Sunday, November 2, 2008

From our buddy, Morgan...who explains Obama's tax plans 'better' than Obama could..more personally, and more truthfully....

Barack Obama's Economic Idiocy and Outright Lies.

Here in Florida, Obama continues to run an economic ad stating that "the old theory of trickle down economics has failed badly..." and then went on to spout leftist platitudes and lies intended to appeal to the less informed and just plain stupid.

According to Obama surrogate Bill Richardson, if you make less than $120,000 your taxes will be cut. Above that, they WILL go up! Here's where trickle down economics comes into play. Obama's plans DIRECTLY target all of my customers for higher taxes. My business, like hundreds of other small businesses, relies on the ability of wealthy clients to spend disposable income. If the federal government under Obama raises their taxes from 35-40% and then maybe even raises the estate (death tax), my customers will take a DIRECT hit in the pocketbook and will cut back on their discretionary spending.

So my wealthy customers spend less money, affecting my business and countless others who rely on them. When our businesses are hurt, we cut back on equipment purchases, expendable overhead, advertising dollars, raises, bonuses, etc.. Ultimately we need to start firing people to stay in business. The economy ends up being strangled by socialist policies.

Trickle down economics is NOT a theory! As you can see, wealth flows downhill from the high achievers, businessman, investors, and risk-takers to the rest of the economy and then flows in all directions through spending and investing and hiring
. Just as wealth and jobs flow down through an economy, so does "human waste", in the form of tax increases!

Obama's lies? He says, "the top 5% will have their taxes increased, while the other 95% will get a tax cut." That's a whopper of a lie from top to bottom. Approximately 45% of all income earners pay NO federal income taxes, so how can they POSSIBLY get a tax cut? Simple, they get a welfare check paid for by the people whose taxes are going up. That's Socialist income redistribution from Obama, plain and simple.

Obama's socialist economic policies count on the thoroughly discredited theory that the government can create wealth and jobs by redistributing income. In practice that has proven to be imposible because a heavy-handed government cleptocracy kills the initiative of individuals. Remember that when casting your vote on Tuesday.

Vote for economic freedom and prosperity, vote for John McCain!

BY, Morgan Orlins, friend extraordinaire!



Anonymous said...

Thanks so much Z! This rant seemed so obvious to me that it almost wrote itself. I watch his ads here in FL and they're so jam packed with obvious lies that I worry about the mental health of our country. Obama's team wouldn't write such pap and spend millions on the ads unless they thought the people were susceptible to it.


Z said...

Morgan, you are thanking ME? I'm so happy to have good, smart plain-spokenness on geeeeeeZ! thank YOU.

Are you all ready for THIS?
I heard a clip of an Obama speech yesterday...he's pulling out ALL the stops. Yesterday, we were BACK AT HALLIBURTON!! I kid you NOT!!

I guess that was to counteract his poor old Auntie from Kenya who has lived illegally in America, in a ghetto in Boston. When I first heard this story two days ago, I thought "Oh, come ON, maybe Obama doesn't even know her, this might be nothing...maybe it's not fair to him."

Then I heard SHE ATTENDED HIS SENATE SWEARING IN CEREMONIES! SEE? Even if you WANT to give this lying sack of *(&#@$^&*& a break, he PROVES YOU WRONG.

Today at lunch I told a friend "YOu know, it's amazing, we hear little tidbits from Obama every day and not ONE OF THEM is remotely appealing (or truthful, probably)

amazing man. HIDEOUS

Anonymous said...

Z I'm CONVINCED he was aware of his aunt's condition. Remember him saying "I am my brother's keeper" while his half brother in Nairobi lives in a squalid shack? Obama is a LASER FOCUSED authoritarian! Those family members didn't serve to further his ambitions, so he discarded them like used condoms.


Z said...

I found it sad Michelle Obama didn't quickly jump on that plane with Barack to see his dying grandmother.
Those trips are easy when you're traveling private....sad. I don't like slamming public figures for their private lives, but there's just something SO WRONG in that bunch; I can't put my finger on it, but something doesn't add up. I'll bet that grandmother would have loved to have seen her grandchildren for the last time, too. Maybe she's comatose, that could be. Just something weird...I'd heard Michelle and the kids didn't go visit Grandma this summer while they were vacationing there, either...did you hear anything like that?

There is nothing authentic about this man...he's like a Frankenstein monster, MOrgan.....put together with parts of flesh and bones from Ayers, Farrakhan, Soros, Rezko, whatever other thugs are backing him.

Very sad. And so many Americans actually believe him. That bothers me more than he does.

Anonymous said...

Morgan hits the nail on the head; of course, he is a fellow Floridian. The economy is healthy when money is flowing . . . like blood through our veins. Impede that flow, or stop it altogether, then you create a suddenly serious problem. Obama’s economic plan for America should be entitled, “How to destroy a capitalist country without really trying.” Trying to make the Obamabots understand the short and long-term consequences of any of their master’s proposals is like trying to get Barney Frank to say anything intelligent — it’s impossible.

Great essay, Morgan. I understand Z pays her guest authors $100 per comment, so I did my part.

Average American said...

His tax plan, like all of his other plans------SUCKS! If elected, he would incur damage that would take at least 20 years to correct.

Z said...

except I think he IS trying to ruin us, at the bidding of his puppet masters.......$$$

Right, I"ll be sending Morgan a check..when TRICKLE DOWN works on blogs!! But, you know, we all might have to with the Fairness Doctrine in place? And have a leftie write against Morgan's sentiment>EQUAL TIME? "Got to print the LIES, too" THAT is the fairness doctrine!! THAT is the new 'fair' to the left....lies count.

Just ask Obama. Did you see what he SAID ON VIDEO about changing the coal industry? MSM isn't carrying it, of course. FOOLS.

Z said...

Average, I think that's true.
This isn't just an ideological difference between two parties who love Americans and want them to succeed but see getting to that success differently. This is a WHOLE different ballgame and half of America's too blind to see it.


What about the real truth? OBAMA LIES ?

Anonymous said...

“How to destroy a capitalist country without really trying.”

Mustang that would be a PERFECT title! Thanks for the kind words. AND the C note. :-)


Anonymous said...

Z I'm VERY suspicious of his Hawaii trip to the sick old granny. Remember that it wasn't long after that when Hawaii's RINO guv sealed his "birth records"...
He's certainly not what you and I expect from a human being. he's different for sure.


Anonymous said...

Z wrote:
"This isn't just an ideological difference between two parties who love Americans and want them to succeed but see getting to that success differently. This is a WHOLE different ballgame..."

You ain't kidding this is a different ballgame! Our side actually DOES love America and a DEDICTED % of Barack's followers really HATE America and blame us for all of the world's ills. Many of them seek to harm America, otherwise they WOULDN'T do harmful things at EVERY turn.


Z said...

Oh, MUSTANG's sending the money to Morgan.
That is SO NICE OF YOU, Mustang! YOu really are a pal !!

(Morgan, I want 10%)!!!

I did NOT know the governor sealed the birth certificate after Obama's trip. Are you KIDDING?

What's the RINO going to do, fulfill those seats Obama's saying will be filled with people from the other side? But, only those people from the other side who helped him hide his real self? Are we NUTS?

Z said...

exactly right, Morgan. There can be NO confusion about many of Obama's fans...they hate America.

When I see good conservative friends supporting Obama, a man who lies, mischaracterizes, supports ACORN, doesn't believe in trickle down....well, I'm stymied. JUST because of the war and the economy. AS IF we caused 9/11 and the economy's Bush! When Bush and McCain are among the Republicans begging the gov't to regulate Fannie and Freddie! NOBODY talks about that! The TRUTH IS NOT OUT THERE! And our friends don't seem to be curious enough to SEEK IT.
THAT is what's scary.

Anonymous said...

Birth certificate? Who knows? All I know is that his birth records were sealed. For his REAL "certificate" you'd probably have to go to Mombasa. :-) But hey, that doesn't matter right?


Anonymous said...

Z don't lose friends about this one. You can't change CA anyway. YOU know you're right, and the fact that Obama's SERIOUS shortcomings don't bother your liberal friends usually means that they haven't heard the whole story yet and refuse to accept it right away. Even my own brother (NJ) and sister (TN) don't run in conservative circles and are SHOCKED at some of the things I tell them. They're voting McCain because the know Obama's a socialist, but the rest is new to them.


Z said...

Morgan, it's very hard to not feel badly about people who don't care enough to see the real issues. Character counts for me. It just DOES.

"I only lived in Ayers' neighborhood.." LIE ONE: 18 months ago. So many lies followed...but, number 1 would have been enough for me not to vote for a man with ZERO experience, ZERO humility, ZERO TRUTH..

Do I worry about his Muslim background(Barry Sotero, INdonesia: religion ISLAM) on school records...? Not really. Who really cares that as a child he was raised muslim? I don't. IT"S THE LIE "I never used another name and I've never been a muslim" LIE LIE LIE
Who'd care if he were STILL a muslim? (better than a rabid Black Reform theology, white hating GOD D America-listening RACIST "I never knew Wright was like that." another LIE LIE LIE)...I have no problem with a muslim who LOVES America and wantS to uphold her foundation running for Dr. Jasser? DR> JASSER NEVER LIED..BIG DIFFERENCE>

Michelle Obama JUMPED out of her shoes when the cooking diva Paula Deen said "i don't understand why Barack's called BARRY in this old picture we found to give you of him as a child!" Michelle literally JUMPED (I swear) and quickly said "OH, his family called him Barry when he was little!" LIE LIE LIE EVERYONE called him Barry until he chose to use Barack, his Muslim name, during days at Occidental College. LIE LIE LIE read his books.

ugh. WE all know them, we know all the lies..we know Trickle Down works, we know Socialism kills the spirit and the country..we know Ayers is scum, we know Farrakhan and Hamas support Obama blahblahblah WHO"S LISTENING??.........

I'd rather buy into the idiotic Leftist generalization that McCain MEANT 100 YEARS when asked the question about staying in Iraq. than elect a liar. ANY day.

A second grader asked Mrs. Palin what VP does and Sarah said "He heads the senate" BIG OUTRAGE by the media "She doesn't KNOW what VP DOES!"...what else COULD she have said to a SECOND GRADER!?? But, heck, they still harp on her for having joked she can see Russia from Alaska. They cut NO slack.
Yet, they vet Obama NOT AT ALL.

The TOTAL IRONY IS THIS: "All the President's Men" is on TV right now...remember when we had an honest media full of great kids wanting the TRUTH so they can tell America?

Today? It's absolutely GONE. They want to SCORE, the GOTCHA, make the big bucks, so they'll LIE. They want SOCIALISM, they don't like war at any cost, so OBAMA'S THEIR LYING CANDIDATE and "Isn't he COOL".

ugh. very hard to digest..sorry.

Anonymous said...

Z I understand your frustration COMPLETELY, believe me. You also wrote this: " remember when we had an honest media full of great kids wanting the TRUTH so they can tell America?"
I wish there was such a time. The media has been TERRIBLY biased for at least the last 70 years. Hell FDR practically owned the weasels and Rush wouldn't have been such a sensation in 1988 if the media actually did it's job. I'll agree that it's worse now than ever, that's fore sure.


Anonymous said...

The Republican Party is just a bunch of white racists. It is filled with a bunch of Angry White Guys (and Gals) who think the 1965 Hart-Celler Immigration Act ruined America because it made it a lot harder for whites from Ireland, England, France, Germany, Italy, etc. to immigrate to the U.S. and made it a lot easier for the Chinese, Indians, Jamaicans, Mexicans, Egyptians, etc. to immigrate to the U.S. What these racists don't GET is that the 1965 Hart-Celler Immigration Act (Thank You Senator Ted Kennedy) greatly increased Diversity in the U.S. which has made OUR Nation stronger and a much more multicultural place to live. Before 1965 Whites of European descent made up 88% of the U.S. population. Now whites only make up 65% of the U.S. population and by 2042 they will only make up 49% of the population. By 2100 Whites of European descent will only make up about 30% of the U.S. population and only 3% of the World Population. The 2008 Election is just a turning point in American History though. By the end of this century white Europeans will be out of power in the United States(FINALLY!) and then we can finally end WHITE PRIVILEDGE and can get REAL Affirmative Action, REAL Reparations, REAL Change, and begin to redistribute wealth and property back to those who deserve it. Unfortunately, these Changes won't take place until the White Kids in Strollers and Elementary School today are in their 60's and 70's. The World is Flat. The white racist Republicans just don't seem to get it!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful answer Z! People like that are the TRUE racists becvause issues of race consume them.
