Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials are preparing to roll out a series of changes at several privately owned immigration detention centers, including relaxing some security measures for low-risk detainees and offering art classes, bingo and continental breakfast on the weekends.
The changes, detailed in an internal ICE e-mail obtained by the Houston Chronicle, were welcomed by immigrant advocates who have been waiting for the Obama administration to deliver on a promise made in August to overhaul the nation's immigration detention system.
The 28 changes identified in the e-mail range from the superficial to the substantive. In addition to “softening the look of the facility” with hanging plants and offering fresh carrot sticks, ICE will allow for the “free movement” of low-risk detainees, expand visiting hours and provide unmonitored phone lines.
I'm sending the Obama administration MY phone bill and a bill for some hanging plants...I haven't even broken a law, why NOT?
I posted the picture a while back. I had one person tell me if was photoshopped, however I could not find any other information on the photo. Whether it's real or not, it is probably the true feeling of many illegals.
Right Truth
Sadly, I think so, too. I like to think it's photo shopped....but the article's information is not :-)
The bottom part of the sign looks like an add-on. But the message on top is consistent with the "I'm-a-victim-and-you-owe-me" mentality I've seen interviewed at a local demonstration like this.
Makes me sick. Maybe I should do the same and ask Louisiana back.
I think if I was an illegal, I'd ask for directions to the nearest detention center for a nice vacation. I mean, why work when you can get everything you need on our dime?
You are already living in some tiny apartment with a dozen other illegals, so why not do that with all the perks of a fairly decent hotel? Even the offer of a continental breakfast.
You want to spend the day with visiors? No problem. You can all play bingo together. I wonder, does the center supply the money you can win? I'll bet it does. What's bingo without money?
Yessirreee! Come one Come all, you lawbreakers and interlopers, have a relaxing fun time on the government. And when you leave to go home, please plan another visit to our facilities soon.
I have heard it was photoshopped.
Z, the lady who sent it to me is very active in the Tea Party movement, went to D.C. both times & sent me fantastic pictures. She's having a T.P. meeting at her home in N.J. this weekend. Her husband is a naturalized American citizen from Italy, & both are very devoted to changing what is happening in this country.
'scuse me, Ducks, but whether you know it or not a rock in the head can be a lethal weapon. You go stand there & let them throw some at you. And you don't know what else they or some buddies may have had. I, for one, have no sympathy. A 16 year old can kill you just a dead as a 30 year old.
Deborah, I don't think the bottom looks any more added on than the top if you look at the angles, etc., but we could be right...at least the bottom part.
I think the sentiment on the bottom's a bit over the top, obviously.... but the top's what we've all heard from illegals..
Thanks, Elbro.I hope so. I'd hate to think A. people would feel that way and B. we'd allow people to have that on signs and still be walking around
FrogBurger, good one!
Ducky, I've posted on that and, of course, take quite a different view on that poor kid's death and the coverage of it. It goes up tonight at midnight. Let's blame the guards before anybody has the details, right? :-)
SilvrLady, I think you'll agree with my post...I take it to a whole other level, too. I hope you can come read it tomorrow.
By the way, Ducky...'beaners'? Please don't go there.
Odd that only CNN's mentioned that the lovely woman in the gubernatorial contest, Haley, is "INDIAN"....Who knew? Why is it libs always point out minority stuff and insult with degrading nicknames like 'beaner'?? I just have to ask you not to call people things like that here.. you've never seen it here.
or duhkkky could have pointed out that we've had 4 shootings and 2 deaths attributed to Mexican drug runners this week alone...
Obviously these Arizona police-threatening Mexican refugees are risibly upset over America leaving the southern half of Mexico unliberated from the tyrannical clutches of the Mexican government following the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.
The treaty should be militarily abrogated and the rest of Mexico annexed as US territories (like Guam and Puerto Rico) to free the desperate Mexican people. Whatever neutron weaponry must be employed to bring full surrender of Mexico to the United States will significantly lessen the economic impact of absorbing so many new American citizens in liberated Mexico, and gravedigging jobs alone clearing the corpses from Mexico City will provide many employment opportunities to survivors south of the Rio Grande.
heh heh
Well, I HAD written it and here we are talking about it...
fire away...here goes.
I HOPE that's photoshopped. Even if it's not, it's how they feel anyway...
zero is whoring himself for the mexican vote, and at your expense.
I know how you feel America, for months now, the weasel purporting to be our prime minister has been using our money to pay for 4-star hotels for illegals down here.
MK: are you kidding when you say "using our money to pay for 4-star hotels for illegals down here."
Send him the bill next time YOU go to a hotel...promise, why shouldn't you get paid for, too!! Heck, YOU pay INTO the pot!
Whether the sign is real or not, I do believe it reflects the feelings of many of the illegals here and quite a few of the legal Americans who expect a free ride.
That kind of attitude is real whether photoshopped into the picture or not. It's what the Left has been coaching them in for years now.
I've pondered whether our problem with illegals is part of God's judgment against us and I think it must be. But that doesn't mean they don't come under judgment too for their misbehavior. That attitude won't fly for long.
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