High-ranking government officials with credible information spoke to the Star, citing a desire to quell the fury over illegal immigration and drug smuggling set off by the shooting death of longtime rancher Robert Krentz on March 27.
So........."high ranking government officials" are eager to make sure none of us gets the idea that illegal immigration or drug smuggling could have POSSIBLY been the cause of the rancher's death, but HOLD ON, FOLKS....Border guards just shot and killed a young boy from Mexico and TIME MAGAZINE is so outraged at our guards. Imagine guards shooting indiscriminately at anything these days with the video cameras on them and with the law changes in Arizona making them toe the line so much more than they ever were?
If the guards killed this kid with no provocation, they're WRONG and need to go to trial. If this is another "Murtha-ing" of people before all the facts are known, it's got to stop...........let's err on America's side first, Time Magazine, huh? My beef isn't that the poor boy's death is being covered (the image above is the hearse and cortege following it in that poor Mexican border town..odd, it almost looks like there are cameramen in the trunk of the car behind the hearse covering the long line of cars, doesn't it? odd. Here are more pictures), my beef is with Time Magazine for not having done an equally condemnatory piece on Krentz's death and to all who rush to judge our own first.....and for all the innocent Americans being kidnapped and killed by illegal Mexicans who aren't getting coverage like this. Mexicans are, according to Time Magazine and Reuters, "seething"....we should be, too.
UPDATE: I just found THIS ARTICLE....the kid was a criminal because he and the other kids in Juarez are poor. right.
I think I'll rent the old Peter Sellers movie "The Mouse That Roared."
You know the one about the insignificant nation that declared war on America so we'd rebuild them better than ever after bombing the crap out of them.
Was the rancher shot by a border guard who fired multiple times whn the boy was not threatening him.
The cop should be up on manslaughter minimum.
Stop the straw man crap, z. This cop killed a 16 year old boy. But he was insignificant, right Beamish. Damn, you are disgusting.
When it comes to the border, this administration and the last disdained sovereignty. If Ramos and Compean could be sent to prison, there's no telling what we will do this border guard, whom I understand has a long-standing stellar career. I'm praying for him.
Very well-said Z (as always).
are the three police officers we lost to illegals in recent months insignificant duhkkky?
how about the squads of armed drug smugglers with automatic weapons that are venturing further and further north?
or the cab driver in the sanctuary city of Boston accused of financing the the Times Square bombing attempt?
The boy would be alive if illegals respected our borders.
BTW duhkky I hadn't known you had earned your law degree, my congratulations. Did you keep the cracker jack box?
evidently they didn't include the words innocent until proven guilty with your secret decoder ring
Um, no, we don't know the details, Ducky, but we know the kid and his friends were throwing rocks at the guards.......
I know, they're supposed to sit there and take it because leftards would rather they die than he does..I know.
What's the strawman???
Elbro..such good comments....it appears that our guys are insignificant. What did you think of the cortege? Amazing for a town that small and that poverty stricken...and the cameras...
We knew something would be forced after the AZ law went into affect...apparently, others were ready.
And this poor kid was in the way.
Maggie..thanks. i'll be praying, too, thanks for the info on the guard. Imagine how sad he must be.
They have wives and children, too...a sharp rock or two isn't a bullet but, with tensions that hot and everyone on edge, anything could happen.
Beamish...and don't you just know that's what these people want...
I sadly submit it is this simple:
Plus + melanin = good
Minus - melanin = bad
YOU can do the "logical extension" from this.
We know some things, Z …
1. We know the boy has a record of arrest in the US for participating in smuggling operations.
2. We know the boy was arrested several times and deported several times.
3. We know that the border patrol officers were engaged in an operation involve the arrest of suspected smugglers
4. We know that the boy was throwing rocks (missiles) at the arresting officers.
5. We know that missiles such as rocks can kill or seriously injure people, so we can assume the officer shot the little bastard in self defense. It is perfectly acceptable to use a gun with your assailant wields a knife.
6. We know that Mexico will milk this for all its worth, aided and abetted by Time Magazine and other leftist rags in the finest tradition of Al Sharpton and the NAACP.
7. We know the kid’s mother stands to make a small fortune when she files a tort against the United States and our nation, lacking balls, will pay the bitch.
8. Finally, we know that even a child in kinder-care has more brains and common sense than Ducky.
Mustang, BRILLIANT! A much better post than MINE there in your comment! :-)
I did not know most of those things about the kid but, you know, it's us against them and THEM always wins when it's against US, at least in the hideous leftwing media.
Z, I have not seen the news as much but I saw this. I was amazed that our government wants to get involved after how many American deaths.
Was the rancher shot by a border guard who fired multiple times whn the boy was not threatening him.
Are you joking?
No, he was killed by a bunch of drug running scum while on his own property. Now I view that a lot of you on the left view owning property as a capital offense but this man did not deserve to die like this.
MK, toilet paper tends to have more class too
Mustang, great info - thanks.
Z, I told you I wasn't going too far ;)
the sheriff of the county I live in admitted today that they do not control the corridor that most of these armed drug smugglers come through. It's the same area that a county sheriff was shot a couple of weeks ago by a group with automatic weapons (AK47s). A couple of days ago 2 men were shot during what they think was a drug deal in the same area. One of them managed to call 911 before succumbing to his wounds. In Arizona we deal with this every day and we're tired of it.
the way in which the human cargo of these coyotes are treated is not humane either, I think people forget that. They are often held against their will (not all of them are Mexican BTW, many are Asians), abused physically and sometimes sexually and their families are extorted for more money.
Chuck, I hope your vacation's going great...I love that you stopped by!
YES to everything you said.
That poor rancher apparently was trying to HELP an illegal and had just called for assistance.
ELBRO (what amazing information there, and firsthand, thanks..)and Chuck..it doesn't MATTER..Americans do NOT COUNT. We need to wrap our brains around this...the Left's created this and it has to stop.
Did you see the entire video Ducky? I didn't. In fact we don't even know what the provocation was. The border guard wouldn't have shot some kid just standing there.
The border guard followed his regulations. And just curious, but, why are these macho, illegal alien men, these big, tough, Mexican drug smugglers, using and hiding behind, sixteen year old kids?
How many American gangs have sixteen year olds who have killed people? Plenty. Being sixteen in itself isn't a license to assault police, border guards or anyone else.
Ducky, how do we handle the Mexican Federales for aiming their guns at border patrol agents, Hmmmm? Or the illegal who killed the American rancher, or illegals who are on a kidnapping spree in Arizona?
Oh, I know we could pass a law.....wait I think Arizona did. How about that? Are you OK with that?
How about we just send all illegals to Boston especially illegal alien gangs and drug cartels, and you can be their welcoming committee.
Assaulting a border agent is the same as assaulting a policeman. What would you suggest we do, put up with it?
I grew up in a time when if a cop yelled "halt or I'll shoot". If you didn't halt, he shot.
Now, people like you, who want a kinder, gentler approach to violence which invites no respect for authority and in fact invites aggression, and you, ever being an apologist for anyone who assaults Americans, is full on, an enemy of law and order in America.
A typical far leftist who embraces chaos, your favorite cover for more insidious goings on for your goals.
But he was insignificant, right Beamish. Damn, you are disgusting.
I admit that the tragedy of the young illegal immigrant's death could be mitigated somewhat with YouTube video of it to enjoy with popcorn at our leisure. Now we'll never know if his skull or his brains hit the pavement first. A tragedy indeed.
And the tear-soaked wails of his mother. Better than a laugh track cue. All this is missing, left for us to only speculate upon.
We are the ones that should be seething. This 'poor boy' had a record of arrest for participating in smuggling operations and throwing rocks at the border patrol officers. I'm not happy he's dead, but if he'd been home with his mama, he wouldn't have been killed.
Want to know how dangerous these teenagers can be duhkkky?
Elbro, thanks for that. People need to wake up.
Nobody likes to see kids with this kind of hardened, misguided heart, NONE of us..yet, if you come down hard on them and condemn them, we're the heartless Republicans.
As you say, the Coyotes are monstrous to their own people and why doesn't the left wake up to that, too? Sad
I'm praying to, Maggie. I'm praying that justice is done and if the shooting was unjustified then the cop does time.
This appears to be more of a matter of hostile foreign invasion than it does of "illegal immigration". Perhaps Mexico never quite forgave the US for claiming certain tracts of land and has discovered a way to repopulate in an attempt to reclaim it?
I guess I have nothing of substantial value to add to the conversation.
Just feeling really badly for the folks who live in the states that have to deal directly with this unsecured border nightmare.
Ducky's problem is that he is a leftist moron; but I repeat myself.
Put a sock in it Tickle Me Elmo.
Tickle Me Elmo?
I tell you, Z, the man is quotable!!!
This is the same crap you pull when the Israeli Apartheid Regime decides to whack a few kids because they feel like it.
Israel has the right to destroy bomb components in its enemy's stockpiles if they so desired. You may think it's a maternity ward, but it's really a suicide bomber guidance munitions plant worthy of striking preemptively.
But nice anti-Semitic segue, Ducky. Were you afraid someone forgot you were a leftist, or are you just backlogged on your Jew bashing quota?
They are seething, huh? Well, they are welcome to the club. I will stop seething when the border is under control.
The idea that they would even BE "seething" over this incident or that it would even be reported as if it made sense, or that anyone would take it seriously is VERY upsetting. THEY are illegal, out of order, the border guard did what he had to do. But they are acting all indignant like we're in the wrong. They've been coached by the left.
No, WE aren't seething though we should be over this kind of insanity. We're just milling around aimlessly while the world is turned upside down.
I don't know why anyone bothers with Ducky myself.
you mean like that fake video that started the whole thing...the kid wasn't killed at all...it was staged by the French television station and the Palestinians?
if you'd like I can link you to the video?
Anyone coming NEAR our borders should be shot on site, IMO. They're either coming to run drugs or to steal jobs and welfare.
The mother just hit the jackpot. She'll get a lawyer and sue to not only replace her son's drug money income, but to get herself a larder of U.S. money. Now she's got to whip up the tears to make idiot leftists and the media FEEL bad.
actually you're right duhkkky,
we should suspend habeas corpus because anyone wearing a uniform must be a jack booted thug
Ducky, you can say that again "So here in the U.S. which according to z should always get the benefit of the doubt,"
Your problem is you're short sighted or something....you extrapolate from that that 'Z' doesn't want to investigate and to have a fair trial if evidence show's a trial's needed.Why do you do that, by the way?
You think we're not all praying that justice be done, Ducky? Did you read my post? That if the guard did do wrong, he goes to trial and is punished if found guilty?
Brooke you said "Now she's got to whip up the tears to make idiot leftists and the media FEEL bad."
did you look at the photo links in, I think, the last link on my post...and the long cortege of hearse and cars, cameras, etc.
Mom's probably bereft legitimately, of course, she's lost her son; but somebody's whipping this whole thing up and we all talked about that the minute the AZ laws were passed, remember? ..we knew that every single thing will be blown out or proportion and our cops would have to be EXTRA careful because the leftists are going to find the slightest thing and run with it.
I didn't see pictures like this for Krentz's funeral, did you? :-)
I even see a bus in the parade. Did they turn school out to increase the crowd? I doubt very much this thug attended any classes, or attended church.
By the way, do y'all remember the Absolut vodka ad that caused such a backlash? That's what they are aiming for, believe it of not at your peril. It took a long time to make the Grand Canyon, but dripping water wears away stone. They may try to take Texas next, but Texas isn't full of bleeding hearts like California.
Time magazine does not rise to the level of toilet paper.
Do you think they are smart enough to wonder why their readership is down?
Ducky needs to be deported to Mexico, where he would enjoy the government and the lifestyle.
He would spend a lot of time ducking.
Faith said,
THEY are illegal, out of order, the border guard did what he had to do. But they are acting all indignant like we're in the wrong. They've been coached by the left.
The left and the illegals have the same lying, murdering, God-hating coach.
btw duhkky since rocks are not a lethal weapon perhaps you could get Iran to find another way of dealing with women who are raped
Why...WHY...is it "racist" to say that every ILLEGAL MEXICAN...belongs back in MEXICO? They're not AMERICANS...they're frigging MEXICANS that have a country of their own. So how is it possible to wish that MEXICANS...GO BACK TO MEXICO...WHICH IS THEIR COUNTRY AND THEIR ORIGIN of BIRTH as well as ETHNICITY....they're Mexican!!! If they are in their own COUNTRY....is it racist to call them MEXICANS?
What crazy, whacked out horseshit. If they happen to be ILLEGAL French or Guatalemans, Nigerians...is it racist to say that they too are ILLEGAL?
Hey, Ducks, if rocks are so very harmless why do the Palestinians use them against the Israelis? Hmmm? Palestinian teens at that!
Why...WHY...is it "racist" to say that every ILLEGAL MEXICAN...belongs back in MEXICO?
Perhaps Mexico is counting on the "don't be racist" factions in the US to confuse the issue?
This 2001 article addresses the thought I had concerning potential Mexican attempt re-colonization of the Southwest.
I don't know if there's anything to the theory--and I certainly don't want to simply appear to be "racist". But I thought it was interesting in light of what is happening nearly 9 years later.
Here you go duhkkky
puts Hollywood to shame duhkkky
Elbro, where IS the kid? I heard he's alive and well........that should have been included in the piece...thanks for linking that.
I'm not sure...I know there is still an ongoing investigation of France 2
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