WASHINGTON (AP) — Once a tense rivalry, the relationship between President Barack Obama and Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton has evolved into a genuine political and policy partnership. Both sides have a strong incentive in making the alliance work, especially in an election year.
For Obama, Bill Clinton is a fundraising juggernaut, a powerful reminder to voters that a Democrat ran the White House the last time the economy was thriving. For the spotlight-loving former president, stronger ties with the White House and campaign headquarters mean he gets a hand in shaping the future of the party he led for nearly a decade.
Obama's re-election campaign has put Bill Clinton on notice that he will be used as a top surrogate, further evidence of how far the two camps have come since the bitter days of the 2008 Democratic primary between Obama and Hillary Clinton, now his secretary of state.
Here's the most important bit:
"It makes absolutely clear that, to the extent that there were different wings of the Democratic party, there is now one wing of the Democratic party," said Chris Lehane, a Clinton backer. "And it's the president's party."
Republicans think, Republicans examine, Republicans weigh....and then they eat their young. Even in a year when they KNOW their vote will put Obama back in the White House and further solidify America's slide. Even when they know that the Supreme Court's in peril.....They even think America deserves that!
Democrats will not criticize each other in public, they come together.......winning is everything to them.
It needs to be that for us, too. Particularly this year. I don't really want another "I'm voting my conscience and you aren't" conversation here, please..I think there's not much more that can be said here about that, we GET IT...please..........What I am curious about is this:
Is this unholy alliance between the Clintons who seemed to despise the Obamas in 2008 (and the feeling was mutual) all about Hillary in 2016? Or just Democrat ideology and that it MUST come out ahead no matter who's in charge? And how effective do you think Bill Clinton's campaigning for his new best friend will be?
Is this unholy alliance between the Clintons who seemed to despise the Obamas in 2008 (and the feeling was mutual) all about Hillary in 2016? Or just Democrat ideology and that it MUST come out ahead no matter who's in charge? And how effective do you think Bill Clinton's campaigning for his new best friend will be?
Bob Dylan
I sure will. God bless and keep you, Levon....thanks for the music. "Take a load off.."