".....the safety and prosperity of nations ultimately and essentially depend upon the protection and the blessing of Almighty God, and the national acknoweldgment of this truth is not only an indispensable duty which we owe to Him, but a duty whose natural influence is favorable to the promotion of that morality and piety without which social happiness cannot exist nor the blessings of free government be enjoyed........."
He went on to say ".....the just judgments of God against prevalent iniquity, are a lou
I'm sure Mr. Adams would feel this sentiment just as strongly, or much more, about our country today, don't you?
"....Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty" 2 Corinthians 3:17.
Long live liberty. Say a prayer for America today and every day....She sure needs it.
I will pray.
It appears John Adams recognized the truth of
Proverbs 14:34 Righteousness lifts up a nation, but sin is a shame to any people.
Your post reminds me of a quote from Russian writer Alexander Solzheniitsyn, who was first imprisoned in 1975 for exposing Communism and then exiled to the West.
In 1994, he returned to Russia and acknowledge the necessity of honoring God in order for a society to remain healthy.
He said:
While I was still a child, I recall hearing a number of older people offer the following explanation for the great disasters that have befallen Russia:
"Men have forgotten God; that's why all this has happened."...And if I were called upon to identify briefly the principle trait of the entire twentieth century,...I would be unable to find anything more precise and pithy than to repeat once again: "Men have forgotten God."
Consistent prayer for the spiritual health of our country and it's leaders is a must.
Your foot still healing okay?
John Adams was a great man indeed. The very fact that our first 5 presidents were such AMAZING men tells you that we are a nation favored by G-d.
1. Washington
2. Adams
3. Jefferson
4. Madison
5. Monroe
Unfortunately at this point the list drops off in quality, and with a few notable exceptions--Lincoln and Reagan come to mind--the quality of our Presidents was never quite the same.
We pray for our country every night.
Heather, excellent quote to add, thanks.
And the foot's just becoming a nuisance now...I guess sprains can last a while but you feel better then you overdo just a little and it's bad again, as it is this morning.
Thanks so much for asking.
Hi, Jingo! Very good points...and very good presidents! Prayer truly is needed; people who get out of their own way and know there's a higher power to rely on somehow seem like happier and more effective people...some say that relying on God is a 'crutch', and I used to think that...but I see now that there's a peace and comfort that comes that can't come from us when we do rely on Him. And you can't really explain that to anybody, more's the pity!
More later, I'm going to go put this foot up!
And the myth of Americas monopoly capitalist exceptionalism continues to decline and crumble. It is God's justice.
Craig, Solzhenitsyn wanted the return of the czar and believed we could return to Christ only through the suffering of the Russin people.
Study him a little more thoroughly.
He was no friend of America.
Good post. I've been praying for America since the last presidential election.
Z, definitely take it easy. Bad sprains can take months to heal.
Craig, Solzhenitsyn wanted the return of the czar and believed we could return to Christ only through the suffering of the Russin people.
Study him a little more thoroughly.
He was no friend of America.
It's Heather.
But that's okay. I've been called worse. :)
I did not say Solzhenitsyn was a "friend of America". My comment is still up if you want to double check.
I shared something he said that lines up quite well with the truth of scripture.
It's okay to acknowledge that someone said something true without mindlessly swallowing everything that person believed.
Case in point:
I don't disagree with EVERYTHING you have said here. You've also made some good points concerning the problems with our society. If you actually knew who Jesus is, you might be able to even offer some reasonable solutions.
Like it or not, God often allows temporal human suffering to get the attention of people who otherwise would spit in the face of Christ who gave Himself so that we have hope of life beyond this existence.
Suffering also is used to strengthen and purify the faith of those who already profess Christ as Savior and Lord. That is not to be confused with punishment or judgment, but a matter of training and discipline into Christ-likeness.
I could easily counter your recommendation with "study
Scripture more thoroughly", but honestly, what you need is for the Holy Spirit to thump you over the heart.
And the myth of Americas monopoly capitalist exceptionalism continues to decline and crumble. It is God's justice.
Ducky, are you saying that God works in strange ways — and now supports socialism?
I thought that the death of capitalism was brought on by treasonous influential people within the country undermining the foundations upon which the country was founded maybe even "capitalists" like Armand Hammer.
Z, would that we had great men such as Adams and the other founders, today. I pray everyday for this country.
"And the myth of Americas monopoly capitalist exceptionalism continues to decline and crumble. It is God's justice."
Really Ducky? And what of the myths of fascism and communism? Were their demise not God's justice? Or is it a failure of man, to look to God for his grace, and to have faith in something greater than ourselves.
H, you said "It's okay to acknowledge that someone said something true without mindlessly swallowing everything that person believed."
For some Americans, if Geo Washington had one slave he has no credible moral stand or integrity on any subject...this seems to be something our indoctrinators are teaching American children and it's a real bad idea. Plus, there's no context; easy to slam when we have no context.
It was only after Columbus was branded a rapist that we've stopped studying and celebrating the man....
Pris and Waylon...anybody who stood in the way of communism ticks ol' Ducky off.
A nation that turns her back on God does not have God's blessings. It is time America repents for her sins against humanity and one another and seeks the face of God, not God's hand.
xo Layla
Layla, and we've experienced this since we took God out of schools...a precipitous drop
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