And when he plays boogie woogie bugle he was buzy as a "bzzz" bee
And when he plays he makes the company jump eight-to-the-bar
He's the boogie woogie bugle boy of Company B
Toot-toot-toot, toot-diddelyada, toot-diddelyada
Toot, toot, he blows it eight-to-the-bar
He can't blow a note if the bass and guitar isn't with him
And the company jumps when he plays reveille
He's the boogie woogie bugle boy of Company B
He puts the boys asleep with boogie every night
And wakes 'em up the same way in the early bright
They clap their hands and stomp their feet
Because they know how he plays when someone gives him a beat
He really breaks it up when he plays reveille
He's the boogie woogie bugle boy of Company B
Da-doo-da da-doo-da-da da
Da-doo-da da-doo-da-da da
Da-doo-da da-doo-da-da da
Da-doo-da da-doo-da-da
And the company jumps when he plays reveille
He's the boogie woogie bugle boy of Company B!
Z: I'm sacrificing this song I love so much because it just seemed fitting....the words just seem so fitting. How the HECK are so many Americans jumping to his BEAT, folks? And, in the meantime, McCain's cozying up to a group who wants to take my State back for Mexico. Some difficult choice we've got this coming November, huh, folks?
I dedicate this post to Just Some Guy, who likes mermaids.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Happy Birthday, The Merry Widow
Monday, May 5, 2008
The Same Pink Shell
The sun on the morning shoreline shines as silver as the combs in my Juana's hair. I breathe in the smells of the sea and blow out slowly, watching the gulls which will soar on my breath, free to fly where they choose, while I stay, a fisherman, ready for another day. I walk to the sea hoping it will be more generous than yesterday.
Behind me, like spider webs, my nets wait on the dry sand. The birds dance around me, in and out of the water, to the music of the sea, loud, soft, then loud again, like metal brushes on a drum.
Jose is late again. He will come down the high sandy hill where the sun flames behind the palm trees, wave his hat high in the air and shrug his arms in apology that he is late again. I will not see his face for the glaring sun behind him, but he will be laughing. He laughs often because this life is right for him. He had no use for school and has no wife he must send to work. He fishes hard then joins friends at the cantina after dark. It is always the same. A day of no fish to sell is a night when a friend will buy Jose his cerveza.
On the way down the hill, he will pick up a shell and throw it far into the ocean, the same pink shell which will wash back onto the beach, a little more worn by the sand, only to be thrown again tomorrow.
"Hola, mi Amigo!" he will laugh and slap me on my back. "I am late again! Lo siento!" He will be sorry but he will have helped a neighbor, or stopped for huevos and chorizo at the little hotel because he had extra pesos in his pocket. He will tell me how the chorizo was especially delicious this morning because fat Sra. Hidalgo gave him one sausage for free.
"And, you know, her fingers, they themselves are like chorizo!"
When Jose comes we talk of things I will not remember when Juana asks me in the evening, but it is his stories that lighten the weight of the nets. After hours of pulling and lifting, both hands must support our backs as we stand straight again. Jose's talk of old Manuel's wooden teeth or his stories about his red haired Carmelita make me smile, but are not enough to soothe the ache in my back or the pain above my brows.
This morning, my Juana washes the clothes of Señora Vega, who stays in her room and listens to Salsa. A tiny yellow bird in a golden cage hangs above La Senora's bed and she blows smoke to it, through the bars, from her thin, filtered cigarettes. She kisses the beak of the little bird and calls it "Cara". Together, surrounded by scarves of grey smoke, they listen to the music. Sometimes my Juana hears La Señora cry.
She wonders if La Señora cries for her husband because she could not give him a son or for herself because she is so often alone. It is the music and the little bird that help her forget her sorrows, or the red wine that was in the bottles that Juana throws away each morning. When there is a little bit of wine left, Juana pours it into a fancy glass, sits in the courtyard of green orchids and is, for a few moments, a grand señora with nothing to do. But only for a few moments.
My Juana is like a warm towel against my tired body. Her whisper wakes me late in the night and, later, I hold her and listen to her breath. It is Juana who makes me feel like the Don of a grand hacienda. It is her enchiladas and rellenos I smell when I come home to our little house. Sometimes it is the thick, sweet scent of corn and pork fried with peppers which welcome me even before our sons run out through the open door. Each one I hug, grateful that the youngest is not yet too big to swing in the air. The laughter of the children eases the pain in my eyes and the tightness in my jaw. Their laughter is like a prayer for the future. I hug them to my body and pray that God will listen.
My Juana too wants our boys to have more. It is in the morning that she dreams out loud what her tired sleep did not allow.
"They cannot, will not, be fisherman," she says. I tell her it is not such a bad thing. I remind her of the fishermen of Galilee.
"Our Theodore will be a doctor," Juana braids her hair like she is playing an instrument, her fingers work swiftly and, like sticks on a drum, they fly as she tells me her plans for our children.
"Maximillian will be the mayor...and Alessandro will be the lawyer."
"Why not Emperor?" I laugh.
She has heard this before. I do not have to remind her again of my childhood and how I wanted to go away. She knows how my mother wanted me to be a businessman, not a man who came home with calloused hands, smelling of fish. It took money to leave the village, to go to a good school in a place far away. I had to learn to be happy to work with Papa, and to be proud when I pulled as much fish as he. After Papa died, when I did not see Mama's smile again, I knew my dreams of leaving would forever be dreams.
"Our boys will be different." Juana echoes the faded words of my mother. "And they will be good men because you are their father."
The boys rise and Juana prepares them for school. Then she goes to La Señora's, where she will water the red geraniums, cook the meals, and clean the golden cage.
Finally, squinting through the flames on the hill, I can see someone coming. But it is not Jose. It is Carmelita.
Her long, loose hair is the color of old tangerines. She is running and dry sand flies like the ocean spray around her feet. I see she wears no red lipstick or her golden earrings as big as Juana's silver bracelet. She is crying. I can hear her now above the surf. She uses the back of her hand to wipe tears from her face.
"Jose is gone! Last night! His brother came and Jose has gone with him!"
We stand six paces apart as the shallow tide pulls at our feet. I watch the birds run away down the beach. "I will not see my Jose again!" She stares into my eyes, angry at me as she is at Jose.
"Carmelita, he would not leave for good. You will see. Jose is happy here."
"You are wrong! He has always wanted to leave this nothing place. 'This is my chance! My brother has plans,' he told me last night. He said I should come to you this morning, to tell you he is sorry, and that you were a good friend."
"He will be back, Carmelita."
"He said he hopes you wish him luck!" She drags the back of her arm against her wet face. "I don't wish him luck!"
She turns and runs away from the beach. Her body gets smaller as she climbs up the hill, and I can see her beat away the palm leaves that hang in her way. Then she is gone, like Jose.
It is the quietest it has ever been.
When Carmelita has been gone a very long time, the birds run close to my legs again. They have forgotten I am here.
"He cannot be gone!" I hear myself scream. My hands are fists with nothing to hit.
The weight of the sand and water pull me down. My shoulders feel hot from the sun rising higher in the sky, and a seagull soars over my head, turns, then flies far up the coast until I cannot see it.
Pulling my feet out of the heavy sand, I let the water wash them clean, and walk, trapped with my sons in the nets of our fathers, trying not to drown.