Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Teaching kids INCIVILITY

This link is one of the BEST examples I've ever read of how the Left perverts our kids.

State Senator James Meeks, Democrat, is telling children not to attend their school on the first day as a protest because other schools get more funding. He expects 'thousands' of kids to get in buses (sound familiar?) and go enroll in schools in a better district to show they're angry.

Teaching kids that doing what they're supposed to do and working to change things from within, legally, doesn't seem to matter: this Democrat wants to use children as pawns, get them angry, get them feeling 'less than' and get them on buses to disrupt the whole first day of school. Who's paying for the buses, I wonder? Welcome to another generation of kids who are being taught that they're entitled to what everyone else earned through hard work. Why can't the Left see that the only way everyone can be equal is in a little grey Mao jacket, metaphorically or otherwise? This demonstration is teaching kids the wrong thing....not to work harder to do better....just complain, crowd the nicer district's school with a big mess, ruin it for those kids through your own government-sanctioned civil disobedience...'teach 'em early!'....that'll show those people who succeeded and have better schools for their kids! Good for America? I don't think so.

Imagine if this Sen. Meeks got the message to the kids that they CAN do better without the extra funding their neighborhood can't provide due to lower taxes it pays? Imagine if he got parents involved like a poorer neighborhood in LA does, donating used computers, spending time cleaning the campus, tutoring? THAT teaches the kids "we may not have what others have, but we can make it on our own and with our parents' help" But, no.........we can't teach honor and integrity. Not in American schools. Not anymore.

(but, of course, what can we expect from a party 56% of whose members still think John Edwards is a favorable choice for VP for Obama? That speaks volumes, huh?)


cube said...

It's a basic tenet of the left to brainwash the children. They grow into the perfect vehicle that spews what has been forced down their collective throats.

Anonymous said...

Send this out to FOX news and talk radio. Quick!!!
It is so well written and ...
to the point.
This same mentality of using the
youth for your message, is what
my generation experienced in the
1960's. Professors cheered as
students rioted.
Let's get these tactics exposed
Bravo Z.

defiant_infidel said...

This is exactly what breeds the Obama's of our world who twist anything to their own agenda... You know, like the Plastic Messiah did just above this post.

shoprat said...

More and more, the Donks are jumping the shark. I don't care for what the GOP has become but if one must choose between a common cold and Ebola, only a fool will choose Ebola or the Democrats.

Incognito said...

Don't the Reps want school vouchers, which is essentially a legal way of getting your kid to a better school?

Z said...

i hate it when my commenters are so much more eloquent than I (Smile!)


Anonymous said...

What an outrage. I wonder, are there any parents demanding this Senator resign? Calling for a recall? The phones in Senator Meeks' office ought to be ringing off the hook.

These are your children. They do NOT belong to a Party or a State. They are yours.

Today in this country the graduation rate declines as we speak. Money doesn't teach children, teachers do. And parents do. Not politicians.

Even our children are exploited for political gain. What a sorry state we have come to in America.
