The rest of the world cannot understand how after bitter election campaigns, American politicians can return to reality.
For instance Sarah Palin has invited to her great state of
She has provided a moose hunting trip for their enjoyment and has hired two other prominent men to assist them.
Dick Cheney will instruct them in safe gun handling and Ted Kennedy will drive them back to their cabins in the evening.
What a gal, that Sarah is such a sport and thinks of everything.
No...Z didn't write this...but I wish I HAD!
It took me a second to realize it was satire. I must be slow today.
That's hilarious!
YOu 'slow'...as IF!?
Wahahahah. I love well written satire. Some high school kids get satire, some don't. The ones who do are a great relief to the day. Nothing is more fun than engaging in something satirical and seeing a few of the students smile and nod their heads. Small joys of the day. Well worth it.
Ditto - All of the above! :)
That is such a good one. I got it in an e-mail the other day too. When I first started reading it, it sounded so serious, but then I burst out laughing at the end...a good one.
heheheh... thanks for that laugh!!
funny stuff!
heh good one~:)
Too bad Sonny Bono couldn't make it to take them skiing.
:-) (-:
Moose hunting ey, i'd like to see that metrosexual pansy obama hunt anything, let alone moose. No way he'll turn up, probably fall on his ass and have Sarah save him while the Secret Service empty their weapons into some poor startled ferret or something.
i would pay money to see this actually happen. she could also sell tickets...
Why isn't Republican humor ever very funny?
You know, compare that rather obvious piece with what Tina Fey did to punch out Suzy Mooseburger.
The left just has a better sense of humor.
Then you always get one of those Republicans strutting about the "manly" activity of hunting a docile animal that has very few natural enemies. A real challenge.
Ducky, I'm sorry to hurt your feelings. Everyone knows that Ted Kennedy's a killer and a man of so little character he left Mary Jo to drown and I know that must hurt Democrats ..they don't like seeing the truth too much. I know. Ya, her body was found grasping up at the top of the hood of the car for breath...but HE got out and went to bed. (don't provide details, nobody's buying his stuff, we all saw it...he was just lucky to be a Kennedy and a killer....and the facts are facts)
I'm surprised he never lived in Chicago, huh? Now THAT is FUNNY. If it wasn't so utterly disgusting.
No, I KNOW what's REALLY funnY!! Democrats with straight faces saying Obama can't have ever been involved in the Chicago MACHINE! Oh, I KNOW...he got to be senator on his merits.
Oh! He HAD no merits...oops. $$$
She also is at the top of Google's 2008 most searched web searches.
I'm going to mention Sarah Palin every post.
Christopher Hamilton
The Right Opinion, for the Right Wing
The one fortunate thing for them is all of the ponds are frozen. So even if Teddy does take a wrong turn on the bridge, they'll just bounce off of the ice.
It wasn't only Teddy "40 Miles of Bad Road" Kennedy that was made fun of, also VP Cheney was lampooned. It's just funny, & we appreciate the humor, Z! God Bless.
News flash, Ducky. SNL hasn't been funny for at least a decade, and even that is very generous.
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