Iran's breaking Israel's blockade...
There are Iranian ships heading toward Gaza, breaking the Israeli blockade with, supposedly, humanitarian help for Gaza. It's apparently in reaction to the flotilla attacks last week, which were supposedly humanitarian(make sure you watch the video and see what's hiding under the humanitarian aid), too. Here's the start of THIS ARTICLE:
Iran is sending aid ships to blockaded Gaza, state radio said on Monday -- a move likely to be considered provocative by Israel which accuses Tehran of arming the Palestinian en
clave's Islamist rulers, Hamas. One ship left port on Sunday and another will depart by Friday, loaded with food, construction material and toys, the report said. The boats would be part of international efforts to break Israel's isolation of the Gaza Strip. "Until the end of the Gaza blockade, Iran will continue to ship aid," said an official at Iran's Society for the Defence of the Palestinian Nation. While Israel has long suspected Iran, which rejects the Jewish state's right to exist, of supplying weapons to Hamas, Tehran says it only provides moral support to the group. Israeli troops two weeks ago boarded a flotilla of Turkish aid ships heading to Gaza on May 31 and killed nine pro-Palestinian activists, most of them Turks. Cute little perfect storm, isn't it? Iran hides behind the word 'humanitarian' (after all, Iran does a lot of humanitarian work, right?!) and Israel looks bad for protecting itself.
What do YOU think is going to happen next? And how long do you think Israe
l will exist? And, do you think Iran would be trying this if who they called "The Cowboy" was still in charge here? Here is the last sentence, the very last if anybody kept the article linked about about Israel's flotilla probe:
The closure was tightened further the following year when the Islamist group, which has fired thousands of rockets and mortar rounds into Israel, seized power in Gaza.
Oh, MAN, thousands of rockets and mortar rounds were fired into Israel and Israel tries to stop that? Oh, man................."LET'S BLAME ISRAEL!" (as IF)z
* 100,000 Iranians volunteer to crew ships - report
Oh oh, the BS detector is at full staff.
you're right duhkkky I bet it's higher
Isn't it miserable to be so perpetually cranky?
well of course it's israel's fault, z. after all, if the jews would just go "home" these kind, gentle, peaceful moslims wouldn't have to school them. sheesh!
at least saudi has just given permission to israel to use their air space. (hat tip, elbro).
It would suck if some of the bomb-making materials on the Iranian shipment spontaneously combusted in the middle of the Suez Canal.
Duck-bill leans so far left he might tip over. Must be tough to walk.
Silvrlady my guest. Show us where it's not true, I'm all for the facts...thanks.
spontaneous combustion would be awesome, wouldn't it beamish?!
The Hitler of Iran, who has threatened multiple times to wipe Israel off the map and drive the Jews into the ocean, had better stop messing with the bull that is Israel, lest he get the horns.
The war is on its way I believe. Just a matter of times.
You think Obama'll step in or hand it to the UN?
great work Z!..well with Hussein O at the helm..they will keep aggressing!
I think we should announce we're sending ships to the Mediterranean Sea in support of Israel.
But, unfortunately our President is Obama, and I doubt he would. His weakness has already emboldened Israel's enemies, and our own, for that matter.
Iran is emboldened by Obama's hate for Israel. They feel quite safe doing this. Makes me sick.
Opus, the whole world feels safe...from Iranian ships to Somali pirates to N Korea testing to Iran pushing the envelope on nukes, to the Taliban working deals with Karzai...
Sometimes I picture Osama in his cave laughing his ...(*&#*(& .
He has good reason, let's face it.
z, when this convoy doesn't depart will you retract?
Oh, looks like I'm the one to apologize, z. The Guardian is reporting two ships left Iran. Now when the left wing press reports it well ...
Thinks are heating up. That Gaza blockade is going to become a real liability unless Israel can figure out a way to use the Gulf states antipathy toward Iran.
looks like you got your wish duhkkky
Elbro, I'd heard about that....what's up with the Saudis? What's your best guess? $$$$
Ducky, I appreciate that.
I honestly don't post things from only either side of the aisle. Either extreme can get it real wrong sometimes.
Actually, Canada's getting it more honestly and righter than our Left or Right lately.
Ducky, by the way, who do you think should be heading this blockade? It's clear that Israel has plenty to worry about, especially after watching my linked video.
z, I think Israel is concerned with what it is always concerned about:
1. Generating sympathy
2. Looking tough
Now you don't want to project number 2 by whacking civilians too often or you diminish number 1.
The whole deal here is trying to make lie hell in Gaza because Gaza supported Hamas and we went right along with this. Hasn't worked. Now years after blocking anything that could rebuild infrastructure or develop economic activity Hamas is stronger than ever.
Time for Likud to buy a vowel.
Though I will say they have a legitimate right to search an Iranian ship. However, the IDF was a little ham fisted roughing up Irish peace prize winners. The Irish have been through there own genocidal blockades during the potato fmine and they get a little edgy about this stuff. Bad PR move by Likud.
I notice that Ireland expelled a few diplomats over Mossad forging Irish passports to whack some Arab in Dubai. Israel always making friends and us always kissing their butt.
Ducky said
I think Israel is concerned with what it is always concerned about:
1. Generating sympathy
2. Looking tough
Now you don't want to project number 2 by whacking civilians too often or you diminish number 1.
Would it be unfair to assume that you are strongly and specifically anti-Israel?
If so, may I ask why you would view Israel as being more evil than the groups surrounding it?
I think a nuclear armed Iran scares the Saudis as much as the Israelis.
from the article:
Sources in Saudi Arabia say it is common knowledge within defence circles in the kingdom that an arrangement is in place if Israel decides to launch the raid. Despite the tension between the two governments, they share a mutual loathing of the regime in Tehran and a common fear of Iran’s nuclear ambitions. “We all know this. We will let them [the Israelis] through and see nothing,” said one.
and from another Times article:
Recent developments have underscored concerns among moderate Sunni Arab states about the stability of the repressive Shi’ite regime in Tehran and have increased fears that it may emerge as a belligerent nuclear power.
“The Saudis are very concerned about an Iranian nuclear bomb, even more than the Israelis,” said a former head of research in Israeli intelligence.
Iran as you might know is primarily Shia.
yeah duhkkkky nevermind the rockets raining down on Israeli cities
It's interesting to geographically compare the modern Middle Eastern conflict with maps that represent the ancient civilizations mentioned in the OT prophetic books.
I notice that Ireland expelled a few diplomats over Mossad forging Irish passports to whack some Arab in Dubai. Israel always making friends and us always kissing their butt.
the alternative is/was funding weapons for the likes of the PLO, bankrolling Arafats Swiss bank accounts and European mansions...the good old American tax dollar at work.
Hamas is as innocent as Mother Theresa
Am I anti-Israel? Not particularly, Heather. I support secure borders but near the 1967 configuration. I support Jerusalem as the capital. I'd say I'm at least a moderate.
Do I think that Israel is "more evil" than the groups around it?
I go real easy on condemning entire groups. There are Israelis who are vulgar human garbage just as that's true of Hamas. However, condemning all Muslims as "evil" is ,to put it bluntly, stupid. I'd say ignorant but it is so over the high side that ignorant doesn't quite describe the idea.
Thanks Ducky.
Appreciate the insight into your perspective.
I go real easy on condemning entire groups. There are Israelis who are vulgar human garbage just as that's true of Hamas. However, condemning all Muslims as "evil" is ,to put it bluntly, stupid. I'd say ignorant but it is so over the high side that ignorant doesn't quite describe the idea.
So, you don't actually despise all far right wingers? ;)
Well, I suppose that since you don't subscribe to the theology that places all humanity on an equally depraved footing, it is understandable that some people look better than others because they are not behaving as badly.
That is a pitfall we all can land in when we forget that God's standard of righteousness is the true measure of what is evil.
I really wish you would articulate like this more frequently rather than just toss a one-line grenade into the comment section.
Go Israel...let's get it on for once. Force a showdown with the well known Jew haters on the high seas. There's no more boats for Jews to board to escape persecution that wouldn't be turned away again. And they ( Israelis ) know this.
Isn't it miserable to be so perpetually cranky?
It's from bending over so often and having to fend off his fellow necrophiliacs, I'd offer.
Baaaaaa....Dead form the neck up is the duck. A fart in the wind. A wimp, a vile coward, anti semite and unworthy to even hump a lively paris hilton.
Go Israel...let's get it on for once. Force a showdown with the well known Jew haters on the high seas. There's no more boats for Jews to board to escape persecution that wouldn't be turned away again. And they ( Israelis ) know this. Plus I'm positive they'll find war materials on the Iranian tubs too.
Isn't it miserable to be so perpetually cranky?
It's probably from having to fend off his fellow necrophiliacs, I'd offer.
Baaaaaa....Dead form the neck up is the duck. A fart in the wind. A wimp, a vile coward, anti semite and unworthy to jump a brain dead paris hilton.
Major, are you retired or are you still sitting on your arse trying to figure out how to fight an insurgency?
Elbro "I think a nuclear armed Iran scares the Saudis as much as the Israelis." Excellent conjecture here, I hadn't thought of that.
Ducky, your response is so skewed I can't answer. Let's see proof they roughed up the peace prize winner then remind us why YOU think they were on that ship that happened to have trouble...couldn't be for more recognition because they had them on board, huh:?
Couldn't be the PA's like attention, too? After all, they're always the ones who strike first, if you'd take the time to notice? said "So, you don't actually despise all far right wingers? " Or all Protestants, Ducky?
Major and Ducky.. down, guys :-)
Ducky, great game tonight, huh?!
Whoa, let's not disparage the Suez! This isn't just an Israeli blockade. The news usually forgets to mention it's upheld by Israel and Egypt who controls one of the 4 "sides" to Gaza. Even the head of the Palestinian Authority was quoted 2 days ago being for the blockade.
For years Iran has used proxies to fight their war, but without a strong horse in Washington they are emboldened to step out directly.
OIIOHH!!! (Obama is in over his head)
He could sure use Bill Clinton for something better than making illicit job offers to candidates to pull out of races.
ANYBODY with executive experience and clear lenses in their glasses would be better. Preferably one who's digested Lee Harris' excellent book "The Strong Horse: Power Politics and the Clash of Arab Civilizations." Yesterday could not be soon enough.
Good information, Deborah...and yes, they certainly do 'own it'.
I guess WE 'own it', too, for some of us having voted for a president who hasn't shown one ounce of strength or resolve on anything. He really needs to step up for Israel but how can he, he'd disturb his sensibilities toward islam.
Wait till you see my video for tomorrow, he can't even get it right with msnbc!! (smile)
Israel gets a lot of grief from the world.
They should act towards the Egyptian, Kuwaiti, Syrian, and Jordanian expatriates that miscall themselves "Palestinians" as respected members of the UN Security Council act with their own troublesome neighbors.
Russia, for example, literally leveled the Chechen capital of Grozny. Children are taller than most of what is left of the buildings there.
China, for example, has occupied Tibet for the past 60 years with nearly a quarter-million troops. Barely anyone pretends Tibet ever existed these days.
We can keep going down the list of UN Security Council members to find nations with public beheading policies, governments that burn dissidents with gasoline filled tires around therir necks, and the always popular detention camps and disappearings, but what's the point.
Israel has to be held to a higher standard than anybody on the UN Security Council holds themselves.
That's rich, Ducky.
First you disbelieve Iran is sending ships to try to challenge the blockade on the Gaza Strip (because that makes Iran look belligerent), then when proven wrong, you revert to your traditional leftist pro-Iranian / anti-Semitic song books.
The laundromat called. Your Hakenkreuz armbands are clean and pressed.
"Israeli troops two weeks ago boarded a flotilla of Turkish aid ships heading to Gaza on May 31 and killed nine pro-Palestinian activists, most of them Turks.
Cute little perfect storm, isn't it? Iran hides behind the word 'humanitarian' (after all, Iran does a lot of humanitarian work, right?!)"
Thanks Z for this post. There seems to be two places in the world (America & Israel) where people call this what it is--just another in the long line of assaults on the people of Israel. The truth is SO easy here: Israel allows all actual humanitarian aid into Gaza, and always has. The rest of th muzzie world doesn't really want to ship "humanitarian" aid to the Arabs who go by the name "palestinian", AND EVERYONE KNOWS THAT!!!
Hence the blockade running.
"Am I anti-Israel? Not particularly, Heather."
Oh, that's rich! Just like you're not particularlyanti-Semitic, you're not particularly racist, and you're not particularly misogynistic.
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