(you don't think THIS is NEW, do you!? And every WORD is true)
It’s a crisp, clear, palm-tree swaying Santa Monica day. High school students are arriving by foot and by car. Parents drop their kids off, waving goodbye and watching as their kids disappear into the packs of waiting friends. Soon, last minute cigarettes are thrown to the ground and the morning din calms down as kids start filing into the classroom. The teacher bursts through the door, briefcase in hand, and greets them.
“…’morning…I hope you all saw the news last night. What you’ve all got to remember is that Bush is more evil than Saddam, he causes more problems for us than anyone else, and he’s the one we should be fearing right now.”
According to the student I interviewed for this article (I’ll call her Faith), this teacher is only one of many of the teachers at this school who very openly share this point of view.
“Most students have absolutely no respect for Bush,” Faith told me. “Liberals are referred to as ‘free thinking’ at my high school. When Conservative students dare to speak up, they’re told they’ve been brainwashed by their parents and the media.” (Obviously, this ‘media’ must not include Paul Begala, Phil Donahue, Judy Woodruff, Dan Rather, Peter…well, I could go on and on, of course.)
It was during school choir rehearsals, while singing patriotic songs including “The Star Spangled Banner”, that the music teacher said they were going to sing these songs whether or not there continued to be complaints that “America isn’t our country and we don’t want to sing about it.” Many students are talking about how they’re moving to Mexico or Canada when they’re adults and can get away from this country. It was just a few months ago when the high school hosted a folk singer from the sixties who sang peace songs during assembly and suggested to the students that “we should try for peace by talking to the people who hate us”. Make love, not war. . He was treated with silence and respect. "SO COOL!"
David Horowitz, of Frontpagemag.com came to school recently. At that appearance, David Horowitz was treated with anything but silence and respect. It became necessary for the principal to calm the group down. At the front of the auditorium with David Horowitz was Steven Miller, one of the few Conservative students who has spoken out against extremist views taught to the students by their teachers. Steve Miller is often on the Larry Elder talk radio show, out of Los Angeles. Larry Elder has had him on to expose some of what’s going on in schools today. Faith, a classmate of Steve Miller’s, told me that anyone agreeing with him is said, with derision and disgust, to be “a Steve Miller follower”. He is regarded as one who “causes trouble,” “makes our school look bad,” “doesn’t reflect any of the ideas we have around here.” Steve Miller has stuck it out and continued to challenge his teachers. He is one of about three Conservative students in all of their classes. The secretaries in the high school office complain to Steve that he is creating great problems for them. They tell him that, the day after his appearances on the Elder show, the phones don’t stop ringing with people complaining about what they’ve heard. I can’t help wondering if it’s the parents of the students who are calling, or outraged conservatives who listen to the show or, more hopefully, fair-minded people of both sides who recognize that high school is not for indoctrination but for education and understanding of all sides of a subject, to teach our kids how to form their own opinions.
It’s not just Anti-American sentiment that’s been noticed at Santa Monica High School. One of the English teachers, often voted “Teacher of the Year”, is a Buddhist. His huge Yin/Yang poster is allowed on the wall in his classroom along with other Buddhist symbols. His ‘about 10’ little statues of Buddha are allowed, too. I can’t help wondering what would happen to this teacher if he had ten little statues of Jesus on his desk. There is no celebration or even honest analysis of every religion, only the teacher’s. He can have any Buddhist representation he likes in his class, but “Bush”, according to him, “is a hypocritical Christian.” Buddha teaches against war, so “there is no just war.” The students listen; they believe this amiable teacher. This is the liberal open mindedness that’s celebrated on campus, closed to anything but the way the teacher thinks.
When the Bible was recently brought in, it was chapters and verses dealing with the peace of Christ which got cited. Faith couldn’t help wondering that the Bible can only be brought in to echo a teacher’s point of views. It would be forbidden in any other case.
Faith tells me that there is a distinct lack of conversation allowing both sides of any political or religious conversation. She told me she thought that’s what education was. She wonders why the liberal point of view is suddenly the only point of view. There are no other ways of looking at anything and, if you do, you’re a "Right-wing whacko." Or worse, you’re a "Right-wing Christian Conservative," perish the thought. “ The teachers tell us they’re ridiculous. They have nothing of any consequence to bring to the table,” Faith told me. And the kids suck this up like they do the last drag of that Marlboro, filling the lungs and smoking up their brains.
It’s a history teacher who was asked to please not wear a cross to school. The students found it ‘noninclusive’ and ‘distracting.’ One wonders if the crosses Madonna wears on her videos are considered distracting. The Pledge of Allegiance seems to be distracting, too.
Over the loud speaker, twice a week, someone recites the pledge. It’s optional. “They play it,” Faith told me, “but everybody talks right over it, so you can’t hear it at all.” That’s the pledge of allegiance to America. Who wants to say a pledge to a country like this, after all? Who wants to die for America? That’s what was discussed when the draft was brought up by one of the teachers.
“You’re going to be killed, so you’d better figure out a way to get out of the draft,” started the conversation one day in class. “Let’s start a dialogue here about how to avoid the draft”. The entire class time was spent discussing ways to avoid the nonexistent draft. No English or history was discussed; just ways to avoid fighting for this "undeserving, corrupt country." At least they didn’t create a whole hour for this discussion like they do for the after-school group, which is meeting on a regular basis to discuss the corruption of capitalism.
Just recently, an Armenian immigrant student who is a teacher’s aid, finally had heard too much and told the class and the teacher what he thought of the constant America bashing. Who knows if any of the students really heard him and got his point? As the student addressed the teacher and the class, after hearing a particularly anti-American diatribe, he spoke passionately and earnestly. I paraphrase here, because I wasn’t there, but these are the points Faith told me that he made:
“I am offended that the teacher’s talking about how bad America is, and that we should respect Sadism Hussein more than we do President Bush. I am from Armenia, and I can tell you that America is a blessing to me. I lived in poverty, with little economic opportunity. I lived in a black-market situation, where people were depressed and repressed and can only dream of total freedom and the promise just the thought of America brings them! I would go to war and die for America, for what it has meant to me. I can’t understand any of you. How can you have your attitudes against our country when you have been lucky enough to grow up here? Is this what you think education is? Don’t you know that what you are hearing is only the teacher’s one-sided opinion? Don’t you want to hear all sides to everything? Isn’t that the American way?”
To this, the teacher announced that the Armenian student was misinformed and that he needed to read more to learn just how bad this country really is.
This teacher is paid by American taxpayers, and he’s shaping the minds of America’s next generation.
So, we have just another American high school and what’s going on there. We have a young high school student who told me these things because she’s upset by them and has little voice of her own. And, every day, the students leave that palm-swaying, “free-thinking” environment, light their Marlboros up, and feel like they were educated today. They were, but for whose benefit?
***I wish I could say things have changed, but they've probably only become worse these last five years. Lest you say “That’s just LA”, I have stories from all over this country. I met a kid from Ohio at his grandfather’s funeral here 2 years ago “So,” I asked “you’re in high school…do they ever teach you anything good about America?” “Not much,” the kid responded. (Faith has now graduated from college and was teaching English in China until the earthquake which she survived and helped others to survive).
two words:
Dr Pino
This is endemic.
And also why I write time and again:
Whoever controls
2. Education
Controls America.
Schools need to be reminded that their job and lot in our society is to teach our children HOW to think and not teach them WHAT to think. Both my wife and I work for public school districts and contend with these liberal teachers and principals and central office staff to remain a light to those who have ears to hear.
That is horrible. I could write a litany of instances at my sons school, which is why he is going to a new school in September Z.
These socially and politically correct peons are insane. First the school does not have a picture of Pres. Bush in the Office. Clinton's picture still hangs there.
February was Black American History month - Obama is half white but his picture was put up in the lunchroom for Black American History month and it stood there to the very last day of school and as far as I know it continues to hang in the lunchroom.
Then of course they told my son he could say, "Oh, my G-d." The word G-d is not allowed in schools. BUT, he was confused because if you cannot say G-d, then why were they teaching him about fake Egyptian gods like Kufu? That really confused his little mind - and being Autistic makes that even harder for him to figure out.
It did not take long for me to realize they are MORONS and my son is going to a new school - and I made sure that if my son chooses to say G-D, which is his First Amendment Right it WOULD NOT BE infringed upon - or I WILL SUE THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF ARLINGTON COUNTY, VA!
Off topic, I am posting the conclusion of Rachel's Story at Mid-night...you won't be disappointed!
Here comes another reminiscence. In 1956-57 I was a sophomore at that same school. I was there only for one year but I had for geometry the most notorious teacher at the school. He spent most of every class session cracking jokes and lecturing us about his view of life. Besides sneering at the McCarthy hearings at every opportunity, he also ridiculed religion. He brought a clipping to school one day about Timothy Leary who at that time wasn't yet the guru of LSD but had done studies on the use of psychedelic drugs in various religions. I don't remember what he said about it but it had to be something "progressive" about freedom and drugs and religion, already prophetic of the 60s. So, it was going on in the schools all the way back then. It's just been getting more widespread, noisy and militant.
I've heard multiple murmurings about this kind of crap in our public schools. Is it really true that people in LA are too busy to do anything but work and send their kids off to school -- without any concern about what is being taught?
My cousin's family, who lives in Northern California, solved the problem by sending their kids to a wonderful, expensive, private Christian school. They received a wonderful education with a peer group beyond reproach. I met and saw many of the families there. Most of the parents were active, concerned, and involved.
This begs the question: what the hell am I going to have to do when I have kids? Get a credential myself?
It's becoming more obvious to me that I have to invest more heavily in finding a lucrative job that can afford my future children the advantages that I received in my public school classes.
Still, this really doesn't solve the problem.
I guess some political action is required. Any ideas?? If you're a brilliant constitutional libertarian/paleoconservative/whatever, sign me up. Teach me some public speaking skills. Help me arm myself with some practical knowledge.
I'm looking for a better day job, anyway.
BZ: ABSOLUTELY right. That's why, no matter WHAT we think of McCain, we have to vote for him!! SCOTUS!
Pops...that's the thing; the Left hears people like HOrowitz fighting for fairness in schools and they automatically think conservatives want an all conservative atmosphere in schools...when, really, we want equality; teaching kids to THINK and respect ALL sides, not indoctrinate with leftist pablum! But, the left can't relate to that, they figure we want all or nothing (like them!)?
Layla...I'm looking forward to the Rachel sequel..what a story! (I highly recommend you click on Layla's name and read the 3 installments, folks!). Your story is absolutely amazing about the school. I hope your son ends up in must the right place for him.
BaitisJ..this is NOT just LA!!
And ya..you have to make enough to support a wife who can stay home and teach your kids from there..Sad, isn't it? The public schools here were SO WONDERFUL when I was growing up. Who would have thought this would happen?
The HUBRIS of Libs to think only THEIR way is the way to look at things....
I live in probably the redest state in america..utah...and I had professors back in the late 80's at the University of Utah preaching liberalism like it was gospel truth. Now you hear about dems wanting to enact the fairness doctrine on talk radio to ensure all sides of an issue are represented...uuuummm how about in schools, let's start there and leave freedom of speech alone. :)N
Nikki...SUCH a good point! What NERVE, huh? There's such a double standard out there.
Ya, FAIRNESS DOCTRINE when all they want is unfair schools.
And, really, who needs a fairness doctrine? Google, etc., are doing all they can to not link to conservative opinion there, too! I've noticed it often....this is positively scary. Snopes, too, is more biased than I imagined it could be.
Hi All,
This is how parents handled this sort of thing years ago. In my children's elementary school during the sixties, a teacher told his class they "didn't have to listen to their parents, they had minds of their own". Fifth grade students.
The next morning the principal's office was filled with angry parents of those children. The principal had a talk with that teacher, and the following year that teacher was gone. It seems he was rather insubordinate.
No surprise, I was familiar with who the good teachers were and the 'not so good teachers'. I did not have a child in that class and never did.
I must add that this principal was a terrific man, and really cared about the children and the school's relationship with the community. He ran a tight ship, and was highly respected.
Today, it should be clear to anyone that parental authority is, and has been, undermined. Activism is not only the prerogative of the left.
It is a decision any group can make. It takes surprisingly few people to organize a few parents to make their presence felt.
If one of them is a lawyer, all the better. The one word that sends cold chills down the spine of any school administrator is "lawsuit".
Don't you think it's time that parents take charge of their children's education? We're paying for it aren't we?
Liberal parents have been threatening lawsuits for years over some imagined offense. How about leveling the playing field?
Dr Pino
an example of indoctrination vice education
Some sad news. Tony Snow just died. Nanette's almost in tears.
I had a teacher in high school that was very liberal. Most of the class were daughters or sons of military men serving on a nearby base. His views were not received well at all. Several friends of mine went to the principle with parents in tow. He was reprimanded..which was just a little talk. Nothing really changed..but overall he did kick it down a notch. I did have friends that believed all he said as if it were the bible...sad.
How about the fairness doctrine in regard to schools and colleges? I do not see equal time in these arenas!
These points stood out to me in the article and really sum up the problem:
••• "Faith couldn’t help wondering that the Bible can only be brought in to echo a teacher’s point of views. It would be forbidden in any other case." •••
••• "Faith tells me that there is a distinct lack of conversation allowing both sides of any political or religious conversation. She told me she thought that’s what education was. She wonders why the liberal point of view is suddenly the only point of view . . ." •••
••• "The entire class time was spent discussing ways to avoid the nonexistent draft. No English or history was discussed; just ways to avoid fighting for this "undeserving, corrupt country." •••
The problem, as Z often points out, is the determined ONE-SIDEDNESS–––the attempt to exclude points of view that do not concur with one's own.
If we truly had a "Free Marketplace of Ideas," instead of this very-human-but-really-stupid attempt on the part of the Liberal Establishment to put braces on the brains of our children, our country would be wonderful again in very short order.
Oliver Wendell Holmes (1841-1935) said two things that have stuck in my mind for years:
••• "The only prize much cared for by the powerful is power. The prize of the General is not a bigger tent, but command." •••
[Liberals lust after power more than the "social justice" they claim to adore.]
••• "If there is any principle of the Constitution that more imperatively calls for attachment than any other it is the principle of free thought – not free thought for those that agree with us, but freedom for the thought that we hate." •••
[EVERY identifiable faction–––even our own–––would love to dominate the scene. That's just part of human nature–––a part that must be fought zealously.]
The theme that has seemed to dominate my thinking for at least thirty years is that the very human lust for POWER and CONTROL over the thinking, actions–––and thus the fate–––of others is probably the greatest evil we face–––even if it represents our OWN particular cherished point of view.
I admit that I often think, "Wouldn't it be wonderful if this or that troublesome individual, element or faction were just eliminated," but I know I am wrong.
Nobody knows everything, except almighty God, and while prophets, saints, mystics, poets and creative geniuses have caught occasional GLIMPSES of absolute Truth (God IS Truth and vice versa), no human being has ever seen and understood it all.
I believe that "liberals” (really Cultural Marxists, if one wants to be accurate) have gained so much power because the essence of their message is an appeal to our worst instincts and impulses. Namely these intellectual aggressors have supplied us with a perverse-but-plausible sanctification of Envy, Greed, Vengeance, Self-Righteousness and unbridled Self-Indulgence.
Being imperfect creatures ever in search of justification for our impulses, the Marxist glorification, if you will, of things most traditional, good old-fashioned Americans [call us "Cultural Christians" as opposed to "Cultural Marxists," if you can't bring yourself to regard non-Fundamentalists as truly Christian] regard as destructive, corruptive, degenerate and anti-social.
That's what Cultural Marxism–––the collective brainchild of Antonio Gramsci, The Frankfurt School and the obscene Hungarian zealot Bela Kuhn–––introduced insidiously into our culture via the Academy. In my opinion this occurred because we were a relatively innocent people early in the last century, and were thus open to an aggressive misconception of the true nature of academic freedom.
Cultural Marxism is a modern Pandora's Box. The evils it has loosed upon us have produced the horrifying perversion of the educational process witnessed in this alarming article.
The point is not to blame and persecute those responsible for perpetrating this evil, but to "stir our stumps," and become fiercely aggressive, ourselves, in the process of "overcoming evil with good."
The point is not to CONDEMN, but to CONSTRUCT.
Conservatives are by nature modest, retiring, and given to minding their own business. Sadly, this works very much against us in the everlasting war against the tissue of Lies, Hatred, Ingratitude, Insolence, Disrespect and misconception of Duty that now holds sway in America's classrooms, news and entertainment industries.
Those who control the flow of information control the country. Z is absolutely right in her growing fear and distrust of Google and Yahoo. This is the grave danger of the internet–––the CENTRALIZATION and thus CENSORSHIP of information. Aggressive One-Sidedness ever on the march.
~ FreeThinke
About TONY SNOW and a few thoughts that occurred to me as a I responded to the sad news of his untimely death from cancer at age 53.
Tony Snow was a blessed soul. He fought the good fight with uncommon valor and great style on ALL fronts. His all-too-brief stint as White House Press Secretary was a joy to behold. He dominated the scene with virility, distinguished good looks, and a quiet-but-relentless display of the courage of his convictions. That he did this without once lapsing into acrimonious accusatory rhetoric is a marvel. He simply outclassed every one who ever tried to go against him.
Cancer is by far the worst enemy we face. Most other standard killer diseases–––heart attack, stroke, diabetes–––can be prevented or staved off for many years by adopting a healthy, sensible lifestyle.
Cancer strikes anywhere and everywhere. Rich poor, mighty, humble, infants and aged, brilliant and average, black, white, yellow, American or foreign.
Why the world can't lay aside it's incessant urge to kill and maim over ideological, philosophical, religious differences, and territorial disputes, and come together to fight DISEASE and NATURAL DISASTERS I will never understand. The urge to kill off our opponents is our most grievous fault as a species.
The only REAL progress ever made–––aside from the wonders of classical Art, Architecture, Music, Literature and Drama–––has been in the effort of Science to gain greater understanding of–––and therefore a degree of of mastery over–––NATURE to the best of its ability.
We may on rare occasions have prevented tyranny by engaging in warfare, but we have never made any PROGRESS that way. [I don't consider the development of the Atomic Bomb and all that has followed in its wake to be "progress." If anything, it has set back true "progress" by thousands of years.]
~ FreeThinke
This is why parents should not send their children to public schools! If I had children of school age it would either be a private school or I would homeschool them. Homeschooling is an option for those who may not be able to afford a public school. What's going on in our public schools is no different than the brainwashing that went on in Nazi Germany!
We have to take back our schools, and this one-sided bs should be outlawed because it has absolutely nothing to do with free speech.
Last fall, an elementary school in Fairfax County refused to allow a WWII veteran to come in to lead the Pledge of Allegiance on Veterans Day. The school's position: "We have a diverse student body."
My cousin, who had grandchildren in the class and I found out that no students in the school had a problem with that veteran coming in.
It was the fifth-grade teacher and principal who refused the veteran's offer. That veteran was on the front lines in Europe in WWII!
The principal refused to arrange a conference until AFTER Veterans Day.
My kids have gone to Catholic schools all their life. The teachers aren't as liberal as those is public school, but there have been examples over the years.
That's one reason why we have discussions with our girls at dinner time. We discuss school, current events, etc.
Over the years, we've strived to teach them how to think, not what to think.
AND THEN THERE'S THIS. Be sitting, with no coffee or peach nectar in your mouth when you read the above link.
Monday thru Sunday..check out David Horowitz and his campaign for fairer schools.
ALL of your input is interesting but sad, isn't it. SO much indoctrination.
And, the wonderful thing is, as Gayle said, we do want to teach our kids HOW to think, not WHAT to think.
That's the Conservative way......WHY is the Left so afraid of free speech? And yet, so condemnatory to the Right on about everything??
that's crazy. no i can't say this has been the case at any of my daughters' schools. the classroom discussions they relay to me, to the best of my recollection, have allowed students their point of views and the teacher basically facilitating.
unfortunately a lot of parents don't really pay attention. or they allow their kids to dissuade them from prying.
I don't think any of you are ANGRY enough.I don't think you have the fires in your bellies that Code Stink does, the ACLU, Kos, MoveOn or any other far left seditious, anti American, anti family, anti God, anti country, anti freedom, anti Constitution, anti patriot does.
It's one thing to come here or to FrontPage to whine, bitch and moan about how terrible things are in schools, in Congress ( a 91% DISAPPROVAL rating isn't enough for you???), in the government or in anything we believe is American and we hold dear.
It's not enough. We need to organize in enough outraged numbers...to meet them head on. To meet them with the same passion, numbers and ferocity that these bastards do in order to effectively counter and REVERSE the harms they have done. We need to flood school district phone lines with hundreds of calls...thousands of calls. You need to demonstrate...attend PTA meetings...carry posters, flags and be CONFRONTATIONAL. It's been effective for them...why not us? Why are we so tame if we're so fed up with the constant destruction of our cherished institutions? Do you all really think that bitching here or anywhere will even begin to have any effect on this horrendous assault on our schools, government, lives and that this type of expression alone will suffice? There lies our real problem. One of involvement. I see we all have enough passion...in words ( yes...just like I do ) but that's obviously not enough. We need to get pissed off....and do our feuding where it counts. Donate to The Thomas Moore Law Institute to counter the scum at the ACLU....donate to Act for America to counter the scum at CAIR. Email and fax petitions are fine...but getting hundreds and thousands of angry, angry...complacent, and sometimes too apathetic "righties" ( yes us )...can be the only answer. We're losing kids....maybe we're already lost.
I can't tell you how much this infuriates me, and how happy I am that you posted this.
Is this Santa Monica High School that Faith went to? I think I know a few students who go there. I teach gymnastics (alongside a couple of Armenian and Russian coaches, btw) and am surrounded by mostly liberal families. I remember during the '04 Elections, kids in the gym cheering for Kerry. It left such a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.
Imp..I couldn't agree with you more. I even posted a few weeks ago WAKE UP, AMERICA! I'll email that to you...
WE ARE DOING NOTHING but going to FPM or blogs and typing indignant fingers to the bone..WE HAVE TO DO MORE MORE MORE..at LEAST as much as THEY are doing.
HOW? We have to organize. I swear to God, I'm READY AND ABLE. I've never felt so compelled before ...WE HAVE TO ORGANIZE AND ACT.
wordsmith..YES, it's Santa Monica High school.........
neat that you teach gymnastics.
When are you coming over for an Armenian hotdog?!!
"Many students are talking about how they’re moving to Mexico or Canada when they’re adults and can get away from this country."
Can we get that in writing and ensure jail time is the consequence if they change their minds. I have lost count of the number of lying, shameless, leftist parasites who threaten to leave America but never quite grow the balls to do so.
“we should try for peace by talking to the people who hate us”
Excellent point, can we drop them off somewhere over waziristan so they can talk to the Taliban, last time i checked words like "infidel whore" and "great Satan" are used by them to describe America, so they sound like people who, you know, hate America. I'd like to see these leftists demonstrate their sophisticated methods.
It's the same everywhere else Z, in Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc, educational institutions have been taken over by stupid, hypocritical, angry, hateful, radical leftists. They're not interested in other views, they only preach about tolerance, secularism and dialog so that they can kick Christian heritage out and shove their opinions and godless, morally bankrupt and downright evil ideas down your throat. Like a lot of us say, scratch a leftist, liberal, progressive, socialist, hippie, greenie or whatever they call themselves now and you'll find a fascist of some degree underneath.
"This teacher is paid by American taxpayers, and he’s shaping the minds of America’s next generation."
This started decades ago, it's coming to fruition now, where do you think all the fools who are hooked on Obama come from. They must experience the failure of socialism first hand before they'll learn. Unlike leftists, a jack-booted conservative like myself would be most happy for them to learn from their own stupidity. It's the bit where folks like me have to pay for their exercise in failure that we have a big problem with.
When are you coming over for an Armenian hotdog?!!
When am I invited?
Hi, Wordsmith..you don't have an email address on your profile (I don't either)...so let me know how I can contact you! !
Imp wants anger? Well, I'm seething with it all the time, but I'm not sure that's good for me or helpful to the country.
Here's an exchange between me and an 87-year-old New Deal liberal I've known for many years and like, despite his rabid Marxism.
There's plenty of anger in my response to the left wing libel he sent, but I kept it clean and decorous.
See what you think.
A liberal internet jousting partner sent out the following [heavily truncated] bit of gloom and doom last night. I thought fellow conservative-libertarians might enjoy the response.
On Jul 12, 2008, _____ wrote:
••• Veterans Advocates or Veterans Adversaries?
••• By Martin Schram
••• When it comes to war and peace, we indeed are two Americas. One fights our nation's wars. The other pays those who go to war so the rest of us, our children and our grandchildren, won't have to.
••• At least, that is the way it is supposed to work.
••• But a new book, written by this columnist, details scores of shameful ways in which our nation is failing the men and women who volunteer to fight our wars in distant lands – and especially when they return home and discover they must battle anew, this time with their own government, just to get treatment and benefits earned long ago.
••• "Vets Under Siege: How America Deceives and Dishonors Those Who Fight Our Battles" (Thomas Dunne Books) chronicles more than a half century of tragic tales of veterans who have been wronged, stacks of dust-gathering studies of delays and denials, official studies followed by official inaction, as problems festered and veterans suffered. . .
••• BLAH! BLAH! BLAH! BLAH! BLAH! [Seven or eight predictably depressing anecdotes carefully selected to "prove" Schram's pejorative thesis.]
••• Taken together, the tales, statistics and studies make clear one conclusion: The Department of Veterans Affairs has become infused with a mindset in which senior officials, mid-level bureaucrats and low-level adjudicators have too often acted as veterans' adversaries, rather than veterans' advocates. . .
••• BLAH! BLAH! BLAH! BLAH! BLAH! [Typical know-it-all prescriptive advice on how to "solve" the "problem" he wants us to believe is all-encompassing.] •••
[NOTE: Martin Schram writes political analysis for Scripps Howard News Service. His e-mail address is martin.schram@gmail.com]
Let's stipulate that the anecdotes Schram reports are true. I, personally, feel they have been culled from a vast store of anecdotes and statistics to serve a leftist political agenda and do not present a complete picture (one of the oldest journalistic tricks in the book), but even so the tremendous irony in using this report is nakedly apparent to me.
If the government treats wounded veterans returning from the battlefield this badly and this dishonorably, just imagine how they would treat us ordinary U.S. citizens under "Universal," "Single-Payer" healthcare?
We all know what a joy it is to deal with the division of motor vehicles. Most of us know what fun it is to register for unemployment benefits. Oh, and the warmth and charm of contending with the IRS ...... surely one of the most oppressive, government-sponsored terrorist organizations ever devised ...... on a level psychologically with the Gestapo and the KGB ...... is experienced by all who are eligible to pay taxes.
The notion that government would be able to administer "Universal Healthcare" with greater fairness, generosity, efficiency and compassion than the excellent private system that made the quality of medical treatment in the U.S. the envy of the world is simply insane.
Right now, our household benefits greatly from Medicare, but I still don't believe in Medicare, even as I take advantage of it. I believe that it is precisely because Medicare exists that Medical costs have risen at least a thousand percent on the past thirty years.
Medicare and Social Security both place an unfair burden on the shoulders of young working Americans who are struggling to raise children, pay off mortgages and all the rest of it. Those of us who have an adequate retirement income have no proper business digging our hands into the pockets of your children and grandchildren, which is exactly how this socialist scam works. Each generation becomes successively more hobbled and burdened by the ever-growing needs of an aging population.
If everyone were covered as seniors presently are under Medicare, the burden would increase at least tenfold. Effectively, we'd all be preying on each other. The static amount of wealth on which we would all be staking a claim could not help but diminish continually under such a system, thus the quality of medical care would worsen and its availability would be rationed. [This is happening in Britain, France, Germany and Canada right now.]
If Medicare had never been instituted, I am morally certain medical expenses would still be manageable at the personal level by average middle-class standards.
Government-mandated "equality" cannot help but result in ever-greater dilution of a nation's wealth and an increasing diminution of standards of living for all.
The idea that we could eliminate poverty and inequity through government fiat is as absurd as saying we could make the sun rise in the west and set in the east, if only we'd put our minds to it.
And you can tell me about the wonders of Finland and the Scandinavian countries all you like, but the fact is that people are still flocking here and vying to get in by any means fair or foul. They are not flocking to Finland.
Besides, I have known many immigrants who have fled Europe and the former Soviet bloc, because they would rather scrub floors, clean toilets, change beds, wipe and diaper elderly asses, and take on the obligation of learning a new language in this country than function as school teachers, school principals, engineers and legal secretaries in their countries of origin.
It just slays me how quickly and conveniently those pushing the Marxist agenda forget that the immigrants who came here in The Great Migration were damned glad to get the jobs and attain the "miserable" standard of living that Marxist propagandists love to claim were viciously exploitative.
If things weren't considerably better HERE than they were in Europe, why in God's name would they have bothered leave everything they knew, including family and friends, and endure all the hardship of an ocean voyage in steerage and an uncertain future in the New World?
Thanks to the false promises of Marxist propagandists prosperity, security, good health and longevity have come to be regarded today as entitlements. What no one seems to want to understand anymore is that life is a tremendously challenging process that always ends in death no matter who you are or where you are. It's just considerably easier and pleasanter to meet life's challenges here than anywhere else ------ even for the poor.
Marxism always has been and always will be about the willful destruction of ADVANTAGE.
It is a sour, bitter, hate-based philosophy that celebrates envy, captiousness and the indulgence of spiteful impulses as the greatest of virtues. In short it's an ugly, inherently perverse, truly wicked thing made even wickeder by its spurious claim to humanitarian motivation.
..token lib here. I guess "WE HAVE TO ORGANIZE AND ACT." sums the discussion. My experience with
public schools was OK. #1 daughter:
PhD Analytical Chemistry, professor
at Gonzaga University, then professor at US Military Academy-
West Point. #2 daughter: summa cum laud, Biochemistry, PhD Microbiology, professor Virology,
Adv microbiology and human immunology in Kansas. Son finishing MA in medieval history.
Do I have a complaint about public
education? No way! :)
bb! What the HECK do degrees have to do with what I wrote? I mean, seriously!? that is SO not the point. Congratulations on your outstanding kids (just great accomplishments!), but ....? I want kids to learn their topic AND learn HOW TO THINK. I don't WANT kids indoctrinated. Do you think this story was made UP?! (and I'll be you a million bucks that your kids will vote for Obama....does that trouble you? Do they at least have a healthy knowledge of conservatism or do they believe the media that Republicans are BIGOTS, hate the poor, just LOVE war? Doesn't that bother you?
FT....MY GOSH! YOU NAILED it with that ONE LINE:
"Marxism always has been and always will be about the willful destruction of ADVANTAGE."
For years I've thought about this point and you articulated it superbly! They saw the upper class in Britain's Victorian ages, for example...and they had to CONQUER! The maids/butlers, etc., were proud to work for who they worked for, they EXCELLED at their TRADES. they had DIGNITY! In America, anybody could rise above servanthood if they worked hard enough..and did!!
Enter Marxism: "YOU NOT ONLY SHOULD DO BETTER, you WOULD DO BETTER if the people who pay you cared about you! And if you could bring your boss down to YOUR level!"
What rubbish..what a disaster. People are NOT equal in all ways; some DO better, why rob them of that? Why not encourage people to live their lot in life with dignity?
TV, too, did a horrid disservice "they have THAT? Why don't WE have that!?" you know what I mean? I'm generalizing and oversimplifying, but I think you see where I'm going with this.
Apologies for missing your point.
bb...and I'm sorry I sounded like I was yelling at ya!
But, the point wasn't the education...it's the indoctrination.
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