Sunday, December 14, 2008

From a Muslim. I'd like your opinion

This was in DER SPIEGEL, by Dr. Aijaz Zaka Syed, an Indian living in Dubai.

Watching the terror nightmare unfold in Mumbai over the past three days with me on television, my kids have repeatedly asked me: “Who are these terrorists and why are they doing this?” And every time I wished I could offer them a convincing answer.

What could I tell them? For one, I was equally clueless why these guys had taken over India’s financial and cultural capital and were targeting people who had nothing to do with them and had done nothing to harm them.

For two, I was too ashamed to tell them these guys were ostensibly Muslims and came from a country that was created in the name of Islam.

At work, while my colleagues went about covering the madness in Mumbai and laying out special pages with the images of the incredibly beautiful hotel, Taj, with its Islamic arches and domes, go up in smoke, I find it hard to look my colleagues in the eye.

And this happens all the time. Every time innocents are targeted in the name of Islam around the world, one can’t face one’s non-Muslim friends and colleagues. I feel like burying myself in the ground. Growing up in a religious family, one never thought one would see the day when being a Muslim could be a source of shame.

A distraught friend who has devoted her life to speaking and fighting on behalf of Arabs and Muslims wrote in yesterday saying “I’ve had it with the Arabs and Muslims and Islamic militancy. Forgive me but I am throwing in the towel.”

I couldn’t write back to her but understood her pain. She grew up in Mumbai and is understandably upset.

My friend went on to say: “The Muslims and Islam have a problem and only they can solve it. If they do not, the whole world will turn against them.”

If this is how our most loyal friends feel, imagine the sentiments and reactions of the rest of the world. Can you blame the world if it’s turning against Muslims? What do you expect when not a single day passes without the name of our faith being dragged through the mud by fellow believers around the world?

How many innocents have to die in the name of Islam before Muslim leaders and countries take effective action to deal with the nuts, who are out to destroy us all with their nihilistic cult?

I know that the Muslim leaders including those in the highest echelons of power have lately started speaking out against the extremists.

Darul Uloom Deoband in India, one of the oldest and most respected centres of learning in the Muslim world, issued a fatwa against terrorism at a large gathering of Islamic scholars and leaders in June. Last month, nearly 5,000 scholars backed the edict at a huge congregation in Hyderabad.

The OIC, the organisation of Muslim states, and Saudi Arabia, the leader of the Arab-Islamic world, have of late been equally vehement in condemning these repulsive acts of violence targeting innocents.

Eminent Muslim intellectuals and journalists like Tariq Ramadan, a grandson of Muslim Brotherhood founder Hasan Al Banna, and India’s MJ Akbar and numerous others too have repeatedly protested this distortion of Islamic teachings and spirit.

These calls of conscience on behalf of mainstream Islam have however proved voices in the wilderness. Clearly, we need to do more to be heard by the world and to stop this shameful victimisation of innocent people in the name of religion.

The great irony of the Mumbai attacks is the killing of Anti-Terrorism Squad chief Hemant Karkare and his colleagues. Karkare, a brave and decorated officer investigating the Malegaon blasts and other recent terror attacks that he established to be the handiwork of Hindu extremists, not Muslim groups like SIMI, was killed by the terrorists outside Cama hospital Wednesday night. Obviously, Muslims do not know who their real friends and enemies are. And, pray, why is India increasingly being singled out for this savagery? What do they think this country is? A Hindu country or an anti-Muslim nation?

Do the ignorant dummies repeatedly being sent out on the so-called jihad know that this great country is home to the world’s largest Muslim population? Almost twice the size of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan! India’s greatest superstar is a Muslim, not to mention the countless achievers in other fields.

Why are our friends across the border bent on destroying the whole world with themselves? Is this what Islam and the noble Prophet teach and stand for?

It’s all very well for us to say Islam has nothing to do with extremism and terrorism. We can go on deluding ourselves these psychopaths do not represent us.

However, the world finds it hard to accept this line of argument because it sees the extremists increasingly assert themselves and take the centre-stage while the mainstream Islam remains silent.

The great religion that preaches and celebrates universal brotherhood, equality of men and peace and justice for all has been hijacked by a demented, miniscule minority. And, as my friend says, only Muslims can solve this problem. Only Muslims can confront these anarchists in their midst.

Only they can get their faith freed from the clutches of extremism. This is no time to hide. It’s time to stand up and speak out. For the terrorists will continue to speak on our behalf, until we do not speak up. This is no time for silence. Enough is enough!

For comments and suggestions, please write to



Z said...

A preemptive comment here to Ducky: MUSLIMS recognize the evil amongst them, why haven't you? You keep saying we Conservatives are nuts for worrying..........This time, READ THE ARTICLE, Ducky... Maybe we could have a conversation with people here that doesn't resort to mischaracterizations of what's written... I hope so.

Anonymous said...

Hear, hear! Muslims SHOULD be ashamed of what is being done in their name and ACTIVELY work to STOP it.

Anonymous said...

At first, I was inclined to write, “Muslims should feel this way; I am only amazed that I did not read this in late 2001.” And then I realized, as a Christian, that I am no more responsible for what happened at Jonestown than this Muslim writer is responsible for any of the acts of terror perpetrated by Islamic extremists. I know that every Sunday, there are people who proclaim that they are Christians, and who preach utter dreadfulness from their pulpits, and that it is no different from the pap coming from the mouths of as many Imams. A hateful zealot is a hateful zealot no matter what religion they claim.

Once again, I maintain that all the “moderate” Muslims in the world could condemn extremism every single day of their life . . . and it would have no effect whatsoever. None. An extremist is going to do what extremists do, and the only thing that will stop them is a 5.56mm bullet.

Greywolfe said...

I find it personally heartening to see this kind of writing from a Muslim. Here's the thing, though, as he says, only muslims can fix Islam. These terrorist cells don't work in a vacuum. It's known when a group of men come into an area and stay to themselves before these things, literally, explode. Why aren't the muslims turning in these terrorist cells, or more preferably to me, killing the bastards themselves. If I had a rabid dog in the yard next to my house, I wouldn't hesitate to put my gun barrel over the fence and put 2 doses of lead poisoning into the poor dumb animal.

Mustang, I agree with you one hundred percent!

Ducky's here said...

Please not that I replied to z and was censored.

Rita Loca said...

Mustang said it so well. And yet, with the present situation, I read this and wonder,"Is this a real Muslim?"
They have got to speak out like this and become proactive in helping to gather intel to stop these things.

elmers brother said...

you weren't censored were edited

elmers brother said...

Editors have complete authority over all aspects of the operation of their blogs. They are free to delegate certain responsibilities to their associate editors.

The editor retains the authority to make final editorial decisions on the basis of the reviews, the associate editor’s recommendation, and the editor’s own evaluation of the manuscript.

Ediros may accept, reject, etc.) comments.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...


Every media outlet in the country has "standards and practices" guidelines.

Even my blog does. I anguished for months over the IQ minimum required to comment on my blog and settled on 84 IQ so at least a few leftists could comment.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Well, my own little sister is a convert to Islam so I took a little time to reconsider the religion vs. the mentality.

And then jihadist sniper and IED bombing videos killing American soldiers started showing up on her MySpace page.

Color me skeptical.

CJ said...

This kind of apologetic for Islam is a whitewash, perhaps a sincere one but unfortunately deluded. I don't doubt that there are many Muslims who believe as he does but they are ignorant of their history or in denial. They usually subscribe to a spiritualizing interpretation of the Koran and the other religious writings of Islam, which is their prerogative, but reading those writings straight, as they are written, ought to tell anyone that they are more accurately understood as the terrorists understand them. Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini is one who rather famously denounced the more peaceful Muslims as not true to the texts. The jihadists are right about what Islam is. That's the sad thing for the moderates. That's the first thing THEY have to recognize before they can do anything at all about it.

Anonymous said...

I don't know where YOU go to church, Mustang, but you need to find a new place to worship.

Z said...

Mustang, you have people agreeing with you here but I have to say I don't. No Christian preaches death to nonbelievers.
And muslims follow their leaders. If the leaders say "enough", the extremists would stop...especially if they're shown that they won't have virgins if they kill. Only THEIR LEADERS will stop terrorism, NOTHING WE do will help. Nothing. They're afraid of the afterlife more than anything; tell them they'll suffer and they'll stop.

DUCKY: I was about to tell you I did NOT delete you ("censor" doesn't apply because this is MY BLOG and I do have the way, it was pretty funny to see you screeching in defensiveness when someone criticized your RC church when you are SO unkind and generalize constantly about Protestants...what a hypocrite you are, no offense) ..I was also about to say Elbro's the only other person with the keys to my city, and then I saw his comment. So, yes, he knows my standards and you must have gone WAY over the line to have him delete/edit.

What's the matter, Ducky, can't you take the truth? You seem to be on the side of extremist muslims, can't you give this moderate muslim a break?

CJ....That's the whole point, isn't it. I wrote to this author and told him it's those scriptures which cause nonmuslims to not believe people like him....that has to change.

Z said...

Mustang, I agree with FJ...I have NEVER heard anything dreadful from any pulpit. Boring, maybe, but never even remotely close to an imam calling for mass murder.
Nowhere in the Bible does anyone promote Jonestown kind of behavior.

elmers brother said...

I'm not sure where you would hear that kind of stuff in a church either...

BTW duhkkky I'm guessing you edited yourself because neither Z nor I deleted your comment. I thought Z did and she thought I did...

so that only leaves you....birdbrain

Z said...

Elbro..thanks. I don't know what happened...

Ducky....I was wondering, too, if you'd address how terribly defensive you got at another blog about a slight criticism to RC when you come here and constantly negatively paint protestants with a wide brush... just curious. Don't you see your own hypocrisy?

Rita Loca said...

When I read Mustangs comment, I thought of the groups such as the Westborrow Baptist idiots.
I do not think true Christians are like this but that they use the name of Christianity.

Ducky's here said...

elmo, I'd say when z starts her post with "a preemptive comment to Ducky: etc ...."

and then censors a post that had no offensive language and no ad hominem attacks it constitutes censorship of a very cowardly sort.

Anonymous said...

Well ducky, it looks like you weren't censored, you "failed to post".

Maybe you should read all comments before beginning to name-call next time.

Papa Frank said...

Ducky -- pleases feel free to follow the comment thread before you attribute a cowardly title to the actions of a strong and honorable woman. It only makes you look silly. By the way, this would be a good place and time for an apology to her.

Z said...

Thanks, Guys.

I've told Ducky half a dozen times I deleted him because he was so unkind or so rude or something...
I have no qualms. This time, I just plain didn't.

And, again, Ducky not only doesn't read the pieces but comments anyway, he doesn't read the comments and then comes up with his own lines.

I'm sorry, but that says a lot.

Z said...

Come to think of it, how else COULD you be a liberal? You have to ignore FACTS.

elmers brother said...

and then censors a post that had no offensive language and no ad hominem attacks it constitutes censorship of a very cowardly sort.

the problem is duhkkky no one censored your post....try again and let Z see what you said..

neither one of us knows what you're talking about


that's funnny

elmers brother said...

and then censors a post that had no offensive language and no ad hominem attacks it constitutes censorship of a very cowardly sort.

duhkkky...a premptive commment...only means she knows what to expect from other words you've commented enough on the subject (not censored) to know probably what you're going to say

and that premptive comment was a plea to you to READ THE ARTICLE this time instead of your usual ad hominems and mischaracterizations

Z likes having you around...the conversations on the whole when you are around are more interesting BUT there are certain subjects that you simply will not play like a grown up

NOW apologize to Z

Anonymous said...

"Is this what Islam and the noble Prophet teach and stand for?"

Er, yes.

Funny how thanks to the MSM coverage, even muslim children don't know who was doing all the killing. They have so much to answer for, and yet they won't answer to anyone.

elmers brother said...

duhkkky failed to "failed to post".

They have a little blue pill for this now duhkkky.

Anonymous said...

The peaceful, or moderate muslims won't speak out more often, or more vehemently because they're scared. I'm sure that any muslim who speaks out against terror / HAMAS, etc. would receive death threats just like a muslim who converts to Christianity.

Anonymous said...

Ok I'm sorry but i've been reading these comments and why are you all hating on ducky so much? I mean i'm all for a little debate but come on. At least consider someone else's opinion! And Z, maybe you should take a look at your own hypocricy first...