Sweeter the bells never sound
Than at Christmas time
It's as if angels are singing
Again of peace and joy
As they sang on the blessed night
As they sang on the blessed night
Bells with a holy sound,
The earth rings in harmony!
Oh, when the bells ring out
Quickly the Christ Child hears them
Then swings down from heaven,
Hurries down to earth
Blesses the father, the mother,
the child.
Blesses the father, the mother,
the child.
Bells with a holy sound,
The earth rings in harmony!
Ring with lovely sounds
Very far over the seas
so that all may rejoice
in the blessed Christmas time.
All shout out in glorious song.
All shout out in glorious song.
Bells with a holy sound,
The earth rings in harmony!
UPDATE: Here's a link to the melody:
Feel blessed and smile as you decorate your homes for the Christmas season....such a happy time! (then, can you come on over and give me a hand with our decorations!?!)
Mr and Mrs Z
Nice one, thanks Z.
By the way, i sent you an email, at the address you left at my blog, hopefully it's the right one. It's about that question you asked me earlier today.
I'd love to help! German is such a beautiful language i song. My wife sings me a German lullaby from time to time and it is very beautiful indeed. And who doesn't love Stille Nacht?
beautiful image and lyrics.
be sure to have a cup of hot chocolate after the decorations are up. :-) it's tradition around here.
How lovely. I'm fially going to work on getting my tree up today after church.
The name of the lullaby is "Wiegenlied."
Pops...it's actually called "Suesser Die Glocken Nie Klingen"
"Wiegenlied" is, we think, the name of the German lullaby! (the one Kim sings!?)
Here is a link to a very sweet rendition of it....ENJOY!!
I wonder what kind of ugly things to say some of the "individuals" who frequent your blog will come up with on this one. You'd think it would be hard to find something nasty and hateful, but I'll bet you they do it.
I wish I could hear it!
Well, Hermit; You'd be surprised to know that I don't think any of my Sunday Faith Blogs have had any aspersions!
But, we HAVE had arguments on faith with Ducky from time to time....You know...along the lines that Evangelicals are more to be feared than terrorists in America....but we all know that, right? (LOL!) Sad, huh?
I was just about to ask you to come over and help us with out decorations ;-)
Sweet song, but it reminds me SO much of something else I can't quite remember that it's driving me nuts. It goes up here and there where the other goes down and vice versa. Nuts. I don't even know if the one I'm trying to remember is German. It could be because I learned a bunch of German songs once upon a time, beautiful songs. It would make you the musician and Mr. Z the German cringe to hear me but I entertain myself enormously with them. Now I'll be humming this one or the one it sounds like all day.
Beautiful Z, the Christmas tree and the carol. What a great tenor voice.
Thanks Z.
We're hanging our outdoor lights today. I love this time of year. The lights, the music, and the meaning of Christmas. A time of beauty to nourish the soul.
Hey Z! Thank you so much! See my blog for a post about Christmas Music!
If you'd like to hear beautiful German, Russian, English, Portuguese, Spanish, Korean, Japanese or Chinese CHRISTmas Carols all during December, you can tune in to BBN Radio! Choose your language between any of those 8 & enjoy! We play 50% conservative Christian Music (all CHRISTmas Carols during December) & 50% Bible teaching 24/7. I'll post the web site if you want. May the Lord bless you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the link!!!
How lovely that song is!
Thanks for posting this and for finding the melody to go with your translation. The original German is much better than the English version, IMO.
Had to work this weekend. My daughter wouldn't let my wife put up the tree without me. Going to put it up for her tommorrow. Our Christmas tree that is. No holiday trees here.
Thanks for all the nice comments..
Always..ya....In German's much nicer but even the English words were lovely enough for the Sunday inspiration, I thought!
Gorgeous image!
I bet your home is lovely with your decorations up, Z!
Pinky.....no tree going up until next weekend, I think! But, i"m slowly putting everything else up..and maybe I'll take a few pictures!
great reminder z. i hope every nearing advent sunday builds greater excitment for you to have a wonderful christmas!!
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