10 Cara untuk Membuat Akun Aman dan Terlindungi
2 weeks ago
"I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." ~ C. S. Lewis (Yes, even politics)
In loving memory of Mr. Z
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I'm so happy.
After getting scammed twice by the refs, they deserve it.
Loving it!
What a fabulous goal that was, too!
GREAT STUFF. Will definitely watch my Germany today, too.
I hope Germany wins so they are first. Otherwise it'd be a US - Germany in the round of 16.
What's soccer? Isn't there some kind of plastic horn involved, or something?
It's the sport of the fit. Not of the steroid junkies.
In the meantime, French suburbs are on fire because Algeria lost. When they win or tie against England, same.
article in French
There are rumors that the French team disarray could have been created b/c of a rift between muslims and non muslim players as well.
Yeah, Froggy, looked like Manny "the Mutt" Ramirez was playing for France. What a bunch of divas.
Well, FB, you know it would be the French players that are blamed, of course. :-)
I'm sure it's the French players burning cars in les banlieu, aussi.
Good for you guys, we lost and are out, so we stopped giving a damn about soccer now. Who cares, whoever wins.
Sorry about that, Matthew...
I have to admit I was so indoctrinated into soccer from living in Germany and having a German husband that I know their teams WAY better than ours (almost weep when I see Klinsman commenting!) and have to remind myself to pull for America!
have to remind myself to pull for America!
Bad! :)
I'd pull for the US in US vs. France.
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