
Barack Obama, in a speech given in Colorado Springs on July 2nd, announced what he called, "the central cause" of his Presidency, assuming he is elected of course. This cause should not be a surprise to those of us who pay attention. We know he first gained notice, or so he says, through community organizing in Chicago, a rather vague term which implies bringing people together for a common cause such as volunteerism as prescribed by the organizers.
The central cause of his Presidency would in fact be community organizing on ‘steroids’. Yes, national service for everyone. Come, young and old, something for everyone! He will ‘fix’ our souls through volunteerism whether we like it or not. His most pointed focus is on American youth. The psychology of this is for the participants to believe they are community leaders and contributors, when in reality they are being 'led', with all its implications.
In Obama's speech, he described how beneficial this was for him and his wife. Well, we can see how beneficial it was for him, he’s running for President isn’t he? He did associate with the influential and powerful people in Chicago. So, of course it stands to reason it is near and dear to his heart, this organizing. Well, now he thinks it should be near and dear to ours, also! After all, what was good enough for Barack, should be good enough for us......right?
Here are some examples of his plans for America; He will expand AmeriCorps from 75,000, to 250,000 slots and will make that a service to meet "national goals like providing health care and education, saving our planet and restoring our standing in the world so that citizens see their efforts connected to a common purpose. People of all ages, stations and skills will be asked to serve". He goes on to say; "This will empower more Americans to craft their own service agenda and make their own change from the bottom up."
Besides AmeriCorps, here are other goals he states; expand our Foreign Service, the Peace Corps, and USA Freedom Corps. Form the following: Social Investment Fund Network, and an Energy Corps. All middle and high school students are to serve 50 hours a year and federal assistance will be conditional on school districts developing service programs. Mandatory volunteerism! All college students to serve 100 hours a year will receive a $4000.00 annual tax credit. The cost of all this would be billions.
This is the plan of a demagogue. Barack Obama, it should be clear, has no conception of what it is to respect a free people. He describes a nation of people with one devotion and one devotion only. While he tells us this will make us a better society and a complete people, what he is really saying is we are to be a nation of, by, and for the state. What he envisions is change alright. He believes it is we who must change, and he believes the state must make this happen. We are, in his eyes, fodder to conform to his vision of what we should be.
The final excerpt is not found in the prepared text of his remarks which was distributed to the media. However, it was inserted into his speech. Upon referring to our military, he said this;
"We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set, we’ve got to have a civilian National Security Force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded." (z: the entire speech, including this tidbit the media conveniently left out, can be heard here at about 16 minutes into it; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Df2p6867_pw )
I leave this for last because, while the rest is disturbing at best, this is truly frightening. This is a National Police Force he is suggesting. What, really, does Obama think is needed to "save the planet"? The mind conjures up images of history past. The Gestapo, the KGB, Cuba, where neighbor informs on neighbor. The Hitler Youth?
We are confronted by a man in whom, behind an engaging smile and relaxed demeanor, lies a creature of the far-left. He has been tutored well to be the face that belies the intentions of the left. He has laid out the blueprint he foresees for America and her people. He has not come this far, this fast, alone. It has been decided and the time is now.
Priscilla: Very good summary. The whole thing is absolutely frightening. I have said that before: The last time we saw demagoguery in this perfection was from Hitler.
However, when trying to decide with whom Obama has most in common, it must be considered that all ideas being launched by him are Marxist in nature, and that "community organizer" is actually something communists are trained to do. And the civil force - isn't that how the communists organized the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917?
I would be very interested to know into which context you all put this candidate.
Obama is a meat puppet on a carefully media-managed stage. Even he doesn't know what he's going to say tomorrow.
This push to nationalize everything, not just what you have mentioned here but health care, and we have heard from more than one congressman about the oil industry, is not my only concern. Although it ranks pretty high.
This man cannot open his mouth without spending more money. Some of it is empty campaign rhetoric but it is really starting to add up. How is he going to pay for it? With his programs, were talking about European level taxes.
I truly believe this man, along with a fairly significant portion of the Democratic leadership in congress are socialists. I believe he may be the most liberal candidate ever for the presidency, and with Gore, Kerry, Carter, etc, this is saying a lot.
We better pay attention. We elect him and give him the evil twins of Pelosi and Reid in charge of congress and we could be in for one hell of a time. Let them get the numbers that some are talking about in congress and have a veto proof majority, hell would be a welcome relief.
wow..that is a little frightening! Sounds a little Hitler'isk'. We NEED to pay attention. I have heard over and over..well..if he is elected the world will come to their senses and we will go for conservatism later on. At what price? We saw the price Germany paid for listening to this type of man. I think we have become very naive to evil.
Holy ----! Mr. Z is absolutely right. However this has a fascist smell to it. I've been reading Jonah Goldberg's treatise on the left: "Liberal Fascism", and man oh man does this speech fit right in there like a hand in a glove.
Mon. through Sun. also noticed it. Woodrow Wilson or Benito Mussolini would be PERFECTLY at home making this speech!
Far too many people have the mistaken notion that Fascism and the far left/Communism are polar opposites. That are NOT! They are both totalitarian statist ideologies, straight from the political left. They have minor differences where economics and "nationalism" are concerned, but even those boundries are flexible.
Is it possible that many leftists are pushing us towards fascism as a brief stop on the road to communism? We've had a few very close brushes with fascism. Most notably the Woodrow Wilson administration and his "wartime socialism." It's been creeping into our lives in an insidious fashion. Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac come to mind. These government-private industry partnerships MUST STOP! After all, what is the ultimate purpose for the government to partner up with private industry? When you ask yourself that question, you are forced to come to only one answer:
They want to control our lives!
Obama's "national police force" is an entity that will be answerable to HIM alone. Why do you think he wants to create it? Hell, we already have regular police and national guard. The police have rules and are answerable to local elected officials. The National Guard are controlled by the Governors, not the President. The Prez asks the guvs to send them as units to war zones. A Governor can tell the President NO! if he wants to.
Il Duce' Obama wants his own "National Police Force" to ensure that HIS vision of the American Dream is being enforced. Be afraid of this guy. Very afraid.
A question for Z and Priscilla.
Have you considered poting this at FPM? How about at Townhall or Politico? People NEED to see this ASAP!
Scary stuff there, Z!
Most political "activism" represents a philosophy of picking up bricks and starting to pave the Road to Hell.
Never mind what "it" is, "Just Do It!" say the Nike advert.
Hillary Clinton's thesis on the Alinsky method, describes the function of "community organizing" as a means of usurping "people power" to serve the organizer's interest. From Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals":
RULE 1: "...Power is derived from 2 main sources - money and people. "Have-Nots" must build power from flesh and blood. (These are two things of which there is a plentiful supply. Government and corporations always have a difficult time appealing to people, and usually do so almost exclusively with economic arguments.)
"What? You seek something? You wish to multiply yourself tenfold, a hundredfold? You seek followers? Seek zeros!" --Friedrich Nietzsche
"There's another reason for working inside the system. Dostoevsky said that taking a new step is what people fear most. Any revolutionary change must be preceded by a passive, affirmative, non-challenging attitude toward change among the mass of our people. They must feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, so futureless in the prevailing system that they are willing to let go of the past and change the future. This acceptance is the reformation essential to any revolution. To bring on this reformation requires that the organizer work inside the system, among not only the middle class but the 40 per cent of American families - more than seventy million people - whose income range from $5,000 to $10,000 a year [in 1971]. They cannot be dismissed by labeling them blue collar or hard hat. They will not continue to be relatively passive and slightly challenging. If we fail to communicate with them, if we don't encourage them to form alliances with us, they will move to the right. Maybe they will anyway, but let's not let it happen by default.."
So you wondered why the "netroots" have been so intent on talking down everything... you shouldn't.
Paving the way for a candidate for CHANGE. Just BELIEVE!
Barry, thanks. I just went on your blog and saw you describe yourself as "marxist" "leninist", etc. You welcome CHANGE ...of the kind where all we'll be truly equal.
Well, I also see that you're young and, hopefully, you'll learn.
Still...I'm glad for the readers here to get to hear in their own words the type of people Obama's followers are...Marxists, Leninists, etc.
Thanks for proving Priscilla's point so completely. I truly mean that.
Please!! I'm having nightmares already!!
Huxley's Brave New World is right around the corner.
He really believe he is the answer to all our ills, doesn't he. Very frightening.
If this all sound Communist to you please listen to, http://www.aim.org/on-the-air/g-gordon-liddy-show-kincaid-reveals-obamas-communist-ties/ .Cliff Kincaid of Accuracy In Media has been trying to draw attention to Obama's Communist ties for a while now.
God Bless America, God Save The Republic.
To Barry's Changes. This is my friend Z's blog so I'll maintain a certain level of decorum out of respect for her.
Before your "revolution" is allowed to happen, I plan on stacking the bodies of commies ten or eleven deep if need be. Not only would I be pretecting the Founder's vision of a free America, but I'd consider it a true service to my fellow Americans to eliminate the Communist threat. You guys are a MENACE to human beings!
correction: prOtecting, sorry
This does reek of fascist/communist control patterns.
I remember reading about this earlier this month, I didn't post on it for a number of reasons, but I'm glad Pris did!
Good job, and it DOES stink to high Heaven of sulfur...and blood!
Went to your site barry's changes. All I can say is Wow.
You have some really interesting and incredibly naive stuff there. I think you truly believe what you write. It appears you have a true belief in the socialism/communism/marxism whatever -ism you want to call it. I think this is ill informed but I also stand by your right to believe it.
Where I do think things fall apart for you is your belief in Obama. We call him a socialist, and I did in my earlier post, but I should have been clearer. He is socialist-leaning, his politics are so far left they are approaching socialism.
With this said though, he is not what you think he is. He is not the man to lead us into a great new socialist future. I do believe he will attempt to and make one hell of a mess of the country in the process, but he will not get there.
His problem is not lack of belief in the socialist 'all the same, all for one' society, it is lack of conviction.
He is an empty suit. He is all rhetoric. And, from your stand-point he is even worse, he is part of the priviliged class. He has an Ivy League education. His rise to power has been one of the most corrupt of any politician we have seen in a while. He has risen on the backs of corrupt and even criminal men.
When he had chances in the Illinois Senate to make the changes you ascribe to him, he voted 'present'. He is not a man to stand up and be counted, he is a man who seeks power solely for the power itself. He will make some changes that you will like. But make no mistake, his entire focus will be on getting re-elected and he will do nothing to prevent that. His changes will be largely populist themes with no real risk to him. This, though you will not admit it, makes him far less a leader than the man you no doubt despise, George W Bush.
I keep waiting for this religious fervor for Obama on the left to fade but I am thinking you guys really are this naive to believe he is what you think he is.
Sorry, Z, this was a long post but I found this line of discussion interesting.
ha passsssssssss the roids girl!..great read Z!
"fix our souls" love it. i dare say his humanistic salvation though will be the death of far too many souls he thinks he can save!!!
Chuck, are you kidding? 'SORRY'? ? YOu go, guy!
I want discussion here...that's why I'm blogging..
you did some excellent thinking/writing there and people need to hear it.
thanks, everyone, for your excellent input on Priscilla's terrific article. I'm so proud to have her writing for geeeeeZ! You can see why!
Mr Z, First, thank you.
It seems to me the distinctions between Marxism and Fascism may be more about process, but the result is the same.
Both are demagogic, both demand fealty to the State. Both have resulted in total control, oppression of the people, and death and mayhem.
For me, both are inherently evil. It seems to me that if one is oppressed, it matters not, by which name it is called.
Barry's Changes - "The psychology of this is for the participants to believe they are community leaders and contributors, when in reality they are being 'led'".
This applies to you. I hope by the time you realize you are in error it's not too late. Sometimes the fight can be exhilarating, makes you feel like you're doing something new. You're not. This fight you seek has been done before and in the end is always the same. Disillusionment, regret and looking for a way out.
Don't ever let the messenger make you blind to the message.
Plato, "Phaedrus"
Socrates: They used to say, my friend, that the words of the oak in the holy place of Zeus at Dodona were the first prophetic utterances. The people of that time, not being so wise as you young folks, were content in their simplicity to hear an oak or a rock, provided only it spoke the truth; but to you, perhaps, it makes a difference who the speaker is and where he comes from, for you do not consider only whether his words are true or not.
"The psychology of this is for the participants to believe they are community leaders and contributors, when in reality they are being 'led'"
Hillary Clinton's thesis on the Alinsky method, describes the function of "community organizing" as a means of usurping "people power" to serve the organizer's interest. From Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals":
RULE 1: "...Power is derived from 2 main sources - money and people. "Have-Nots" must build power from flesh and blood. (These are two things of which there is a plentiful supply.
FJ...seeems the same to me. "being led" and "(being led)to serve the organizers' interests", no?
Heard a sermon this morning and thought of you..he mentioned how much he loves and reads as much of Plato as he can; especially something about the death of Socrates...what Socrates told his killers? Something about how people should refer only to experts?.... your expertise, please!?
People should refer only to experts? I wouldn't go quite that far. I think it was more about the relation of "experience" to the acquisition of knowledge. And the dearth of men experienced in "death", and Socrates' soul's soon to be acquired knowledge of "the thing in itself".
I really should study the Phaedo. It's one of the first dialogues you read, so you seldom read it well... inexperience being what it is. ;-)
People should refer only to experts? I wouldn't go quite that far.
Who would make a better and more convincing "liar" about numbers, a layman or a mathmetician?
And who would make a more convincing liar about the truth, a rhetoritician/ sophist or a layman?
I am glad Pris wrote about this little speech of Mr. Obama's.
tell you all this,
I don't need any one at this point to identify the enemy to me, I know who he is .
If any here, really and truly care about this country, please, vote , and vote for McCain .
Thanks, WV DOTTR and FJ..
Tonight, I watched HANNITY'S AMERICA and he interviewed people on the street. Apparently, he had been out the night before, filming two nights in a row for this segment; He asked a Black man tonight "you still voting for Obama?" The guy says "I'm voting for McCain, man....you're a smart guy! I read what you told me to read. I'm not voting for Obama!"
WOULD that every liberal JUST READ, THINK..entertain the thought that MAYBE, just MAYBE, Obama isn't good for this country.
sad.....we ARE ready for a Black Pres...just wish Michael Steele was running!!! (no bias, of course!)
I agree. I am not big on forced charity. This makes people less charitable in my mind. People pay taxes and let the gov't to their giving...I would like to do my own charity giving if no one minds. George Bush 41 was big into volunteerism as were the first Kennedy's...its nothing new. I think americans are charitable...we need no admonishment. we do good in spite of our leaders thank you very much mr. obama. :)N
What he's doing is creating a tell-tale nation so that there's nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. You will not know where your enemies are. This same goal is being implemented in other countries as well. Obama is fully in line with global Marxism that's creeping across the free world.
As for the 'army of volunteers' such as Americorps, well-intentioned as some of these people are, they are actually helping increase unemployment. As an English as a second language teacher who has worked in the U.S., I know from first-hand experience that the people of Americorps who were doing what I do (unskilled and untrained) for free were cheapening and cutting the demand for the job I do and living on the smell of an oil rag. Nanny state really doesn't help anybody including those who receive assistance and become beggars.
It's curious how ten years ago Marxism was dead, believed in by no one, and headed for the ash heap of history.
and the beast's deadly wound was healed
shoprat...leave it to US to resurrect it, huh?
who would have believed?
The problem lies more with the ignorant and indoctrinated American voter than with the radical, Marxist Obama. The very idea that this fraud of an American could be approaching the Presidency and the position of Commander and Chief. This is pathetic.
ANON..is that you, Mikey!?
Z -
C'est moi. Barak would be happy with me. I used a foreign language!
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