Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Lucky for PELOSI, most people missed this......and WHERE IS McCAIN? (you really want to know?)

Can you BLAME this guy?

"It's the economy, Mr. President.." , Nancy Pelosi demanded yesterday. Doesn't that sound like "it's the economy, STUPID"?

Where were the Republicans and why didn't they complain?

How can the media ignore the slam? Does she think she invented that phrase "it's the economy...."? Does she think we're all stupid enough not to get her inference? "Mr. President = Stupid" And by the way, does anybody here think more REBATES are a good idea?

ALSO: Does it appear to you that Bush is taking suggestions from OBAMA? We're talking with IRAN? And we're reducing troops this FALL? GREAT! What a terrific message to send before elections, huh? "OH, OBAMA RECOMMENDED THOSE THINGS? OH..........................oops."

Meanwhile, WHERE IS McCAIN? Oh, yes..he's promising the NAACP school vouchers and speaking to LA RAZA about amnesty reform. Who's running our campaign, JAMES CARVILLE???

Don't you love being a Conservative? "Kumbaya...kumbaya............."??? HELP!


Trekkie4Ever said...

I also would like to know where McCain is.

Does he really want the presidential seat or not?

And Pelosi, I completely forgot to call her office and let her know what I thought of that snide remark.

I dropped the ball on this one.

Z said...

Hi, Leticia..I am so glad you caught it, too, and had the same reaction. IMAGINE if a Republican had said something like that? HELL TO PAY!! Call only happened yesterday..
You go, girl!!!

namaste said...

well z, hon, we all know who controls the media.

but nevertheless, you get em, girlie! ha! pelosi's a scrapper, but not in your league.



Anonymous said...

OMG! I am glad this did not get by you Z. My Internet was down when all this was going on.

Can you understand now why I find it so hard to back McCain, but of course he is the lesser of the evils so he will get my vote, BUT how dumb is what he did? SO FREAKING DUMB!!!!

La Raza means "The Race" and they hate United States Citizens and in particular "white people."

I will never get why any politician panders to people that want us to break our laws for them because they think we owe them. We owe them nothing but a kick right out of our US of A.

I am so mad over this one Z...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!

Bloviating Zeppelin said...

I am FED UP with the GOP and a post is coming on that theme. WHERE ARE THEIR SPINES??!!?


Papa Frank said...

This whole thing is such a mess that I can't even make a coherent comment about it.

Z said...

Pops...yes you're just too much a gentleman to say what you're thinking!

BB-Idaho said...!
OK, sing along:
Judith Durham and the Seekers were
from Australia and very big on the charts back when I was on active duty. I guess it was Joan Baez that later turned off the conservatives with her version?
I kinda like the song. :)

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

McCain is currently beating Obama 68% to 32% in AOL's head-to-head general election straw poll.

That's where McCain is.

Obama is McCain's best campaign spokesman. Remember that.

Anonymous said...


1. Dow up 277 today. Oil is down. WHY? Because the president FINALLY after nearly EIGHT years got up the nerve to TELL congress we ought to be exploring and exploiting our OWN natural resources.

Imagine what would happen if we actually DID?

2. We need to ADMIT and deal with the all-too-obvious REALITY that Republicans are NOT conservatives.

When push comes to shove there is very very very little difference between the two parties.

REAGAN was a COLOSSUS. The two Bushes have been PIPSQUEAKS in comparison. Clintoon was a dirty joke that took eight years to tell.

Anyone who imagines that Bush or McCain are "conservatives" is just deluding himself.

3. HOWEVER Obama is an out-and-out COMMUNIST and a Muslim sympathizer. He is an UN-American American.

What we must do should be obvious, but there is no real SOLUTION to our problems in sight, because no one who has a real chance at gaining power is thee LEAT BUT interested in solving our problems.

PS: Pelosi is loud-mouthed, showboating moron who deserves to be vivisected.

~ FreeThinke.

Z said...

Beamish, lately, I've hoped that was the case. I've been saying that I think the mcCain people are finding it cheaper to have Obama talk people OUT of voting for him than it is for McCain talk us INTO voting for him!

Still...I'm just feeling so suddenly lacklustered by him......I'd just like ONE great speech in a week? SOMETHING.

FT: I guess that'll happen the same day Obama says something GLOWINGLY admiresome about this country, huh?

Anonymous said...

Hey, President Bush has been trying to get an energy plan pushed since he got in office.

But what happened?? The congress and senate said no....didn't they?

As for McCain, I think the man is smarter than some give him credit for.

Listen, to have sat in a POW camp for 5 years don't you think he learned a trick or two, like letting your enemy destruct on his own?

Patience is a virtue.

As for Iran, what makes any of you so sure our envoy is giving a valentine to Mr. Nut job?

Take a hard look , the G-8 summit happened, And Bush, we aren't going to adhere to your emission standards and what not, the dollar is going back up.

None of us knows what really goes on at these meetings.

As for speeches...don't we all agree Mr. Obama is doing enough of that? The man issues his edicts almost daily..blah, blah , blah. Lecturing , preaching.


(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Beamish, lately, I've hoped that was the case. I've been saying that I think the mcCain people are finding it cheaper to have Obama talk people OUT of voting for him than it is for McCain talk us INTO voting for him!

Without doing anything, McCain has forced Obama to throw himself under his own bus.

Don't look now, but McCain's criticizing Obama for not meeting with our military leaders in Iraq, and Obama's first stop priority on his scheduled photo op trip to the Middle East is to meet with members of Fatah and Hamas.

Tell me, seriously. If YOU were running for President, and Obama was your opponent, would you waste money trying to make Obama look bad, knowing Obama does that better than you?

Z said...

Beamish....exactly. Let's hope mcCain's saving his pennies for the big guns after the DNC convention,'s one thing to let Obama hang himself, it's another for your base to not HEAR YOU or SEE YOU other than in front of NAACP or LA RAZA, huh?

WV..just BEING THERE is a valentine to Mr. Nut job..that's the whole point. Still, I hope this American's carrying a message only able to be given by someone IN PERSON. Let's hope the message is tough.

I can't get over Obama meeting with the Palestinian terror groups.......what NERVE. What right does he have to do this stuff, anyway? Like asking Germany to speak at the Brandenburg gates..? who the HECK does he think he IS? AS IF!!!??

MathewK said...

If McCain keeps going the way he is going, he sure will need to win over some of the liberal vote.