.....ABC's doing an interview with her, as most of you've heard. See a noose go around that neck in the picture?
Is that fair?
Obama's grandmother said he's born in Kenya......Obama's aunt and an uncle are illegal and on the dole in this country. Any big network interviews with them during his candidacy? There might be other examples with many other presidents.....got any?
I honestly don't mean to pick on Obama ... I'm just wondering if there's precedent with interviewing a spouse with an obvious (probable?) ax to grind days before a very important primary.
Who's behind this? Leftwing ABC? WHY?
You tell us! Thanks.......
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16 hours ago
Found this over at Drudge:
Marianne Gingrich has said she could end her ex-husband's career with a single interview.
Other GOP candidates don't have ex-spouses, do they?
Romney is going to be the GOP nominee. It's "his turn," which was the GOP's philosophy in 2008 when McCain was the nominee.
Once Romney has the nomination, the mainstream media will turn their sights on him and on Mormonism. I can't imagine that Romney, too, doesn't have feet of clay.
Seriously, though, since when do the mainstream media outlets go after a Dem with feet of clay?
BTW, I'm listening to the audio version of In the President's Secret Service. Interesting. Assuming that the material in the book is true, wouldn't Americans be shocked by some of the attitudes and behaviors of several of our recent Presidents? If LBJ were living now, I suspect that he, too, would be caught tweeting his manhood as Anthony Weiner did. Frankly, I cannot imagine that many reporters didn't know that LBJ was so crude; they didn't tell, did they?
Is it fair?
What's that got to do with the current political process?
AOW, you forget what the media did to Kerry? Man when a right winger gets gored they sure can howl.
We could go all the way back to Gary Heart.
If it's 100% true, basically ANY news about a presidential candidate is fair. But this "open marriage" claim sounds so far fetched, my first instinct is to doubt it.
If the ex-'s claims AREN'T 100% true, it will come off purely and simply as a smear job, which might energize Newt's campaign.
AOW, they didn't tell us JFK had women at the WH, either. There was Helen Thomas and MEN...who's going to tell? :-) actually, I prefer those days.
the ex spouses or not question doesn't apply because I mean this more generally....
And as a juxtaposition to the fact that the media laid off Obama so amazingly...so many questions, lies, they didn't seem to care.
Ducky, glad you never 'howl' :-)
Kerry; another liar and look how hard the Right had to work to even get the facts out there. Actually, if the media'd not taken to the messengers with such a vengeance, maybe the lies wouldn't have come out.
He's worth $300 Million, is his yacht still registered where it's a little cheaper?
net..it could work that way, yes. I doubt it, but it could.
Does Gingrich's apparent change of heart from a change in faith count?
According to the left Clinton was such a great president and he lowered morality down to a whittle.
the way FEMALE humans throw themselves at -even -minor - male 'stars'-much less male humans in power!!-
it is a miracle that any -'stars' or 'servants' in govt- stay true to moral character-
Harry Truman had it right: Never trust a man who cheats on his wife.
Marianne Gingrich wants more money out of Newt.
Leftwing ABC? WHY?
Pretty obvious and you can thank capitalism.
Was a time when the news department at the networks wasn't a profit center. They reported the news.
Now the "news" desks are one of the main income generators. News be damned.
So one of Newt's ex-wives comes to you and gives you an exclusive (for a fee I imagine) and you aren't going to try to rake in share to boost the ad revenues?
Got nothing to do with the campaign or politics or anything but the money.
Net has it right. It's all fair in a political contest. But, if Newt plays it right, the whole thing will blow over.
Come to think of it, maybe it ought to be illegal for a man's wife, or ex-wife to testify against him.That's pretty personal.
It used to be that the only thing that would get you down in the public's eye is getting caught with a dead woman or a live man. Since Bill Clinton lowered the morality bar for Presidential candidates, who knows if that holds anymore.
Silverfiddle said...
Harry Truman had it right: Never trust a man who cheats on his wife.
SF, If that be the case, then we may as well vote for the Pope.
Bob.. "Come to think of it, maybe it ought to be illegal for a man's wife, or ex-wife to testify against him.That's pretty personal."
You know very well that, with our disgusting society these days, they'll be revealing how good someone was in bed in great deal in five years or less. I think you have a point here.....
Ducky, (gasp) I think you're right, though my point that network news won't go far enough to tell the truth about Obama for love OR money and I think we all can be certain of that.
This is why I grip about 24/7 news; that many hours of air time can't become anything BUT all about money when there are THAT many ads to sell for THAT many news readers, that many special affects, that many Prada shoes and low-cut dresses for the news readers to wear!
Who cares what happened 12 years ago between this man and his wife. He has admitted his wrong doing on more than one occasion. This dingy had her say back in 2010 but evidently it didn't satisfy her need for revenge. How much of her story is true? Who knows and who cares as it is one of those she said, he said. No one was present when anything was said other than perhaps the children who have condemned ABC for airing this. They are right and should sue ABC for causing them grevious anxiety and mental suffering for having to 'relive' the episodes over again. A good attorny friend of mine says they have one hell of a case and as a psychologist I would certainly testify to the fact that airing this bs could and would indeed cause mental anguish etc for the children.
Time ot get off this past history BS. Everyone knows what Newt did and Newt admits what he did was wrong and has confessed his sins before God and man . Seems as if only God has forgiven him. Man has a problem even when claiming to emulate Jesus who forgave all those who ask for such. His remarks to the woman who was found in adultry was to "go and sin no more"... ie your sins are forgiven. Shame those who claim to be Christians can't do the same. Sermon over. Stand for the benediction and remember also what Jesus had to say about Gossip.
Amen and Amen.
When I head this the first question that came to my mind was who was paying for this. Give that some thought.
Ticker, I'm pretty sure wiser words on this subject were never said. Everyone of them. Thanks for that.
Good job.
I think some of our last comments above yours cover that......
and I think my post did..ABC? Romney? GOP Hacks? Obama people? ...but that's redundant with "ABC", isn't it. oops
I meant to say, who is behind this (other than ABC) in like who is paying for this. Romney's or Obama's camp or even Saint Santorum's camp maybe. Now there is something to think about..
The democrat media is behind it.
Why? Mittens Romney is their pick.
The more I see of this lady, the less credible she appears. All kinds of things get "said" between a husband and wife, esp. in a faltering marriage.
She needs more ammo than "he once said to me (blank)".
I think Newt will get over this. But it might be a moot point with Romney still relatively comfortably in the lead.
Hopefully for Newt, his next few weeks won't include a host of "other women" coming out of the woodwork =)
Lets try this one out:
Suppose Jesus Christ coming from somewhere in the Middle East, of naturalized parents...ran for POS?
What would MSNBC, CBS, ABC, KOS, Mediate,Mother Jones, NYT,LAT,Newsweek Time..have to say about Him?
Imp, there is an over-abundance of Pontius Pilate's in the media these days.
Nothing new under the sun. Or something like that.
PS - Someone wake me up when they let a right wing personality moderate a Democratic primary debate. Lol. Which of course won't be this time around since oblabber has no challengers thus far.
Hi Z & all,
Let's not forget that MARIANNE is the other woman who had an affair with the married Newt whose wife at the time was cancer-stricken. MARIANNE is hardly the saint in this sordid story!
Darn, I haven't heard a word of what she said and I forgot the debate!
ah, well........some blogger keeping in touch with what's going on, huh?
I failed you guys :-)
I'm listening to the repeat of the debate....I'd vote for Newt today (which is saying something as I"m not a huge fan) for how he told off John King, even saying that he was tired of their protecting Obama by attacking the Right.
BRAVO...SOMEONE gets it.
If someone promised to kick the media and obama in the nuts every day until election day, I’d vote for him. Newt is the closest to that ideal.
Are you saying you want a man with true grit? I think we have found him.
ya, true grit and an ego the size of the Atlantic Ocean.
"I honestly don't mean to pick on Obama" But you just can't help yourself to try to prove a connection to a sleaze bag and someone who is truly trying to help the country-because he's black. You're so obvious.
libmann, you can't read this blog and find anybody racist; so you keep pitching in the ugliest, lying, divisive terms. I feel sorry for America because of people like you...
As I've said 100 times here...people who would vote for Alan West and adore Clarence Thomas but can't abide by Obama are people smart enough to argue ideology, not call others racist. I hope you get to that point.
libmann, by the way, if you think this is picking on the person I practically despise for the insanity he's brought this once great nation, you haven't seen anything yet.
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