I asked Mustang if I could publish this article, which he'd written for his blog, A Montpelier View, and he was kind enough to say yes.........it's important.
In a scenario that happens several thousand times in a single day, imagine that you are suddenly experiencing severe discomfort emanating from your chest. It is a scary feeling, so you take yourself immediately to a physician or emergency center, and you hear the in-take nurse at the trauma center tell someone, “Prep this one for immediate heart surgery.”
“Wait just one minute,” you say. ”Will there be any tests done to form a proper diagnosis? Could I at least speak to a real doctor, perhaps ask for a second opinion?”
“Believe you me,” she says, “we know what we are doing around here, and we never let the facts interfere with what we already think we know.”
Right about this time, you might be looking around for your street clothes.
Should anyone find this scenario spooky, particularly due to its implications to one’s personal health and mortality, should we apply a lesser standard to policies that have an impact upon your physical safety, or that of your family, and/or the security of your country? Should we free citizens allow our government to operate when it is so painfully apparent that it does not have the slightest idea what in the hell it is doing? It is taking our money, squandering it on a miserably failed foreign policy, and even worse, the policies we are paying for are killing off our children, or maiming them for life.
The fact remains that the present government has no clear direction in the so-called “war on terror.” The Obama administration does not even know the identity of our biggest threat. Take a moment and think about this: who is our enemy? Shall we label all Moslems as the enemy? Is it the Taliban that poses the greatest threat? Is it Al Qaeda? Is it Wahhabi Islam, or the Shi’ites, or your run-of-the-mill Sunni malcontent? Is it the Muslim Brotherhood?
How in the hell can we defeat an enemy if we do not know who that enemy is?
Do not fret or hold yourself in contempt if you do not know the answer. Neither does the United States government. Nevertheless, who to best advise Barack Obama on such matters than a consortium of Mohammedans who are themselves part of the Muslim Brotherhood. Who better to advise Hillary Rodham Clinton at the State Department than Cheryl D. Mills [1], who helped murder four Americans at Benghazi. As an aside, I wonder if Barack Obama believes he is getting the best advice possible on matters relating to Islamic extremism. I wonder if he even cares.
However, do not let your heart be troubled because incompetent administration is the one consistent aspect of Mr. Obama’s tenure as President of the United States. If you go to the urban dictionary and look up the expression FUBAR, you will find a picture of Barack Hussein Obama. Every day, his incompetence is killing young Americans. I wonder if any Americans even care.
According to Middle East expert Dr. Barry Rubin, “Since 2009, if you wanted to build your career in government and win policy debates in the Obama White House, only Al Qaeda poses a problem for the United States of America. The Muslim Brotherhood was not a threat; after all, it did not participate in September 11.”
Dr. Rubin explains further by telling us that the situation in the Obama administration only got worse over time. Administration insiders began lying about what was really going on inside the Islamic world and the reason for this is simple: if a Mohammedan member of the Obama administration could obfuscate, the likelihood of mapping a proper course through this minefield would diminish exponentially. That is exactly what has happened. Here is an example: State Department officials adopted the official line that Al Qaeda had completely split away from the Mohammedan Brotherhood. One Foreign Service officer, himself a Mohammedan, recounted that he had never heard anything so preposterous in his entire life. It get’s worse: anyone in the Obama Administration who refused to accept the official line were terminated —whether senior military officer, or civil service employee.
If you were one of the morons who voted for Barack Obama, I hope you are proud of yourself —but the tale does not end here. What makes the Obama administration a criminal element is that by 2014, this same insanity has now made the transition to the question of Iran’s nuclear capability. Do you want to keep your job in the Obama administration today? If a lobbyist, would you like to win a lucrative contract to advise government departments and Democrats in Congress? If the answer to either question is affirmative, then what you must do is parrot the following: Iran does not pose an atomic threat to Israel or the United States of America, and the Mohammedan Brotherhood is the only voice of moderation in the Middle East today.
Meanwhile, the entire world has never been in greater danger than it is today and whom must we thank for this completely unsatisfactory and highly lethal state of affairs?
No, not Mr. Obama —he did not elect himself.
Notes: [1] There is no better job to have in government than counselor, because then you are never held to any standard or to account for any advice, no matter how criminal or inane it may be.
Thanks, Mustang; Thoughts, readers?
In a scenario that happens several thousand times in a single day, imagine that you are suddenly experiencing severe discomfort emanating from your chest. It is a scary feeling, so you take yourself immediately to a physician or emergency center, and you hear the in-take nurse at the trauma center tell someone, “Prep this one for immediate heart surgery.”
“Wait just one minute,” you say. ”Will there be any tests done to form a proper diagnosis? Could I at least speak to a real doctor, perhaps ask for a second opinion?”
“Believe you me,” she says, “we know what we are doing around here, and we never let the facts interfere with what we already think we know.”
Right about this time, you might be looking around for your street clothes.
Should anyone find this scenario spooky, particularly due to its implications to one’s personal health and mortality, should we apply a lesser standard to policies that have an impact upon your physical safety, or that of your family, and/or the security of your country? Should we free citizens allow our government to operate when it is so painfully apparent that it does not have the slightest idea what in the hell it is doing? It is taking our money, squandering it on a miserably failed foreign policy, and even worse, the policies we are paying for are killing off our children, or maiming them for life.
The fact remains that the present government has no clear direction in the so-called “war on terror.” The Obama administration does not even know the identity of our biggest threat. Take a moment and think about this: who is our enemy? Shall we label all Moslems as the enemy? Is it the Taliban that poses the greatest threat? Is it Al Qaeda? Is it Wahhabi Islam, or the Shi’ites, or your run-of-the-mill Sunni malcontent? Is it the Muslim Brotherhood?
How in the hell can we defeat an enemy if we do not know who that enemy is?
![]() |
Cheryl D. Mills |
Do not fret or hold yourself in contempt if you do not know the answer. Neither does the United States government. Nevertheless, who to best advise Barack Obama on such matters than a consortium of Mohammedans who are themselves part of the Muslim Brotherhood. Who better to advise Hillary Rodham Clinton at the State Department than Cheryl D. Mills [1], who helped murder four Americans at Benghazi. As an aside, I wonder if Barack Obama believes he is getting the best advice possible on matters relating to Islamic extremism. I wonder if he even cares.
However, do not let your heart be troubled because incompetent administration is the one consistent aspect of Mr. Obama’s tenure as President of the United States. If you go to the urban dictionary and look up the expression FUBAR, you will find a picture of Barack Hussein Obama. Every day, his incompetence is killing young Americans. I wonder if any Americans even care.
According to Middle East expert Dr. Barry Rubin, “Since 2009, if you wanted to build your career in government and win policy debates in the Obama White House, only Al Qaeda poses a problem for the United States of America. The Muslim Brotherhood was not a threat; after all, it did not participate in September 11.”
Dr. Rubin explains further by telling us that the situation in the Obama administration only got worse over time. Administration insiders began lying about what was really going on inside the Islamic world and the reason for this is simple: if a Mohammedan member of the Obama administration could obfuscate, the likelihood of mapping a proper course through this minefield would diminish exponentially. That is exactly what has happened. Here is an example: State Department officials adopted the official line that Al Qaeda had completely split away from the Mohammedan Brotherhood. One Foreign Service officer, himself a Mohammedan, recounted that he had never heard anything so preposterous in his entire life. It get’s worse: anyone in the Obama Administration who refused to accept the official line were terminated —whether senior military officer, or civil service employee.
If you were one of the morons who voted for Barack Obama, I hope you are proud of yourself —but the tale does not end here. What makes the Obama administration a criminal element is that by 2014, this same insanity has now made the transition to the question of Iran’s nuclear capability. Do you want to keep your job in the Obama administration today? If a lobbyist, would you like to win a lucrative contract to advise government departments and Democrats in Congress? If the answer to either question is affirmative, then what you must do is parrot the following: Iran does not pose an atomic threat to Israel or the United States of America, and the Mohammedan Brotherhood is the only voice of moderation in the Middle East today.
Meanwhile, the entire world has never been in greater danger than it is today and whom must we thank for this completely unsatisfactory and highly lethal state of affairs?
No, not Mr. Obama —he did not elect himself.
Notes: [1] There is no better job to have in government than counselor, because then you are never held to any standard or to account for any advice, no matter how criminal or inane it may be.
Thanks, Mustang; Thoughts, readers?
Terrorism is the unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.
And so how can anyone argue that what happened in Benghazi was not Terrorism?
So killing Chris Steven and dragging him through the streets of Benghazi is OK because it was all about the video?
Hum? Lets be clear about this. Can Hillary Clinton, Obama, and Susan Rice answer that or will they admit that they lied?
My thoughts:
America has returned to a 9/10 mindset.
Blind targets are easy to destroy.
As we just celebrated Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. I have to admit that my dislike of President Obama isn’t a matter of the color of his skin, but rather because of the content of his character or lack thereof. What a pathetic, now he's playing the race card big time. Every time he brings up race, we know that he is out of excuses for his failures.
How far America has fallen, and how far our foes have risen. And the brainwashed Americans have dumbed down.
The problem of terrorism is one of global trade and capitalism.
We are all well aware that "goods" can pretty well cross international boundaries with impunity. The same cannot be said for people. And therein lies the rub.
Global trade propels us towards "open borders" for "goods", but not for people. This "traps" people in some countries, and deposit wealth in "other" countries countries.
The people in the Privileged" countries, don't want the people from the "underprivileged" countries living with them, sharing generous social benefits (and diminishing their own).
The solution to this problem is either to stop pushing global trade policies, OR, open borders to free migration.
The corporate elites prefer the latter approach. The "nativist" majority, the former.
...and n'er the two shall meet.
“The analogy we use around here sometimes, and I think is accurate, is if a jayvee team puts on Lakers uniforms that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant. I think there is a distinction between the capacity and reach of a bin Laden and a network that is actively planning major tourist plots against homeland versus jihadists who are engaged in various local power struggles and disputes, often sectarian.” —Barack Obama, The New Yorker
There is nothing to add to this demonstration of Obama’s ineptitude. The world we are living in today is far more dangerous, thanks to Obama, than it was 5 years ago—proving once more that as a people, we may no longer deserve the blessings of liberty …
While specific acts and events can be traced to, and laid at the feet of particular Administrations....the US has not had a cogent and effective counter-terrorism policy since the days of the Barbary Pirates...and even that response had issues.
From the lack of responses in Beirut and Mogadishu, the nation building experiments in Iraq and Afghanistan while al Qaeda egressed and franchised, to propping up expedient warlords and tyrants while pretending to conduct COIN....to the Patriot Act and bestowing MRAPs on campus and podunk police departments.
We continue the stove piping and turf battles within our intelligence agencies. We have worn our military to the bone. There have been upsides...we conduct certain activities with blinding speed and violence of action...but on the whole, we continue to make ourselves less safe....and we continue to play political blame games....instead of remediating the problem.
Apparently, for the majority of American voters, having a cool black dude as President is more important than having someone competent as President.
Sam, no worries: Apparently, Obama knows that bombs set off by the JV islamists don't commit the terror the big leagues do, huh?
Imagine a president like this? YIKES.
"Shall we label all Moslems as the enemy?"
What happens if we don't?
Unfortunately, I don't have to imagine.
Negotiations with Iran must have steak coming out of mustang's ears.
I don't know why you're concerned about the Brotherhood. You were whining when we paid off the Egyptian military to depose them.
All this craziness to keep the Saudi royal family in power and cater to Israel.
Time for the two minute hate yet?
"The people in the Privileged" countries, don't want the people from the "underprivileged" countries living with them"
This begs a question: How does a country become "privileged" other than by the labor and discipline of those who made it that way? As such they will strive to keep it that way!
The decay and fall of the “Progressive “Ladies blog!
Back in the past days, the “Progressive “Ladies blog used to be a respectable one.
Yes she was controversial, but tet in an interesting way. Perhaps controversial to get attention and popularity, but it worked... Until she crossed the line. there is a trick in blogging and being controversial and interesting and gaining attention and popularity it is important to not be nasty, and there is where Ms. Witch of the Progressive blog went wrong. She didn’t know how to handle controversial blog topics without insulting her readers and her commenters.
We can also explore what it takes to do all these things if you like, but i think that this audience already knows.
Controversial blog topics are definitely reader and traffic inducing, and blog building, but as with all blog topics, there is a way to approach them, handle the content, and respond to feedback. The Wicked One, didn’t have the know-how that it takes. Crossing the line by nasty name calling just won’t cut it, that only shows that she hasn’t got the ability to reply with dignity. .She shouldn’t have ever gotten personal. Case in point, if she was attacked by a commentor, she would assume that she know who the person was and called them by name. Well, I happen to know that she was wrong!
In the event someone bashes you, calls you names, becames defamatory or otherwise puts you down, their comments should be either ignored and deleted or handled in a civil manor. . Civil debate is encouraged, but being plain mean and offensive should never be the way to go.. Watch what you put in writing, resist the urge to blast someone with your words, it only make you look stupid. Even when I think a topic will stir up controversy, such as a post on why the President has so many people who are against his policies. People don't come expecting a fight because they already know the atmosphere of your blog. If you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the world of blogging.
So stick a fork in it: your time of blogging is done. Take your Boston Statue, dust off the snow and try knitting.
As I commented on "A Montpelier View" :
"If you were one of the morons who voted for Barack Obama, I hope you are proud of yourself"
I submit that the "morons" who voted for B.O. [twice] lack, the insight to understand their disservice to our Nation or the introspect to feel pride or shame for having done so. These "morons" are simply in lock-step with the Democrat ideology and lack the capability to think out of that, dogmatic, box. Our K-12 Public Education system and programs such as The Great Society have contributed immensely to this, seemingly, intractable situation. I say "intractable" given that after >5 years of B.O., replete with mismanagement and scandal, Hillary garners significant support among our burgeoning crop of "morons"!
How does a country become "privileged" other than by the labor and discipline of those who made it that way? As such they will strive to keep it that way!
Those who made "our" country "privileged" are long gone. Their lazy, money grubbing descendents "off-shored" their former discipline to the Far East while they choked off all possibilities for a competitive "golden goose" at home with a regulatory "hangman's noose".
JonBerg --- For a guy who has a tough time getting past, "Muslims suck", you should be a little circumspect and give some better examples of your enlightened thought..
Who said "Muslims suck"? I don't find that anywhere on this thread and I certainly didn't say it. You should be a little circumspect and quit misquoting people!
Yes, JB, my bad. You always present a balanced view.
You seem to be right in there with the gist of this thread.
The old Joe McCarthy clowning, "The White House is full of Muslims".
They need a good military spanking. That always solves our problems.
There's no need to look at the actual causes.
And don't pretend that you have not expressed the highly refined opinion that all Muslims are dirt. I have no idea what high perch you think your butt occupies but you really should cut back on the libtard nonsense and take the beam out of your own eye.
Ducky, WTF are you blabbering about? Are you drunk again or has that "legal" marijuana already rotted out your brain!
You sound like you're getting very frustrated! I guess the demise of B.O. is getting to be too much.
New Jersey officials in Manalapan, New Jersey recently discovered Asaf Mohammed inside a 24” water pipe crying for help. Was he looking for a way to kill the people from New Jersey with bio toxins or other dangerous materials, or did he simply lose his way during a research project? Why was he naked? Was he only charged with fourth degree criminal trespass because he is one of Obama’s Moslem Brotherhood advisors? I’ll have to check with Ducky, but I’m sure the answer will be no. After all, the Moslem advisors are only a figment of Mustang's imaginations.
But of course, they do have names, even if their bodies are imaginary: Arif Alikhan (Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security), Mohammed Elibiary (Homeland Security Advisory Council), Rashad Hussain, (Special Envoy to the Organization of Islamic Conference), Salam al-Marayati,(co-founder of the Moslem Public Affairs Council), Imam Mohamed Magid (President of the Islamic Socity of North America), Eboo Patel (Presidential Advisory on Faith Based Partnerships).
So yeah Mustang, you have a powerful imagination. But at least you aren’t an idiot, like Ducky.
Islam wants to control the world and the world is ignoring the threat.
Lets Connect the dots.
Obama is still in bed with Muslim Brotherhood and other terrorists.
Putin is standing up for Christians.
Tsarnaev brothers were given a pass by Zippy despite Russian warnings.
Now Holder bans Muslim profiling.
The chief terrorist is at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue as he continues his War on America.
Must have Select Committee on Benghazi and expose the terrorist enablers
In a new interview President Obama has made statements that could put him in the middle of the controversy over legalizing marijuana.
As more states have legalized the drug, President Obama in a lengthy interview in the New Yorker magazine said he believed marijuana was not more dangerous than alcohol.
In the old America we used to put druggies in jail.
In the new America we put them in high office.
The Obama problem goes far beyond his foreign policy disaster. In the ultimate insult to Americans, an illegal immigrant who proudly defies U.S. law—and encourages others to do the same—is benefitting from our tax dollars as a subcontractor recruiting customers for Obamacare.
The recruiters are known as “navigators” because their task is to help people “navigate” the complicated health insurance exchanges set up under the controversial law. A few weeks ago Judicial Watch reported the huge potential for corruption in the Obama administration’s navigator program, which has doled out $67 million to dozens of leftist community organizations throughout the nation.
$67 million. I laugh. It's mere pocket change to these corrupt Chicago thugs.
Obama consistency ... there's just nothing quite like it.
From Z of GEEEZ:
No, wait, everybody:
Let's ask Ducky about the amazing abundancy of muslim bigwigs appointed by this admin to the WH...I'm curious that anything like that would happen and people wouldn't ask why?
And, instead of an adult, fair discussion, we're told we HATE ALL MUSLIMS because we're curious that people with radical views have been appointed to run our country, basically?
That shuts us up, right? Thankfully, at this blog, it does NOT shut my excellent commenters up. Sorry, Ducky...
I always wonder at why the left can't hold a discussion...and has to censor so much? Like Andrew Cuomo.."you don't belong in NY if you HATE GAYS?" who HATES GAYS? I mean, you can't make this up! BUt, don't forget, folks; American voters hear that and don't hear the sniveling excuses the offenders make AFTER the comment's hit the air.
And, right, everybody; Imagine AMERICAN STATES making marijuana legal? A substance that's shown to be a gateway drug no matter WHAT libs like to lie about?
And a president who decries anybody for being a racist if they don't agree with him? What the H.............???
where do we go from here?
the conversations are SHUT DOWN BY THE LEFT...this has to stop but it starts at the White House these days.
"And, right, everybody; Imagine AMERICAN STATES making marijuana legal? A substance that's shown to be a gateway drug no matter WHAT libs like to lie about?"
And about time too, since some studies have shown it to be a gateway drug, and other studies have shown it to be no worse then alcohol.....certainly in regards to violent crime.
It's about time that in some regards, the citizen is able to exercise their own judgement in their chosen activities, rather than the State.
From Z:
Oops, CI...the problem here is it's the State telling kids marijuana's okay but don't drink....please don't drink.
perfect message.
"A substance that's shown to be a gateway drug no matter WHAT libs like to lie about?.."
Yup...let's all get stoned...stupid and drugged up. Can't get your oxy or uppers from your doc...that's OK....we'll make it easy and legal for you to get smashed with one more substance.
That way they'll be able to run the Grand Ayatollah in 2016 and the stoners will vote for him.
Or more muslims from Dearborn, little Somalia, Jersey City ( with Christie's blessings ) and from Guantanamo Bay detention camp...why not? They have rights too you know.
We could have made it so much easier on us in WW2 if when we captured the 7 German saboteurs in NY, that we read them their Miranda rights, provided a lawyer for them too. Why not? We do it for captured muslim saboteurs / terrorists today. How short sighted we were back then. So barbaric we were with those executions.
Then we could have had a Kerry type sue for an accommodation or peace the with the Führer© and Goebbels, Heinrich Himmler and their need for the most superior jet aircraft, heavy water production ( for peaceful purposes ) and their superior missile technology too.
We could have welcomed all Germans into positions with the FDR or Truman administrations to demonstrate our "tolerance" and love for the German people. I mean..not all of them were Nazi's right?
Come on people....we can't condemn and entire fascist ideology just because it denies their citizens any rights at all...can we?
Are we screwed? Yes...big time and for al time...errrr....folks.
"please don't drink...perfect message..."
Correction..."and drive". However, driving stoned...that's OK. You're much safer that way, while driving. They can only drive to the nearest supermarket.
@ CI
The phrase “no worse than alcohol” may be a fair argument, once you’ve become familiar with the effects of cirrhosis of the liver. Of course, the argument for letting Americans make up their own minds demands a larger discussion. Scientists tell us that the human brain is not fully formed until an individual reaches his or her mid-20’s … so how do we justify allowing people at a lower age “decide” what is best for them when they have no clear understanding of what awaits them? Perhaps it is a matter of doing a better job educating people about the effects of their decisions without all the BS … but I notice that even Patrick Kennedy today suggested that Obama doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
I question the wisdom of legalizing marijuana. Make no mistake; once this line has been drawn in the sand, there are those who will demand legalization of even more substances. And should we consider how easy it was to dictate to the Chinese after we made them dopey on heroin? Is that what we want here, too?
Z wrote, “I always wonder at why the left can’t hold a discussion … and has to censor so much?”
I think this goes back to the days when Stalin rounded up anyone who had a different view from his own and had them tortured, sent to work in mines, executed, or all three of these in time. It is one of the left’s glowing accomplishments—and you can easily see this in the things that Ducky writes and his overall attitude toward anyone who disagrees with him. It is also the way the Democrats controlled blacks … if they got too uppity by wanting to vote, or ride a public conveyance, or (gasp) go to school. The left simply took them out and drowned them, or hung them, or shot them to death.
The left also enjoys revising history to hide their filth. Take for example what you will find on the internet about the murder of Malcolm Little’s father … “killed by right wing extremists” is the popular view. Well, there was nothing right wing about Negro-hating Democrats. They were pursuing the same mantras popularized by Margaret Sanger and Woodrow Wilson.
Z, Alcohol is 100 times more destructive than Maryjane.
Gateway drug? Maybe. Kids do some reefer then wonder what else might make them feel good or even better. But a pathway to heroine and such. Good God No !
"Scientists tell us that the human brain is not fully formed until an individual reaches his or her mid-20’s ...."
Or 26 when they're off Mom & Dad insurance and leave home, right?
Then again...some libs don't reach intellectual maturity even as their brains reach 30.
Z - "Correction..."and drive". However, driving stoned...that's OK. You're much safer that way, while driving. They can only drive to the nearest supermarket."
Who is telling "kids" that one is OK, while the other is not? The State? Where?
If you listen to any proponent of legal pot...you'll hear that time after time.
And there's hardly a way to measure the amount of pot intoxication vs an breathalyzer.
Next time I'll add my /sarc tag too.
And libtards simply aren't smart enough or care enough to have an intelligent debate. They aren't intelligent. They don't care about anyone beside themselves.
Search through ducks comments for example and show me a single comment that he gives a shit about anything but his own ass. Not going to happen.
That simple. So when they are confronted by intelligence, they fall back on insult, complain and misdirect. It's all they have. And no, I don't feel sorry for them, they are enemies to America and civilized society and they can all go to hell as far as I'm concerned, but rest assured that my blood pressure doesn't rise at all as I type this. They're not worth the attention.
I trust in what goes around comes around. Though one could argue if that were true, the hildebeast should be dead, folded, spindled, mutilated, and her grave the site of a Nuklar test as of about 40 years ago, so maybe that's just some BS as well. ;-]
Ok IMP, I'll come clean on this one for clarity purposes.
In the mid 70's, a buddy at the time and I left Wooster, Oh for Pittsburgh during a level 3(as they call it today) snow emergency,driving a 1972 Z28 with super slippery street tires and smoked the madness weed the entire 5 hours it took to get there. No problemo.
I can tell you if we'd have shared a 5th of Jim Beam, it would have turned out quite differently.
I can't argue with you about it's effects on you or anyone else without any medical proof about intoxication ( or what qualifies as intoxication ) under THC.
Maybe I can drink a 1/5 of Stoly and drive fine too. I have had plenty to drink in a past life...stopped by a trooper once for a wrong turn.,..and was damn sure over the limit...but drove home...after I talked him out of the ticket too.
We all have different tolerances and limits.
IMP, I'd agree other people may be affected differently, but I still say I'll stack a pound of reefer up against a 5th of hard liquor anyway.
As a housekeeping note, I haven't done any drugs for 35 years now. Except for the dangerous alcohol.
I mean any day. (hic..)
I'll take the bet. And we'll wait for an expert to give us the bogart on it...OK?
Well, Obama said in his book he would always stand with the Muslims should things shift against them. We shouldn't be shocked.
IMP, I agree playing nice wiht teh muslims is madness. DO I hate them all? Heck no. But I don't trust a one of them.
What happens when, through multiculturism, muslims are over-represented in the political body, (like homosexuals are now) What's to stop mohammed mohammed kill the infiels mohammed el sadr from being elected and forcing sharia down America's throat.
Or what happens when the 'peaceful muslims' go to their mosque and are handed IED's and ordered to deploy them or die. Hmm?
"What's to stop mohammed mohammed kill the infiels mohammed el sadr from being elected and forcing sharia down America's throat...."
300,000,000 Guns?
Kid, actually there are studies that vary but as many studies say pot can lead to much harder drugs as don't. And I'll tell you what, I've been around a lot of heavy stoners (music business, and other situations) who I wouldn't get in a car with!
I think we need to compare fifths and reefers, too.......maybe? A lot of booze versus HOW MUCH POT?
Not sure you jump into crack or heroin without having smoked some dope for a few years.
ALL: Kids are told that drinking is bad all the time; Imp's right, "Don't drink and drive"..with pictures of teens who've lost their lives, etc.......
think they'll have "don't smoke pot and drive?"
IMP, That'd be post election, At best.
Redemption...Thanks Z. You're 1000% correct. Just because you're not slurring, wearing panty hose on your head and can't find your car keys after a few cocktails...doesn't mean you're not impaired enough to drive while "referred" out.
" better to pack a bomb, of course..."
The choice of all cowards....that and the skirts they hide behind. The Boston boys proved that. Weren't they Chechans too?
PS...I can probably assure you she's in total Western dress....the POS ain't advertising from inside a bag.
I'll take the bet. And we'll wait for an expert to give us the bogart on it...OK?
I've only smoked weed like three times so I can't help.
What happens when, through multiculturism, muslims are over-represented in the political body, (like homosexuals are now)
Cue the Twilight Zone ...
"I've only smoked weed like three times so I can't help..."
Oh...a Bill Clinton toke then?
"Cue the Twilight Zone ..."
Nah...the calls to prayer in Arabic 5X's a day.
duck, How is it you are so stupid and unaware of current events?
And why does it not embarrass you that you are wrong about literally everything you say about all significant events in modern human history? Or any human history for that matter.
Think about it now before youreply with some nonsensical retort. Don't want to take a chance on Really embarrassing yourself. hehehee
It helps no one here when commenters react to someone's comment and don't tell us which it was.
Please, use some indication like "@Z 4:10"..
Otherwise, it's useless to respond (unless it's commenting right after someone...)
That's not me, is it Boss?
never, Imp :-)
IMP, Z, "never, Imp :-)"
I guess it was me then. Dang I'm in enough trouble already... Dang.
NEVER you, Kid.
No, I think it was either Imp or Kid ... they both look guilty as hell to me.
". they both look guilty as hell to me..."
I always do...it's in the damn name...but I'm not fressin' up this time...It's KID!!!!
Ha ha..ya did it again. You're incorrigible is all.
Imp...has LEFT the Building.
Time for a toke....err....a night cap.
@kid ---
duck, How is it you are so stupid and unaware of current events?
A youtube video is all it takes for you to go into hysterics.
Could you be any more superficial?
You're from he Kentucky side of the river, aren't you?
"Ha ha..ya did it again. You're incorrigible is all. "
I'm undisciplined, and a non-conformist. But thank you.
"duck @kid ---
duck, How is it you are so stupid and unaware of current events?
A youtube video is all it takes for you to go into hysterics.
Could you be any more superficial?
You're from he Kentucky side of the river, aren't you? "
Thank You for Proving My Point ! For the millionth time. hehehee
Ducky, How pathetic...'the Kentucky side of the river?'
WHY do you have to be so nasty and bigoted? WHY?
"Ducky, How pathetic...'the Kentucky side of the river?'
WHY do you have to be so nasty and bigoted? "
Z, It's All any libtard has. And what is wrong with Kentucky anyway beside it's absurd stereotype? I'd take anyone from Kentucky over anyone from Boston[istan.] (Except for that guy that runs the RINO restaurant.)
"the Kentucky side of the river?'
That was ugly. How many other great states and people are beneath the assholes of Cambridge and Bean Town of Boston?
Chhez...go drown in the Charles if it doesn't spit you out. Laws against pollution, you know?
I can't link to it from my phone, but at my blog today, I posted a link to an on air conversation with Bill Bennett today about drug legalization.
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