Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Now even OBAMA, not just his wife, thinks we're stupid!

Did you all hear the clip of Obama saying that "We MISUNDERSTAND Black churches..." with all the 'clapping, yelling, stamping of the feet' (I paraphrase), we misunderstand them.. "it's just STYLISTIC!", according to him.

Does he really think THAT's what we "misunderstood" about Jeremiah Wright? Do you all see what a smoke screen Obama's spewing? "You didn't get Rev Wright!! It's just STYLISTIC...you Whites just MISUNDERSTAND BLACK CHURCHES!" OH, MAN. And, you know? It might work with lots of Americans. Then, Mr. Obama said that we shouldn't be "distracted" by Wright because then "nothing will CHANGE!" WHAT an empty suit snake oil salesman THIS guy is. Funny, Obama didn't talk in front of the press and take questions, huh?

He has real disdain for us, it's so clear. And this guy might be President. I'm with Mr. Beamish; and I never thought I'd say this "we should just go ahead and swear in McCain"

see Mullings.com today for some great and learned insight from our buddy, Rich Galen. Great piece. "Race in the Race for the White House"


Anonymous said...

It's not the Churches I'm worried about, its the Gangs, Panthers,Jesse's and Al's that will be in power if Obama is elected.He is doing and saying the same things that Mayor said until he got in office....you know who I'm talking about.....

Z said...

you're absolutely right, Anonymous (who?), but the piece here is strictly to show Obama's obvious deceit.
And yes, "that Mayor", OUR Mayor, Villaraigosa (sp?) was SO inclusive UNTIL he was elected and became more inclusive of ILLEGALS than US.
good points..thanks for coming by the site.

Anonymous said...

Los Angeles is in trouble,not having enough Police nor the financial backing to hire an adequate number to protect it's citizens... but NOW were talking about the Nation.
Groan & Moan

Z said...

Brooke! He also said that he'd never HEARD Wright say anything anti-White! He's still saying that after what we all know and after that Newsmax journalist said he'd been WITH Obama at his church while Wright was spewing one of his more hateful speeches!! And, Obama didn't talk to journalists today....he spoke and wouldn't take questions. it's like he's above it all.
Make the connection..help me here: Here's a reverend who HATES America and hates Whites and, in TWENTY years, he's kept it a huge secret from his protegee!? pulleeez
Now, he's blaming US for changing the focus from his CHANGE to his PASTOR!? You can't make this stuff up. the methods that they smoke screen us with!! IT"S WHITE AMERICA'S FAULT!

G&M...scary, isn't it? The Villaraigosa guys are arming themselves yet he wants US unarmed, huh? trouble is, Mr and Mrs. Z ARE unarmed. After what I heard last night about gardeners warning our friends that "the Watts Riots were NOTHING compared to what's coming.." I'm thinking we ARE going to arm ourselves. Awful thought.

That is, IF the Supreme Court doesn't rule against guns today!! ??

Anonymous said...

For evidence of Obama's ability to serve as agent for racial reconciliation and change, perhaps we best begin to look close to Obama's church and home. And what do we see? One of the most DIVISIVE institutions in North America, and a marriage to a woman who has lived her entire life ashamed of her country.

Someone should tell Barack that racial reconciliation, much like charity, begins at home...

If he expects us to believe he can heal ALL America, I don't think it's too much to ask to see evidence that he can heal his own, first...

Anonymous said...

Hi All,

As someone who, during the fifties at the age of seventeen participated in debates in HS, as an advocate for desegregation, I am weary of being told "white people don't understand the black experience". What's more, I resent it.

At the age of seventeen, I understood what was right and just. One does not have to be black to understand that.

That was over fifty years ago, and trillions of dollars spent to aid the poor and minorities. Not once in all those years did I feel the "white guilt" we are told is responsible for political correctness today. Why should I have?

I was forced to tolerate affirmative action even though I believed it was patronizing, and smacked of the very separateness we were trying to eliminate.

At a time when my husband and I, who married at eighteen, and had our first child at nineteen, were scratching and sacrificing to "make it", we were told others needed help, and our taxes would pay the freight for the war on poverty.

We didn't whine or complain, we kept on scratching and clawing our way up gradually, until we attained success, never asking for, or taking, help from anyone.

This required my husband working two jobs for seventeen years, while serving in the Nat'l Guard for twelve years(1957-1969). We didn't complain that we had little time for each other, we didn't blame the government for our difficulties, we just kept plugging along.

Now, looking back, all those years our taxes were paying for entitlement programs, and still are, for "those in need", it never occurred to us that we were "in need". We had pride in our independence, and appreciated the freedom that made it possible for our efforts to bear fruit.

So, don't tell me I don't understand.
Don't tell me because I'm white I had an advantage.
Don't tell me I shouldn't be weary of hearing, now from Obama, that we have to "invest" in urban areas. I've been hearing that for my entire adult life. Trillions of dollars since that "investing" began.

Finally, I'm sure millions of Americans could relate the same life story as mine. In America this is possible. We have no right to expect more, regardless of our color.

Yes, I'm weary. It is disappointing that the Democrat campaign has descended into an issue of race. Disappointing that we have to listen to a hate mongering Pastor who blames white people, and America herself.

In 2008, we have to listen to a Presidential candidate, in effect, excuse that behavior, because we don't "understand".

Unfortunately, I do understand, and it makes me angry, and sad.


beakerkin said...

The problem with all these liberationism is that it comes from a fusion with the Fankfurt school of communism. What Wright is presenting is a mishmash and unrelated to Christianity,

Always On Watch said...

Obama may correctly think that many Americans are idiots. Too many of us are not challenging him because of the fear of being called racists.

Although his speech yesterday was masterful, it was one of black victimology. And guess who's supposed to atone for the problems of the past? The present generation of whiteys.

Z said...

AOW..did you see Hannity last night? He nailed what you've said here with something like "Wait a minute, this guy talks like THAT, and it gets turned around that I'M supposed to feel guilty for racism I don't FEEL?" (Yup, apparently, Sean..go figure. And move over.)

BEAMIS: Exactly right; A mishmash unrelated to Christianity: See this from James Taranto this morning:

"As we noted yesterday, Wright credits James Cone of New York's Union Theological Seminary with having undertaken this systematization. Here again is Cone's description of black liberation theology:

Black theology refuses to accept a God who is not identified totally with the goals of the black community. If God is not for us and against white people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of black theology is to kill Gods who do not belong to the black community. . . . Black theology will accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy. What we need is the divine love as expressed."

Actually, I believe there are MANY Black churches who don't feel this way, but if this doesn't sound like Wright, I don't know what does.

Z said...

I just got a glimpse of THE VIEW this morning.

They showed the ONE statement in Obama's speech which was WONDERFUL!...."race relations have improved"...and then Barbara Walters, clapping her hands in delight over Obama's WONDERFULNESS looked into the camera and said "and, after the break, we'll show you what DICK CHENEY said!"..

Joy Behar was twitching SO HARD I knew it had to be a good one. (If you've never see the show, check her out..Anything Republican brings the most hilarious TWITCHES to Behar, she pulls at her hair, her head twithes, the sleeve gets lengthened as she pulls..TWITCH! TWITCH! CONSERVATIVE! TWITCH!)...so, I stuck aruond to see what horrid thing Cheney said and, after complimenting the "Wonderful" Martha Raditz (or whatever her name is..must be a lib reporter), Walters shows a clip where Cheney answers "SO?" when Raditz suggests people are against the war.

But, there's no bias on ABC, according to our left...RIGHT? At least no bias unless it blows THEIR WAY and that's a good thing!?

Anonymous said...


The so-called MUSIC as well as the PREACHING in that Chicago Temple of Sin are BOTH "an abomination unto the Lord."

"Style" my PATOOT!

Vile style is what it is –––at best.

This whole thing is beyond disgusting; it's downright ATROCIOUS.

Z said...

FT....I can't agree with you on Black church music.
I think most of it's wonderful. We had an all Black 'show' for Easter at Bible Study last week, and MAN, you couldn't prevent a little tear in your eyes. The 4-part harmony, sincerity and voices couldn't be beat (even by the show I DID for their Christmas program, which was pretty damned good if I ...and the rest of the 120 ladies!... do say so myself!!!!)

I know you like the beautiful liturgical music I also like, but some of that Baptist church music's great stuff!!!

Anonymous said...

I have attended churches -lots where the folks stamped their feet, clapped their hands, jumped, hollered, danced, you name it, and no one uttered..God Da..America. Not once.

So sorry, don't think we misunderstand anthing .

Anonymous said...

Isnt' it JUST as PLAUSIBLE, MR.Obama, that blacks just MISUNDERSTOOD the WHITE church that LED THEM TO CHRIST????


I'm so tired of being told on the ONE hand that whites are 'incapable' of speaking about the black experience by people who CONTINUALLY tell us about the WHITE reality and experience...aren't they JUST as ILL-EQUIPPED?


Z said...

Ya, Pati..neither race can really walk in the same shoes as the other.
It's why I felt SO very blessed when Armenians were insulted by a French general at a dinner party in Paris one night; he didn't know I was of Armenian descent and went into a whole thing about how "they're too powerful in the French government and got their way when the French Senat agreed to condemning the Turks for the genocide.. and we need the Turks and how dare they rock the boat for the French"..blahblah.

I turned to him and said "I'm Armenian", to which he turned from me and never said another word. Whether he was embarrassed or just really ticked off, I don't know..but I told Mr. Z, on our walk home that night, that this was a great gift; to feel bigotry towards myself. It made me better understand all minorities much beter, you see? Thing is, it didn't hurt..surprisingly!

Anonymous said...

Hey Z,
Yeah, I think alot of us have felt it to a degree, especially those of us who have lived overseas. In the 70s in England, I can't tell you the number of times I heard, "Yankee, go home" and much worse. In fairness, I never feared for my life because of things I knew they were accustomed to doing without concern for their own prosecution...still, TODAY, neither do blacks.

I did experience the 'violence' or potential for it based solely on race. I lived in CA at the time. I was working at a gas station in the south Sac area. It was my job to close. Jesse, the guy I lived with then, had come to pick me up. He had with him his two children, 8 and 11 years old, and a friend who was up visiting from LA. I was not allowed to let anyone in the office while I was counting the cash. They pulled in front of the office and got out asking me for the key to the bathroom which was accessed from the outside around the corner from where I sat in the office. All of a sudden there came Jesse's daughter screaming hysterically, she got into the car and started locking the doors! Then came his son and Jesse and friend. They had to scream at her to unlock the doors and let her in. I saw a car go screeching from the parking lot.

Apparently, these guys, three of them, had seen Jesse et al, and pulled in on the side of the parking lot. They came up behind Jesse's friend who was walking next to his son, bringing up the rear. He heard, "Whatchu doin' here nigger?' But, was not going to respond until he saw in the shadow cast on the wall that the person was swinging something down toward what would have been the back of his head. He turned around in time to put up his arm defensively, and to yell out to Jesse. Jesse saw what was happening and picked up a brick from the ground and said "Come on, then."...Well, if they were going to be 'armed' these racist pigs with their crowbar were not going to stick around. So, they ran to their car and sped away....true story. Jesse's friend's arm was broken in TWO PLACES! And it would have been his HEAD. That was in the mid-80s in a state that is largely considered 'inclusive.' So, it has been a little bit beyond verbal bigotry or job discrimination, to be fair.

Still, it is no longer lynchings...and certainly NOT without PUNISHMENT as it was during Jim Crow and before. AND, it is NOT the larger population of white America ...that is what Barak et al will not concede in addition to so much more.

Good for you though, standing up for the Armenians when it would have been easier to just sit and seeth rather than to confront him with the uncomfortable situation of knowing he had offended you directly with his comments. Would that more of us would do that. LOL


Z said...

Well, I figured doing what I did to that French General was better than saying F*** you at a French dinner party! They ALL know what THAT means!!

As for discrimination and violence towards blacks? Sure it exists..but SO SO far less than the media would have us believe.

I like watching basketball games and the great fun the players have, black and white, slapping and hugging, and rejoicing..with the fans. You sure don't see racism in the THOUSANDS in those stadiums, do you.

probably a silly tiny point, but it holds water with me.

I just don't see it here in LA. Maybe I"m naive and not looking for it; part of the answer, I think.

What REALLY bugs me is when blacks ask "Why are there so many blacks in prisons?" and they seem to give absolutely NO thought to "maybe they do more crimes?" ya THINK?

Yes, I know there are other reasons...they can't afford the best attorney, the odds are stacked against them from childhood, etc. but, really.

Oh ..we're not going to solve the problem here. I just don't feel racism in me and don't see it around me, so it's hard to feel I'm to blame and have to pay for it emotionally OR with reparations.

Sorry about the awful thing that happened to your friends.....in America. sickening.