Thursday, November 20, 2008

Joe the Plumber....But, all he did was......!!

Joe the Plumber's back in the news: GUESS WHAT! Those investigations have been deemed 'improper'. I hope they didn't pay much for that assessment. You and I could have done it for free. Here's a pertinent snippet from the linked article:

"All these searches were done in the midst of a national political campaign," the report said. "But we did not find any evidence that shows the data was accessed or information released in response to media requests in an effort to support any political activity or agenda.".......The report looked into 18 background checks into Samuel J. Wurzelbacher, a Toledo-area man known as Joe the Plumber. He became a household name in the final weeks of the presidential campaign after asking Obama about his tax plan at a campaign stop near Toledo.
Eight of the checks were done without any legitimate business purpose, the report said."

Here's a gem from the link: "Republicans were furious that Wurzelbacher was targeted, saying that he was simply a private citizen who stood up and questioned the Democratic presidential candidate."

I'm eager to hear the Left justify this one, aren't you? Keith Olbermann on an American citizen being investigated for simply having given an opinion or asked a question of a presidential candidate? How about Tom Brokaw? How about Pelosi or Reid? You think any of them will dare speak out FOR JOE? Obama? Or are we destined to a media which allows this to long as it's THEIR guy who was questioned?

And, do you know there are still people who think Joe was put up to it by the Republicans? So reactive and so uninformed. This is Brown Shirt stuff, folks. We need to be real careful what we ask, what we say.... In AMERICA??? SINCE WHEN?



shoprat said...

The left doesn't want their hero questioned, just worshiped.

Anonymous said...

I hope Joe becomes a rich man from this violation of his right to privacy.

Tony C said...

Scary territory. I thought the Left was about protecting privacy and free speech. This combined with the Fairness Doctrine...what gives ACLU?

MathewK said...

"But we did not find any evidence that shows the data was accessed or information released in response to media requests in an effort to support any political activity or agenda."

Oh is that so. Wait.... let me have a look.... hold on..... oh yes i see them now, enormous pigs flying by my window!

Chuck said...

From what I'm hearing, it's six different agencies. But that's ok, the Democratic Governor and his appointees are going to get to the bottom of it.

Mike said...

The Left constantly bemoaned the Patriot Act...because we wouldn't want to infringe upon the privacy of terrorists. Republicans, however, are much more dangerous in their minds...gotta keep an eye on them.

More hypocrisy from the Left.

Z said...

Chuck and MA...WHY can't the rest of this country see your excellent points?

Blinded by the agenda, I guess.

Democrats are checking on Democrats....and they'll be honest.."I promise!" HAHA!!

that's like Hillary getting Sec of State after Bill SWEARS he'll never do anything without checking with an ethics committee "from now on"...ya, RIGHT.

Khaki Elephant said...

Joe the plummer, Linda Tripp, talk radio . . . Yep, the Left has promised to free enemy combatants from Gitmo, but will destroy anybody who uses honesty to get in their way.

Z said...

The best point here today, I think, is that the Patriot Act, which could keep us SAFE is something the Left hates..."we shouldn't be meddling,investigating, checking into things.."
And look what they do to people who dare challenge THE ONE.

THESE are scary times, folks.

Karen Townsend said...

It all makes me sick. One regular guy in a regular neighborhood asks a question from the intruding politician asking for his vote and all hell breaks loose. And, does the woman who got the ball rolling in Ohio misconduct lose her job? No. She got one month's suspension. Big deal.

Now, if it had been a Republican official overstepping boundaries with personal info on a Democrat...

Pasadena Closet Conservative said...

If he writes a book I'll buy them all up and give them as Christmas presents.

Yes, Libs, I said "Christmas". Bite me.

Anonymous said...

Censorship. Censorship is what the liberals want. All the way from censoring individuals to censoring talk radio with the fairness doctrine.

Censorship is a part of the new age of liberalism.

Anonymous said...

The Left will distry him as they did Sarah Palin.
It's their style.

Ducky's here said...

Actually Dave, Suzy Mooseburger will open her mouth and destroy herself.

Where were all you civil libertarians when President Chuck L. Nuts was grabbing a database of all internal phone calls illegally.

Now there is no way that database was needed for intelligence gathering (you can't data mine from that large a set) but it is useful to keep track of political opponents etc.
We use to say hi to the FBI whenever we made phone calls at the Catholic Worker House because we were tapped (along with Quakers and Unitarians). But it's ok to tap the "bad" relgions right, right?

Meanwhile the public record exposes some 85 I.Q. dolt as a complete fraud and the world is spinning apart. Hypocrites.

cube said...

People don't like to think that the jack-boot can fit the left foot more easily that the right only because the left has better media coverage.

The MSM can tell me the sky is green. It doesn't mean I'm going t believe it.

Z said...

Ducky, there's so much misinformation and lying in your comment, I'm sure none of us knows where to start. 85 IQ? Illegal tapping?

Ya, it's important that we ruin simple American citizens but we sure can't take a chance without a judge's permission to tap terrorists. Good thinking for disaster, ducky..thanks.

Pasadena, I'm with you! BITE me, too! I'm pretty sure obama will threaten the national holiday of Christmas pretty soon..I give us 2 years before the fight starts.

Thanks, everybody; got to stand up for ordinary Americans. The hate in the left, the obsession with SQUELCHING OPPOSITION OR CHALLENGES TO THE ONE has GOT to stop. It's dangerous and, intellectualy dishonest, and very reminiscent of periods in other countries where most of us would rather not go. (to the period, not the country!)

Brooke said...

Will the left justify this?

Absolutely not. They won't even bother to try. They don't owe US anything, not even an explanation.

This kind of intimidation is just the beginning for those who dare to question Obama.

Dissent will not be tolerated.

Ducky's here said...

Ruin simple citizens?

The bobo has his own web site and he has a book coming out December 1.

Just how was he ruined and what was all this adverse information?

He isn't a licensed plumber? Public record.
He hasn't paid his taxes? Public record.
His real name?
John McCheese wanted to use him as a shill and the truth about the guy was exposed. What's the big deal?

Now myself I consider tapping the phone of the Catholic Worker House, a group that is absolutely opposed to any sort of violence is an outrage but not in the right wing bizarro world.

As long as you deny rights to the "bad" people everything's fine. Anyone that you can find some obscure line of scripture to condemn is fair game.

Well, z, it's been a long time coming but get ready. The circus is coming to see you.

Oh Tony, the fairness doctrine? There's no move to reintroduce it but follow this. As I have said, right wing radio is your house organ now and they want to make money. The only way they do that is to keep you aroused and irrational. That renders you completely ineffective and doomed to screaming about Joe the Plumber and Sarah Palin.

WE WANT THAT TO BE THE NORM. In no way to we want you to take your eye off the lunatic fringe. We want Rush "Talent on Loan from Synthetic Morphine" Limbaugh talking up a blue streak and marginalizing you further.

Anonymous said...

For Ducky - I hope Joe makes a bundle.

Would you like your privacy invaded like that? For inadvertently becoming a symbol of everyman?

Btw, if I'm not mistaken I don't believe anyone but the owner of the plumbing business needs a license.

We can all see how much respect you have for people who get dirty while working for a living.

Never make the mistake of judging a person's intelligence, by the occupation they choose.

Typical elitist liberal, looking down your nose at those you and your leaders purport to care about.

Very revealing Ducky.


Brooke said...


Just imagine for a moment that it was you who had 18 back ground checks and was vilified for asking a question of GWB for a moment.

The screams of protest from the left would be deafening!

Law and Order Teacher said...

This license thing is a canard. As for not paying taxes, he was delinquent, that's late for those who have trouble with big words. Joe the Plumber is just that. He didn't ask BO to come into his driveway to troll for his vote. Joe had the audacity (can I use that word?) to ask him a question that he didn't want to answer. BO flubbed it. As for the Ohio official who ordered the probe, she got off with a 30 day suspension. Her assistant ordered a subordinate to issue a cover memo in an email. They did that because they were on firm legal ground, right? He got 30 days also. Gov. Turnaround Ted is a joke who is protecting his fellow Dems and is hoping the whole scandal will just go away. Sorry, it won't. The Repubs still exist in Ohio and they are smelling blood on this one. The local Dem house organ today took Turnaround Ted to task in an editorial for giving everyone involved a slap on the wrist. Let's watch the fur fly!

jazzycat said...

You would think Ducky would not be so eager to prove himself to be a fool! But no... The liberal gene just has to come out.

Z said...

LAw and Order..please keep us abreast as to what DOES happen in Ohio. The whole story's already off the national news cycle (of course, it barely was there for ten minutes anyway) I guess ZILCH will usual. Thirty DAYS for bullying an American citizen? classic.


jazzycat, thanks for coming over...and you are SO right.

Ducky's here said...

Law and Order Teacher ... just what did Joe the Randoid ask?

You listen to the guy talk and he goes on about social security being unfair and all that. He's a classic working class hero who doesn't have a pot to pee in but thinks he's going to hit the big time some day.

After all, the real god of the Republic Party and all you professed "Christians" is selfishness and your main apostles are Ayn as in Mine Rand and the F****** Up Friedmans--Milton and Tommy.

Republicans talk the Jesus talk, but they walk the Ayn Rand walk. For too long they've corrupted and infected all levels of America with their "Looking out for #1" selfishness.
Well, Katrina, collapsing bridges, neglected infastructure, industrial self-policing and financial overreach have finally awakened the masses. I hope that FINALLY after 30 years, we've pounded enough nails in the corpse of Ayn Rand to finally put the age of Selfishness away for a long long time to come!

Yours in the true Christ and the Sermon on the Mount.

Anonymous said...

Ducky, Joe want's to be autonomous, to pursue happiness as he sees fit without reliance on, or intrusion from, the government.

In other words he believe's in personal responsibility, and being accountable to himself for the choices he makes. Otherwise known as freedom.

There has never been an age of selfishness. There has been an age of dependence and self-inflicted victimhood, and sadly, it stands to expand. The result of liberal paternalism.

Btw, Mr. pris and I contribute to four main charities, plus donations when a national tragedy occurs.

How many charities do you contribute to?


Z said...

Oh, my, Ducky...YOU are in the 'TRUE CHRIST', huh? Well, I guess you told us mean ol' Protestants.

What do you make of Christ saying there would "always be poor among you"?

I told you I WILL NEVER SLAM CATHOLICISM at this site and I won't, but I'm very tired of your not having the same....DECENCY, I guess is the word. How dare you?

As for the "randoid" WHY is it the left says they're tolerant and it's only you who comes to sites and calls people names, or outs them, or insults their faith? It's just plain odd and, I think, pretty typical...very sad.

As for SELFISHNESS, Republicans are known, statistically, to give more than the left....Sorry, but you keep coming here and getting facts and then you disappear.

I guess that's why you have NEVER replied to Priscilla, do you know that? It's interesting....sometimes that light's just a little too much for the eyes, eh, Ducky!?

Law and Order Teacher said...

Please put the shield of Catholicism down. I am a life-long Catholic. My ancestors brought their religion with them to this country. You need to calm down and look at things from a true Christian perspective. Don't be that guy who is about his philosophy and bends his religion to fit it. Nowhere, and I repeat nowhere is it written some of the things you espouse are dogma of Catholicism. Seriously, you are a leftist that hides behind a religion. Ann Rand, are you kidding me? So, achieving is non-Christian? That's interesting. I seem to remember the parable of the slaves who were given talents by their master. The slaves who turned their talents into double the amount were loved more by their master. The slave who buried his talents was chastized by his master.

Z said...

Law and Order...thanks for being the voice of reason. And a Catholic who calls it exactly and ever so sublimely RIGHT on the money: people bend their faith to fit their philosophies.

How well said. I am one of those Christians who does NOT believe Catholics aren't Christian, but I know there are some who do. It's like when I left THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST and a Protestant friend happened to be there and told me, outside, "there was a little too much MARY for MY taste". I left thinking "A little too much of the MOTHER OF GOD? hhmmm"!!


Law and Order Teacher said...

I'm glad that you have stuck up for we Catholics as Christians. We do worship Christ. I'll be at Mass tomorrow and Christ will be my Savior. I remember that there were kids in our lower class neighborhood who couldn't play with me or my brothers and our Catholic friends. I didn't know what the problem was until years later. Prejudice is ridiculous isn't it?

Z said...

It's prejudiced, yes...and uninformed.

There are things I don't love about the Vatican, and things I don't understand, but I call that THE BUSINESS of the Catholic religion....the business of ANY church is often not as admirable as the adherants, the congregants who work hard to make the church thrive, to support their fellow parishioners....and I see PLENTY OF that in the very lovely Catholic Christians in the bible study group I belong to. PLENTY.

God bless you, Law and Order...I admire anyone who walks the walk!

Law and Order Teacher said...

I have news for you. There are things about my church I don't like also. The recent scandal was very hard for me to get by. After talking with my dad, God rest his soul, I looked at it that the Church isn't wrong, it was the people in charge of it. The priest and their enablers smeared all of us in the eyes of others. These people were complicit in a criminal conspiracy and should have been jailed. Too bad the statute of limitations ran out. I love my religion while I am sometimes mystified by those who are entrusted with it.

Z said...

Law and Order, I hope my comment wasn't offensive because you said exactly what I meant to say, but more beautifully. thanks.

The scandal mostly bothered me because of what ammunition it gave the media and some protestants........The scandal put a pall over ALL CHRISTIANS, you know that. It was an easy mark now. "Look what those JESUS believers are up to..SOME RELIGION"

And I firmly believe a lot of priests were accused who had NOT participated but how do you speak up for yourself in that situation?

Ugly.....everything about it was just plain ugly, but the long-reaching damage is the worst...right after the damage any REAL molestations actually did, of course.

Law and Order Teacher said...

No offense taken. I am still upset at the scandal. The pope's trip was a good first step as he admitted wrongdoing by the church and a willingness to seek forgiveness. I hope he follows through and the church fathers get back on their game. What an awful mess and you are right, it smeared all Christians. As you would say, geeeez!