Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Some GOOD NEWS...Mike's a smart guy............listen to him

The following is from my good buddy, Mike, in an email he sent me Tuesday night:

"But maybe there is another silver lining. Every so often America has to be reminded just how bad the lefties govern. As it is, we've raised a whole generation that doesn't remember Jimmy Carter and how bad he managed affairs and his sluggish economy. They simply don't know. Reagan came in like a lion in 1980 and basically changed the way Americans thought about things for 25 years.

Maybe its time we're reminded again how bad the left truly is. A McCain victory certainly isn't going to change the way people think. Maybe Obama and the full Monty of liberalism is necessary for the next version of Reagan to arrive on the scene in 2012 and point the way to prosperity and a renewal of our American principles?

Just thinking out loud.


I thought that was well worth posting..........Mike's spread sheets show McCain winning....and losing! Even MIKE can't tell !! Also, a neat part of this story is that I sent his original spread sheet with McCain winning (based on pretty well educated information from watching many States in many past elections) to a friend here in LA who emailed me back that her mother and Mr McCain's 96 yr old Aunt (his mother's twin) were friends and she called this woman and read her Mike's email with the spreadsheet and read her the part where I said I'd be in a padded cell till after the election. McCain's Aunt loved BOTH remarks!! How cool is THAT?

As Pinky would say..."Steady on", folks..there's always a silver lining. I'm hoping McCain wins, but I'M SURE that an Obama four years will not be followed by another four years and, who knows, by then maybe we'll get Mrs. Sarah Palin, President of these United States?~!!

Mustang recently made me an HONORARY MARINE, so I will BE STRONG through all of this. (Oh, darn...can Marines CRY?............)



Rita Loca said...

Honorary marine??? I'm jealous!!!

Incognito said...

Me too! There will be good either way.

All i know is that this has galvanized me into becoming more involved in the party and how we need to court more diverse voters.

Karen Townsend said...

I so respect how McCain fought so hard until the end. Now, the party must re-group and make some much needed changes. And, the local and state Republican parties must work hard to bring along strong candidates to move on to the national stage.

Z said...

Karen...we're facing AL Qaeda knowing we have THE (weak) ONE in charge. We'll be lucky if we have four years to regroup.

Still, we have to stay positive and, as you and incognito have said, work hard to stop being misrepresented so badly by the media. If the media hadn't loved Obama so much, he'd NEVER have won in a million years.

Imagine being an Obama voter? "I voted for someone Farrakhan, pimply faced college kids and Hamas LOVE!"

Z said...

anybody read the paragraph about MCCain's aunt? I thought that was fun.

Obob said...

this could be fun if no one gets hurt

Anonymous said...

Z, I've actually felt this way since Romney bowed out of the race. I think that four years of Obama will get us back to baseline and rev up the GOP in a whole new way. Hopefully the GOP and all other thinking people...

It's awesome that his aunt read your comment! What a small world, right??!
Thanks for the link-love!!

Law and Order Teacher said...

The Republicans need to learn their lesson. They have let their voters down in two straight elections. Either the Republicans are masochists or they are going to have to wake up and find out where their bread is buttered. Their "leaders" are going to have to go to school. I am very aggravated at the party leaders. Someone needs to step up.

Z said...

obob: THAT is exactly, poignantly right: This could be fun if nobody gets hurt.

Apparently, the obama voters forget TERRORISM and McCain forgot to remind them. Somebody will get hurt allright.......

until that happens, we're all hurt..America will hurt. I grieve.

Papa Frank said...

I grieve with you Z. I will stand by your side for the next 4 years though and together we will grow stronger and be ready and willing to fight for our country!!!

Z said...

papa...you made me cry...
thanks for such a sweet sentiment...wonderful

I just want our country BACK. I want people PROUD of her in the WH, I want people to want to work hard to succeed, not feel they'll be better of skating so the gov't can help. HOW DO WE CHANGE OUR KIDS BACK? HOW DO WE SHOW PEOPLE PRIDE IN AN HONEST DAY'S WORK IS BETTER THAN SOCIALISM? HOW?

Ducky's here said...

Well folks, look at it this way. Obama is going to be a centrist like Clinton.

The move to a progressive government is going to take a bit of time.

Meanwhile, take a look at last night's demographics.

Under 30 -- You got your teeth kicked in.

Hispanics -- Growing population and you lost, big.

Women -- Continue to stay away from the far right.

Please, run Palin by all means. A candidate with the brains of a bag of hair is NOT going to go over with the demographics you need in this age.
The Raygun years are over. That came across loud yesterday.

You can find a way to participate in the center or you can sit in the dark fondling your guns and murmuring, "Sarah, Sarah".

Choice is yours but the tribe has spoken and you got slaughtered.

Tell Liddy Dole to run a few ads calling someone an atheist. How well did that work out?

The Protestant religious right is no longer a force in American politics.