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10 hours ago
"I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." ~ C. S. Lewis (Yes, even politics)
In loving memory of Mr. Z
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Wonder how that's going to play out.
Just as well, this was just a piece of kabuki by The Black Bush.
Didn't really accomplish anything and made the economic impact much worse.
President Empty Suit is sad. Nobody told him there would come a day when he couldn't get away with saying, hey, I'm the black guy so I must be progressive.
Just a back bencher voting "present". He and Chucklenuts should go down to the Crawford ranch and clear brush. But, we get the government we deserve.
But, we get the government we deserve.
The Lord has a way of handing people over to what we think we most desperately want so we can see exactly how much we need Him. While I doubt most Americans would say "I really wanted what we've got", there are very real consequences for entertaining certain attitudes (such as "God can just get comfy in the backseat because I've got things under control")
If Obama were merely the "Black Bush" rather than easily accomplishing the level of incompetence that comes naturally to leftists, the Deepwater Horizon platform would likely have never been rated "the industry model of safety" after BP's shitty track record on safety in previous years, much less approved to drill where access in the event of a distaster would be so problematic.
This is your problem, lefty. Own it.
I think that this judge did Obama-and the American people-a favor by lifting this moratorium. It allowed for its removal while saving Obama-face. It wouldn't surprise me if this judge was an Obam'ite, or a conservative. Funny thing how that works: helps the people + stops Obama = good decision; no matter what the politics.
Black Carter is more like it, Ducky.
Now let's go real slow for Beamish. The Black Bush is not a leftist. He isn't even a progressive.
This clown has nothing to do with the left. The left barely exists in this country.
Now if we had a true press someone would be asking this stiff while he's on his knees in front of big oil why the permitting process wasn't stopped but here he is trying to look decisive from the back bench with this little six month moratorium crap.
Yeah shut down the wells and restart. Subject them to the most dangerous procedures in their life span. The man's as dumb as Chucklenuts but the public is even dumber.
But watch the McChrystal thing. He just put The Black Bush in a serious lose-lose with the offer to resign. He's played that pathetic little back bencher masterfully.
Now let's go real slow for Beamish. The Black Bush is not a leftist. He isn't even a progressive.
That is some really slow thinking you've got there Ducky.
I'll take the Communist Party USA and other leftist organizations that actively championed and campaigned for Obama at their word. The CPUSA website even now has an Obama agenda praising article in reaction to his 2010 State of the Union address entitled "Obama State of the Union: He Got The Ball Rolling"
Obama is a leftist. Your protests that he is not a leftist is not an argument against me, it's an argument with your fellow dipshit leftists.
This clown has nothing to do with the left. The left barely exists in this country.
This would be the barely existent left that you claim on other days has buried the right?
Do please make up your barely existent mind, you idiot.
Now if we had a true press someone would be asking this stiff while he's on his knees in front of big oil why the permitting process wasn't stopped but here he is trying to look decisive from the back bench with this little six month moratorium crap.
Yeah shut down the wells and restart. Subject them to the most dangerous procedures in their life span. The man's as dumb as Chucklenuts but the public is even dumber.
It is rather interesting that the candidate that BP has given the most money to in the last 20 years is your fellow leftist Barack Obama. Stupidity comes with the territory.
But watch the McChrystal thing. He just put The Black Bush in a serious lose-lose with the offer to resign. He's played that pathetic little back bencher masterfully.
It's hardly a fair fight. Obama's never really had to demonstrate his intellect in any measureable respect, so he's clueless as to how. And his teleprompter can't show him how to be intelligent nor overcome his leftism incapacity for rational thought.
"...this was just a piece of kabuki by The Black Bush."
Still carping about Bush ey, so quacky, do you check under your bed and in your closet before you turn in for the night, in case Dubya is waiting to jump you. Along with the Jews you're terribly frightened of.
Get help son, i hear therapists are used to treating plenty of liberal idiots frightened of shadows and Conservative presidents past, present and future.
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