Friday, November 21, 2008


I couldn't let this article on ACT For America not be read by more people because of the importance of it so I posted it here from Please read it and think about how much we stand to lose if Americans don't start standing up to those who come to our country and start calling the shots. We have a culture and it's time our guests started accepting it. In the past, other cultures came here hungry to become Americans, to live by our laws, to adapt and engage in our culture. This created the great American success story. Are we watching the great American destruction story?

What's happened that turned this around? I really would like to know what you think. And I'd like to know if any of you knows the final resolution on the Tysons Foods situation. I'm not sure Brigitte Gabriel in this piece is correct...I know Labor Day got reinstated but I believe the muslim holiday was also added. She says it won't stand next year, do you know? I can't find anything updated on Google.
Aristotle said "Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society"....I think that's appropriate in this case. Nobody here doesn't welcome others to practice their cultures in their homes and even in special events on the American scene, but I think it's not asking too much to put ours first, do you?
Have we become too tolerant and apathetic? How? When? And WHY?
Just a little addition I have been thinking about: The Somali pirate situation is an excellent metaphor for US and how we're handling Islamists. A HUGE OIL TANKER can't resist pesky tiny boats coming at them? The excuse the tanker people are using is "we can't tell if they're pirates or not so we can't shoot!" Really? What do they think these boats are doing, delivering pineapples from tanker to tanker? Right now, aren't we like those TANKERS with a crew of 400 who somehow can't figure out what's going ON? A crew which can't develop a way to ascertain what's what? Isn't that us now? "Gee, we don't dare to get tough, wire tap, use waterboards, because what if...?" But, WHAT IF THOUSANDS OF AMERICANS live because we took a chance and stood up for ourselves? What if we err on OUR SIDE starting today? Think things might change? you bet.
z (thanks to Pris for the link)


Anonymous said...

Z, thanks for posting this article. It's important I believe, that we not take our eye off the ball, when it comes to Islamicfascism.

I think a grassroots organization like Act for America, is very important to fight this insidious threat.

President Bush will soon leave office and one wonders how much attention will be paid to Islamists and their agenda to promote Shariia law. I fear the new administration will be less likely to address the threat, and indeed may be more likely to capitulate.

One only has to know how they operate in Europe to see they are very active and will not go away. It doesn't necessarily take an attack to make inroads, in fact, they may decide to take advantage of the political correctness which exists here as it does in Europe, to their advantage.

Nowhere is the clueless acceptance of muslim Islamist influence or demands in the name of tolerance more likely than in the seats of power, federal and local. Not to mention money.

I hope your readers will check out Act for America. A grassroots movement which is dedicated to vigilance and bringing attention to this threat to our culture.


Always On Watch said...

From the FPM article:

There are many fine organizations that have been researching and publishing information on this, some for many years. And that education and information is essential to our long-term prospects for victory. But it’s not sufficient. Education must be followed by organized action.

Exactly right!

The quiet jihad is taking place via the overtaking of institutions, including government agencies and large companies such as Tyson Foods. And, of course, what's happened and is still happening with our textbooks and in our schools at all levels is a willing march into whitewashing Islam.

Right now, more people are concerned about the economy than the Islamification of the West. Epa wrote an excellent essay on that very topic yesterday at IBA.

As far as I know, Act for America! doesn't have a chapter in Northern Virginia where I live and where is found The Wahhabi Corridor (aka Leesburg Pike). Most people here, just a few miles from our nation's capital, just don't care, underestimate the threat, or "don't want to get involved." For example, when the United American Committee offered the Saturday Jihad Matinee at a library here, only three showed up: the host himself, a blogger, and myself. We tried to get library patrons interesting in watching Obsession and Islam: What the West Needs to Know. No interest! I believe that if such a matinee had been offered in the months following 9/11, the room would have been packed.

Well, at least Brigitte Gabriel's latest book, which I bought a few weeks back, is getting read as it's on the NYT bestseller list. I can only hope that Spencer's latest book, Stealth Jihad does as well. Both books are must-reads!

CJ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
elmers brother said...

I'm not fatalistic but my hope also doesn't rest in the politics du jour.

Having said that I still think this country is worth fighting for, I gave 20 years of my life defending it. I'm ready to give some more.

Anonymous said...

I hope it isn't already too late to do anything about the problem. Sometimes I wonder..

Ducky's here said...

"Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society".


And the left ain't feeling real tolerant after the last 8 years.

Tony C said...

Here's the Snopes link on the Tyson issue -

I digging into Act for America a little more. I like what I read, but...

Thanks for the heads up.

CJ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Cj, with all due respect, I have never read anything so defeatist as your post.

I don't have any personal message from God that he opposes activism in defense of our country and I don't think you do either.

I do think it's presumptuous for you to assume that Americans such as myself or others here do not seek God's help and blessings upon our country.

We were not put here on earth, and with the gift of intelligence, to do nothing, especially in the face of evil. History is replete with that example, and we should have learned that by now.

God helps those who help themselves.


CJ said...

Oh dear, Pris, scripture is SO clear that helping ourselves is exactly what God does NOT want us to do. But I will say no more.

Z said...

Thanks, Ducky...amazing that you missed entirely what Aristotle is obviously saying...but, go ahead...take the onus off the left's ridiculous toleration idiocy and blame us. Thanks.
We have a country to save.. Now that you elected obama, we have an even tougher job. Thanks again.

Elbro....seems to me we're ALL going to have to fight soon. unbelievable.

Thanks, Pris...I hope people will look at it,'s so important.

AOW..thanks..people just don't want to SEE IT. They're like cats; stick your face between the pillows and nobody will see YOU, right? It's unreal.
START a chapter of ACT!!

Hermit...if we'd get OFF this PC track, we'd have hope.

I think a good metaphor is the pirates in the ME right now....HUGE OIL TANKERS and they can't get rid of pesky pirates coming at them in tiny little boats? WHY? Because they now say "Well, we can't tell if they really ARE pirates or just a small ship coming near" What, to deliver PINEAPPLES? WHY would they?

I think I'll blog on the metaphor right now!! Adding it to this blog..thanks!

CJ... while we MUST return to Him in every way (I agree), He also asks us to be good stewards. This is HIS LAND, we need to fight. He sent armies to fight for Israel, etc., in the O.Testament..he didn't wiggle his nose and make the bad guys go away...He did it through PEOPLE, His armies. We need to get back to that, you're so right.

Anonymous said...

The duck droppings, spread throughout the blogosphere, are nothing if not profound revelations of amorality; he has no tolerance for fellow-Americans who have a view different from his own, but he has unlimited tolerance for Islamofascists. He truly is an amazing study; imagine the very impudence of trying to suggest that the left was ever “tolerant” during the past eight years! My gosh, it’s utterly laughable.

The social cancer you describe began as a small one-celled organism called hyphenation; this led to multiculturalism, and this in turn led us to political correctness and moral relativism. All of this is part of the grand socialist educational experiment, bought and paid for by American taxpayers who have been asleep lo these many years. Why it is insufficient to be an American, without also finding it necessary to delineate some additional source of origin, is incomprehensible.

These hyphenated people have no problem demanding tolerance of their beliefs, while concurrently demanding that we give up ours . . . or hide them from public view. They do not hesitate to prosecute us for speaking truth, as we understand it, for expressing an opinion with which they do not agree, but there is no vacillation perpetuating hateful intolerance of Christians, or Jews, or even “American culture.”

Aristotle is correct; it will destroy us, just as it destroyed the ancient civilizations. I suspect nothing could possibly make the canard happier than the prospect of a soviet styled society and the abandonment of our Judeo-Christian traditions; it would be preferable if our government's policies didn't reinforce social hyphenation.

Z said...

Funny, Mustang, but I just remembered that Le Canard (the DUCK) is the radical left paper in Paris!!

shoprat said...

Tolerance + Apathy = "I don't care" Those who don't care don't survive.

Aristotle was exactly right.

Anonymous said...


Great post and a great series of comments. Sorry I am late to the party -- just spent three hours in my Eye Surgeon's office.. mostly waiting and talking to a wealthy liberal RINO who voted Obama. I wanted to throw up but he was sitting so far away it would have missed him.

He like all liberals in our country want nothing to do with truth, especially Christian Truth. He and his ilk are the problem.

I say limited tolerance without ANY compromise of Conservative or Christian principles.

For the most part, Christians and Christian principles moulded our Republic. We have departed those and headed down a Socialist (non-Christian), hedonistic path from which only our populace placing their faith in Jesus Christ can rescue. Try as we may, there is no other foundation upon which our Republic can be successfully re-built.

A friend of mine, George Orick, once described me to mutual friend, "Jack is a person who when slapped will turn the other cheek. But if slapped again, he will cripple you!" (I was younger then) I will defend my family, friends and country to the death. More importantly, I will share my Savior with anyone who will listen -- but just like the aforementioned RINO, until they trust Christ as Savior, they babble, not like a babbling spring brook but as a bubbling broken sewer line.

God has not left our country, our country has abandoned God and His precepts.

All is not lost, Educate, Educate, Educate and preach the Gospel, "The Power of God" to all.

In Christ eternally,


Z said...

Thanks, happy to have you 'at the party'!

Your comments make such sense and inspire me!!

We have certainly left Him...but I will never believe He's completely left us or our country...

Anonymous said...


One more quick thought before bed.

God still loves every individual in America... "For God so loved the World that he gave His only begotten Son..."

Every person still has the same chance that was offered me to trust Christ as Savior.

God loves America as He loves the world...

Every individual's choice.

In Christ eternally,


Karen Townsend said...

What a timely post, Z! Just last night my husband and I attended a private screening sponsored by a local chapter of ACT for America. Check out the post I just put up!

CJ said...

One last thought from me, too.

I base my thoughts about God's judgment strictly on scripture. That's what the Old Testament was given to us for, to instruct us, about how God deals with the sins of nations among other things. He doesn't let them go on in their idolatrous ways forever before He intervenes to bring them down. That happened over and over to many nations and empires as prophesied in the OT.

I'm not talking about the salvation of individuals which is another subject altogether, but believers are affected by God's judgment too, with the difference that those seeking Him will have plenty of grace from the Lord to get through it.

But I'm talking about how God deals with the nations of the world. America is under judgment and it's going to get worse, probably a lot sooner than anyone is prepared for. He's been giving warning signs for YEARS, that have gone largely ignored, not only by unbelievers but even by Christians. 9/11 SHOULD have been taken as a warning sign, and Bush SHOULD have called the nation to repentance and prayer in response to it, and NOT the ecumenical travesty of prayer he had in the National Cathedral, which is only a way of saying we don't care what God said in scripture, we prefer our own gods. You think God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, is going to let a nation that was founded on Christian principles get away with that for long?

9/11 was a clear-cut beginning of judgment, but most people saw in it only the human agents of it. There have been other signs since then, disastrous weather, disastrous accidents. Whenever you read of a great loss to America, shouldn't we recognize that God is in charge of it? That's because He is in charge of all things! A big one is this ongoing financial crash. It's just a matter of time before the bottom falls out completely. We as conservatives know that the policies of Obama can only hasten the destruction of the nation. How could Obama even have a chance of getting into office with his anti-American ideology if God were still on our side? It COULD NOT HAPPEN. I don't think McCain would have been much better, though, and Bush was disaster enough. We've been coming under judgment for a long time. But Obama will likely preside over the biggest mess we've ever seen.

God loves everybody in the world in a certain sense, but if you know scripture then you know He also specifically said He hates Esau. Therefore we know He hates some, and doesn't love all. Such preaching is like Jeremiah 6:14 "They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace."

If disaster is coming is it better to soothe people with irrelevant words or try to light a fire under them?

And Pris, I did not claim to have a personal revelation, though really, I think Christians should ALL be having personal revelations and would be if we were walking in the Spirit. But I'm basing this only on scripture and observations anyone can make who is paying attention.

Anonymous said...

Whoa. I think Mustang nailed it, Z, with regards to how and why this happened.

As usual, I couldn't say it any better myself.

As for me, my job is to educate my children regarding liberty, freedom, soverignty (as if that even exists!), and patriotism. I'll not teach them political correctness, which I deem to be insincere.

Just this week, my eight year old was talking about her friend. She called her an African-American. I stopped her and asked her if her friend had been to Africa, was born in Africa, etc. No, of course not. Well then, dear, let's just call her an American.


Problem solved.

We'll not identify people by the color of their skin. That's something racists do.

Greywolfe said...

I like this! good blog. Gonna add you to my blogs that I follow. If you do the same great! If not, well stop in and visit once in a while.

MathewK said...

"What's happened that turned this around?"

Isn't it obvious the answer is on your ideological left. They are the ones that foisted this multiculturalism nonsense upon people and continue to do so.

Nice analogy about the oil tanker and the pirates Z. That's exactly what is it, and believe it or not, enough fools on our side really do believe they're here to hand over pineapples.

Funny thing about pineapples, try eating one without take the skin off.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Pris.

I like the way you think.

Z said...

MK.thanks...I thought it was an apt analogy, too.. SO SAD to consider.

CJ said...

>>>The Somali pirate situation is an excellent metaphor for US and how we're handling Islamists.... Right now, aren't we like those TANKERS with a crew of 400 who somehow can't figure out what's going ON? A crew which can't develop a way to ascertain what's what? Isn't that us now? <<<

Just reread this post and yes, I agree, this IS us now, and this is one of the clues we're under judgment: we're acting stupid and have been acting stupid for a long time, most particularly since 9/11. A total lack of common sense.

>>> "Gee, we don't dare to get tough, wire tap, use waterboards, because what if...?" But, WHAT IF THOUSANDS OF AMERICANS live because we took a chance and stood up for ourselves? What if we err on OUR SIDE starting today? Think things might change? you bet <<<

Thing is, it isn't going to happen. We don't have the will for it, haven't for years, and that's the major sign we're under judgment. But "standing up for ourselves" -- honestly, truly, really, is NOT what God asks of us. He asks us to commit everything to Him in complete dependence on Him and not on our own strength. Really, truly. "Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord." If we are acting in His Spirit, well and good, if not forget it.

Oh well, I just happened to reread the post and as usual had more to say.