ICARUS LIVES! And these are not photo shopped! ….. this Swiss man is pictured in his “wings only” private plane, with turbines which are normally found in large model aircraft or UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles). This thing flies about 300 km/h, and its first “real” flight happened today in Switzerland, accompanied by a helicopter. This man was a military pilot, and then First Officer and Captain at Swiss Air. Thanks, Mr. Z
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2 weeks ago
It's like Jet Skis in the sky!
NEAT! But only for the bravest of the brave. This goes far far far beyond bungee jumping, and I thought that was a bit much.
Happy Landings!
~ FreeThinke
It's like the Jetsons are coming to pass..those little 'air cars' they used to ride around in!?
Jet Skis in the Sky, indeed, FT!! Apparently, he was practicing once when one wing went out! And he parachuted to earth just fine.
welcome back Z!..lol..all rested up and ready to rant?
Thanks, Angel! Yes! I'm ready......LOVED your piece on Australia..GOOD reporting!
What did you BUY on your shopping spree!?
Don't fly too close to the sun...
I added you to my blog roll!
I woulda posted mr. ducky's favorite...
Like most progressives, he hates it when a new and innovative idea doesn't get the attention it justly deserves... ;-)
Thanks for the post Z. I won't be trying one anytime soon.
I understand he was "in training" for five years. He must have some laudable upper-body strength. This is a situation where one "oops" wipes out all your previous "atta-boys."
Totally AMAZING!!! I saw this on the news this morning!
The landing is even kewler...
I saw this on tv this morning. It kinda freaked me out. I, too, thought of The Jetsons! He is one brave man.
Hey thanks, this is a cool story and I havent heard about it yet.
I cant wait to get my wings only plane!!!!
I'd go to work with that. I would just have to remember where the power lines are.
My goodness what fun!
That would be great for a quick getaway huh?
There's always someone somewhere, who can make a dream into a reality. Good for him.
As CHICKEN as Z usually is, I have to admit this ALMOST looked like something I'd try..UNTIL Mustang mentioned how strong your legs would have to be. Uhoh.!!
I still think it looks fantastic.....I love anything that would put me above the LA traffic, right!?
UAV's are cool....I worked with them and AUV's in the military
And when mass production of these hits around the year 2057, street gangs will use them to graffiti the sides of skyscrapers.
wow... that looks exhilirating, but frightening. think i'll pass. :-)
The guys a freak surely. Packs some wow factor though....
Interesting how most would rather lament, complain, condemn and preach gloom and doom than CELEBRATE a remarkable achievement and hail the courage, daring and skill it took to make it succeed.
Here's to genius, bravery, skill, self-discipline and expanding knowledge.
~ FreeThinke
Amen on that. Human ingenuity and *real* progress is alive and well.
I hope so, John. When we consider how much our corporations will be taxed if a Dem wins this November, we can almost kiss this kind of ingenuity off in America's future....It occurred to me that, especially in pharmaceuticals, to tax those companies more will put America in the mediocre standing other countries have had while we've excelled and been considered so fantastic for!; what the Left doesn't understand is that they'll kill our innovation, our experimentation that leads to great findings which have always been so good for the world. (or is this part of the "America shouldn't be better than others" campaign?
Our kids can't go out to explore and learn and grow curious because our streets and neighborhoods are dangerous...they've somehow picked up that learning is for chumps, and corporations won't have the money after the Left gets thru with them to spend years developing life saving, marvelous things! Scary thought.
I hope ingenuity is alive here....
Who ever thought America would ever clip the wings of our Icarus, so to speak!?
By the way, what's with those beefy-looking soft-porn angels, hmmmm?
just a gorgeous picture of icarus
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