I was hoping to stay positive during the beautiful, peaceful Christmas season, but I felt the need to share this information....
You know how Queen Elizabeth makes her yearly Christmas speech, right? Yahoo's headline only mentioned the Queen's speech yesterday. "The Queen's yearly Christmas message"...how nice, I love tradition, RIGHT?! The thing they 'forgot' to mention is that Ahmedinejad also made a little Christmas speech for the Brits aired on Britain's Channel 4, billed by the station as "an alternative Christmas message." No, I'm not kidding. "Odd" Yahoo would neglect that bit of information. (not)
Today's papers all over Britain AND all European papers are saying this was "naive and dumb" on the part of Britain's Channel 4, showing a "naivete of the West" (Die Welt from Germany commented that it's silly and dangerous that the West thinks it must "appease the mus lims". I think most musl ims would probably agree, by the way. I'm hoping most musl ims don't feel that Ahmedinejad speaks for them.)
Here is a bit from this LA Times article: "Reporting from Beirut -- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad wishes the world a merry Christmas, even though he thinks much of it is in crisis because the West's "bullying, ill-tempered and expansionist" leaders have strayed far from Jesus' path. In a recorded message to air Christmas Day on Britain's Channel 4, Ahmadinejad praises Christianity but goes on to say that if Jesus returned to Earth, "he would fight against the tyrannical policies of prevailing global economic and political systems.""
Lovely to have this little fella tell US about how Jesus would react, huh? Lovely also that so many Christians are being persecuted in Iran as I type (There are many articles on Google, I only linked one example). Yes, Ahmedinejad "praises Christianity" (and Channel 4 in England apparently fell for that?) but doesn't want any of it in HIS country!
Click here for a full text of his Christmas speech.
So, Merry Christmas....from two world leaders. I guess some people can't tell the difference between their two characters, huh?
I am stunned that England, a Christain country, would allow this bug to tell us about Jesus. I don't profess to know everything about Christianity, I do have a working knowledge about it. This is really a stark reminder that Europe is gone as a socialist bastion and America is alone in the world. I hope we stay strong, but I'm not holding my breath. After all, I'm a public school teacher.
I've been reading about England's slide to Islamic law and customs for about a year-started reading blogs Aug. 2007---
This is a warning for all U.S. Christians....
Z-We had ONE peace-filled day! :-)
But his message also is barbed with a critique of the West, saying that "crises in society, the family, morality, politics, security and the economy" have come about because unnamed world leaders have forsaken Jesus' role as "the standard-bearer of justice, of love for our fellow human beings of the fight against tyranny, discrimination and injustice."
He also says that if Jesus returned he would oppose "warmongers, occupiers, terrorists and bullies the world over."
Mat 7:3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
Talk about pointing a finger and having the other three pointing back at you, wow.
It no longer surprises me what some people will allow in the name of tolerence.
I.H.S....this man is quite the hypocrite; perfect scripture to describe the situation..thanks for that! Imagine the British thinking this is okay? MOST don't!
Christian Soldier...one piece-filled day..too true, sadly!
L&O; that REALLY depressed me....wouldn't we all love for you to have said "But, I'm a public school teacher and I KNOW America will survive because of OUR KIDS"
In actuality, yes, there are very few like that, who will carry on the traditions and values IF allowed...but A. I don't think it'll be allowed ("too American!") and B. They don't make 'em like they used to.
Parents have really given up the raising of their kids to nannies and indoctrinating school teachers (and I DO NOT MEAN to generalize, I see the way teens are now...as do you... and we both know they can't be coming from upstanding homes of faith and values, THAT is for SURE..IN GENERAL) We Americans don't seem to remember our history so we don't know what made this country the great place that it is and we don't know how to go on from here. I almost wrote 'was'. I never thought I'd ever even consider thinking that...how horribly sad.
In fact, obama wants to incorporate the same things FDR tried after the Great Depression (why do you think obama calls today "as bad as the great depression?"!!) and most economists will tell us that was the WORST thing to do. If Obama doesn't know and understand why and his economists are advising he make this horrid stimulus/public works thing happen, what chance have we? What happened to American ingenuity ...based on individual pride and entrepreneurship!?
Well.......and, who would have thought the English would let a man who wishes them all dead because they're Christians to wish them a Merry CHristmas and preach to them about Jesus?
I rest my case!
Sometimes I feel as if I have stepped into an alternate dimension.
I've got news for Dinny... When the Christian Jesus returns (not the Isa farce they like to play) there will not be any arguing or fighting, and policies and politics will be worth squadoo.
The only thing that will matter is that little verse in John...
So true Brooke! (Go Bengals!!)
Thank you Z for posting this. Sad, but not surprising. God Bless & keep looking UP!
Where to begin? BO has and will sell out capitalism in order to gain the acclimation of his left wing buddies. I hope that those of us who have values will keep our politicians in line. Oops, nice try.
I want to think that America still has values. That we still think there are evil people in the world and that we are the ones to fight them and destroy them. But alas, there are more and more Americans who take issue with the fact that there are evil people in the world and they must be defeated.
Moral reletivism is the greatest evil to confront this country in its history. How can you excuse acts of terrorism with the feeling that we have done just as badly. I am OK with us being the world's police, because someone has to say ENOUGH!
I want us to be the country that says, stop the madness, stop killing innocent people to make a political point, stop the murders, this is wrong.
Seriously, dude. Get a grip. You worship a broken meteorite that used to be shaped like a penis until your Muslim forbears jealously fought over it and broke it.
You're waiting for a dude stuck down in a well to come back and lead you to reclaim the penis-shaped rock.
I'm not sure what Jesus would say about your little retread of Astoreth worship, but I'm thinking it would involve bouts of hysterical laughter and not a few gay jokes.
All great comments ...this one from Law and Order Teacher says it all:
"I want to think that America still has values. That we still think there are evil people in the world and that we are the ones to fight them and destroy them. But alas, there are more and more Americans who take issue with the fact that there are evil people in the world and they must be defeated."
The trouble the Left has is that it would consider that we have NO values because we have the nerve to suggest there is evil in the world and we need to defeat it....you know that. Sadly, I believe obama is of this 'mind'.
We're those mean ol' Conservatives who don't understand that really evil people are only reacting to our "imperialism and hegemony". It's STUPID to think this but SO prevalent.
Funny, because even as far back as Aristotle did HE, at least, know that "tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society". I pray America wakes up in time. We have to stop being tolerant and we have to STOP being apathetic.
Z, this really pissed me off. He made the quote of the week for me for Sunday.
I don't know why I'm still surprised that the Brits put up with this. You'd think they would have learned by now.
Pinky, the Brits are very upset...but they can't DO anything about it..
How long before this happens to us and WE're also stymied from fighting this stuff?
Think what encouragement this gives to extremists around the world....it was a REAL Christmas for them, huh? What a gift. What )W@(*$#&#@(*&$
Brooke, you are correct all that politic stuff won't mean a hill of beans, but I have to make slight correction if I could, not..."when the Christian Jesus returns", but when the Biblical Jesus returns; because Jesus wasn't Christian.
Doesn't surprise me that channel 4 would broadcast his message. Like death and taxes, terrorists and other such scum can always bank on the useful-idiots in the western intelligentsia for support.
Z - thanks for coming by and commenting. Hope to see you back soon. I can't believe the count on your blog archive! That's going to take me a while to read! Judging from your posts, you're very thoughtful and passionate, and correct about most everything! :-) Keep up the good work - I'll be back to check on you again. Happy blogging.
ACK! Z, I'm trying to stay mellow. I even wrote a post about it. One day of peace isn't nearly enough.
It would be interesting to know how many Brits actually listened to that little demented pipsqueak. One thing they can always do about it is change the channel. If the station loses enough ratings they'll knock of such crap!
Oops. Peaceful... still... God's in charge... peace... *sigh*
christian soldier is right on the mark. I have a few customers in England and have been bold enough to bring up the subject of the Islamic rise there. One was completely apathetic, but the others found it of grave concern.
Don't think it couldn't happen here folks. Know your enemy.
I swear, if it weren't for right wing blogs that Iranian midget would get no publicity.
You seem to be the only ones paying attention to the moron.
I never imagined until just now that the BBC might be a right wing blog...
Brooke...it's like the world's upside down and we don't recognize anything anymore, isn't it?
I.H.S...you're right about Jesus having been a Jew, but, let's face it, he does represent the Christians now..!
Matt..So glad to meet you. And yes, I'll be back, and I welcome you back, too. Thanks for your kind words.
Tony, I met a 5 young British guys this Summer...and I asked them about the 'no go zones' in London where Brits get into physical danger from Muslims if they dare go there and one looked at me as if I had an extra eye....."NO problem...I don't even know where that is!" They all acted like there is no problem and then you see the placards the muslim extremists hold there about taking Britain down, you see the old manor homes and best real estate being bought up in London by Arabs, the burkhas everywhere, the sharia law they're open to, and you think "these people have their heads in the sand."
Sort of like Ducky, come to think of it.
FJ.........who'd have thought?
But, don't forget: it was OUR Larry King who 'cootchi coo'd' Ahmedinejad with the "Geee!! You don't look old enough to have grown children!" He was licking the mad man's face..the man who calls for the destruction of Larry King's own Jewish people. It was also the only time in all these years watching King (tho we don't anymore very much) that he had FLOWERS on the set for Ahmedinejad...Got to be RESPECTFUL of a guy who hates us!
Gayle's right..One day of peace isn't enough...if we have to PRETEND all's well with the world, then we have to ..for our sanity.
And, as I.H.S. and Brooke so aptly say ....all that's REALLY important is that little verse in John. Thank you, God.
No peace until believers see the Prince of Peace.
Anyone's guess which will sink into the cesspool of sharia first, Britain or the USA.
Pray for America!
Eternally in Jesus, the Prince of Peace,
Ahmadinejad knows a lot about bullying. Thats what he does in Lebanon and Iraq. The Iranian people are also familiar with Ahmadinejad's brand of bullying.
Being a 'stoner' in Iran means earning a one way 'trip' thanks to the Mullahs and their lacky.
Ahmadinejad works liberals like a puppeteer.
Freedomnow, I hear most of the Iranians here despise Ahmedinejad..you're right.
What we hear 1/8th of is the frequency with which the students are protesting. I lived in Europe for four years and we saw it almost EVERY NIGHT on television there....huge demonstrations. I haven't seen one of those on American TV in 3 years. I happened to meet Kenneth Timmerman, and Iranian nukes expert our government has studiously ignored for the last 10 years to our peril, and when I asked if the demonstrations are still happening, he said "Of course they are..you know our media"
Our media doesn't want us to know that not everyone ADORES that little ugly pipsqueak who Larry King slobbered all over, remember?
Our media doesn't want us to know Germany can't afford their healthcare (which was never free anyway, regardless of what our media says) anymore, our media doesn't want us to realize that all Europe gets, basically, about our news is the Herald Tribune, wholly owned by the NYTimes and SO nasty toward us we could all stop asking ourselves "WHY DO THEY HATE US?" (the left asks that even more than WE do, and CARES more than we do, and THEY are the ones propogating the hate!!)
Anyway..I'm going on too much...it's a pet peeve of mine, this media which holds so much info back from Americans and how we make decisions based on the media's lies.
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