Tuesday, July 8, 2008

An Iranian CIA Agent blows the lid off ... Will it matter?

And then, there's THIS.

"Going public for the first time in an article and interview on Pajamas Media, an Iranian who infiltrated Iran's Revolutionary Guard for the CIA accuses the mullahs of orchestrating — among other things — the 1988 explosion of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland." And that's only the teaser paragraph.....you must read the article...........it gets far more interesting and far more informative. Iran's waiting for the election..they're hoping the next Pres is weak enough to leave Iraq...then it's theirs.. they're counting on us. fascinating article.

It actually answers some questions we've been discussing here lately........please check it out.

thanks, deaner


Anonymous said...

Hopefully, this won't be the documented warning we reflect back on after a homeland attack that dwarfs 9/11 occurs.

Thanks for posting. This is a good way to spread the word regardless of whether or not the Drive Bys bother.


Bloviating Zeppelin said...

If Obama becomes president, the US pulls out, you can easily predict a massive pogrom and civil war in Iraq, thousands and thousands killed, religious hatred between Shia and Sunni, complete turmoil in Iraq, which would = the ability of Iran to step in and command the country, unite with Syria, then move on towards Kuwait and turn the Middle East completely upside down.

Disrupted oil would be the least of the concerns should that happen.


Ducky's here said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Z said...

ducky....funny, but Qadaffi sure shaped up, didn't he?

Can't address the rest of it, huh? I know, it's tough.

for you.

Gayle said...

Hi, Z.

BZ is right. We have to pray Obama isn't our next president! I hate to even contemplate the repercussions of that tragedy.

Layla said...

Wow! That most certainly was informative not to mention so interesting Z.

G-d help us if Obama becomes president. I hate to think about it.

I cannot stand McCain but he will get my vote. I respect his POW status and his service, but I am worried he will be just as bad in someways. The UN is pushing for the US to be out of Iraq by the New Year. What if they get their way?

Z said...

Layla, in my humble opinion, if we leave Iraq early, we're toast as a nation. We might not be complete toast, but we'll have lost all credibility, all respect and all viability.
We'll be just another mediocre country ... and this was AMERICA...

I was at the doc's today reading NEW YORKER MAGAZINE articles..the HUBRIS, the SNIDENESS, etc....you want to slap the magazine, you know?

There was one cartoon that showed some guy watching TV news and the commenter says "And today at La Guardia, 745 passengers landed and cried".

What do YOU think they meant?

Ya, that's what I thought...took me a while to digest the inference, but I think I got it.

Dayum them all. I swear. And, with Obama, at THE most dangerous time in our history, we'll be dealing with a guy who's still learning: REFINING, CARELESS, NOT ARTFUL, to use his words about himself.

The terrorists must be laughing their bottoms off.

Anonymous said...

And here I thought Libya did it?
I'll have to read the article to see if I think this guy's on the level.

Hey Ducky, ever have yellow cake for your birthday? BTW Ronaldus Magnus, greatest President of this century, bombed that terrorist POS because he desperately needed it after what he did in West Berlin. Did you forget that?



Anonymous said...

This article is suspect IMHO. He told us exactly what we could get from different news sources if we dug. THEN IMO he "embellished" the story with the Lockerbie/Mullah connection for his own reasons. He may be perfectly on the level, but I wouldn't bet on it!


WomanHonorThyself said...

I agree Z...if only we fought the war properly and NOT a PC war that cant be won!

Anonymous said...

my godmother's sister, BIL, and their daughter were on Pan Am 103. It's amazing what they've been through. I'm sending them the link to this article.
Thanks for posting.

And Ducky, you misspelled Lockerby.

Z said...

pinky..that's terrible. I'm so sorry. ...