Please stop and say a prayer for those soldiers who fought, are still fighting, and for those who'll never fight again for anything. And for all their families, particularly at Christmas time.
May God bless them all.
"I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." ~ C. S. Lewis (Yes, even politics)
In loving memory of Mr. Z
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We owe such a debt to these brave souls.
a visit to the VA or the vets home could be in order.
As always, the troops are to be revered in their sacrifice. This season only serves to emphasize that fact.
Every night.
God Bless all of you!
Deaner..thanks for coming by
"guten flug" as Germans say...enjoy your trip, have a wonderful time!
Thanks for that link Z. May I "borrow it"?
Merry Christmas! Glad you liked our tree!
My friend just got back from his second tour (Aug.) and will be re-deployed in Jan..his little boy has barely gotten re-acquainted...could you all offer a prayer for him and his family?...
They are ALL mine-and they are all the BEST of the BEST....
We would not be free without them!
I thank them as they stand their watch; whether here at home or abroad their sacrifices they make are further reminders of the gift of freedom we have in this country.
So, as they stand I kneel to pray for their protection as they go and for their safe return home again.
Troops, may the Lord bless you and keep you, may He make His face to shine upon you and give you peace; until He brings you home again...Grace and Mercy be with you all.
Hi Z, I just wanted to you you and your readers, and all the rest of my buddies A very Merry Christmas and a very Happy and a healthy New Year to come for 2009.
I say a prayer for everyone. None are without a need for grace and mercy. Including Muslim Iraqis.
Indeed Duhkkky.
Ducky, I agree 100% with you and I pray for all that are impacted by this war.
I just hold a special affinity towards those that belong to us, and I think it's only natural, don't you?
I.H.S...I'll be eager to hear Ducky's response.
I'm with you, and you said it so well....but we have a whole couple generations now who seem happy to err on the enemy's side in fighting terrorism, etc. (anti-patriot act, etc.)
I can't bring myself not to first champion Americans...but I will continue to pray for people all around the world. And, I am not one to think all muslims want us dead, I just can't go there no matter what I hear and read.
As I have family over there even now, I pray everyday for them and others and ask that you do too.( One in Afghanistan, two in Iraq, two in 'other' places).
I too pray for the Iraqi Muslims. May they come to the true knowledge of Christ and His redemption and thus gain eternal peace.
God bless our troops, and keep them. May this Christmas bring them grace and well being.
"I just hold a special affinity towards those that belong to us, and I think it's only natural, don't you?"
Yes, I.H.S., those who belong to us are held more closely to our hearts. We must remember, they serve for us. We owe them more than we can ever repay.
I'd like to say also, God bless President Bush and Vice President Cheney who have sought no acclaim for their devotion to the troops.
True heartfelt generosity is measured by it's anonymity.
Hi Deaner, Merry Christmas to you, and Happy New Year!
Thank you for this reminder, Z.
Merry Christmas to you and Mr. Z!
Much love.
Pris! You MET you remember? did someone make that connection for you? xxx
Absolutely, Z! If anyone needs prayer during this time, it is our troops.
Z, Yes, I asked him what his user name was that night, when he mentioned visiting GEEEZ! from time to time.
God be with our troops this Christmas
And Have a Merry Christmas as well.
thanks Z!..and have a fabulous, blessed holiday my friend!:)
MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and Mr. Z
They are young heroes with incredible hearts and souls. Their bravery is awe-inspiring at such a young age. God bless them all and their families this Christmas and always.
It's wonderful for you to think of our soldiers, Z.
I'm so happy that more attention are being paid to the sacrifices of our military now. It wasn't like that when my husband was in Vietnam. An ungrateful nation is a terrible thing!
Thanks again, and may your Christmas be wonderfully joyous and blessed. :)
Z, Check this out!
Baghdad celebrates first public Christmas amid hope, memories -
JungleMom, I really enjoyed reading that article, thanks for sharing it.
And God Bless us all, even Mr. Obama and Mr. Biden.
Since everyone likes to call the president G.W. Bush; Mr..I thought I would embark on in coming president and vice president's titles. Mr.
God bless them one and all.
Merry Christmas to you & yours from the Cube household.
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