I think events had a lot to do with McCain's problems. He was beginning to gain again until a week ago, when the stock market fell 500 points in one day just as people were beginning to think the recovery was beginning to emerge.
Before the economic collapse and bailout, it was gas prices. I don't believe this is all coincidence, not just circumstances, the timing was too perfect to be sheer happenstance. It worked against McCain.
It isn’t unreasonable to assume that OPEC could have an effect on the election by lowering oil production and driving up prices. Anything negative, with a deleterious effect on Americans, would be associated with Bush, and indirectly with McCain, helped so predictably, and successfully by the Democrat and Obama drumbeat blaming the administration.
When the "drill now" campaign began and McCain adopted it, it captured the populace in a positive way. It was winning people over, and suddenly, gas prices began to drop, oil production began to rise, taking some of the steam out of the "drill now" movement and out of McCain’s campaign. The media explained it away by saying people were driving less. Maybe, partly, but we only have their word for it don’t we. Nobody I know was driving less, how about you?
We have to remember, too, that a lot of the people who don't like McCain, are disaffected Republicans. If it weren't for Sarah Palin they would have remained disaffected. Many were threatening not to vote until Palin was on the scene. Enter the Obama and media smear machine. They had to try to discredit her. It may have worked with some, but the base loves her. The fact is, she transformed the campaign.
The bottom line is, there are very powerful people with billions of dollars, including in the Middle East, who have greased the way for Obama. Six hundred million dollars worth to McCain’s eighty four million dollars. They can also have an effect on the market, big time. Be very suspicious. Their power should frighten every American.
Those huge bucks can also buy a lot of voters, put them on a lot of buses and have thousands of people at Obama's rallies. His campaign is imploring people to vote early with absentee ballots at their rallies. There is no longer a true Election Day. What's going on borders on anarchy. This election is being bought. The fact McCain is as close as he is strikes me as nothing short of miraculous.
What McCain supporters have to do is disbelieve the polls and the media. Surely the leftist media and pollsters haven’t changed their spots so close to the finish line. Why would any rational person believe them now? On the whole, true journalism is dead.
Finally, I haven't given up. Even with all this, I haven't, and neither should you.
Trust yourself, and vote.
Excellent, Pris.
Now as it just so happens, the Pew Center reveals that the media has been positive about Obama 58% of the time, while positive about McCain 14% of the time. So the power of the press, particularly on matters involving the economy, has successfully pushed Barack Obama forward as “the one.”
And of course, we all want to know where all the millions of dollars in donations are coming from. I don’t believe it all originates with “average Americans” donating $200 each—certainly not during a significant economic downturn. Amazingly, notwithstanding the money Obama has raised (when compared to McCain), Obama isn’t that far ahead of McCain in the reliable polls (excluding the NYT, of course).
The answer to the question “who benefits” from an Obama presidency, we only need to follow the money (if we could). The oil sheiks certainly benefit, millions of Muslims benefit, European socialists certainly benefit. But I don’t see much benefit to the American people.
I think your advice is sound. By now, we all know Barack Obama for what he is. He hasn’t hidden it from us. The Obama/Biden campaign has answered all our questions. No, the question now is this: Who are we? Are we Americans in the traditional sense, or Marxists?
I just heard a liberal radio talk show host tell Neil Cavuto that the ABC Newswoman who likened Obama's plans with Marxism was a McCain shill...It's McCain's people who got this ABC journalist to ask that! Cracked me UP!
Apparently, nobody else can THINK?
Do they really think WE haven't thought taking from the rich to give to the poor is Marxism TOO!?
(And, by the way, remember my ROBIN HOOD/Obama blog about six months ago? and some of you have blogged that implication, too? Well, the msm is JUST now starting to call Obama ROBIN HOOD!>>hey, are we good or WHAT?!) LOL!
What I want to know is how Obama's getting BY without telling where all the money is coming from. WHY NOT? I want to know why McCain would have to present EVERY penny's donors and Obama doesn't.
My German stepson is visiting for a month; he said "Don't the same restrictions apply to BOTH parties?"
YOu know what, Americans? It's getting harder and harder for me to defend some of the idiocy in our country lately to Germans who LOVE AMERICA!! And very disheartening to see the disillusionment.
Thanks Mustang. I agree that there really is no benefit to the American people. In fact, in the event Obama should win, I see nothing but loss of freedoms in America.
Just today there was a news blurb, that Obama indicated his desire for gun control.
Z, remember what I said about Robin Hood? Well, he did alright. He curried favor with the King, married a princess and had it made, thereafter.
There's plenty of reason to suppose election fixing unfortunately. I did my part after all and voted against Obama (I can't call it a vote for McCain) but I'll be amazed if Obama doesn't win. And yes, goodbye America, goodbye freedoms, hello New World Order.
Have you all seen the You Tube hymn to Obama? This one of a child's singing superimposed over footage Hitler Youth keeps getting pulled but sometimes it's still there:
Obama the Fuhrer
But the original of the girl singing that song is still there, a full-blown hymn to Obama here, and really, it's way scarier.
Interesting stuff... was also reading somewhere that "wall street" has donated more to the Dems than Repubs so who knows.
incognito...a cousin has a large head hunting firm for Wall St Hedge guys....She says it's VERY heavily Democrat. But, the media tells us............ of course! "those stinkin' capitalist pig Republicans", right?
Also, lots of tales going throughout Wall St about a very important, wealthy Stock guy with a large company who gets his people to donate to Hillary.....
then pays them back!! LIke that one? My cuz says everyone knows about that. (hard to keep that stuff quiet)..BUT, even if the media heard it, they'd protect.
America? Where'd it GO?
What troubles me the most is not NOBAMA, it's not a dem majority in the House and Senate, it's not even how bad the next four years will be if they win, no, the real scary thing is the American people. I just can's believe how STUPID the public has become. Even when NOBAMA loses, we are still left with the fact that he came so close. Is getting a black president THAT important?
There is no question that those who hate freedom want Obama to win. Every tyrant on the planet is cheering him on. Obama's only purpose is to destroy this country, even if he doesn't realize that he is being played into doing just that. I don't believe that he intends to purposely destroy this country but he is a puppet on the hands of those who do. He is nothing but a public face for someone else.
You have hit the nail on the head, Shoprat!
Z, great post! Good for you! Now is the very LAST time any conservative should give in or give up! FIGHT til the last man is standing! Of course we fight fair, but fight all the more! Then afterward, win or lose, we can stand tall & keep looking up! (Ps.73:23-26)
"On the whole, true journalism is dead."
Ain't that the painful truth. I think it's pretty obvious even to the stupidest people out there that the media are no longer on our side, perhaps they were at some point, but definitely not anymore.
I just hope and pray that enough are awake to this.
Yes, it is a miracle that McCain is within striking distance.
I concur with what most of you have written here.
We are in the fight of our lives.
Well, I already voted , so now I am devoting my time to prayer and anything else I can think of doing.
Giving money, etc...
Oh, Obama has been promised he gets to play president..that is it for him.
But yes, some big , big bucks have gone into this thing.
And it is more than SOros.
As for gun control we always knew Obama would be for that.
Anything to keep us under control.
Just read something about some good old Nation of Islam people helping out at the polls in Detroit on election day.
I can sure sleep easy at night now.
Let me say this, there have been certain factions within this country for years,,yes years, plotting on taking us down. People just look at you though, like you are nuts when you tell them.
Well, maybe some things are about to be revealed.
WVDOTTR is making an extremely important point. Even if Obama loses this election, the ideological battle is far from over. It won't be over for a very long time. And this suggests that individuals who repudiate socialism will need to redouble their efforts and establish a constant vigil.
In time, Marxists will realize a major victory; it will result from our failure to exercise due vigilance. Let us hope that when they do, they will not sweep the White House and Congress. The consequences of that are indeed, very dire.
I hope we are all paying close attention, and will continue to do so.
So, what CAN we do?
Obama stands a very good chance. I'm only hearing TODAY that there are finally people in America who understand that SOME OF US DO want Socialism....some Americans LIKE the goodies we pay for for them. That's a sea change in America. And I credit our professors and the media and the rest of our leftists.
So....we're a minority, and we'll be more and more a minority and that'll be America's ruination...how could it not? Do you think conservative professors are going to be teaching good values and earning your own living? Are parents suddenly going to teach their children good character and self reliance!?
NO. So, now what? we were sleeping.....
We DID fight the Amnesty Bill recently.....maybe we can fight worse, but I don't really see the will.
Even we bloggers are really sitting by and doing very little, let's face it. How much CAN we do? I got told off for saying this five months ago, but..
it's how I feel.
When Obama can get away with what HE has, and our media's not questioning, it's almost stunning.
NEVER have I heard ONE PERSON say "Mr. Obama..you said you only LIVED IN THE SAME NEIGHBORHOOD with Bill Ayers..but NOW the truth's coming out; he hired you, you are on boards together, your wives worked together, he held your first political get-together in his HOME.....what did you MEAN by 'we just live in the same neighborhood? tell us'"
That ONE thing, that one HUGE lie, should be a deal breaker because it shows CHARACTER. There are SO SO SO many more, we all know that..and ? zilch.
free pass. Get out of jail FREEEE!! HE"S THE ONE~!
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