"f" is RIGHT.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Facebook's so sorry!
"f" is RIGHT.
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"I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." ~ C. S. Lewis (Yes, even politics)
In loving memory of Mr. Z
I hereby advise all readers against transmitting via comments, or links to other sites, any material that may constitute criminal behavior, or give rise to civil liability, including (but not limited to) violation of local or state laws, United States Code or regulation, or any international statute to which the United States is a signatory.
Just notified my friends that I will be closing my account in a week. Damn bootlickers.
Something isn't quite right here. Too many people fall head over heels for Islam. I'm a little confused over what their hold is.
it's called extortion Chuck, comply or we'll blow something up
Elbro, I've been thinking that for a long time but, with the Obama administration, I'm convinced that "either they're this naive or there really IS some extortion going on"....
loved the commentary RE: the Prager video!!!
may just 'swipe' that one-:-)
as to face-book--I've been wary of it since it's inception...
PS-let's take our Education system back--
I closed my account. Not only it takes too much of my time, but I was getting frustrated to see all my liberal friends post nonsensical things.
CS.."Swipe Away"...thanks!
FB, I haven't opened a Facebook account, (tho some people who know me would disagree because even with my very unusual first AND last names ..., someone's got an acct with my name! Elbro wrote to the person and then she added a new middle name and another avatar because she was using my avatar, too...supposedly a coincidence but I'll never believe that...)
Anyway, I don't have time and am glad I never opened one now.
I have an account, and I really do like it to keep up on the family, but there is a bunch of stupid stuff on it.
I agree with Elbro that much of this success has to do with extortion, but I also think it is because Jihadis financially control many IT platforms, including Google and Barack Obama's election campaign.
I understand Saudi money controls almost half of Fox News, which answers lots of questions when Fox News soft-peddles issues involving Islamacists.
I don’t participate in Face Book; email is plenty sufficient for me. But I do think that if these people are going to apologize for the recent ‘draw Mo’ contest, people who love freedom of speech should cancel their accounts as several have indicated here.
I hate FB. Not just for this, for a lot of other stuff.
Disclaimer down, FB is moronic anyway. Now they're dhimmis to boot.
I've thought about closing my FaceBook account. I don't use it for anything except publicizing my articles from Right Truth. I don't care about "farmville, or mafia wars, or sending hearts and stuff".
You are right as with all things, there is a special treatment for Islam.
Right Truth
Mark Elliot Zuckerberg...immersed in the classics and...Harvard.
When one considers that FB is run by and an invention of a pimply faced, propeller head who's never grown hair between his legs yet...does anyone wonder why he wouldn't capitulate to savages that can't even read? He's barely left his college dorm let alone face any reality or ugliness in his life.
Another liberal weenie Jewish boy without a commitment to his ancestry or heritage and the guts to stand up to the continuing islamist jihad. His parents must be proud.
Facebook is a thing of the past now for me as well. Frankly, I'm finding that real life is more enjoyable and rewarding than the Facebook version ...
~ Will
Facebook will do whatever it thinks is good for business. They have no interest in anything that doesn't effect their advertising.
So, how do you get Facebook's attention? Got me.
However, I do note that right on cue, z, brought up "Piss Christ". Inevitably you have to think of the censorship that took place because of it and remember that what right wingers want is not the elimination of censorship but control of censorship.
The right is hardly an advocate for free expression, they're just upset that the culture frequently votes them down.
I was reading recently that the new generations that make friends through social media and create their identity through those media lack serious empathy. It's so much about your ego that it makes sense. Not to mention the lacking skills in reading body language and understanding human behavior.
Ducky, how can I talk with someone who doesn't understand my posts? I just don't get it..it's so clear.
You couldn't be more wrong about censorship but there are things that are decent and there is hypocrisy you should at least be able to see if you were thinking fairly...my gosh...
Hypocrisy, Ducky....you think Christians would go ape if someone did the Piss Christ thing on facebook and insist facebook be SHUT DOWN in AMERICA? think again, if you do.
FB...I saw that, too...you take GOD out of the equation and there's little sympathy or empathy...there just isn't.
Funny, a friend of mine's grandson, a tall amazing looking hunk of stuff (!) has been in the Peace Corps in Africa..he's been jacked around, given incorrect information and the whole deal was grossly misrepresented..but he hung in there 1 1/2 years or so...
Now he asked to go to Haiti and I'm not sure it's under the Peace Corps...if I had to guess, I'd guess it isn't. He's a kid who left with little faith anymore, tho he was raised a Christian....he came back after all these months helping in Haiti, you can't believe the horrors he describes, and he's not only still the biggest hearted kid around but he suddenly asked his folks if he could go to church with them both Sundays he was here on R&R before returning to Haiti's nightmare.
He is becoming more Christian as he sees their faith which he says is growing there from what he's heard from Haitians....amazing miracles there.
His empathy's growing, his sympathy knows no bounds....
We need kids to care about others...they're not learning that anymore. Just look at them crossing at a stop sign and not even looking to see if any car is there or if that driver is paying attention..'it's the driver's problem'...listen to the ghetto blaster radios in cars these days blasting and not giving a damn who has to hear it...
they need modeling but we've taken goodness out and it's not happening...
Will...I worry about the time I spend on my blogs....though I'm really really busy with other things, I'm beginning to consider this issue.
Thanks for your encouragement.
I'd never shut this down, but...
Jihadists control Google? Did I read that correctly?
Wow, the conspiracy theories sure are flying, z.
Also, you do dodge the absolute fact of censorship that took place after the initial "Piss Christ" controversy. The only reason you aren't censoring is because you don't have the power. The far right has made numerous attempts and will likely try it again.
I am glad that the lefties that come to my blog are not nearly as insane, though just as naive, as you appear to be. I do know if the Jihadis control Google, but they obviously have control of Facebook. I am too young to remember what forms of censorship those in power on the Right took in response to "Piss Christ", though I do vaguely remember the flap. You are mistaken however in asserting that the Right attempted to censor that filth. Some individuals, and some groups, assuredly called for it to be removed, destroyed etc. But my research says that the vast majority of conservatives did just what I have done with Fascistbook, we vote with our feet. Nothing there is so important that I feel a need to compromise my principles just so I can participate on their site. Unless and until they tell the terrorists to take a flying leap, I will take my business elsewhere or do without.
From Wikipedia "Piss Christ is a 1987 photograph by photographer Andres Serrano. It depicts a small plastic crucifix submerged in a glass of the artist's urine."
Ducky, I think there's not much more to say about it. I don't call it censorship, I call it decency.
And, odd that you keep evading the hypocrisy I keep pointing out to you.
sort of odd, anyway.
I'm not sure about jihadists and Google, but I absolutely have seen for myself censorship of news stories not put on Google, or so far down the threads nobody'd find it. It took me, by the way, hours to find the true Koran on Google..I joked with friends that, at first look, I was going to call Pastor and tell him I thought Islam looked pretty darned good..then I had to click in and click in again, into articles,links...and the whole language was finally there. That's a form of censorship.
Ya, I've seen articles that were anti left disappear from Google, too. I'd keep a collection, but who knows what's going to disappear? Oh, ya..Google's a pip.
But, of course, the left doesn't believe in censorship! CNN and MSNBC and moveon..they give "ALL THE NEWS FAIRLY!" (smile)
RWE, great point. Two young girls hit the exhibit with hammers...and funding was threatened but I do not believe the exhibition itself was closed down. A few Christian media types I don't admire very much got huffy..
If the left's so into free speech, why can't the dissenters to that exhibit have THEIRS?
That there was healthy discussion about the disgusting thing seems to me less censorial than important.
People didn't like it, they didn't go, basically. You're very right.
Good news
The right only disagrees with the government subsidization of commodities that can't market themselves profitably on their own in the private sector, such as talentless hacks photographing jars of their own piss or unionized auto manufacturers and baseball players. At least baseball players have an exclusive clothing line to make up for the unprofitability from their general lack of entertainment value. I think General Motors is going into the perfume and cologne business, a concession to the fact that they've lost the will to try to compete in vehicle manufacturing for profit.
So Ducky, your "The right is hardly an advocate for free expression, they're just upset that the culture frequently votes them down" quip, while a clever display of a leftist's intrinsic need to convince rational people that all leftists are imbecilic, says really nothing about your usual rants about consumption and unsustainable economies. You're the one, after all, that places photographs of piss on an economically endangered species list in need of government protection.
Beamish, you're the best.
Ducky thinks freedom of speech is the freedom of speech that was practiced by his former democratic socialist friends in GDR.
Ducky I'm worried now. You should get a checkup to make sure some neurons are properly irrigated up there. Seems like the part responsible for logic is rotting a little more every day.
Duck must be ever disappointed that Christians aren't rioting in the streets. Sheeh.
you do dodge the absolute fact of censorship that took place after the initial "Piss Christ" controversy.
Links, please.
Caveat: Boycotting and letter-writing are not the same as censorship.
Right took in response to "Piss Christ", though I do vaguely remember the flap. You are mistaken however in asserting that the Right attempted to censor that filth. Some individuals, and some groups, assuredly called for it to be removed, destroyed etc.
That's right, you don't remember and you're clueless. Go back and check out Dick Armey and Jesse "the pride of the south" Helms after the controversy.
Link please, AOW? Look it up, if you had any desire to get to the truth about the facts of the matter.
While you're at it go check out the efforts to keep "The Last Temptation of Christ" out of video stores. It's astonishing that you don't remember any of this because you will be right there in line to claim that the government funded "Piss Christ" which is a lie but that is not your concern.
Links? Just tune in your buddies at "Focus on the Family". The only objection you have to censorship is that you don't control it.
Oh, and get your buddy , mustang, to put up some links on the jihadists control of Google. As if he doesn't appear far enough over the edge.
The right only disagrees with the government subsidization of commodities that can't market themselves profitably on their own in the private sector...
Absoutely true, Beamish, which is why we have a musical culture that is quickly turning to crap because it caters to least common denominator metal heads who think a string quartet plays under a baton.
Go put "Enter Sandman" on a loop and wait for permission to sit at the adult table.
And how is it that 29 out of 30 New Yorkers voted to OK the giant mosque at Ground Zero.
What is happening to my country.
"which is why we have a musical culture that is quickly turning to crap"
Old people always say that.
I am starting to listen to more classical, jazz and rock from my teens.
It's just an aging process thing, Ducky. Deal with it.
Ducky, you're making me laugh now...why is it everyone else has to PROVIDE LINKS but you never will?
I'm still waiting for you to answer a question I've asked you at least 10 times: IF America is NOT EXCEPTIONAL, which country IS?
FrogBurger, that is great news about the Repblicans so far ahead, but today's talk by Obama makes it loud and clear; He'll be lying until November, wait for it.
I"m going to try to find a video of it, it was UNCONSCIENABLE..it's all about the perfect dems and those reps who have done NOTHING to help this country, just want him GONE.... It's astonishing and nonthinkers actually believe this stuff. It's hard to imagine
Obama's strategy through November: investigate everything, file lawsuits to put the blame on other people.
Fairly pathetic.
But American people are not dumb. They don't like cowards very much. They value courage and having cojones.
Unless they call themselves after some bird that quacks.
The largest single investor in Google is a company called ... ready? ... the Alibaba Group. Amazing.
ALIBABA GROUP, huh, Mustang?
Maybe they're Norwegians ....probably CALVINISTS, BLONDE CALVINISTS TO BOOT......you know how EVIL and CENSORIAL THEY ARE :-)
The right only disagrees with the government subsidization of commodities that can't market themselves profitably on their own in the private sector...
Absoutely true, Beamish, which is why we have a musical culture that is quickly turning to crap because it caters to least common denominator metal heads who think a string quartet plays under a baton.
Ah yes, the self-appointed elites who actually pay to see people defecate on stage (with actual crap) and wallow in it are going to descend to tell the "common denominators" what's art and best for them.
Go put "Enter Sandman" on a loop and wait for permission to sit at the adult table.
And miss drowning you in your kiddie pool?
You know what? You're a real ass.
I politely asked you for links, and you went off on a tirade on me. And you know full well how little time I have to go searching. For all your claims of compassion about my situation, you just proved that your much-touted compassion the name of humanity is a ruse.
I will answer one point in your comment: I don't subscribe or read Focus on ithe Family, or whatever the name is.
Ducky is not only an ass, but a racist misogynist with no taste whatsoever.
He was at my site a while back, claiming that it took talent to shoot a picture of 'piss christ' with a special lens, and that it is "ethereal" and "beautiful."
Let him admire piss in a jar, AOW. It's pretty much an accurate reflection of his soul and humanity.
Brooke, ya...no matter what's in the jar, admiring piss in one showed me a lot, too....so elitist and OPEN MINDED to think an artist's urine should be well photographed.......
Always...he thinks I'm Rush devotee, too, mentions it all the time, when I listen to Rush about 13 minutes a year just from accidentally pushing the button on which his show's played...I don't hate Rush like he does but I just don't listen.
Nor do I listen to Focus on the Family......
Nor am I a Calvinist (not that I disagree much with Calvinism), but he'll keep slamming......
easier than providing links or answering our question..
You are so sad an pathetic that I feel bad pointing it out in so public a forum. You refuse to support your arguments with evidence, and when asked to do so, put your lack on others. All of your arguments are based on unsubstantiated assertions, often with only a passing acquaintance to reality, and ad hominem attacks. The worst part of your pathetic attempts to attack people is that you close debate not with stunning argument, which would prove your point, but by leaving no response except the same personal, emotional attacks you use because an emotion response in not subject to a reasoned or logical response. It is small and childish of you. This is the verbal equivalent of pulling your betters into the mud wallow because you fell in and proved unable to crawl your way out. I should not be surprised by your childish tactics. You are obviously in possession of an immature intellect, and I should not be surprised that your debate style is more reminiscent of a spoiled child child on the playground rather than a reasoning, logical, adult. It is laughable that you tell anyone to do more research, grow smarter etc. before they can sit at the adult table because one in unable to determine seating arrangements at any table from the play-pen in the next room.
I'm sure Ducky means well, it's just that leftists are incapable of rational thought so perhaps he lets his "far" leftist ideological need to leave people not thinking but rather knowing leftists are imbeciles get the best of him.
Asking Ducky to not be stupid is rather similar to asking a box full of packing foam to choreograph a dance routine. It's an expectation set too high.
"I'm sure Ducky means well"
Really? I think he is troll with no higher goal than stirring the pot.
"[I]t's just that leftists are incapable of rational thought"
Boy isn't that the truth.
"Asking Ducky to not be stupid is rather similar to asking a box full of packing foam to choreograph a dance routine. It's an expectation set too high."
Yeah but we can try right?
"Asking Ducky to not be stupid is rather similar to asking a box full of packing foam to choreograph a dance routine. It's an expectation set too high."
Sometimes, I just CAN'T STAND IT! :-) HAAA!!
Hmmmm....I see that Duck hasn't responded to my comment.
Just as well.
I'm not in the mood for idiocy these days.
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