Monday, January 28, 2013

David Mamet and 'brain dead liberals'

David Mamet says some interesting things in this video, one of which is how it was a new California neighbor who brought him to Conservatism:

I know some of my more left leaning commenters will not watch this but comment disparagingly anyhow (mostly insulting Mamet's career or one of his plays so's to smoke over his political conversion) but, really...let's start thinking, folks. 
The video speaks for itself.
Mamet's book might be interesting reading for those of you with an open mind.

Do any of my readers have left-leaning friends who suddenly became Conservatives?  We'd like to hear what brought them around...



Ducky's here said...

I'm always confused by this comment of Mamet's that he is a former liberal who has found his way yet he had never written anything to demonstrate this leftist bent.

His writings are more libertarian than anything else. People constantly trying to screw over each other is his stock in trade. Just what constitutes liberalism in his writings is not apparent.

As for reading his book, Christopher Hitchens dissuades me .

Right now, I have on the nightstand:

A Wicked War: Polk, Clay, Lincoln, and the 1846 US Invasion of Mexico by Amy Greenberg (terrific)


Mind and Cosmos: Why the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature Is Almost Certainly False by Thomas Nagel (anticipated, supposed to be a good discussion of the nature of consciousness)

Given Hitchens review I don't see any reason to bump either for Mamet, especially when he thanks the likes of Glenn "Crazy" Beck for enlightening him. It's all part of a conservative echo chamber.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Mamet is a goo-goo, not a conservative.

Anonymous said...

Every journay starts with the first step. One down,eight million to go.

FreeThinke said...

Sorry, Z, but all all I saw on that video was a slovenly, woebegone, vastly overweight girl who seemed to believe that just because she'd acquired a college degree, she ought to have had a nice, cushy, well-paying job just WAItING for her the MINUTE she graduated.

It's part of this "The World Owes Me a Living" mentality coupled with the decline in the Christian Ethos -- a mentality that advises us to put the interest of OTHERS first by doing everything you can to be helpful and encouraging to those around you. Acting unselfishly is more apt to make you more attractive and desirable as a prospective employee than the "What Are You Going to Do for ME? attitude.

"Seek ye first the Kingdom of God (i.e. Truth, Love, Principle, Mind, Character) and all ... things shall be added unto you."

It's obvious from the video that this woebegone, disillusioned, embittered, young woman has never considered the possibility that she is here to SERVE and not merely to TAKE.

~ FreeThinke

An Angry, Old ,Rich, White Guy, who happens to be a Republican said...

I don´t believe anything that Obama or Hillary say, not one single word.
We are all seeing the "Change" that Obama promised us, the "Change" to Socialism.

Always On Watch said...

Only one of my left-leaning friends became conservative and stayed that way -- back during the Carter administration.

After 9/11, some of my left-leaning friends and family temporarily moved to the Right. Once they felt safe, all but one went back to their old ways. The one who stayed toward the Right was brought in that direction via our ailing economy.

Fredd said...

I don't have lefties for friends. They are enemies, and I don't pretend to try and get along with them.

JonBerg said...

Throughout the years I've become ACQUAINTED with some "lefties". I would expect that if any of these folks would emerge from their dogma, I'd be among the first to know. So far I've heard nothing.

Right-Winger said...

I have also had some fairly bizarre conversations with people on the left.
And overall I must say that from my experience. I have found that, this President's supporters to be the most unreasonable and brain-dead than ever before. A good comparison would be when the republicans had to try and defend their party after the second term of President Bush. His policies were so unpopular that they were impossible to defend . The lefties were calling him the most awful and disrespectful names you can imagine. They drew those Chimpanzee cartoons with his likeness, the brought his daughters into the news almost daily, they ridiculed him to no end, as they did with Dan Quayle, and Sarah Palin . But now they say it was “Humor” . That is the position that this President's supporters face now. Only when it happens to Obama, they call it “Racism” His failures are so obvious that trying to defend it is mission impossible.

In any case, in my opinion the most informed, common sense minded people are those that support the Conservative parties movement. And if you are honest, you would have to agree with a least some of those objectives. To agree with Obama’s agenda, you would have to be a Socialist. Communist Party, Progressive’s, Democrats = Obama’s Socialist Agendas.
Bill Ayers, Frank Marshall Davis, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Saul Alinsky, Judge a person by the company they keep.
Please wake up Americans, there is a nightmare happening to America.

Right-Winger said...

Fredd said...
"I don't have lefties for friends. They are enemies, and I don't pretend to try and get along with them.

Amen Fred,
I agree with you there my friend.

Silverfiddle said...

I recommend to everyone Mamet's coming out foray, published in the Village Voice:

Why I am no longer a brain-dead liberal

Read it, and you can understand why leftists like Ducky reflexively seethe at the very mention of his name.

The article contains brilliant insights, too numerous for me to excerpt, but this sums up his joining the generally conservative belief that we are all tragically flawed and not perfectible...

And, I wondered, how could I have spent decades thinking that I thought everything was always wrong at the same time that I thought I thought that people were basically good at heart? Which was it? I began to question what I actually thought and found that I do not think that people are basically good at heart; indeed, that view of human nature has both prompted and informed my writing for the last 40 years. I think that people, in circumstances of stress, can behave like swine, and that this, indeed, is not only a fit subject, but the only subject, of drama.

I'd observed that lust, greed, envy, sloth, and their pals are giving the world a good run for its money, but that nonetheless, people in general seem to get from day to day; and that we in the United States get from day to day under rather wonderful and privileged circumstances—that we are not and never have been the villains that some of the world and some of our citizens make us out to be, but that we are a confection of normal (greedy, lustful, duplicitous, corrupt, inspired—in short, human) individuals living under a spectacularly effective compact called the Constitution, and lucky to get it.

For the Constitution, rather than suggesting that all behave in a godlike manner, recognizes that, to the contrary, people are swine and will take any opportunity to subvert any agreement in order to pursue what they consider to be their proper interests.

To that end, the Constitution separates the power of the state into those three branches which are for most of us (I include myself) the only thing we remember from 12 years of schooling.

The Constitution, written by men with some experience of actual government, assumes that the chief executive will work to be king, the Parliament will scheme to sell off the silverware, and the judiciary will consider itself Olympian and do everything it can to much improve (destroy) the work of the other two branches. So the Constitution pits them against each other, in the attempt not to achieve stasis, but rather to allow for the constant corrections necessary to prevent one branch from getting too much power for too long.

Z said...

Ducky, thanks for illustrating my post point. Don't be confused, that's just your opinion trying to overshadow the man's actual opinion OF HIMSELF. :-) I guess you have every right to say he's wrong, but it is HIM..get it?

Beamish...I don't know or care what you call a 'goo-goo' but he's stopped being a ridiculous liberal...and in public. Good enough for me.
Sorry he doesn't fit YOUR bill.

FT..what video did you watch? :-)

Open Dialogue...I'm hoping to find the time to write on that tomorrow morning. I just burst into laughter watching CNN this morning; the hits on anything Conservative were truly astonishing...

Redfish said...

I can tell you right here and right now, that I for one won't give up my gun to this King, or Emperor, or Messiah nor to any of his thugs. I will follow the Constitution of the founding fathers. I guess he will have take it out of my dead hand because that is the only way he will get MY gun. . I’m not ashamed to say it I hate him and is socialist agenda, and his policies . And further, I despise his followers, his supporters and the likes of anyone who voted for him.

Z said...

SF, I really appreciate that cut/paste does show a lot, doesn't it.

As for liberal friends, everyone; a friend of mine's priest was pushing Obama from the pulpit and she spoke to him later asking very sensibly and politely how he can do this and pointing out the debt, the irresponsibility, etc....she's really a wonderful, calm conservative who doesn't blow her points by getting too passionate (I have a tendency to do that in person)and he has walked away from her three times when she's done that. He simply WILL NOT LISTEN to her. "We have nothing to talk about.."

This is what most of my Conservative friends get when they try to bring up the dangers of the direction into which AMeica's moving; they simply think America is a big gravy train and the money won't stop and anybody saying it will is evil and racist.

SF, I'd add to Mamet's point about how little we learn in School "we learn America will always be strong and will always be there as we had her when we were kids."

Ridiculous, really.

In MY Humble Opinion said...

Z, This is a GREAT Blog, I really and truly mean that seriously..
This is a great blog to follow on a daily basis.

I used to follow SF's blog daily and religiously but he has become a bit too chummy with the progressive crowd, and that only hurts his credibility. I know that it's good to hear both sides of the coin, but his "spunk" has subsided a bit. You can't get too chummy relationship with the very same people that write these awful things about us without expecting any consequences.

So now this is my Blog of choice.

Redfish said...

Looking For Answers said...
"I don´t believe anything that Obama or Hillary say, not one single word.
We are all seeing the "Change" that Obama promised us, the "Change" to Socialism.

Right you are. I feel like we've been down this path before, 4 years ago!

drifanwulf said...

I must admit that I can’t put my disgust for Americans who believe the lies that this destroyers of our Nation into words. Just as Lenin did to the people of Russia, and Mao to the people of China, the attack on our right to bear arms is the next step on the road to the path of dictatorship that this socialist has in store for us. If we allow these people to make laws dictating what type of arms and accessories of those arms. As well as the other acts of stepping all over our constitution, We the People can own we will see the day when they will take everything that we behold to be dear from us. On that day we become defenseless subjects to their every whim.

Z said...

drifanwulf...agreed. My post tomorrow will include some of your points, I a way.

Humble Opinion..thanks.I have to say that I think Silverfiddle was just more diplomatic than I am!! That's my take, anyway.
I can't speak for him, but I get the impression that he's bitter with the whole process, including conservatives, and I have to be honest and say I feel very much the same.
I, too, am tiring of the fight...particularly after what I'm seeing on the cable channels and their disdain for anything that doesn't share its opinions. It's unAmerican and just plain LOUSY.
Come tomorrow (I hope I get a chance to write what I want to write tonight)...let me know what you think. I'm not sure I can keep this up much longer; I feel like even the REpublicans are giving in and Americans are just too damned stupid and too damned greedy to vote anything but the ENTITLEMENT PARTY.
WHat HAPPENED? It's unbelievable.

Ducky's here said...

@Silverfiddle --- Read it, and you can understand why leftists like Ducky reflexively seethe at the very mention of his name.
I don't seethe at his name at all. I've sen some of his films and the guy is a terrible director, no ideas at all. Guy claims he's influenced by Eisenstein and his editing is virtually static, go figure.
His early plays are a different story. Last man standing in a heavily competitive environment that degenerates.
In other words, he presents the reality of the laissez-faire in all its glory. Now was he being inadvertent, you decide.
But the idea that this schmuck ever thought people were basically good at heart as he states in his article is insane.

But he hasn't done anything of much interest for twenty years and needs something to get back in the spotlight.

What's your feeling about the theme of his work?

Z said...

Ducky, thanks..
just demean him and then his change in politics is more understandable in your mind, right?
If you had read my post, I'd have thought you'd feel silly.

Silly me

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

OT a little bit...

But it's time to outlaw night clubs and dance clubs in the US before we have a repeat of the tragedy in Brazil?

Imagine...10X's more people ( 230 ) killed by smoke and a one time than by any handgun in the US? ( Or in CT? )

We have to act now to protect our youth...right?

Z said...

Imp, to allow fireworks in a nightclub is NUTS and that surely has to stop.

But, you're right..the Left will banish ANYTHING where even ONE person in a million's been hurt.

I'm waiting for football to be banned because of head injuries.
I'm quite certain cheerleading will, sooner or later.

Anonymous said...


"I'm waiting for football to be banned because of head injuries.
I'm quite certain cheerleading will, sooner or later."

Huh...??? They get head injuries cause the cheerleaders beat them over the head when they tackle the girls?

Anonymous said...

Did you know that 4X's as many people in the US were killed by knives...than semi auto rifles in the US?

1600 with knives...328 with rifles.

Time to confiscate table ware and replace them with plastic....I say. This will happen in NY state and NYC...then California.

Silverfiddle said...

Ducky: I am not equipped to discuss director techniques, etc, but I like the movies and TV he has done, but that's not the issue.

I agree with his Village Voice article.

You hate him because he points out inconvenient truths like how Marx was wrong about permanent classes.

Silverfiddle said...

In MY Humble Opinion:

You have made a great choice to put Z at the top of your blog list. She does run a great and interesting forum where the discussion is always lively!

Finntann has taken over at Western Hero, so you may want to pop back in and see if it suits your tastes better now that I'm no longer writing there.

Any blog that turns into a GOP apologist (which Z definitel is not!) will quickly lose credibility.

There is plenty of blame and criticism to go around, and I do not believe in fighting for fighting's sake and mercilessly insulting those I disagree with.

Z said...

Silverfiddle..I'm tiring of the fight. And I'm tiring of the misinformation Americans are getting.
I REALLY hope I have the energy to write the post I want to post tomorrow by the time I'm home from work. Still struggling with the remnants of a cold and it has me really tired.

Imp...cheerleaders fall from the high acrobatics and there's been talk about limiting that.

Footballers are claiming football injuries for anything they do that's not normal.
And, we all know how kids have died in school athletics; they didn't know they had heart problems, but somehow it's going to be blamed on sports.

Ducky's here said...

@z --- Ducky, thanks..
just demean him and then his change in politics is more understandable in your mind, right?
If you had read my post, I'd have thought you'd feel silly.

z, the whole point of my posts is that his published work which covers a considerable time span indicate he never had anything that could be considered a liberal perspective and he hasn't changed anything.

Now, you can join Silverfiddle and believe that the content of his media work is irrelevant (join the "I don't know art but I know what I like crowd) or you can accept that this is little more than food for the right wing echo chamber.

Z said...

Ducky, the POINT is "Who cares?" He could be an opera singer or a tile layer...
the point is that, thanks to an acquaintance who supplied him with information he'd literally never had to think about, this changed his mind and heart.

Americans need NOT to be indoctrinated...our news is not covering every side of a story, etcetc.

When exposed to something other than "Conservatives SUCK" in a myriad of extrapolations given by the leftwing news and politicos, it's amazing what people will start to think.

even a playwrite or a tile layer.
The playwrite just gets more coverage. another good thing

In MY Humble Opinion said...

SF Said ”Finntann has taken over at Western Hero, so you may want to pop back in and see if it suits your tastes better now that I'm no longer writing there.
Any blog that turns into a GOP apologist (which Z definitel is not!) will quickly lose credibility

Thank you for your reply SF, not knowing just who Finntann is or what he or she stands for, I can not in all good honestly say that I care to “pop back in”
But as far as a blog that turns into a GOP apologist “quickly losing credibility” that is very true, and sadly that’s what I found fault in you. For a blog author to go where no one has any love for Conservatives and calls us (and that includes you) all those filthy names, and terms only discredits you.
I never seem to see those people coming to your blog and playing nice as you do to them. Lets call it like it is, liberals are big in calling republicans every name in the book and then turn around a say that’s what we republicans do.

Yes Z, its true, we Conservatives have lost our will to fight back, we have been beaten down. We thought that we had this last election in the bag and we should have and I like so many of us have lost heart and the will ro even deal with politics anymore. But I will not stand for a former diehard like SF lying down and playing nice with these people. I’m sorry and that is why I have become a follower of your blog. You and Mustang are wonderful. You have my gratitude for keeping up the fight.
I won’t give in to the same people who talked about their goal being to make President Obama a “one-term President” and now reaching out to the Obama supporters. This President and his Vice President have a goal to destroy the Republican party and turn America into a one party Nation, and you know damn well what that is called. It’s called Dictatorship. You can hear it in every speech that Obama makes, he never ceases to say something bad about the republicans. Liberals have used everything in their power to destroy our American freedoms, our religion has already been attacked . Liberals have used our Schools and our College’s to preach their Liberal philosophy. Liberals have to office of the President to beat us down.
Obama is a America apologist who thinks that the U.S. is arrogant and needs to be taken down a notch or three. That is not the president I want to support.

Silverfiddle said...

Here's a nice coincidence:

David Mamet has just written an article in Newsweek:

Gun Laws and the Fools of Chelm

The Founding Fathers, far from being ideologues, were not even politicians. They were an assortment of businessmen, writers, teachers, planters; men, in short, who knew something of the world, which is to say, of Human Nature. Their struggle to draft a set of rules acceptable to each other was based on the assumption that we human beings, in the mass, are no damned good—that we are biddable, easily confused, and that we may easily be motivated by a Politician, which is to say, a huckster, mounting a soapbox and inflaming our passions.

The Constitution’s drafters did not require a wag to teach them that power corrupts: they had experienced it in the person of King George.


This is a chillingly familiar set of grievances; and its recrudescence was foreseen by the Founders. They realized that King George was not an individual case, but the inevitable outcome of unfettered power; that any person or group with the power to tax, to form laws, and to enforce them by arms will default to dictatorship, absent the constant unflagging scrutiny of the governed, and their severe untempered insistence upon compliance with law.

The Founders recognized that Government is quite literally a necessary evil, that there must be opposition, between its various branches, and between political parties, for these are the only ways to temper the individual’s greed for power and the electorates’ desires for peace by submission to coercion or blandishment.

I assume he's made his millions. This kind of talk can't be popular with the Strong Man worshipping Hollywood progressive statists.

Silverfiddle said...

"For a blog author to go where no one has any love for Conservatives and calls us (and that includes you) all those filthy names, and terms only discredits you."

Please excuse the inappropriate comparison, but Jesus went among the unbelievers because he knew preaching to the crowd only gets your message so far.

In no way did I discredit myself. Engaging in debate with those who disagree with you sharpens your argument.

Finally, I do not allow the actions of others to define my own.

If people want to be vulgar and stupid, great, but I won't stoop to that level (Though I have been guilty of getting nasty sometimes.)

I will say that my efforts were futile. Both sides are pretty entrenched.

Silverfiddle said...

More from Mamet's latest article:

This explains the Pavlovian response from progressive statists like Ducky:

"Those who promise to relieve us of the burden through their personal or ideological excellence, those who claim to hold the Magic Beans, are simply confidence men."

Hope and Change, anyone?

How about the millions of leftists who bow down at the altar of Reverend Al Gore's International Church of Gaia?

And this is a nice piece of reductio ad absurdum aimed at the absurd liberal objections to our 2nd Amendment rights:

On a lower level of abstraction, there are more than 2 million instances a year of the armed citizen deterring or stopping armed criminals; a number four times that of all crimes involving firearms.

The Left loves a phantom statistic that a firearm in the hands of a citizen is X times more likely to cause accidental damage than to be used in the prevention of crime, but what is there about criminals that ensures that their gun use is accident-free? If, indeed, a firearm were more dangerous to its possessors than to potential aggressors, would it not make sense for the government to arm all criminals, and let them accidentally shoot themselves? Is this absurd? Yes, and yet the government, of course, is arming criminals.

In MY Humble Opinion said...

It wasn’t that we lost the election because of a bad choice in our candidate, I believe that Mitt Romney did exactly what he should have done. No one else would have done any better. Obama won because he had the full support of blacks which was 96 percent, He had the Hispanic’s and other minorities votes because he promised them the world including, future citizenship for their illegal relatives, and all the Liberal, white votes thrown into the pot. It’s a fact that he played the race card as did Joe (“they want to put y’all back in chains”) Biden and if anyone see it any differently they are wrong! The numbers speak for themselves! Obama has created a racial divide in this country that may never again be bridged! And that my friends is very sad for all American’s.

highboy said...

The guy isn't a liberal, that's what counts. One less socialist/communist. Stossel's show is one of the best on television by the way. He breaks down for the average apathetic non-voter in America exactly how politics and government directly effect us all.

JonBerg said...

Z said....

"I REALLY hope I have the energy to write the post I want to post tomorrow"

Something tells me that I can hardly wait!

Anonymous said...

I read his book when it came out. The guy is brilliant, but he's not an essay writer so it needs structure a bit. But his writing is so brilliant that it's a fun read.


Z said...

MY humble opinion..your comment on how Obama's treating half of America (Conservatives), always saying something SO withering, etc., and striving for one party, is absolutely spot on.
It's unAmerican as it gets and shows a Harvard-elitist PUNK style that our crap culture seems to embrace these days.
As a side...did you see him HIGH FIVE the kids from Stony Hook? Ya, the president can't show decorum and shake hands, he has to HIGH FIVE.
He's a PUNK and we're going to suffer even greater from his personality and his thinking...and don't forget Axelrod; and Jarret...they're the brains. He certainly is not. But he talks a good one and libs like Ducky suck it up then deny they like him, then stand up for him as if he were god when he's slammed.

Highboy..."that's what counts". exactly.

SF....I am SO tired of the fight and admired your handling of that bunch because you rarely name called, etc. I get SO MAD that it's all I can do but stay a lady.
I've said 50 times around here that my husband used to read my stuff and say "Man, he got YOU mad...where's that coming from?"
and he was right.....

We're losing our country, folks....faster than we'd feared.
When a news hound like ME turns off TV because I'm so depressed by something I hear on CNN, etc., or hearing Obama bad mouth again, you know it's getting tough out there.

Redfish said...

No Z, to answer your original question, I don’t know one single left-leaning person, friend, or relative, neighbor or anyone else, who has become a Conservative. Right now Our Dear Leader has made the word Republican, or Conservative, onto a dirty word. His attacks on Republicans has been nothing less than disgusting. You know that Rush Limbaugh predicted that if Barack Obama won re-election, it will mean the end of the Republican Party, and Obama has that in mind.
And to add to it our leftist main stream media somehow seems to cover for the President and his administration no matter how wrong they obviously are. They seem to have their own agenda, and as it seems right now, it’s for this nut case Hilary Clinton who they want to run for President in 2016.
Hillary puts off her testimony for months and then comes back with an attitude that would make a Football linebacker cringe. And those pussies in the Senate were so intimidated that hey cringed as if they were ar fault. And even worse, praising Hillary for a brilliant performance. Yeah right, an Acadamy Award performance for Drama.
Lets face it if things were as they should be, Hillary Clinton would be in jail for the Crimes she has portrayed through the years along with that racist thug Eric Holder. But Obama the Messiah and his executive orders have prevented that, so he doesn't have to answer for his crimes, resulting in the death of Bryan Terry, in Fast and Furious.
And to add fuel to the fire, they sat in front of a TV camera last week like 2 peas in a pod patting each other on their back as if the 2 of them were God’s gift to the world., enjoying their self-righteousness while America sinks further and further into a socialist nation.

JonBerg said...

IMHO said.....

" It wasn’t that we lost the election because of a bad choice in our candidate,...............

I agree! I also think that Romney and the Republicans made some fatal assumptions that the electorate understood the "wrong-headed" path that we are on. Clearly, many did/do not. I'm not sure but it seems that if Romney would have made a more distinct delineation of the problems we face and provided more specifics as to his solutions, it may have made a difference. All too often I seemed to be hearing little more than an incantation of: "I know how to fix it", "I know how to fix it", "I know how to fix it"....... and not enough as to why and how.

Anonymous said...

When a news hound like ME turns off TV because I'm so depressed by something I hear on CNN, etc., or hearing Obama bad mouth again, you know it's getting tough out there.

Same here. No Fox, no CNN, no MSM, much less talk show and barely a visit to sites like the daily caller.

This because I've given up on politics but not ideas. I've given up on the GOP as well. I'll keep voting but I won't expect much since the two parties are only representing the beltway and the corrupt elite at ths point.


Pris said...

I have a friend who is still a Democrat, but, it's in name only. She votes Republican and has for the last few years.

She says, the Democrat Party left her, not the other way around. She keeps hoping it'll change back to what it was when JFK took office.

If any of you spoke with her, she'd sound like a conservative, and she is. She has been smart enough to see reality, and has common sense which is so lacking today.

Anonymous said...


"only representing the beltway and the corrupt elite at ths point."

Well past time for a repeat of Bastille....the French had it together.

Anonymous said...


" those pussies in the Senate were so intimidated that hey cringed as if they were at fault."

Thank God she wasn't black too... you imagine the outcome of that? It was bad enough with the lying sack of bovine excrement, Rice.

It's also well know that the Clintons should have been jailed for the WhiteWater shindig.

Anonymous said...


"Obama has created a racial divide in this country that may never again be bridged! And that my friends is very sad for all American’s."

Nope...he's just exacerbated what's existed for many years. Despite all the groveling and mea culpa's that whites have done.

And with their lord and savior they now believe they have a mandate not only to destroy the ( GOP....white voters ) but to basically cash in and wage war on those they deem unfit to engage in the "debate". PC has killed America along with AA. Blacks still don't have shame when the law says they need special treatment because they're incapable of achieving for themselves.

Anonymous said...


"Obama has created a racial divide in this country that may never again be bridged! And that my friends is very sad for all American’s."

Nope...he's just exacerbated what's existed for many years. Despite all the groveling and mea culpa's that whites have done.

And with their lord and savior they now believe they have a mandate not only to destroy the ( GOP....white voters ) but to basically cash in and wage war on those they deem unfit to engage in the "debate". PC has killed America along with AA. Blacks still don't have shame when the law says they need special treatment because they're incapable of achieving for themselves.

Anonymous said...

Liberalman, if Stossel is a liar for that, then such is Pelosi when she says food stamps and unemployment insurance boost the economy and create jobs. But in that case that doesn't bother you, does it?

If not, please explain to me how unemployment insurance creates jobs.


Anonymous said...


"If not, please explain to me how unemployment insurance creates jobs."

Burger King demand as well as Mickey D's...supermarket stockers and liquor stores.

Z said...

Liberalmann...thanks for the profanity; gave me the perfect reason to delete you.
But you can say it's because you disagree...we all know I NEVER EVER delete for just a disagreement, but you go right ahead, as usual.

Ya, you're DISGUSTINGLY profane and you're GONE. Come back ANY time; I've got my finger on the DELETE button; knock yourself out, you louse.
no offense:-)

Kid said...

If only liberals knew what incredible Dumbasses the politicians view them as.

The only surprising part to me is how the democrat/liberal tools in politics and the media can keep from laughing and splitting a gut.

I have not the slightest doubt that this is the reason obama couldn't stop laughing on the late night shows right after winning the 08 election. It is my conclusion the very second I heard about it.

Hey libs, here's some environment candy, some be kind to animals candy, some no more bad people! candy, some [useless] gun control candy, just vote for me, then right after the election, they laugh like hyena's and execute their agenda which is 180 from what they promised. They laugh again, because they know the libtards who voted for them won't even put the effort in to verify what they're doing, and in most cases wouldn't understand what they were observing if the DID put the effort in.

Thanks so much you stupid morons. You Will take us down to the bottom now, just don't complain to me when we get there because I'll lay you out. You're gonna suck it up and take it.

Anonymous said...

Burger King demand as well as Mickey D's...supermarket stockers and liquor stores.

Excellent point.

With the burgers and the booze, those people get sicker more quickly. So they need doctors so more medical sector employees.

Worst case scenario, they die sooner so that crates funeral related jobs. And they don't need unemployment insurance. It's a big win win.

Never thought about it this way. Thanks for being enlightened for me.


Kid said...

Crabby Old Man, You got it 100%.

Exactly, there is a line that cannot be crossed.

Kid said...

And, yea, I know of no libtard who has changed their way.

I believe it to be incredibly unlikely. I'd say this guy if it's true is a 1 in 10 million shot.

Realizing that a libtard's entire existence relies on their totally inaccurate fantasies about reality, having one turn conservative would be much harder than turning 100 heroin addicts. Seriously, Their WHOLE existence is based on BS.

In fact, I'd say this guy was a conservative all along but who just went with the flow because he was surrounded by libtards through his work and because he was successful, had no motivation for change. A chance meeting with a neighbor was all it took to make him realize he was a conservative all along.

For the rest of these bozo's, it will only happen for Some of them when the country hits the rock bottom puke city reality of full blown socialism.

I know of no other way to express it.

christian soldier said...

the answer to your ?-
Few but- a few are better than none--
and for some reason - my still lib friends trust me too--
I count my friends as few -and - interestingly - I trust my Jewish lib friends more than most "Christians"...
Carol-CHRISTian Soldier

Liberalmann said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kid said...

Notice how libtards get extremely offensive and angry when their fantasies are attacked.

It's textbook.

Kid said...

I should say, when their fantasies are Exposed. A thousand Pardones.

Z said...

Kid, great stuff there!
My post tomorrow is a rant and covers a lot of this stuff...this STUPIDITY.

Christian Soldier..I had dinner with a Rabbi last night who's as Conservative politically as they get; a great man who sees the left for what it is; for how KID sees it...well, we all do.

Anonymous said...


"I had dinner with a Rabbi last night who's as Conservative politically as they get..."

Funny...I had a surprise last week from my Jewish doctor asking how he goes about getting a CCW! I knew he was an AIPAC member...but I really was blown away by that.

Trekkie4Ever said...

I have a very good friend that supported Obama, was in the KKK, and full of hate and anger, zero compassion, and a meth addict.

What changed him was Jesus Christ. Now he is a full blown conservative fighting for the pre-born, etc.

He has an awesome testimony.

elmers brother said...

I've just divorced myself from my liberal friends. No sense casting pearls before swine.

Ducky's here said...

Were they crushed, Elmo?

Kid said...

Elmer's Bro, Yea, I wholly support letting the libtards live in their leper colonies. I won't give any of them the time of day anymore.

JonBerg said...

Kid said.....

"Notice how libtards get extremely offensive and angry when their fantasies are attacked."

Yes, we must remember that they are children, trapped in what should be adulthood,that can't accept reality. The very fact that they can vote presents a clear and present danger not only to us but to them, as well. Think of it as Mom and Dad turining over the house to their recalcitrant 3rd and 4th grade kids. This is now where we are!

Kid said...

JonBerg, I share your conclusion.

Kid said...

Well, 3rd and 4th grade are probably more connected to reality than they are.

JonBerg said...

"Well, 3rd and 4th grade are probably more connected to reality than they are."

Possibly, but give the Public Educational System time (not much) and there will be no difference!

elmers brother said...

They reacted like you...with ad hominems, logical fallacies and non sensical sentimentality

Liberalmann said...

Frogburger said:'If not, please explain to me how unemployment insurance creates jobs.'

You wingnuts do tend to take everything you hear on Fox News a face value don't you, lol!

People get checks, they spend money. Get it?

Unemployment Benefits Extension Would Create 300,000 Jobs: CBO

How unemployment insurance creates jobs:

elmers brother said...

Hey idiot taking money from one citizen and giving it to another is not in the plus column. At best its a wash. Dig...!?!? LOL!

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