Sunday, October 12, 2008

"Affirmative Action Banks" Andrew Cuomo 1998 This video is a must-see for every American voter who still blames Republicans for subprimes

Yes, Andrew Cuomo found 'affirmative action banking' a great idea. People who couldn't afford a home should have a home.

Mr. Obama adds "Let's distribute RISK more widely.." That's a direct quote and you'll see him say it in this YouTube video, too.

Sadly, the ONE video I thought most damning starts and stops throughout the play, so it's very difficult to get through and I didn't want to post it here. That video is a Community Organizer speaking at a large meeting of Gamaliel and ACORN people. Obama tells a cheering crowd, in 2007, that not only would he include their concerns "after his inauguration", but "Not only THAT..." they will be coming into meetings before he takes office so they can "help shape his administration.." Sorry that somehow just won't work correctly. Odd, isn't it? Isn't it?



Gayle said...

Everything about Obama is odd... and extremely dangerous, Z.

We know how these liberals are though. They destroy our economy and then of course they try to blame it on Republicans. No surprise there! I've got an idiot on my post leaving a link to the Daily Kos (of all places to leave a link to!) in an effort to prove that Acorn isn't doing anything wrong. This jerk actually claims it's Republicans who are indulging in voter fraud, so you see... there is absolutely no way these people are going to be honest.

Chuck said...

Obama is a socialist. I am starting to believe this more and more everyday. What's worse, if he gets into office, he will push this socialism agenda down our throats. The libs have become much more sophisticated.

Universal health care, they trot out the children without insurance and pull at the heart strings. Who would want a child to go without dental care? What do we get when it's all done? Health care for illegals. They are a large part of the "uninsured" in the US.

Increase fuel taxes to improve the roads and bridges. Who could be against fixing our roads and bridges? What are they really going to do? Redistribute the wealth by taking money from the working class and wealthy and paying for fuel for the unambitious.

Tax cuts for 95% of Americans. 95% of Americans don't pay taxes. They will tax the wealthy and give "tax cuts" to people who do not pay taxes. Only in the liberal universe can you get a tax cut if you don't pay taxes.

Cut military spending to pay for his programs? The Muzzies will love this.

Hold on, where in for one Hell of a bumpy ride.

Z said...

oh, my GOSH, Gayle...against all the facts, the statistics, the evidence, the Liberals will STILL tell us something as stupid as this? And a link to Daily KOS...see? this person actually believes this is REAL NEWS and FOX is "too biased!" You just can't make this stuff UP!!

if there are TWO people the Republicans accidentally didn't pick up in a voting bus from the ghetto, or who they didn't help fill out their ballots, the Left will make a HUGE stink supported by the media...Oh, I forgot. The Republicans don't have to drive people to vote en masse and they don't cheat like the left is here in LA by filling out ballots in old age homes. Oops..sorry. :-)

namaste said...

great post here, z. it's all so convoluted and complex, our country's history with discrimination. and unfortunately, for some reason, the left (although no one could agree on any one solution to institutional discrimination), FEELS the answer is for government to intervene and provide free rides.

i worked in social work in my early adult years. i promise you, government intervention is a waste of time and money. for every ONE recipient who is appreciative, becoming productive citizens as a result, there are 15 system scammers and manipulators. no easy answere here, z. but the important thing is for everyone to take responsibility for the problems (not just the solutions).

i have no fear of obama winning in a few weeks. i believe americans are smarter than the manipulative media gives us credit for.

David Wyatt said...

Hello, Z.

Namaste, thank you for you reasoned response.

Z, I too still have a glimmer of hope that enough concerned & decent Americans will vote to keep this man out of office. Yet I must also realize that we as a nation have become spiritually & morally rotten within, & if he does get in it will be due to our imploding from within, such as many past great empires have. But as I've said before, our real hope is not in this world anyhow! God Bless.

da patriot said...

You and I are on the same wave length today, Z. I just published a post at politial 411 along very similar lines and even gave a link to this very video at youtube. And I agree that every American should come to understand who is really behind this meltdown of our economy and that it was a failure of socialist policies.

Z said...

David, Namaste is even MORE 'reasoned' than you think.
That very dear lady is a Democrat woman of color.
I'm glad you have seen what a gem she is; smart, America-first, and GOOD. A really good woman.

d.a....thanks. As Sarah Palin would say "I'm goin' there right now to see ya"..thanks!

Z said...

Hey, DA>>> I just went by and don't see the video or your piece! Wassup, buddy???

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

We were lost when conservatives started screaming about illegal immigrants consuming "our" social service entitlements.

Instead of fighting to deny them to EVERYONE.

namaste said...

david, thanks.

z, OMG! please stop that! FFS! geez!


LA Sunset said...

Sadly, it doesn't matter what kind of evidence is presented. It's all Bush's and the GOP's fault.

They blamed him for the recession that began in 2000. Never mind it began while Clinton was President, because the tech stocks fell off after the massive layoffs of those that were working to Y2K-proof our computers. Bush did it. He is to blame

They blamed bush for the WTC attack. Never mind terrorists commandeered planes and flew them into buildings, killing innocent people. it was who Bush ordered it.

They also blamed Bush for the Iraq War, they said we invaded a sovereign nation under false pretenses. Never mind that almost every intelligent agency with any credibility thought Saddam had WMDs. Bush did it all so he could become an imperial president.

Now, they are blaming him for the stock market financial crisis. Never mind he and others in the GOP tried to call attention to the problem for years. It is the failed policies of George W. Bush that has been the "sole" cause of this catastrophe. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barney Frank are all guiltless.

Of course the media has helped advance these baseless lies. Have you ever noticed that the homeless mysteriously disappear during a Democratic administration?

Average American said...

Z, when you try to view a youtube clip that loads slow and starts and stops, try this----turn the sound down and go get a snack. Give it time to run its entirety and then hit replay. That should make for a much better viewing experience--except when you are watching NOBAMA. Nothing can make that pleasureable. This clip is great. It will go out to my complete address book!

CJ said...

The idea that denying someone a mortgage because he hasn't enough money to pay it back is "discrimination" boggles the mind. That's the kind of logic we're up against here.

Anonymous said...

Very informative post, Z.

What so many liberals aren't willing to see, or acknowledge is that Repbulicans / conservatives aren't blaming the Democrats just for the sake of blaming. It's about pointing out Obama's associations with ACORN and his poor choices and tendencies to lie. They just won't admit that it's a PROBLEM. It's NOT about finger-pointing.

Namaste's response encourages me.
I keep thinking it's all over but the fat lady singing, and I so need to hear someone saying the opposite.


We'll see.

David Wyatt said...

Thank you, Z. I agree! What I have seen from Namaste is extremely encouraging! God Bless you both!!