Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Conservative News...check it out

Check out Conservative News. He's got a very good piece on Conservatives there. Lots of us are having the same exact feelings (it's amazing how many are saying the same thing lately...kind of reassuring) but he's articulated them so well I thought I'd link to him.


Greywolfe said...

Thanks for the referral. Right on the money!

Always On Watch said...

That link is spot on!

Conservatives must find a way to unite under the banner of true conservatism, or we're going to see the leadership of our nation move ever leftward.

Z said...


Doesn't matter WHAT WE DO if the media's STILL as 'in the bag' as they were the last two years.
Reagan could be reincarnated and nobody'd notice...except on the blogs.

Law and Order Teacher said...

I think this writer put his finger on something that will be very hard for conservatives to correct. I think that our principles sometimes get in the way of our common sense. McCain wasn't Reagan, but who is? The people who didn't vote because of their principles, as the writer said, sealed McCain's fate. I hope that four years of BO will cure our stupidity and self-destructive behavior. I hope, but I'm not holding my breath. Oh well, we'll still have our principles to make us feel superior to the liberals. We'll just have to get used to them winning all the offices. God bless America.