Saturday, October 18, 2008

LARRY much power, so little integrity


Last night, Larry King had 3 Conservatives on, among many other political pundits. One of the Conservatives finally had the guts to tell the truth and said the M word in regard to Obama. "But, Obama and his followers are Marxists, Larry!"

Larry: "Wait a minute..wait a minute.." deep intake of air..."...You're calling the Left Marxist...does that mean the Right is FASCIST?" GLARE into CAMERA...oh, the glare, the disgust on Larry's face.

So, the Left can't follow Marxism unless the Right is following FASCISM? Does that make sense to YOU?

An interesting sidenote is this line from the Wikipedia definition of Fascism....."In contemporary political discourse, adherents of some political ideologies tend to associate fascism with their enemies." I guess it's not too hard to see why Larry'd have 'gone there', huh?

Then, while we're at it here, let's throw in the COMMUNIST ENDORSEMENT OF OBAMA, okay? "The struggle to defeat the ultra-right and turn our country on a positive path will not end with Obama’s election. But that step will shift the ground for successful struggles going forward," ...from the linked article/letter of endorsement.



CJ said...

The fact is that Marxism is fascist because fascism is tyranny over the people. Conservatives' desire to preserve American identity is NOT fascist although that is what they try to claim.

1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race [read ruling party or government] above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control . . .

CJ said...

Bullying people at polling sites and rigging elections is fascist, and socialism is always ultimately fascist. So when the Left is called Marxist it should ALSO be called fascist in the same breath.

CJ said...

Here's an article about Fascist Economy, which is what we have when the government buys up the banks etc. Everyone is calling it socialism and it is that too, but I appreciated seeing it described as fascist:

"Capitalism is that type of economy in which private individuals own the Means of Production, i.e., the factories and the mines. The companies founded by these private individuals then compete openly with one another in the Marketplace. No one tells the owners what to produce, or how much to produce, or how much to charge. Competition is the primary determinant of prices, and careful attention to the needs and wants of the people within this type of economy determines how much is produced. Capitalism may have its faults, but it has produced the highest standard of living in history for her citizens.

The key words underpinning Capitalism are: Free Market, Minimal Government Regulation, Business Ownership Solely By Private Interests

Fascism is the economic system of Nazi Germany, National Socialist Italy, and Imperial Japan. Today,
only Japan retains this system. In Fascism, private individuals retain control over the Means of
Production, thereby ensuring that the key element which makes Capitalism work so well is kept in place.

However, the Government intervenes to control how much is produced of any item, how many competitors can be making the same item, and how much they can charge. Therefore, the potential for the most profit lies within the Fascist economy!

The experiment with Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan proved that Fascism does work. We have seen that the proper coordination between Government and Capitalism does work.

The key words underpinning Fascism are: Severe Government Regulation, Government Control and Partial Ownership of Businesses"

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Of course Larry King would say something stupid like "...You're calling the Left Marxist...does that mean the Right is FASCIST?"

Leftists are primarily ideologically commited to convincing people that all leftists are imbeciles. Win or lose elections, a leftist isn't happy until everyone thinks they're a moron.

An exercise in comedy would be Larry King caught up trying to discern who's the right winger between Trotsky and Stalin.

Nonetheless, Fascism was the product of left-wing ideologues in Italy. This is historical fact.

It's wholesale wicked dumb, to say fascism is a right-wing ideology. Where are the right-wing anti-capitalists? Seen any right-wing efforts to affix a heroic, religious mantle on a political leader? How many Presidential candidates has the Right called "Messiah?"

But then we're back to saying that when the left calls someone on the right a "fascist," it's more an effort to stick to the leftist program of convincing all that leftists are imbeciles than it is any real effective argument against the right.

Fascism is leftist. It gets slagged by other leftists because it hasn't killed as many people as other forms of leftism.

Z said...

It was pure Alinsky, Beamish....they're very well trained.

Z said...

By the way..thanks CJ...very informative stuff from you, too.

I know you also know your stuff and appreciate your talking about it here.

The notion that Fascism is the Right, particularly based on your very last paragraph of your 3rd comment is insane, isn't it? But, they keep slingin' it...

Anonymous said...

Larry King died years ago but don’t even have the brains to know it.
He puts down Sarah Palin Gives the questions in advance to Obama. And Ahmadinejad Mahmoud gets an open platform.
He is a disgrace to humanity

Z said...

TS...I'd forgotten. He's the guy who told Ahmedinejad he doesn't look old enough to have married children..giggle giggle. It was so cozy.
I'll never forget the set, either...nobody's mentioned it..FLOWERS on the table for the despot of Iran who wants us and Israel wiped off the face of the earth.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the press should outright ask Obama if he's a Marxist...I've a feeling he'd probably admit that he is.

...but then merely asking the question would constitute a "un-objective" display of press partiality, in both their own minds and what they've taught the public to believe.

So it goes that only by avoiding the crucial questions can the leftist press continue to maintain their pretense of impartiality and objectivity.

Steve Harkonnen said...


You must've been utterly bored to even have bothered to turn the channel to Larry king.

Maybe, just maybe, a six pack of beer and a bug zapper light is really more interesting than Larry King, but don't tell Beamish that.

Anonymous said...

I agree with FJ. I think Obama would simply admit being a Marxist.

Larry King is nothing more than a Hollywood idiot.

Anonymous said...

Z, did you see the Larry King interview Jerry Seinfeld? tee hee.

I thought Seinfeld was gonna deck him.

Average American said...

Getting endorsed by the Communist party may very well cost NOBAMA big time if the word gets out. He may gain a few votes from Communists, but he could lose a lot more from the normal people!

Brooke said...

Larry is a flaming lefty.

I cannot believe King is still on that set. Hasn't he interviewed everyone on the planet yet?

Anonymous said...

What Beamish said. I hate it when he gets here first. He must be a darn old fascist.

Meanwhile...we need to take a poll among all of Z's loyal followers and find out whether she should stop watching Larry King. I gave him up 10 years ago, and now I hardly ever cut myself shaving.

The Merry Widow said...

Mustang-I can say with al candor and honesty, I've NEVER watched Larry King...nor have I ever tainted my shell-pink virgin ears with his voice.
I'm pristine, Z, and happier for it...


Righty64 said...

Hey, the REAL story is that three CONSERVATIVES were ON Larry King! I did not think that after Bill Bennett, CNN knew two other conservatives! BTW, the difference between fascism and Marxism is that the fascists openly scapegoat a group that they do not like. The Marxist tries to cover it all up and lie. Kind of like Alinsky.

Z said...

Oh, come ON, everyone.....I don't watch Larry King on a regular basis. If you'd seen Conservatives on when you were clicking channels, you'd have watched a little, too. he had on THREE at the same time!

And, I swear: Mr. Z has never forbid me ANYTHING BUT: (are you ready here? Drum roll...)

When he's in the room:

1. Do NOT put on CNN
2. Do NOT put on QVC

That's the truth...the only two things he's ever forbid me!

Still, I DO watch CNN when I can because I want to know what people are saying.

Pinky..tell me about Seinfeld. It couldn't have been political, right? Larry ticked Jerry off HOW? I'd love to know......

Brooke..I can't wait to tell Mr. Z what you said: It does seem like he MUST have interviewed everyone on the planet by NOW!!!

Anonymous said...

CJ is absolutely correct.

Why not just call B OTH MArxism and Fascism what they ARE --- TYRANNY, AUTHORITARIANISM, TOTALITARIANISM, DESPOTISM --- and be done with it?


Anonymous said...

There's nothing wrong with Larry King that I couldn't cure in five minutes alone with him and an axe handle.

Rita Loca said...

I am regularly called terrible things like 'right wing fascist extremist'
but, oh! Don't dare call Obama an 'extreme leftist ' and certainly not a Marxist.
You may ,however, call him The One' or the 'Messiah'.

shoprat said...

beamish and cj are absolutely right. Fascism is a left wing ideology where you own your property but the state controls what you do with it. It is an unnatural hybrid of Socialism and Capitalism. The left will never admit this.

Incognito said...

I'm so sick of it all!!! The American people (save those of us who don't) deserve what they get, if Obama gets elected.

I just hope God spares those of us who don't vote for O!

Z said...

hermit, that is fabulous...I'll deliver him, okay?

ALL your comments are so good. I love you guys!

Anonymous said...

I had to laugh at the six pack of beer and bug zapper analogy.

Actually bug zappers keep a lot of people off the streets.

Yes, Larry King is like something from Return of the Living Dead.

I watched the little special over at Fox News , that Greta Van Susteren was hosting about Obama and his circle of friends.

Seeing all the old clips from the national terrorists that used to go from city to city in the 1960's sure brought back some memories.

I have concluded B. Obama is just a real political prostitute.

If it gets hims where he wants to be, he will lie down with anything.

Average American said...

Z, pull the "larry king" out of the title and replace with "NOBAMA". You're all set to write your next post!

MathewK said...

"So, the Left can't follow Marxism unless the Right is following FASCISM? Does that make sense to YOU?"

Nope, given that both are corner stones of today's left.

Like cj says.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

It's best not to rely on hotlinking images from external webpages, especially news sites.

Better to download the pic, then upload it to Blogger directly, or have it served from or another free online file server.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...


Mr. Z has good rules. No CNN and no QVC and all of a sudden, you have to go to the internet to hear BS and get ripped off.


(((Thought Criminal))) said...


I beg to differ on your statement about Fascism being a hybrid of socialism and capitalism. There is no capitalism in a system of price controls and state-directed means of production.

Capitalize on what? Fascism seized all profits, set the price of your products, and the government telling you what to make was your only customer.

No. One of the things that puts fascism on the left, besides its inherent racist agenda and its willfully violent tendencies, is the fact that it was intended as alternate socialist repudiation of capitalism to communism.

Anonymous said...

Watch this Z.

Z said...

thanks, Pinky...that sure is a difference..canceled or chosing to end your show. Larry's a dope.

Beamish, you crack me UP