It's hard to sit here in the beauty of this great country and imagine that half of its people could possibly vote for a man of such bad character, of such incredible lack of experience and so adept at lies.......who could have thought someone like Barack Hussein Obama could have come this far?
I think I'm putting aside this politics thing for a while and taking a break...Time to remember what's really important in life, knowing that what will be will be. Time to breathe deeply, gaze over this river and feel content and peaceful.
Where do you stand today?!
Or how about -- I loved this country and will miss her deeply. Now where's a heavy rock so I can drown myself and not watch her turn into a socialist nightmare.
It's time again to FIGHT!!!
The great thing about our system is that it was designed to minimize the effects of really bad government... we're given the opportunity every two years to change it.
I choose this place for contemplation. I need a pause in the madness, the quietude of stillness, and sheer beauty. But, sadly, not for long. Only in this noiseless serenity can I gather strength, and focus on what comes next.
And, what comes next will leave little time for quiet contemplation. There will only be time once again, to live amidst the madness, the noise, and the fight.
Good one, Pops. How sad. I thought of adding something about "jumping IN the river, too"!
FJ...true, and we should remember that.
Pris...that's IT. If you're going to be better than ME, you'll have to comment ELSEWHERE, OKAY!? (Smile!) FABULOUS...very poetic...feels like you've somehow included a little of "The Lord is my Shepherd" and "A Tale of Two Cities" somehow..just a sense I got. SO well done, thanks!! (and PLEASE stick around! xxx)
"Heavenly Father, thank You that we aren't dependent on who wins this election for our security. Thank You also that I can always come away & spend time with You & know that You hear me because of my faith in Your Son. Help me to tell as many as possible about Him before it's too late. Oh, Father, Your Word is right, You really DO satisfy teh longing soul & fill the hungry soul with goodness! (Ps.107:9) Thank You. Now please help me as I move back into this darl world until Your Son returns for His bride. In His matchless Name, Amen!"
I'm going with the taking a break from it all.
I do agree with FJ. With our system of government, a man like Obama can damage but not destroy the country. He may do a lot of damage and it may take years to fix it, but we will survive.
I can't believe I sent Mustang money, after he told me he was strapped for cash because LA stiffed him for $20,000. I found out that LA borrowed a dollar from him twenty years ago and Mustang has been compounding interest daily. Then, as if that wasn't enough deceit, he took my money and made a yacht payment.
I feel like such a fool.
How about:
"I was going to donate some money to a worthy local charity today, but decided against it because the government took 30 cents out of every dollar I made today so they could give it to someone I've never met."
1) I think I will wade out into the water and drown that liberal puke before he can get to my side of the river.
2) Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference...
A fool and his money are soon parted.
Eric Cartman
South Park Bank and Trust
"Be still, and know that I am God."
Psalm 46
J.J.J. Schmidt
Thanks Z, you are so nice. You know I'll stick around. I do so like it here.
Btw, no one's better than you.
Pris, call Eric Cartman.
Your check is at South Park Bank and Trust.
For the compliment! (and thanks, Pris)
We in America were born free people.
Free people we shall remain.
If Obama wins, and I still doubt that as a fact; we shall see some revelation of the real Obama and it won't be pretty.
Already Barney Frank is talking about massive tax increases, there is talk of nationalizing the 401 K's of folks retirement accounts.
Tell me, once a government can just nationalize something like a private retirement account, what is to stop them from just taking all our money ?
Tell you what, if the bad guys get in and do this thing, they better hit hard and fast because once some people see what is happening there will be all Hell breaking loose.
One thing I can count on with the lefties is they always gloat and over play their hand.
I only hope it is not "I wonder who that is coming across the horizon. I hope they come in peace, if so I will welcome them, if not I will fight them. Our government has abandoned us and we are left to fend for ourselves." I wonder what the Native Americans thought as Columbus approached? Interesting thought.
WV...you are a true patriot.
And yes, the 401 thing could be devastating and Barney Frank is 'vewwy vewwy' sure we need to ALL be divested of everything we own..and fast. How else could Pelosi give $300 billion to the illegals so's the 'feel at home here?'
Law and Order Teacher? No wonder you're a teacher. It gave me chills to consider WE seem to feel that abandoned by our own and that we, too, could face a marauder from far away.
It looks idyllic, like a beautiful country morning, and I'm filled with hope that Obama won't get the chance to ruin this country.
It's not over until it's over.
I can tell you what happened when the Socialists and the Greens (borderline communists) came to power in the 90's in Germany: The big flight from Germany of people with money, managers and companies. That has impacted Germany tremendously. During the same period of time, in terms of business climate, Germany went from one of the first ranks to one of the last ranks. During the same time period, Ireland went from one the last places in the ranking to the first place.
That is what is going to happen here, should this communist win. People with money and intelligence are going to leave the country, while the nationwide morass of corruption made in Chicago will then spread through the country. The situation was bad enough in Germany, and Germany has not recovered from these years yet. But that was nothing against what would be expecting this country because at least we don't have said morass in Germany.
The country would survive, as did Germany. However, the fall would be deep, and it would resemble more Venezuela at the end than Germany. It is always much more easy to destroy something than to build it up.
But, I haven't given up as yet. I cannot help but think that ultimately the people of the U.S. will vote against complete anarchy.
A reflection is
As a reflection does.
Minuteae, details, but I resolved to keep my blog delineated by paragraphs, logical breaks, thought and philo breaks, I can only "suggest" this for you.
She's sitting on a murdered and mutilated tree.
This too shall pass.
Beamish...at least she's not crying for the dead tree.
BZ...what are you suggesting to me? ??
Here's my humble contribution - Anything i do doesn't actually count for anything, yet everything i do is judged like it does.
Here's mine: I guess I'll move deeper into the forest.
hermit..sounds like a good plan!
I wish I was in Boston
In the Chili Parlour Bar
Drinkin' Mad Dog Margaritas
And not carin' where you are
Guy Clark was on Austin City Limts recently. Can't get "Dublin Blues" out of my head ....
Oh I have seen the David
Seen the Mona Lisa too,
And I have heard Doc Watson play
Columbus Stockade Blues.
Love that song
Ducky...as long as that song's wonderful lyrics don't slide into that "...i want to go home.." song.
Man, is that guy EVER goin' HOME? I wish he WOULD!
Ducky - I love Doc Watson. I have seen him play live. He is probably the greatest guitarist I have ever heard.
If anyone here has never heard Doc Watson, check him out. He's an amazing musician, has a great voice and is a wonderful story-teller.
I wish I could forget this election for a while. I did forget a bit today while mowing my 2 acres. I had my ipod on and it was breezy, sunny and 80 degrees....a perfect day in southern Texas. Then...I came upon my Mccain/Palin sigh in the front yard and the rest is history.
I wish I had remembered my fishing pole.
You guys are all to serious.
m.a. something left and right can agree on, Doc Watson.
His Doc Watson & Son album is still my favorite.
I'm breathing in and out, remembering Who is in control. And I'm so glad it isn't me.
Z, sorry for not commenting more lately. I truly am taking a break from politics lately.
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