Dear Mr. Obama,
I think I speak for a lot of us conservative bloggers as I ask you a simple question here:
Would it be too much to ask you to please stop running for president? That's not asking too much, is it? You see, we're Americans and we think you've got the wrong country.
It's Venezuela and Cuba and Russia where candidates aren't properly vetted, where information is begging to be researched and the media won't. Normally, this type of ignoring of facts is with the express approval of that country's dictator's approval;
it seems to me that, in this particular way, it's our media that's now the dictator running America and, you see, that's not the way it was planned. You know that. This is America. You might have got quite a different view of our history, but a liberal media running the show isn't mentioned anywhere in our history no matter what you or your professors want to believe.
We want to know about a lot of things about you, but we only have two weeks! Saul Alinksy's rules are alive and well, aren't they? You've stalled and postured long enough to where all those questions you have don't have to be answered. You're ignoring important questions, you're removing things off your website when some of us have proven you lied, you've thrown an awful lot of your best buddies under the bus and still you're so popular! As if you're not very well aware of them,
I present here a list of Alinsky's basic rules, along with some comments by me confirming just how handy they've been to your campaign with David Axelrod at the helm (and God only knows who else);
"The first rule of power tactics is: power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have."Your enemy seems to be us and we're pretty sure you're going to win because the media's made it quite clear there have never been so many voters registered (legally or not, of course, but the media doesn't seem to mind somehow) and they are implying the huge amount of votes being cast must be excited kids and other liberals who can't wait to see America run into the ground because, after all, she's way too proud and who does she think she is, anyway? Right? We think you've probably won, but this won't work, we're still voting. No matter how our media plays it, how they present the outcome.
"Wherever possible go outside the experience of the enemy. Here you want to cause confusion, fear, and retreat."The experience of your enemy, we Americans, is to show our patriotism, that's how we've always been.....suddenly, we're considered overly xenophic rubes and dopes to wear flag pins or fly the flag high! We're confused that you want to retreat from a war when America's brought such good things to this world through wars and otherwise and things seem to be going very well in Iraq. We hear 'redistribute the wealth' (your term, not ours) and we're fearful that you want something we know will fail in our dear country. Confusion, retreat, and fear....you're all over this one,
aren't ya?(as Mrs. Palin would say?) The liberal white guilt mongering wasn't invented by you, but you sure did play it well.....they couldn't retreat from you, they'd be guilty of racism if they even disagree! WOW, Mr. Obama.....just wow.
"Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules. You can kill them with this. They can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity."I've always had the sense that liberals think Christians must be perfect when, if you heard more than "GOD D AMERICA" in YOUR church, you'd have learned that Jesus died for our sins and He(and we) is all over the fact that none of us CAN be perfect. Something like 3 people have been killed by s0-called Christians, tragically, for having murdered abortion doctors, but you on the left draw similarities with Is lam, which in the name of its religion in the last twenty years, has killed about six thousand Americans, to say nothing of the million or so they've killed of their own religion. Yes, you can kill us with this, we know it! We know we can't live up to our book, the Bible, neither can other religions, but we are saved through LOVE and sacrifice, something no other religion has. This is probably the most tragic rule of Alinsky's for these great United States of America, founded on such excellent Judeo Christian tenets. Insult, embarrass, humiliate Christians as you leftists do and you've got nothing. Be careful what you wish for. Yes, you can 'kill them' with this, but they know this world isn't their real hope, no matter what you say.
Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also, it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage."You and your media and other cohorts do this well, I must admit. Call Mrs. Palin terribly embarrassing things, but when she responds, you say she's 'attacking' and unfair to you. It's unbelievable how well this one works....I have to admit, John McCain's on to this one and it would be working against you if your minions weren't so far more excellent at it. You've ridiculed his age, his choice of VP's, his lack of computer skills, his supposed similarities with Mr. Bush and, every time he tries to straighten you out, you get worse and he reacts....your advantage is to belittle him more for his reaction. wow.
"The threat is generally more terrifying than the thing itself."I don't know quite how to handle this one. You have threatened that a John McCain is another George Bush and we all know that's not that terrible, but you sure have used it to your advantage.
The threat of your presidency, of course, is far more terrifying than about anything to us."In a fight almost anything goes. It almost reaches the point where you stop to apologize if a chance blow lands above the belt."Yes, the country's seen you use that lipstick line so effectively....you said you meant nothing by it, but then why did you hesitate long enough to get the laugh and applause? That line isn't clever in and of itself, is it! You apologized, you either said you were 'inartful' (your favorite), 'misspoke', or a 'bonehead'. Why is it that if Bush or anyone else stutters and halts and starts when he speaks, he's an inarticulate moron, but when YOU do, the media considers you 'more thoughtful'? Why is it you can just apologize for being INARTFUL and people think you're so open minded and eager to apologize that you MUST be a wonderful person? MY gosh, is that a fantastic ploy...it's worked like a charm. But, only on your side, of course, you've got the media.
"Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."That's us. We're the target, we're conservatives, we're painted by your side as evil, we don't give a damn about anybody but ourselves, we love CEO's raking in unfair amounts of compensation (why is it okay for Raines to bring in $93 million in six years, and all the Republicans who make money are evil, anyway!?)...you've frozen us through political correctness (we can't say anything about you because then we're RACIST or BIGOTED..what rubbish...this is the place I have to include I have a slight crush on Michael Steele and 'would vote for him tomorrow' just so anybody reading this knows for CERTAIN I'm no racist, but I think I'll leave it out because people know me by now and already know that, and it's just so silly that you've forced us to include that statement every time we criticize you. (oops, I left it in by mistake) You've polarized the Left and the Right (I admit McCain's done a pretty good job of this, too, but not nearly as good as you!!) in a way that America might not recover; you see, we have never seen the basic foundation of this country so at risk, in such peril, your very existance is polarizing and paralyzing to many of us. By the way: Re: that pesky little Annenberg Foundation YOU were selected to head? We ALL noticed how you got off THAT subject, deflecting the news that you and Ayers worked closely together on that...by sending the memo to the leftist media that said "Hey, re: the Annenbergs, remind America that they were friends of NIXON!" Done. Nobody mentions AYERS=OBAMA again...now it's all NIXON AND ACORN! BRILLIANT ALINSKY TACTIC!
One of the criteria for picking the target is the target's vulnerability ... the other important point in the choosing of a target is that it must be a personification, not something general and abstract."The target of US is specific; we've been made to feel vulnerable because so much of the media's in the bag for you...we can't say much without being insulted or ignored because the media won't present the truth we've discovered about you...so few have really looked honestly and exhaustively into your background and we know how bad your character is, how much evil you can do to America..so you've taken US, we 'persons' and your media's made us vulnerable with the constant belittling of FOX, for example, even though CNN is so far, FAR more dishonest in every presentation it makes.
"The enemy properly goaded and guided in his reaction will be your major strength."You know exactly how McCain and Palin and we good people of America will react. YOUR major strength is knowing how badly good Americans want to keep America as it is; we all know she can be better and we'd strive for that, but America's good is the focus, the target, not a politician's good, not a liberal agenda's good, not a UN's idea of good, not the dangerous despot's view of good, not the global warming liars who can say anything they want to and get away with it while scientists who know completely different aren't even invited to conferences on warming! How metaphorical...BLOCK the enemy OUT. Goad him, get a reaction you can insult and belittle.......that IS your major strength, Mr. Obama. Get us hysterical with anger at your insults and unAmerican plans and then attack us for it. Alinsky was SOOO good!!
I didn't plan to use Alinsky as I wrote this letter to you, Mr. Obama, but it occured to me just how strong your reliance on those tactics have been and they were worth noting. The problem is that some Americans don't find his tenets the least bit wrong, and so you're not even found out, exposed and dealt with in the proper ways which could stop you in your tracks. America of even twenty years ago would have laughed your candidacy away! You know you're not experienced, you are a liar, you selected a man to run for VP who's insulted good Americans, makes constant gaffes, and someone who's at least in as bad health (when are you going to insist he releases the information about his brain scans to assure us he has no propensity for more problems when you've demanded McCain present everything he has?!) as you like to suggest McCain is. Yet, today, due to indoctrination in our schools and a majority who's got their hand out to rob from we Americans who've made successes of our lives, you're considered admirable! How much has changed in twenty years!
Anyway, we know your background, we know your birth in this country is very highly contested, we know you've never produced a true certificate of birth and that your Kenyan grandmother remembers being at the hospital in Kenya when you were born; just prove without a doubt where you were born and we'll stop asking! But, you've got two weeks and you'll probably win, so you're dragging your heels... why? We know you've squelched and insulted the excellent facts and information presented in lawsuits regarding your birth by Philip Berg and others....you've shamed them into oblivion with "he's not part of the process". Mr. Obama, every American is part of the process at election time, and he surely deserved more respect than that.
CHARACTER has always been EVERYTHING to Americans, Mr. Obama; you have removed that wonderful, admirable trait and millions of Americans either don't care anymore about character or they want their entitlement, 'peace at any cost' agenda so badly they're somehow willing to ignore it......how sad, what terrible damage. I could write for ten or twenty more pages but what's the point? This was just my last ditch effort to ask you to stop this silliness......and I know it won't work.
If you do win, just promise us all one thing; Please don't hurt America too much. Please don't tax my small business into oblivion, please don't insult good, honest Americans like Joe the Plumber or Sarah Palin anymore, they represent US, it hurts our feelings, we don't like a president who insults us. Please promise to cover your heart during the Pledge of Allegiance, it's something we like to do and we like our presidents moved enough by patriotism and love for country to do it automatically, too. It says a lot, stands for a lot. There are a LOT of good conservatives who have enough faith in their fellow Americans that they feel you'll lose, I hope they're right. I thank them for their enthusiasm, their comfort and their optimism....ALL of us hope you'll step down for some reason. But, anyway, all I can ask now is please........lie if you have to, make us feel you love our country. Fool us into thinking an Obama presidency won't be the end of our country as we know it, give us hope, the real, honest and good kind of hope. You're good at lying!
If you won't step down, at least try not to hurt America TOO much, okay?Extremely Sincerely, Z
Oh, and
then there is THIS, Mr. Obama.......might you cause another constitutional crisis if you're elected? Or do you care at all about the constitution?