(and I'd sure like your reactions to my piece below....seriously curious about what you think...thanks)
"I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." ~ C. S. Lewis (Yes, even politics)
In loving memory of Mr. Z
Enjoy the song.........In God we DO TRUST. Have a lovely Sunday......
Mr. and Mrs. Z
And, do you know there are still people who think Joe was put up to it by the Republicans? So reactive and so uninformed. This is Brown Shirt stuff, folks. We need to be real careful what we ask, what we say.... In AMERICA??? SINCE WHEN?
HOW BIG IS WAL-MART? (Z: another one I wish I WROTE!)
1. At Wal-Mart, Americans spend $36,000,000 every hour of every day.
2.This works out to $20,928 profit every minute!
3. Wal-Mart will sell more from January 1 to St. Patrick's Day (March 17th)than Target sells all year.
4. Wal-Mart is bigger than Home Depot +Kroger + Target + Sears + Costco +K-Mart combined.
5. Wal-Mart employs 1.6 million peopleand is the largest private employer.
6. Wal-Mart is the largest company in the history of the world.
7. Wal-Mart now sells more foodthan Kroger & Safeway combined, and keep in mind they did this in only 15 years.
8. During this same period, 31 Supermarket chains sought bankruptcy(including Winn-Dixie).
9. Wal-Mart now sells more food than any other store in the world.
10. Wal-Mart has approx 3,900 stores in the USA of which 1,906 are SuperCenters; this is 1,000 more than it had 5 years ago.
11. This year, 7.2 billion differentpurchasing experiences will occurat a Wal-Mart store.(Earth's population is approximately 6.5 billion.)
12. 90% of all Americans live within 15 miles of a Wal-Mart
13. Let Wal Mart bail out Wall Street!
Z: Of course, Wal-Mart's non-union success MUST be stopped by the Left.....Can you believe this? No one is safe from those who can't take American success stories. "You're doing too well...you MUST be stopped!" When did this HAPPEN in America, folks!?Washington, DC - Congress is considering sweeping legislation that will provide new benefits for many Americans. The Americans With No Abilities Act (AWNAA) is being hailed as a major legislative goal by advocates of the millions of Americans who lack any real skills or ambition.
'Roughly 50 percent of Americans do not possess the competence and drive necessary to carve out a meaningful role for themselves in society,' said California Senator Barbara Boxer. 'We can no longer stand by and allow People of Inability to be ridiculed and passed over. With this legislation, employers will no longer be able to grant special favors to a small group of workers, simply because they have some idea of what they are doing.'
In a Capitol Hill press conference, House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid pointed to the success of the *U.S. Postal Service, which has a long-standing policy of providing opportunity without regard to performance. Approximately 74 percent of postal employees lack any job skills, making this agency the single largest U.S. employer of Persons of Inability.
Private-sector industries with good records of non-discrimination against the Inept include *retail sales (72%), the *airline industry (68%), and *home improvement 'warehouse' stores (65%). At the state government level, the Department of Motor Vehicles also has an excellent record of hiring Persons of Inability (63%). Under the Americans With No Abilities Act, more than 25 million 'middle man' positions will be created, with important-sounding titles but little real responsibility, thus providing an illusory sense of purpose and performance. Mandatory non-performance-based raises and promotions will be given so as to guarantee upward mobility for even the most unremarkable employees.
The legislation provides substantial tax breaks to corporations that promote a significant number of Persons of Inability into middle-management positions, and gives a tax credit to small and medium-sized businesses that agree to hire one clueless worker for every two talented hires. Finally, the AWNAA contains tough new measures to make it more difficult to discriminate against the Non-abled, banning, for example, discriminatory interview questions such as, 'Do you have any skills or experience that relate to this job?'
'As a Non-abled person, I can't be expected to keep up with people who have something going for them,' said Mary Lou Gertz, who lost her position as a lug-nut twister at the GM plant in Flint, Michigan, due to her inability to remember rightey tightey, lefty loosey. 'This new law should be real good for people like me,' Gertz added. With the passage of this bill, Gertz and millions of other untalented citizens will finally see a light at the end of the tunnel.
Said Senator Dick Durban (D-IL): 'As a Senator with no abilities, I believe the same privileges that elected officials enjoy ought to be extended to every American with no abilities. It is our duty as lawmakers to provide each and every American citizen, regardless of his or her adequacy, with some sort of space to take up in this great nation and a good salary for doing so.'
"We wake up one morning and we have rights, we wake up another morning and we have NONE." (NONE?)
What do you think of this situation? Is it not a constitutional right to voice an opinion and financially support it without getting black listed or otherwise publicly insulted?
Mormons are being hit the hardest because they financially supported California's Proposition 8 which says marriage should stay between a man and a woman. The irony is that the gay groups are talking about boycotting anything Mormon, including Utah, including the Sundance Film Festival! (Robert Redford will LOVE this!) Black churches, which also very heavily supported Prop 8, are not being targeted. I guess it's not cool to attack Black churches, but Mormons are fair game?
Some gays are questioning these tactics, but it's obvious many are for it. For these groups on the video and others, it's "Ya, we KNOW we had an election and the people have spoken, but the people are WRONG and WE will show you and YOU will suffer!" what? Wait, are gays OUTING people now? We're going from Gay BASHING (nice that we've moved on from that) to Gay BASHERS? wow.
So, where do we Americans go when we see liberal groups going to these extremes against the majority who voted because they don't like what the majority decided? What can be done? Do these people see NO irony in that THEY're supposed to be the BIG PROGRESSIVES? Don't progressives understand the constitution?
Church Bulletins: Thank God for church ladies with typewriters -- misspellings, bad sentence construction or choice of words all make for fun reading. These sentences actually appeared in church bulletins or were announced in church services:
The Fasting & Prayer Conference includes meals.
The sermon this morning: 'Jesus Walks on the Water.' The sermon tonight: 'Searching for Jesus.'
Ladies, don't forget the rummage sale. Bring your husbands! It's a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house.
The peacemaking meeting scheduled for today has been cancelled due to a conflict.
Don't let worry kill you off - let the Church help.
Miss Charlene Mason sang 'I Will Not Pass This Way Again,' giving obvious pleasure to the congregation.
For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery downstairs.
The Rector will preach his farewell message after which the choir will sing: 'Break Forth Into Joy.'
Irving Benson and Jessie Carter were married on October 24 in the church. So ends a friendship that began in their school days.
At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be 'What Is Hell?' Come early and listen to our choir practice.
Please place your donation in the envelope along with the deceased person you want remembered
Potluck supper Sunday at 5:00 PM - prayer and medication to follow.
The ladies of the Church have cast off clothing of every kind. They may be seen in the basement on Friday afternoon.
This evening at 7 PM there will be hymn-singing in the park across from the Church. Bring a blanket and come prepared to sin!
Ladies Bible Study will be held Thursday morning at 10 AM. All ladies are invited to lunch in the Fellowship Hall after the B. S. is done.
The pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the congregation would lend him their electric girdles for the pancake breakfast next Sunday
Low Self-Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 PM. Please use the back door
Weight Watchers will meet at 7 PM at the First Presbyterian Church. Please use large double door at the side entrance
Z: Things like these really do get typed...We had a typo in our church bulletin about 4 weeks ago I honestly can't publish here it was SO raunchy!
I'm wondering what you think....Here's a bit from the article I linked below. Lindsay Lohan is admitting she's, well...not a lesbian, exactly...but just 'blessed' to feel comfortable with her bartender girlfriend.
"While Samantha is the first woman Lindsay has admitted to dating publicly, when asked if she had previously "been with a girl" by Harper's, the actress replied, "I don't know, maybe."
Lindsay said she does not consider herself a lesbian, but as for whether she thinks of herself as bisexual, she told the magazine, "maybe."
"I don't want to classify myself," she continued. "First of all, you never know what's going to happen -- tomorrow, in a month, a year from now, five years from now. I appreciate people, and it doesn't matter who they are, and I feel blessed to be able to feel comfortable enough with myself that I can say that."
The star of the upcoming film "Labor Pains" also said she plans to get married some day, though she doesn't know whether it would be to a man or a woman."
Planning under way for Obama holiday
The Capital-Journal Published Sunday, November 09, 2008
Plans are being made to promote a national holiday for Barack Obama, who will become the nation's 44th president when he takes the oath of office Jan. 20.
"Yes We Can" planning rallies will be at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. every Tuesday at the downtown McDonald's restaurant, 1100 Kansas Ave., until Jan. 13. The goals are to secure a national holiday in Obama's honor, to organize celebrations around his inauguration and to celebrate the 200th birthday of President Abraham Lincoln, who was born on Feb. 12 1809.
At 7:30 a.m. on Inauguration Day, Obama Cake will be served at the downtown McDonald's, and a celebration is scheduled for 8 p.m. to midnight Jan. 20 at the Ramada Hotel and Convention Center, 420 S.E. 6th.
For more information, contact Sonny Scroggins, (785) 232-3761, 845-6148
Z: You might want to give ol' Sonny a call!
Election view by Steven Den Beste - November 4, 2008
Not the end of the world (Z's comments, too...)
It's easy to let yourself go in despair and start thinking things like "We are well-and-truly xxxx'd" or "This is the worst of all possible outcomes". But it isn't true. (yes, it is; considering the other outcome would have been Obama losing, this IS the worst of all possible outcomes.)
I think this election is going to be a "coming of age" moment for a lot of people. They say, "Be careful what you wish for" and a lot of people got their wish yesterday. And now they're bound to be disappointed. Not even Jesus could satisfy all the expectations of Obama's most vocal supporters, or fulfill all the promises Obama has made. (I'm very sure Jesus could, but that's beside the point. The rest is absolutely true....how many times did we try to tell Americans "be careful what you wish for?)
I think Obama is going to turn out to be the worst president since Carter, and for the same reason: good intentions do not guarantee good results. Idealists often stub their toes on the wayward rocks of reality, and fall on their faces. And the world doesn't respond to benign behavior benignly.
But there's another reason why: Obama has been hiding his light under a basket. A lot of people bought a pig in a poke today, and now they're going to find out what they bought. Obama isn't what most of them think he is. The intoxication of the cult will wear off, leaving a monumental hangover. (And this pig never DID have lipstick on)
And four years from now they'll be older and much wiser.
A lot of bad things are going to happen during this term. But I don't think that this is an irreversible catastrophe for the union. I've lived long enough to absorb this basic truth: the US is too large and too strong to destroy in just 4 years. Or even in 8. We survived 6 years of Nixon. We survived 4 years of Carter. We even survived 8 years of Clinton, God alone knows how.(Well, terrorism and Iran's nukes could give us a run as far as surviving 4 years, but I'm hoping this guy's optimism is right)
The President of the United States is the most powerful political figure in the world, but as national executives go his powers are actually quite restricted. Obama will become President, but he won't be dictator or king, let alone deity. He still has to work with the House and the Senate, and he still has to live within Constitutional restrictions, and with a judiciary that he mostly didn't appoint. (He didn't get that senate majority but he's already planning to overturn Bush's stands on stem cell and gobal warming and he can slide those right by.....facts aren't important to these people; WE know embryonic cells haven't worked as other stem cells have but this is about abortion, isn't it, not stem cells, "got to kill those babes".......he also belongs to the group of nonthinkers who don't find it odd that NO invitations to the big Bali Warming convention went to those who do NOT feel this latest warming is mostly caused by humans! THAT's open minded, right? AGENDA, this is all agenda..not thoughtful decisions based on ALL the information..that's scary)
The main reason this will be a "coming of age" moment is that now Obama and the Democrats have to put up or shut up. Obama got elected by making himself a blank slate, with vapid promises about "hope" and "change" -- but now he actually has to do something. Now he has to reveal his true agenda. And with the Democrats also having a majority in both chambers of Congress, now the Democrats really have to lead. And they're not going to do a very good job of it. It's going to be amusing to watch. ("amusing" isn't the word I'd use, but it'll be interesting, that's for sure!)
And the people who fell for the demagoguery will learn an invaluable lesson. (they deserve it)
Oh, the Democrats try to blame failure on Republican filibusters, of which there will be many. But that's always been a factor in our system, and many people believe it's an important check on government excess. The tradition in the Senate is that it is supposed to be a buffer against transient political fads, and the filibuster is a major part of that. (this is why I begged obama voters to please consider voting for the Republican senator or congressman...when did Americans stop believing in checks and balances?)
If the Democrats go all in, and change the filibuster rule, then they'll have truly seized the nettle with both hands and won't have any excuses any longer. That's why they won't do it. It's their last fig-leaf. But even with the filibuster rule in place, they'll be stuck trying to deliver now on all the promises implied, or inferred, during this election. The Republicans can only filibuster on bills the Democrats have already proposed.
And it ain't possible for the Democrats to deliver what's been promised. Gonna be a hell of a lot of disillusioned lefties out there. A lot of people who felt they were deceived. A lot of people who will eventually realize that the Obama campaign was something of a cult. Disillusionment will turn to a feeling of betrayal. And that will, in turn, convert to anger. (What a mix; heartbroken conservatives and disillusioned lefties..)
In the mean time, Obama and Congressional Democrats will do things that cause harm, but very little of it will be irreversible.
I would have enjoyed watching lefty heads explode if McCain had won. But we're going to see lefty heads exploding anyway; it's just going to take longer.
In the mean time, those of us who didn't want Obama to be president have to accept that he is. And let's not give in to the kind of paranoid fever dreams that have consumed the left for the last 8 years. Let us collectively take a vow tonight: no "Obama derangement syndrome". Obama is a politician. He isn't the devil incarnate. (Ya, I know..."don't say it, Z!") So what are the good sides of what just happened?
1. It is no longer possible for anyone to deny that the MSM is heavily biased. The MSM have been biased for decades but managed an illusion of fairness. That is no longer possible; the MSM have squandered their credibility during this campaign. They'll never get that credibility back again. (Even the Washington Post admitted it today!)
2. Since the Democrats got nearly everything they hoped for in this campaign, they'll have no excuses and will have to produce. They'll have to reveal their true agenda -- or else make clear that they don't really have any beyond gaining power. (Their true agenda is to make America mediocre, "America doesn't deserve to be the world power..")
3. Every few decades the American people have to be reminded that peace only comes with strength. The next four years will be this generation's lesson. (So, WE know we have no strength left when obama's in power....how long will it take for Iran to find out? Oh, that's right, they already wrote congratulating obama on their luck...I mean HIS luck, sorry.)
Now, a few predictions for the next four years:
1. Obama's "hold out your hand to everyone" foreign policy is going to be a catastrophe. They'll love it in Europe. They're probably laughing their heads off about it in the middle east already.
2. The US hasn't suffered a terrorist attack by al Qaeda since 9/11, but we'll get at least one during Obama's term.
3. We're going to lose in Afghanistan.4. Iran will get nuclear weapons. There will be nuclear war between Iran and Israel. (This is the only irreversibly terrible thing I see upcoming, and it's very bad indeed.)
5. There will eventually be a press backlash against Obama which will make their treatment of Bush look mild. Partly that's going to be because Obama is going to disappoint them just as much as all his other supporters. Partly it will be the MSM desperately trying to regain its own credibility, by trying to show that they're not in his tank any longer. And because of that they are eventually going to do the reporting they should have done during this campaign, about Obama's less-than-savory friends, and about voter fraud, and about illegal fund-raising, and about a lot of other things.and
6. Obama will not be re-elected in 2012. He may even end up doing an LBJ and not even running again. (Z predicts he will be impeached in ...3 years..Yup, I do. There is NO WAY he can survive while not living up to ALL the HOPE AND CHANGE he promised...he'll have angry people to face who'll make Bush haters look like Bush lovers)
One last thing: I'm not saying I'm happy with this outcome. I would much rather have had McCain win. But this is not the end of the world, or the end of this nation. We've survived much worse.And now we need to show the lefties how to lose. Our mission for the next four years is to be in opposition without becoming deranged. (This will be difficult!! no..downright impossible)
UPDATE: One other good thing: no one will be spinning grand conspiracy theories about this administration's Vice President being an evil, conniving genius who is the true power behind the throne. (I'll take 'evil and conniving' as long as 'genius' is part of it....with biden, we only have the 2 two....oh, and DUMB) and I still think his first paragraph was right...we really ARE "well and truly XXX'd"z
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