Has anybody else thought about the phrase IMMIGRATION REFORM? Consider that this is what the signs many illegals carry say: "WE WANT IMMIGRATION REFORM"... and how the illegals and Lefties in our government use this term as if it could only mean ONE THING....loosening laws, amnesty, etc, etc...'reform' in their direction.
The term makes me wonder because, actually, sending all illegals back, or tightening even more the AZ bill so that it better matched Federal Law, or stopping all immigration for five years (something I'd be willing to consider if I were Queen), could also be considered IMMIGRATION REFORM, no?
Why's REFORM suddenly only mean "reformed as illegals and Leftist politicians want it?" Odd, don't you think?
10 Akun Depo 5k Paling Populer di Indonesia
10 hours ago
Yes, immigration reform SHOULD be about more restriction rather than loosening the law. Yes, deporting the lot of them plus a five year moratorium sounds like a good idea to me.
I'm so glad the governor of Arizona is hanging tough on this.
We need a law that says it's really bad, m'kay, to break a law that says it's against the law to break the law.
That'll show 'em.
The left loves the word "change." "Reform" implies change.
The left is always using loaded terminology so as to deceive those not grounded in political ideology.
Hey! Did you see the recent survey at MSNBC? Over 96% of those polled are in favor of Arizona's new law!
Link HERE.
What the phrase "immigration reform" really means is this:
We want to put a stop to those who resist amnesty for illegal Mexicans. We don't want anyone to be able to, again, stop more votes from coming to the Demorat Party.
It's odd, you see, because I only see MEXICANS protesting the AZ bill.
I don't see the French protesting.
I don't see Guatamala protesting.
I don't see Estonia protesting.
Check out AOW's link. That survey is from MSNBC -- NOT a bastion of Right Wing peeps.
Why's REFORM suddenly only mean "reformed as illegals and Leftist politicians want it?" Odd, don't you think?
It's what a nation gets when we hand a radically law-despising group a blank check ambiguously written out to "CHANGE".
Maybe we can have an amnesty and fix everything like Saint Ronnie Raygun said his would.
Or why did immigration spike so high under Chucklenuts? What were those zany Republicans up to?
Well, you all want the magic wand but until we can be up front about the economic pressures causing this migration there isn't going to be any change. It is a little disingenuous for the far right to whine when they've been in charge during periods of very high illegal immigration.
Before Froggy jumps in, I want to ask him again whether Libertarians support free labor migration to minimize labor costs. Most do.
Ducky, we're not Democrats, we don't think every single thing Republicans do is perfect.
How many TIMES do you have to read that I was totally against Bush on amnesty to stop suggesting otherwise here?
Every administration's treated amnesty rather like your leftist media treats islamist news: Terrified to rock a boat and make the group unhappy.
The thing that won't help us is people who argue like you do when you're being pushed into a corner\; instead of trying to suggest fixes, you just to the metaphorical and real mantra of BLAME BUSH
By the way..you say "until we can be up front about the economic pressures causing this migration there isn't going to be any change"
You suggesting we fix MEXICO? or give the illegals MORE?
Maybe we can have an amnesty and fix everything like Saint Ronnie Raygun said his would.
Or why did immigration spike so high under Chucklenuts? What were those zany Republicans up to?
Readers might find this article to be of interest.
A mainstream politician is a politician, regardless of what label he slaps on his sleeve.
Reagan was hardly a "saint" and one of the biggest mistakes conservative American Christians have made is to jump on the political "conservative republican" bandwagon because someone offered to toss out a bone.
The identical mistake has been made by the non-conservatives who bow to the liberal elites on the Dem side of the same coin.
To fix this mess:
Step 1. Build the fence. We have "stimulus money" that has not been spent. Please use that borrowed money for something useful, not squirrel sanctuaries. Reminds me of people who borrow money from the bank to go to the state fair instead of fixing the hole in their roof.
Step 2. Deal with the anchor baby issue. At least one parent has to have legal status in the US.
Step 3. Prosecute anyone who hires illegal workers.
Step 4. No drivers licenses, loans, rentals or other privileges for illegals.
The people who followed the rules to get here deserve to live in a country where law matters.
Heather, I'm so eager to read that link and still haven't....and I need to get my sprained foot up so I'll see it later...thanks. I'm really curious about it.
Anonymous: I love your last sentence: The people who followed the rules to get here deserve to live in a country where law matters.
Hope your foot heals quickly.
The piece really isn't a very flattering reflection on Reagan, I'm afraid. On the other hand, he was just a man, certainly prone to making mistakes.
IMO, with his heavy-duty astrology connection, all Christians ought to exercise extreme caution when holding him up as an ideal leader for our nation.
So Reagan wasn't perfect. Why is it so easy for some to ignore that he inherited a mess from the previous administration--which received it from the one before...?
Craig or Heather. I always prefer to remain civil when possible.
In the future, please remember, I am a LEFTIST, not a liberal.
President Reagan's mistake was believing the Democrat congress when they gave their word they would agree to seal the border.
The difference between Reagan and other Presidents was the fact that he said, that was one of his big mistakes during his Presidency.
Having said this let me point out that he agreed to amnesty for one and one half million illegel aliens. Not fifteen million as it is supposed to be now.
As for President Bush 43, we conservatives rose up to oppose him on immigration reform, and that led to anger and disillusionment among many Republicans who stayed home during the 2006 election, allowing the far left to get their foot in the door backing the loons we now have in Congress.
Craig or Heather. I always prefer to remain civil when possible.
In the future, please remember, I am a LEFTIST, not a liberal.
It's Heather.
Good. I like civility and was not intentionally trying to push buttons. If my statements caused unnecessary offense, I do apologize.
To be honest, though, I would appreciate some enlightenment on what the difference between liberal and leftist thinking actually is.
I'm not quite seeing it, I guess.
and then, there's PROGRESSIVE, too, right, Heather?
Definitions, Ducky? I'd appreciate that, too.
The difference between leftist and liberal?
A leftist will tell you a turd is a candy bar. A liberal will make sure everyone has one to eat.
A leftist will tell you a turd is a candy bar. A liberal will make sure everyone has one to eat.
Well, I wouldn't have stated it quite like that, but I was thinking the primary difference is simply a matter of degree.
What the tone of Ducky's comments appear to indicate is that leftism is just socialistic liberalism with all pretension stripped away. But, I could be dead wrong, so I was hoping he'd offer his own explanation.
Beamish: thanks for the insight.
Ducky: I would care to have YOUR definitions of both Leftist and Liberal. How does one distinguish between them?
Beamish, PLEASE no T word!!!..sorry, but...blech! :-) Your logic there, of course is hilarious and perfectly right.
Heather "I was hoping he'd offer his own explanation."
We have hoped that for a long time around here.
So glad you're commenting, great to have you here!
Heather "I was hoping he'd offer his own explanation."
We have hoped that for a long time around here.
So glad you're commenting, great to have you here!
Perhaps Ducky will be back tomorrow with his thoughts? I'd much rather be working from his definition than something I concocted on my own.
This is definitely an interesting group and I appreciate the welcome.
Rein me in if I get out of line!
Sorry about the T word use, Z. That's just one of my favorite ways to distinguish the team from the cheerleaders.
Lenin was a bit more poilte about it and just called the liberals "useful idiots."
Heather..no worries :-)
As for Ducky, he might come by ...I hope he will.
Beamish, thanks for the 'sorry'...that word just sets me off somehow !
I think "turd" is QUITE expressive. One of those onomatopoeic words.
Indeed...I'd like to hear from duhkkky, we can project all we want hoping he'd answer or clarify.
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