Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Obama will stoop to ANYTHING.........

And now there's this. Who didn't think Obama's Wailing Wall note wasn't done for publicity?
What a really 'Good Christian', huh?


defiant_infidel said...

"If the Maariv statement about pre-approval of publication of the note is true, it would mean that the Obama campaign had managed the event brilliantly, if deceptively, getting the double benefit of appearing to be victimized by the invasive Israeli press and prayer-thieving Jew while at the same time leaking out his humble Christian plea to the Lord. "

Isn't this just completely disgusting?? Using the Lord and the act of prayer for his own carefully contrived political expediency... all fed to the willing open mouthed consuming minions. I wish I had not read these details during my lunch.

Great catch, Z, but disappointing to the bone.

shoprat said...

Everything this man does is political. What more can I say.

Incognito said...

Does this surprise any of us? Nope. At least those of us with a few more brain cells than our brothers on the left.

Z said...

Oh, yes, you all..and if you could have seen Whoopie Goldberg on THE VIEW yesterday morning...she and Joy Behar, TWITCHING WITH OUTRAGE!

"Some THIEF came between Obama and GOD! That is PRIVATE..HOW could anybody have DONE THIS? HOW many years has this been going on and this happens to OBAMA?? Why would they DO this to HIM?"

Oh, yes...I wish I could stay home this morning and see if they RENEG!? HA!! This will be ALL about how Obama had NOTHING to do with this....."...somebody in his campaign.."

And, as our commenter here, WVDottr just emailed me "..it'll be yet another Obama person he throws under that growing length of bus!" yup.

PLEASE people...tell me if you see this in the media.

Back in a few hours! Got to teach the preschoolers BUG SONGS today~! (HELP!)

And definitely, Defiant Infidel (good to see you!), to use the Lord in this way is pretty darned despicable.

Shoprat and icognito..WHEN am I going to grow up and realize there IS evil THIS bad? oy!!

Brooke said...

I remember when the story broke, my husband rolled his eyes and said, "Bullshit. No way the man prays so poetically; he meant for that to be seen."

I'd say that he was dead-on!

The WordSmith from Nantucket said...

Everything this man does is political. What more can I say.

Sums it up.

Z said...

Brooke, it sure was poetically written for some heart felt piece that's going into a wall for posterity.
I can't judge the man's heart, but this was a BAD MOVE.

I'm just curious to see if the MSM picks the truth up.

If this is the new "politics as usual", we're in bigger trouble than even I thought. This is SO LOW.

Ducky's here said...

I'd like to know what value there is to Obama in having the note published. It's a common enough prayer.

I'm surprised your condemnation doesn't go to the piece of filth that took it from the wall in the first place.

Ducky's here said...

"The campaign might be less pleased with another pronouncement by Maariv: "In any case," the spokesman said, "since Obama is not a Jew, publishing the note does not constitute an infringement on his right to privacy." Apparently, to the paper, Gentile prayer doesn't count."

I enjoyed that excerpt from the article. Pompous ass hats.

Z said...

I do condemn the person who removed it, certainly do. But to do something like this....!!? I don't see you condemning Obama, why stress my condemning his patsy?

And this supposedly shows the world what a good Christian man he is. Don't you see that, Ducky?

The "Gentile prayer doesn't count" part is disgusting, you're right unnecessary, to say the least.

Z said...

Ducky..what do you think of the article below..the encouragement of kids to incivility to make a point? Do you agree it could be done better, more exemplary of good ways to succeed instead of striking or creating big problems for others?

Trekkie4Ever said...

This is such an obvious political ploy. Why can't people see through this false facade? I just don't understand it.

It is irritating and I hate that He is using our God to reach his political agenda. You can't play around with the sovereign God and get away with it.

Anonymous said...

Please, this is so obvious..the words in the prayer are so close to certain verses in the bible.


(((Thought Criminal))) said...

I'm almost positive Obama didn't even know there was a Wailing Wall, or what to do there, until some time (measured in hours) before he arrived.

Average American said...

NOBAMA is a PIECE OF SHIT! It's just that simple. This is nothing new to us that despise him. The leftards will never see him for anything short of the Messiah. That is how cults work. Our hopes go to the third of Americans who are independents. I believe enough of them will figure it out in time.

Z said...

Average American; i heard last night that independents are 41% undecided. THAT is good news.

Beamish...you're probably right about Obama and the wailing wall...